Kindle fire massive issues

I have used my kindle since I got it- january of 2013 to skype with my niece and nephew- last few months it will connect then all sound goes away, for both of us (she has a kindle too) Is it true that the update isnt supported by previous kindle fire HD versions?  If so, how can i get a version of skype that will work.  AND, why do they make getting support from them SO difficult!  HELP, please.  My 5 year old niece is very upset she cant see auntie. thank you in advance.

Hello Skype staff,
I can only confirm the major issues since the forced update...sudden white OR black screen, freezing that doesn't disappear until I completely shut down my Kindle, my screen picture “hopping“ all over (upside down etc) and beeping, constant video and audio interuptions, cannot see all my favorites or who is online. This is my only way of communicating with my family and very important to me.  Is there a version on the way that makes Skype usable again on the Kindle Fire HD? If not, I guess, I will have to find something else than Skype because right now, it simply does not work.

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    Now whos issue is this? Adobes, Amazons or mine? I know what the problem is but don't know how to fix it.
    Youtube video link:
    Thanks for your time!
    PS: if anyone wants the .fla for testing themselves, just ask and I will post a link to it.

    I'm going to forward this along to our android team for their review.  In the meantime, could you open a bug on this over at  Please post back with the URL so that others affected can visit the bug and cast their votes.

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    It's odd to say this, but that crash on the Amazon Fire is actually working as designed. The .apk file you create is built to allow for in-app purchases (even if it's free). If you sideload this unwrapped .apk file to your Fire, it will crash because -- as I understand it -- Amazon still hasn't enabled in-app purchases yet, so the unwrapped .apk file is basically looking for a sandbox that doesn't exist. However, if you submit the .apk file to Amazon, they will wrap it, and it should work as designed. If you want to test it, you can ask Amazon to send you the wrapped version, but it's easier just to submit it and test the live version before you announce its availability.
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    Android devices do not support built in printing liek airprint on your apple device, so you will have to use the HP Eprint Home and Biz app in order to print from that device. It is available for free in the Amazon Market.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” on the post that solves your issue to help others find the solution.
    Click the KUDOS STAR on the left to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Although we continue to provide security and patch releases for Android devices which originally shipped with Adobe Flash Player, new feature development for the Android browser has drawn to a close as we shift our focus to Adobe AIR for mobile applications. For more details on the rationale for our decision I refer you to the following article.
    The following article describes how to manually install the Adobe Flash Player manually on your Android device.
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    Moved discussion to Digital Publishing Suite forum.

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    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    var client:Object = new Object();
    client.onMetaData = function(metadata:Object):void {
    ns.client = client;
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    var videoPath:String = "assets/cinematics/intro.mp4";
    var videoFile:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath(videoPath);;
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    It seems that you may be clicking the "skype" symbol on the tablet, which will take you to the skype homepage.
    Rather than doing that, go to the word "Apps" and touch that. You'll be taken to an app page where you can touch the "skype" app that is associated with your personal account.

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    Version: 3.0.505.41

    The first gen kindle fire comes preinstalled with Flash, so you can just toggle the settings. But all other gens require installing flash and the dolphin browser. Check out this site for more info: gens/

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    Adobe AIR Beta 2:
    · AIR app exhibits severe flickering on Kindle Fire(3290739)
    Now, no where after this does it mention that this has been fixed.... I am currently using
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    You're on SoftPedia. Here's a list of all the release notes version to version:
    In the official 3.4 release notes ( ) there is no mention of this being a "Known Issue". It's also not listed in Fixes.
    You can go back to version 3.3, 3.2, etc and try to locate it but I checked from beta 3.6 all the way back to version 3.0/FP11.0 and searched the page for "Kindle" and nothing was found.
    Also the wording doesn't suggest "what" exactly is flickering. You're saying your display list is exhibiting the issue but that line item suggests the entire app itself might flicker so I don't think they're related. Besides, I'd only stick with Adobe's official notes.
    I checked the bugbase too and couldn't find anything in 3.4 or 3.5 about "Kindle". 3.3 did list an issue with stageHeight being reported improperly on OS 2.3 ( ), but that has nothing to do with it.
    The reason I mention is if it doesn't exist in the bugbase and isn't in release notes, you should add this bug to the bugbase:
    It really helps to create a brand new test project that reproduces the issue each time. If you're saying you're adding a ton of display objects and that's all it takes then make a single complex symbol in the library and instantiate it a ton of times. If the number of items is the problem as you suggest (eating up RAM) then the issue will be reproducable. Then include that reproducable test project in your bug report so it will get tested quicker.
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    OK, apologies, the answer is simple, but easily forgotten because it's so long since I had to do this!  Just go to and download and run the Android File Transfer utility and your Kindle will appear on your desktop immediately, assuming you are using a suitable cable.
    I think this is an issue only because you have to do it once-only, and then everything runs smoothly, which means that you have long enough to forget it between whenever you update your OS.
    Don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather get on with using my Mac than fiddle with my OS, so this was an unexpected hurdle. Hope this helps somebody other than me!

