K8T800 FSR vs FIS2R

Hey, I see online that the FSR is "new" and is about $20 (or more) cheaper than the FIS2R.  What's the difference (I'm recommending this mobo to a friend)?
From what I can tell on MSI's site, it is that there is no PATA raid solution on the FSR?  Is that it?

S = Serial ATA
SR = Serial ATA RAID*1
F = Gigabit Lan
I = IEEE1394
L = 10/100 LAN
A = Serial ATA (servers)
U = USB 2.0
AR = ATA133 Raid

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  • K8T NEO-FSR vs FIS2R

    I recently bought a bundle containing the FSR Mobo and I have had probs with the temps being off. On Saturday I saw a FIS2R on a sale price and decided to snap it up. When I received it today I found that the mobo came in a jiffy bag with a rounded FDD cable, HDD cable, D bracket and other bits but no box. The manual is exactly the same as for my FSR boaard so that doesnt help and the number on the board is MS-6702 Ver: 1.0.
    Can anyone tell me what number is on their FIS2R board and if there are any visual differences between the two boards ?
    I need to know this info rather quick so I can RMA the board and either get my money back or get what I asked for in the first place.  

    The only difference I can discover is that the fis2r board supports firewire.
    edit: o yes ofcourse the promise raid controller.
    For the rest the boards look the same. See the MSI website for more diferences.
    • Supports up to 2 x 1394 ports.
    - Transfer rate is up to 400Mbps
    - Controlled by VIA 6307 chipset

  • FSR or FIS2R mystery board

    i've been sold a board described as the MSI K8T Neo-FIS2R, but it is lacking the second set of sata ports, the promise chips, IDE 3 and the firewire ports.  The closest board i could find online appearance wise is the  MSI K8T Neo FSR, but i also seem to be lacking the second 3 audio ports.
    The board has printed on it MS6702 Version 1 K8T Neo
    I won't mention the supplier since they seem to have a good reputation generally and this may just be a glitch, but i'd like to be able to tell them exactly what it is they have sold me when i return it.
    Is there a way of determining exactly what this board is, i'm concerned that drivers and Bios upgrades meant for the FIS2R may not be appropriate, despite it seeming to run fine.
    if it is the FSR, what else am i losing out performance wise?
    any advice appreciated, cheers.

    the company has admitted that they have wrongly advertised the board and i'm still discussing with them how to proceed, to my satisfaction.  Its a UK supplier.
    I didn't notice the sound wasn't 5.1 either, until now.
    from talking on other forums, alot of others have now realised the 'mistake' has happened to them as well-  it doesn't just seem to be my supplier that has been supplying the wrong board and there seem to be alot of angry returns in the offing.
    It was a cheap deal for the board as part of a bundle, so the exact price of the board was obscured somewhat, but advertising an expensive board at cheap prices , and then supplying a different, cheaper board is still unethical , at the very least, if not illegal.  If i had wanted the board i have, i would have bought one advertised as such.
    I think the lesson to be learned from this is if it seems to good to be true, it probably is,  get a clear statement of the exact equipment before ordering, and check this closely, not just relying on the invoice or receipt, but physically.
    as of my last check they are still calling the board the  FIS2R in the online catalogue, if this doesn't change soon i think i'll have to name the supplier in order to stop others being caught out, and Inform the appropriate authorities regarding the Tranding Standards legislation they are breaking here in the UK.

  • MSI K8T8 Neo FSR/FS2R??????

    What is the difference off the  MSI K8T8 NEO FSR besides the MSI K8T8 NEO FS2R????
    please help!!

    The 2 models listed by MSI are FSR and FIS2R.
    If MSI says "FSR" then I'm sure it's got RAID.
    The only logical differences are that FIS2R will have 2 RAID controllers (VIA + Promise - FSR will only have VIA) and Firewire (the "I").
    As to which one is "better" the answer has to be neither. They have different spec therefore the one which is better is the one which has what you want. If you don't  need 2 RAID controllers & IEEE1394 then FSR is better. If you need Firewire then FSR is no good for you.
    Edit: Here you go.

