KM Report - Document hit/download count

Hi All,
Is there any way(report or other stuff) thorugh which we can track, let us say "a YYY document has been accessed by 75 people in the perio A & B".
How can we use WebTrend server in tracking user's access to KM Documents? Can we include Web Trend java script in some place.

I read one blog by Damien regarding the same some time back.
This can be done by developing a repository service which counts documents hits.
These are the steps to get this functionality:
Step 1: Creating a custom property: hitscount
Creating a new property is easy in Enterprise Portal.
Go to
System Administration/System configuration/Knowledge Management/Configuration/Content Management/Global Services/Property Metadata/Properties
and create a new property with the following attributes:
Description = Hit Counter
Unique ID = hitscount
Property ID = hitscount
Namespace alias = default
Type = Integer
Group = default
Mandatory = deactivated
Multi-Valued = deactivated
Read Only = activated
Maintainable = activated
Indexable = activated
Default Value = 0
Allowed Values (csv) = empty
Key for Label = hitscount
Meta Data Extension = Not set
Folder Validity Patterns (csv) = empty
Document Validity Patterns (csv) = repository list
Resource Types (csv) = empty
Mime Types (csv) = empty
Default Sorting = Ascending
Label icon = empty
Hidden = deactivated
Dependencies = deactivated
Additional Metadata (csv) = empty
Property Renderer = integer
Virtual = deactivated
Composed of = none selected
Comparator Class = empty
Now, every documents in the repository list will have this new property (upload a new document and look in its details page, inside Miscellaneous tab!).
Step 2: Developing a repository service
Once we have created this new property we need a repository service which control it increasing his value in each document access.
To develop it we have used SAP Netweaver Developer Studio 2.0.12 with Repository Framework 7.1.5.
Substeps are:
?     Create a new Portal Application Project
?     Create a new Repository Service using whe wizard
Now, you must have three classes in your project structure: IRFServiceWrapper, RFServiceWrapper and one class with the name you gave in creation, in our case: SampleService.
?     Fill theKEY attribute inside IRFServiceWrapper. Tipically with a string like "com.mycompany.SampleService".
Copy and paste the following code into SampleService class. You can take a quick look at this code to know what is it doing. We are subscribing to GET_TEMPLATE event.
package com.mycompany;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.sapportals.wcm.WcmException;
import com.sapportals.wcm.crt.component.IReconfigurable;
import com.sapportals.wcm.crt.component.StartupException;
import com.sapportals.wcm.crt.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import com.sapportals.wcm.crt.configuration.IConfiguration;
import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.IProperty;
import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.IResource;
import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.Property;
import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.PropertyName;
import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.ResourceException;
import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.manager.IRepositoryManager;
import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.manager.IResourceEvent;
import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.manager.IResourceEventReceiver;
import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.manager.ResourceEvent;
import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.service.AbstractRepositoryService;
import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.service.ServiceNotAvailableException;
public class SampleService extends AbstractRepositoryService implements IResourceEventReceiver, IReconfigurable {
private static final String TYPE = "com.mycompany.kmservice.SampleService";
private Collection repositoryManagers;
public SampleService() {
public String getServiceType() {
  return SampleService.TYPE;
protected void startUpImpl(Collection repositoryManagers) throws ConfigurationException, StartupException {
  this.repositoryManagers = repositoryManagers;
  Iterator it = repositoryManagers.iterator();
  while (it.hasNext()){
    try {
    } catch (ServiceNotAvailableException e) {
protected void shutDownImpl() {
  Iterator it = repositoryManagers.iterator();
  while (it.hasNext()){
    try {
    } catch (WcmException e) {
protected void addRepositoryAssignment(IRepositoryManager mgr) throws ServiceNotAvailableException {
  try {
    mgr.getEventBroker().register(this, ResourceEvent.GET_TEMPLATE);
  } catch (WcmException e) {
protected void removeRepositoryAssignment(IRepositoryManager mgr) throws WcmException {
  mgr.getEventBroker().unregister(this, ResourceEvent.GET_TEMPLATE);
public void received(IEvent event) {
  IResourceEvent myEvent = (IResourceEvent) event;
  try {
    IResource res = myEvent.getResource();
    PropertyName propertyNameHitCount = new PropertyName("","hitscount");
    Property propHitCount = new Property(propertyNameHitCount,new Integer(0));
    // We increase hitscount property value
    if (res.getProperty(propertyNameHitCount)!=null) {
      IProperty oldHitCount = res.getProperty(propertyNameHitCount);
      String sOldHitCount = oldHitCount.getValueAsString();
      int iOldHitCount = Integer.parseInt(sOldHitCount);
      propHitCount = new Property(propertyNameHitCount,new Integer(iOldHitCount));
  } catch (ResourceException e) {
public void reconfigure(IConfiguration arg0) throws ConfigurationException {
Step 3: Activating the new service
The new service must be activated in those repositories that you want to control.
To do this you can go to
System Administration/System configuration/Knowledge Management/Configuration/Content Management/Repository Managers/CM Repository
and check the repositories to control.
Is important to restart servlet engine.
This is a easy solution to know how many users have read one document in knowledge management.
Also check this thread:
award point if it helps