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        Happy day to you misterf,
    What better networkk to enjoy your Kindle Fire on than the largest, most reliable wireless network, Verizon Wireless. I know that you are super excited to download the latest books and periodicals on your Fire. I am honored to be the one to assist you with connecting to your iPhone 4 mobile hotspot. May I ask have you use the hotspot in the past on other devices? If so then here's a link on how to connect the Kindle Fire.
    If you have not used the mobile hotspot feature on your iPhone 4 before then we may need to provision your account for this service. The cost for this service will greatly depend on your calling plan. for example, if you have the Share everything plan then this amazing feature is built into you calling plan. As you test the steps in the link above, please keep the community updated as your experience may help another in the future. As always, if this doesn't resolve your issue then I am here to continue to assist.
    Thank you...
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    Hi Squinlan,
    Thanks for shopping with Best Buy.
    As CrystalWoW said, we would typically replace your Kindle with a refurbished unit. Please bring your Kindle and receipt in to the Geek Squad counter and chat with our agents for help and let us know if you have any other questions in the meantime.
    Douglas|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Kindle fire skype freezes

    Recently when I have skyped, after about 10 minutes my Kindle fire freezes.  No controls work, and after about 2-3minutes, my Kindle fire shuts down.  I have had this tablet for about 18 months - no problems until about 4 weeks ago when this freezing started.  And today, Netflix, BBC iPlayer and Amazon Instant Video have stopped working.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    This would be Hardware/Device Issue. If device reset fixes the problem temporary, good to contact them as it affects more than Skype app.

  • Kindle fire- largest audio latency yet

    just got my hands on a kindle fire, really nice device for air apps, plays at 60 fps no problem and looks vibrant...feels like playing an upgraded game gear.
    BUT! the audio delay when calling play in air is the worst i have seen on any android device...
    I know we have had similar discussions with no resolution..sooo i just wanted to say :complain complain complain.

    Below is a repost of my answer from this related thread:
    Let's be clear:
    1) There is "acceptable" latency of the order of half a sec or so ( often less ), which according to the post by Holgate, #7 above, is an issue with -- some versions of ( ? ) -- Android ( not Air specifically ).
    2) Then, there is unacceptable delay, which appears to be specific to Air on some Android devices ( particularly Nook Color and Kindle Fire ), where a sound will sometimes play in near sync ( with "normal" Android latency ), and sometimes with a delay of SEVERAL SECONDS ( like 5 or 10, in one of my apps! ), which apparently has something to do with garbage collection ( Holgate post #14, above ).
    I can confirm that the unacceptable delay has NOT been fixed as of Air 3.6, testing on Nook Color and Kindle Fire, though it is fine ( no delay ) on the Nexus One.
    As pointed out in another forum, playing all your sounds in a silent loop, will prevent sounds from being garbage collected, and will eliminate the delay issue whenever you play a sound, like so:
    private function initSounds():void
         var silentSndXF:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform( 0 ); 0, int.MAX_VALUE, silentSndXF ); 0, int.MAX_VALUE, silentSndXF ); 0, int.MAX_VALUE, silentSndXF );
         // Note: int.MAX_VALUE is about 2 billion, so even a very short "click" sound of 1/20
         // of a sec would play for 3 years or so -- if the app was never closed !!
    private function onButtonClick( evt:MouseEvent ):void;
    This hack eliminated the severe delay I was getting on Nook Color and Kindle Fire ( several seconds for some sounds, in some situations ), leaving me with the "regular", acceptable Android latency.

  • Kindle Fire

    When can we expect Skype on a Kindle fire. Since it is only a skinned Android, I imagine it must be e fairly straightforward customization of the Android version. It is the fastest selling tablet in the markets where it is available, so hopefully you will address this issue with the appropriate priority.

    The problem is that the Kindle Fire doesn't have a microphone.  It may also not have input audio processing abilities.  Here is one guy who thought he'd just use an external microphone, but it didn't work:
    [invalid URL]
    BUT... the Barnes&Noble Nook Tablet DOES have a microphone.   

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