  • File check on boot up?

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    MSI|VIA K8T800 K8T NEO-FIS2R Retail
    3000+ ATHLON 64 Retail
    DDRAM 512MB 32MX8 PC-3200C2 Corsairx2
    1.44MB SONY MPF920 Beige
    Western Digital 10,000 WD360GD 8MB Hard Drive OEM (its the 36gb Raptor)
    FORTRON 530W Power supply (meet with atx12v specification)
    If you need more detail just tell me.
    The system works fine, it is stable and runs games etc, well.  One thing though; everytime I cold boot the computer, that is, turn it on after it has been turned off for awhile, it pauses extra long at the screen that says "scanning devices please wait".  Eventually the pc boots into the windows loading screen, but from that screen instead of going to the windows welcome screen it goes to a blue screen that looks similar to the screen when windows xp is installing on a hard drive, this screen says:
    Checking file system on C:
    The type of the file system is nfts
    After the computer is done with the check it reboots the pc and this time the pc boots normaly.
    What gives?
    Is this normal, if not what should I do to fix this?

    1. if you are not using the promise controller, disable it in bios
    2. looks like check disc is running for some reason. i don't know why though sorry. could be nopt shutting down correctly or something. is ACPI enabled?

  • BSOD with SP1 :-(

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    DDRAM1GB|PC3500 991091 MUSHKIN RT
    Antec 480w PSU
    Audigy 2
    Firewire card (2 new ports)
    When installing WinXP retail, the machine seemed to run fine.  The minute I tried to install SP1 and reboot, I received an "error loading operating system".  No dice...so I slipstreamed SP1 onto winxp and tried to reinstall.  I'd delete the partition, format the disk, and install xp.  After the XP loading screen (when you're loaded in to install win xp), I'll get a BSOD almost every time.
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    In this situation I would use restore to go back to a date when everything was working right.
    To do this boot up hold down F8.  Then choose safe mode in the startup screen.
    When windows loads it will ask you "do you wanto continue in safe mode Yes or No or hit No to restore"  Hit "NO" to go into restore then it gives you a calendar and you pick a date (like a day or two ago) when your machine was running right and it rolls back settings and drivers to that date.
    This has worked for me in the past when I installed drivers that gave me bsod on bootup.  I have never had to use it for sp1 so I'm not 100% sure if it will work for you good luck.
    UPDATE:  I reread your post and I think I misunderstood.  OK so you already deleted the partition, so what I mentioned above will probably not work but mabe it will help someone else.

  • Difference between K8T Neo-FIS2R & FSR

    Might be a daft question but whats the difference between K8T Neo-FIS2R and K8T Neo-FSR????

    I though the SAME thing But was told Otherwise by a Mod. Because with the PENTIUM Based Boards "2" Does Mean Two Different Types of RAID Not JUST the Difference in the Southbridge and the Onboard Controller, Because the (2) in the i875PE-FIS2R means that Both the ICH5-R and And the Promise Controller support BOTH S-ATA RAID, and P-ATA IDE RAID, as there is a P-ATA IDE Controller on The Onboard Promise Chip also, as it is IDE-3 .....So I Imagine we are BOTH Correct, But this WILL Teach me to Open my Mouth in the AMD Side of the Forum ...Just Kidding......Sean