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    Since what you're trying to get is from iTunes U and hence carries no charge, have you tried just downloading it again from the start?
    Note that, if you are in China as your profile indicates, there have been numerous and repeated problems with people accessing the iTunes Store from China as the government there sometimes blocks access to the iTunes Store (among many other web sites around the world) or otherwise may tinker with Internet access. So there may be little or nothing you (or Apple) can do.

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    Message was edited by: Roy Cohen

    I have created a repository service which count document hits using a custom property defined.
    We are using NW04SP12.
    This is our code:
    package com.hesa;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.WcmException;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.crt.component.IReconfigurable;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.crt.component.StartupException;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.crt.configuration.ConfigurationException;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.crt.configuration.IConfiguration;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.IProperty;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.IResource;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.Property;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.PropertyName;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.ResourceException;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.manager.IRepositoryManager;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.manager.IResourceEvent;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.manager.IResourceEventReceiver;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.manager.ResourceEvent;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.service.AbstractRepositoryService;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.service.ServiceNotAvailableException;
    public class SampleService extends AbstractRepositoryService implements IResourceEventReceiver, IReconfigurable {
      private static final String TYPE = "com.hesa.kmtest.SampleService";
      private Collection repositoryManagers;
      public SampleService() {
      public String getServiceType() {
         return SampleService.TYPE;
      protected void startUpImpl(Collection repositoryManagers) throws ConfigurationException, StartupException {
         this.repositoryManagers = repositoryManagers;
         Iterator it = repositoryManagers.iterator();
         while (it.hasNext()){
           try {
           } catch (ServiceNotAvailableException e) {
      protected void shutDownImpl() {
         Iterator it = repositoryManagers.iterator();
         while (it.hasNext()){
           try {
           } catch (WcmException e) {
      protected void addRepositoryAssignment(IRepositoryManager mgr) throws ServiceNotAvailableException {
         try {
           mgr.getEventBroker().register(this, ResourceEvent.GET_TEMPLATE);
         } catch (WcmException e) {
      protected void removeRepositoryAssignment(IRepositoryManager mgr) throws WcmException {
         mgr.getEventBroker().unregister(this, ResourceEvent.GET_TEMPLATE);
      public void received(IEvent event) {
         IResourceEvent myEvent = (IResourceEvent) event;
         try {
           IResource res = myEvent.getResource();
           PropertyName propertyNameHitCount = new PropertyName("","hitcount");
           Property propHitCount = new Property(propertyNameHitCount,new Integer(0));
           if (res.getProperty(propertyNameHitCount)!=null) {
                IProperty oldHitCount = res.getProperty(propertyNameHitCount);
                String sOldHitCount = oldHitCount.getValueAsString();
                int iOldHitCount = Integer.parseInt(sOldHitCount);
              propHitCount = new Property(propertyNameHitCount,new Integer(iOldHitCount));
         } catch (ResourceException e) {
      public void reconfigure(IConfiguration arg0) throws ConfigurationException {
    Remember, you must activate this service in the correct repository (System administration -> System configuration -> Knowledge Management -> Content Management -> Repository Managers -> CM Repository).
    These changes requires that you restart the server.
    I think this could help you.

