Keyboard Light upgrade

Hey everyone
Firstly I don't know if this is in the right section
I recently purchased a GP60 Leopard. And I know its a cheaper model, but I love it :D
Anyway! I play with the lights off after work every night and the Leopard doesn't have keyboard lights. Now I was wondering if it was possible to install keyboard lights somehow or get some components from another MSI model to make this happen.
I have searched the forum/internet but to no avail. Also be nice, I'm new to PC stuff.
So glad I made the change though :D
Thanks people

The best you could hope for, is that the GE/GT series keyboards fits into the notebook, and you MIGHT be able to permanently wire it up such that the LED's are ALWAYS you could never turn them off. But I'm not even sure that would work. I know someone has done something similar, but I believe it was on a GE series notebook.

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    From reading up of other forums with the same problem i have come up with two reasons why it is doing that.
    first try doing a smc reset
    if that does not work then it is a hardware error. Many people have had the problem and they have not been able to fix it so good luck

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    SMC reset works best with anything that relies on power for the machine. When it comes to batteries SMC reset and PRAM usually do the trick. Also a lot of people miss this, do not plug on the top plugs use the lower plug.
    As for the temperature on the lap, expect a lot of heat, the computers are designed to lay on flat SOLID surfaces. The underbelly on aluminum chassis laptops act as a heatsink. In addition the rubber feet keep the product high enough so air can pass through and help cool the system.
    As far as the adapter you can have AppleCare send you without waiting a week for it. If it is an obvious hardware problem they may do an exception for you if you are out of phone support. Highly recommend APP for the phone support. You would have a battery on it's way to your current location in a couple days!

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    Have you tried manually turning it on?
    Press the F8 button I believe to toggle the backlight
    You may have accidentally switched it off or something
    If that doesn't work, try F10 to brighten it just to see if it's working

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    I found a quick fix solution.
    if I kill the process kbdmgr.exe then the keyboard light will go off and leave the display brightness the same as your setting which is fine for me.
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    That is some sort of anomaly that I have also noticed.  On the rare occasions when that happens, a restart corrects the issue.

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    My 9330 keyboard light just seems to come on when I need to use it.  Any time I hit a button to light up my screen the keyboard comes on too. There is a setting (menu/options/screen/keyboard) that may have something checked or unchecked that may need to be fiddled with.  Good luck.

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