  • K8T800 K8T NEO-FSR Memory Problems

    Just a warning before I start in, this is a pretty long post. I'm going to try to include all the information I can.
    Here's my system right now. It's running Windows XP Professional with all the latest updates.
    Processor: AMD Athlon 64 3000, 512KB L2 Cache 64-bit Processor. Not overclocked at all.
    Motherboard: MSI K8T800 K8T NEO-FSR, latest BIOS updates from MSI
    Video Card: ATI RADEON 9800PRO Video Card, 128MB DDR, latest Catalyst drivers from ATI installed. Not overclocked at all.
    Memory: Mushkin 184 Pin 2x512MB DDR400 PC-3200, running at DDR400 with Auto selected for all the memory timings in the BIOS. Memory placed in DIMM#1 and DIMM#2. Not overclocked at all.
    Hard Drive: Western Digital 80 Gig
    I started experiencing random reboots and critical errors in game applications on Sunday. The computer would randomly reboot at random intervals from Windows. In addition, while running games like Warcraft 3, Asheron's Call, or World of Warcraft I would receive frequent critical errors that certain sections of the memory could not either be read or written to.
    I figured that there was some kind of problem with the memory, so I downloaded Memtest86 and ran it. The first stick of RAM was in DIMM#1 and the second stick in DIMM#2. This was the memory configuration during all the random reboots and critical errors.
    Memtest86 came up with several failures during the 5th phase of the test. The same failures came up upon repeated testing in the same phase of the test. I decided to try to isolate the failure and see if one stick or the other was defective. I yanked out the second stick from DIMM#2 and left the first stick in DIMM#1. The first stick (which I'll refer to as the "good RAM stick") passed the memtest repeatedly. I then stuck the second RAM stick into DIMM#1 alone and the computer would not even POST.
    I then moved the second RAM stick (which I'll refer to as the "bad RAM stick") over to DIMM#2 alone and managed to get it to POST. The bad stick failed the memtest with the exact same errors during the same phase of testing as the combined sticks had failed during the initial test. For the sake of completeness, I moved the bad stick over to DIMM#1 alone and finally managed to get it to POST. However, the bad stick passed the memtest repeatedly. Puzzled, I moved the bad stick over to DIMM#3 alone and tested it there, which it also passed repeatedly. I moved it back into DIMM#2 alone and it failed the test repeatedly again and again.
    Intrigued, I then moved the good RAM stick into DIMM#2 alone, to try to see if perhaps there was some kind of motherboard error occurring. The good stick passed the memtest repeatedly in DIMM#2. I then moved the good stick into DIMM#3 alone and it passed the test repeatedly in that slot.
    After checking the motherboard manual to make sure I could do it, I put the bad stick in DIMM#1 and the good stick in DIMM#3 and ran the memtest. The combined sticks passed the test where previously, while configured in DIMM#1 and DIMM#2, they had failed it. I moved the sticks back into DIMM#1 and DIMM#2 to test again. The combined sticks failed as they had during the initial test.
    I then reconfigured the sticks to DIMM#1 and DIMM#3 again and booted up the system. Although I only had limited testing time last night, I seemed to be totally stable. The system did not reboot at all and I actually managed to play WoW for an hour without a single crash.
    Any suggestions on what's occuring? I figured that maybe the mobo's memory seating in DIMM#2 was messed up, but I wanted to get some more guidance from others.

    Well if it's an Antec Sl-350, that one only has 16A @ 12V, way too little to handle your system.....
    I would get another PSU in any case, as even the TP-380 is bare minimum.....
    Go for the Enermax 465 it has 33A @ 12V and then you are sure it's not a power problem...
    Also, a good PSU is never a waiste of money

  • MSI K8T Neo-FIS2R VIA K8T800 Issues

    I am thining of switching from a P4 system to a athlon 64 system. Only I have a few problems.
    Will I be able to use an amd athlon 64 3000+ on the MSI K8T Neo-FIS2R VIA K8T800 motherboard??
    and also will I be able to use my OCZ 1GB (512x2) DDR533Mhz PC 4200 RAM (DUAL CHANNEL) on the motherboard as well?

