Kiss 1600 "dead" ... or not ... help how to reprogram EPROM :)

Hi people. My KISS 1600 "died" a week ago. I took it to repair and only the PSU had a few capacitors needed to replace (were burned). So far, so good, but when I plugged in kiss 1600, the front display keeps lights on, all lights on, no exception and no "boot" message appears.
I believe EPROM chip info was erased after using the player before he was highly damaged. I would update the firmware again, but i can't read it from cdrom (nothing happens when I plug in the player... only front panel lights up fully).
I was wondering if anybody knows to reprogram EPROMs ... or to access EPROM information from a PC to reprogram with the original firmware or any other ideas.  I think it's a excellent player and I wouldn't like to throw it away. People... all ideas are welcome.

Hi people. My KISS 1600 "died" a week ago. I took it to repair and only the PSU had a few capacitors needed to replace (were burned). So far, so good, but when I plugged in kiss 1600, the front display keeps lights on, all lights on, no exception and no "boot" message appears.
I believe EPROM chip info was erased after using the player before he was highly damaged. I would update the firmware again, but i can't read it from cdrom (nothing happens when I plug in the player... only front panel lights up fully).
I was wondering if anybody knows to reprogram EPROMs ... or to access EPROM information from a PC to reprogram with the original firmware or any other ideas.  I think it's a excellent player and I wouldn't like to throw it away. People... all ideas are welcome.

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