    I use Elixir from Ebuyers, thats the cheapest I could find, works flawlessly on the AMD 64 3200+, the label says
    ' M2U51264D88HB3G-5T
    512MB DDR 400MHz- CL3
    The sticks were taken from a KT4 Ultra, where they also worked faultlessly.
    Hope it helps

  • K8T Neo-FIS2R/FSR no POST

    I have a K8T Neo-FIS2R/FSR (MS-6702) which is, along with all my other components (I'll list them later), over a year old. It has been running just fine until the other day. I have not modified any hardware or BIOS-settings recently.
    The day before yesterday my speakers put out a high-pitched shriek and the screen turned black. I then turned off the computer (it seemed to still be running, fans spinning). As I switched it on it let forth 8 beeps followed by a paus, and then 8 beeps again, over and over. I switched the graphics card for another one, no difference.
    I then left it turned off for a few minutes. Then I booted it up again, and voila, it worked fine. Then after a few minutes it died the same way, and when I rebooted it it started beeping again.
    Switching graphics card doesn't help. I powered it on without a graphics card plugged in. Then it made 8 beeps, and then silence. The cycle was not repeated, as it was when the card was in.
    I then used another motherboard, another CPU and other RAM, same graphicscard and harddrive, and it boots into Windows just fine and seems to be quite stable for the day I've tried it.
    I then switch back to the K8T-motherboard with it's CPU and RAM (still same graphicscard and harddrive as the other one), and it boots fine. After almost an hour it dies again. On boot, beeps. Wait a few minutes, boots again, then dies. Beeps next time. Etc.
    The 8 beeps apparently mean there is a problem with the video card. I have tested two video cards that both work fine on another motherboard, no difference.
    Because it dies after a while when it has rested, I suspect some sort of overheating issue. I put a bigass fan blowing at the motherboard and video card but that didn't seem to do anything. The fan on the video card is clean.
    I have hooked up the D-Bracket 2 that accompanied the motherboard. It has some lights flashing depending on what is going on, and it halts on "Early Chipset Initialization", which is phase 2 of 16 (1st being "System Power ON"). When I press the power button, the LEDs on my memory sticks flash for a few seconds (showing activity), and the D-Bracket lights up. Then the memory-LEDs go to rest (inactivity), and the D-Bracket halts. Fans keep spinning but there is no life. No beeps.
    After leaving the computer off for the night, I cleared the CMOS. The computer booted and ran fine for a couple of hours, then it suddenly made a noise in the speakers, and the monitor went black. Fans still spinning. The little light at the monitor indicating that it is turned on was flashing, as it does when the computer is off and the monitor is on.
    This is the hardware in my system at the moment. I have removed plenty of stuff to rule out other components but even with just this it won't work. No mouse, keyboard or other drives attached, just this.
    CPU: Athlon64 3200+
    Memory: Corsair TWINX1024-3200XLPRO DDR
    Power: Thermaltake Purepower Butterfly 480W W0020
             Output: +5V (35A), +3.3V (28A), +12V (17A), -5V (0.3A), -12V (0.8A)
    Graphics: Gainward GeForce 6800Ultra 256MB GDDR3 AGP8X, "Ultra/2600 Golden S",
    Motherboard: K8T Neo-FIS2R/FSR (MS-6702)
    Harddrive: Seagate Barracuda IV ATA 7200 RPM
    Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 957p
    Any ideas, suggestions or questions? I am stumped.

    I have removed plenty of stuff to rule out other components but even with just this it won't work.
    Graphics: Gainward GeForce 6800Ultra 256MB GDDR3 AGP8X, "Ultra/2600 Golden S",
    +12V (17A),
    If your graphics card is like mine (see sig) with two power connections at the back you may have stressed the PSU over the last year to it's final end. Borrow or buy another PSU with at least 24 amp on the 12v supply. Your current PSU with only 17 12v amps was bound to fail. Especially since you state you had other hardware at one time. CPU Graphics card, case fanes and drives are all calling on the 12v rail to power them and your PSU just might not have it any more to do the job and the highest draw is at startup.
    Try another PSU.

  • K8T Neo-FSR/ FIS2R BIos HT link questions

    I am trying to find out how to change the ht link in my bios. I know it is a dinosaur as far as boards go but I'm in a contest and just trying to play around with it. I don't have a setting named HT link like on my 939 board and I'm trying to find out if it is named something else in this particular bios. Can anyone help me out here? Thanx in advance for any reply's.

    Hey thanx for the heads up on that bas but wanna see something funny
    Check out the HT on Cpu-z in the screenshot. I was thinking that cant be right but I double checked and it was I guess I got lucky with the HT being that high.

  • Boot freeze with 6600gt on k8t800 neo fis2r in turbo mode

    Hi, thought i would seek a little advice before i decide to just build a new system and burn this one where it stands,
    when i first built my PC i had;
    amd athlon 64 3000+
    msi k8t neo-fis2r mobo
    1gb ddr 400 ram
    2 x 160gb hdd
    dvd & dvd-rw
    550w psu
    then the part i regreted most nvidia fx 5200 128mb agp.
    had everything setup nicely and had my bios set on turbo mode - seemed to make a noticable difference. then i decided to stop being cheap and bought a new gfx card, sparkle 6600gt 128mb agp 8x and at the same time i got a new case which has a 350w - 450w max PSU (arctic cooling Silentium T1). ever since that i cant enable turbo mode in my bios, otherwise it just does memory test and stops without detecting devices. i press del to enter bios setup but it just changes the del: bios to go> bios and does nothing else. so i have to clear cmos and start again
    so my instict is either telling me
    a) gfx card stopping motherboard running in turbo
    b) psu too puny
    which of these would it be likely to be if anyone can help me out. ive rolled my bios back to v1.0 which was used when the turbo mode was fine and the problem is still persisting and ive been through every version inbetween back upto 2.2. the system works fine in fast mode, i would just prefer turbo mode because it did make a significant difference for playing games, boot time, movie editing etc.
    thanks for any help,

    It may well be the Sparkle Vid Card. I have heard a ton of complains of late about them. I am not that familiar with those particular cards or even the brand. You may want to do some checking around... Guru3d may be a great place to start as graphics cards are their primary discussion topics. Also use Google to see what others are saying about them.
    I agree that the 5299's are pretty lame these days for gaming. It's a great card if your primary concern is productivity but todays games can use it but mostly at low res with few features or levels of detail without a huge hit in frame rates.

  • MSI K8T NEO-FIS2R Socket 754 VIA K8T800 ATX AMD Motherboard

    Hi all,
    Its been 7 months since i ahve been using this board. Now when i go to turn it on this very morning...The ps2 mouse and keyboard will not work and i smell a burning smell when its booting. I unpluged it and unhooked all cables tot he pc. I am now on my old gateway 2000 and i need help. What do i do?

    Well the burning smell could be dust or some such as this has been sitting for a while. However I would start with a visual inspection to see what the problem is. Check and see if any wires look toasted, pull the cards and even the MB and look them over carefully. If you don't see anything then set the MB out on some cardboard and just hook up what is needed to post. Retry it and see if you can watch during that inmitial stage to see what is happening. Worst case take the whole rig to a tech and have them look it over if you are concerned with risking any problems. Safty first always.

  • K8T Neo-FIS2R/FSR (MS-6702) and EluminX Keyvoard

    My EluminX keyboard stays lit all the time with any BIOS revision above 1.2.  I tried everything, enabling/disabling bios settings for all wake up events.  Is there anyway I could get the keyboard to shut off and use a BIOS rev above 1.2.?

    So...Just use bios 1.2 than.
    I had the same issue with an optical mouse that stayed on. In order for wal to work, the mainboard needs the 5v rail all the time.
    Have you tried disabling WAL, that might help.
    Also, putting the keyboard on PS/2 iso USB will help.

  • MOVED: K8T Neo-FSR/ FIS2R BIos HT link questions

    This topic has been moved to Overclockers & Modding Corner.

    Hey thanx for the heads up on that bas but wanna see something funny
    Check out the HT on Cpu-z in the screenshot. I was thinking that cant be right but I double checked and it was I guess I got lucky with the HT being that high.

Maybe you are looking for