  • Document hit count never stops..

    Hi All
    I followed the steps as described in [this|] blog to count the number of document hits.
    The problem is that after clicking on the document for the first time, the count is incremented (as expected); however it keeps on incrementing from there on each second even without clicking the document again.
    Please help me to solve this problem.

    Hi Deepak,
    public void received(IEvent event){
    IResourceEvent myEvent = (IResourceEvent) event;
              IResource reso = myEvent.getResource();
              IResourceContext rctxt = reso.getContext();
              logger.fatalT("User:::" + rctxt.getUser().getDisplayName());
              RID resoRid = null;
              if (rctxt.getUser().getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase("index_service")
                   == false) {
                        + reso.getDisplayName()
                        + " .Event is::: "
                        + event.getDescription());
                             try {
                   //Do your logic here....
                   } catch (NotSupportedException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                   } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                   } catch (ResourceException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                   } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              }//end of IF loop
    the if loop will avoid the "index_service" user getting into the loop and hence the property wont be updated.
    and hence property is not updated, the rep service wont be called up again..

  • How can i get document download count on UCM

    Hi experts,
    I need to get ucm content download count by using API? Is it possible to obtain this?

    Thx for your quick reply. We use middleware11.1.1.6.
    Besides we are ignoring accessing by HTPP requests. Application is being access contents via RIDC API. Content access count of these access (actually no matter based on user, group nor another one in my case) just totally could be enough for us. In other words, my custom application webpage needs to show TopTen Usage/Access Contents on ucm. Is that expectaion in YES group?
    I googled abit regarding to your mentioned about ContentTracker component and link you shared. Looked at ucm/cs Administration/SystemAuditInformation/ComponentResports navigation and i see below. I think we need to enable that. For now i dont know how to.
    Location: /setup/data/fmw/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/components/ContentTracker/ContentTracker.hda
    Version: 2011_11_11 (rev 96071) []
    Status: Skipped
    Reason: The component has been disabled.
    Location: /setup/data/fmw/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/components/ContentTrackerReports/ContentTrackerReports.hda
    Version: 2011_09_26 (rev 95232)
    Status: Skipped
    Reason: The component has been disabled.

  • Warning! Documents, Desktop, Downloads and Trash spontaneously wiped!

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    The worst nightmare scenario just happened to me. My main folders (listed above) spontaneously deleted themselves! :-o
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    Any ideas as to what could have caused this? I am running a Sophos scan to check for Trojans as I write this.
    Message was edited by: danb516478

    I did I thorough check on my disk - no problems are reported. It is striking that only these three folders seems to have been deleted, indicating that this was a software issue.
    I ran a full Sophos malware scan and no malware was found.
    I seem to be the only one with this issue, so I can put it down to one of those things - but it is a big concern though!
    Let it be a reminder to all to backup files regularly!

  • Document Name & Download file Link should display together

    Dear Friends,
    i am working with apex_3.2 .
    i have created form with report on forms i have displayed 5 file browser item.
    in report these 5 document file display as a download link in report.-
    i want to display document name Download link together in one report column like below
    1. documentA.doc download
    2. documentB.doc download
    my Report code is
    dbms_lob.getlength(ACTIVITY_FILE) FILE_NAME,
    dbms_lob.getlength(ACTIVITY_FILE_2) ACTIVITY_FILE_2,
    dbms_lob.getlength(ACTIVITY_FILE_3) ACTIVITY_FILE_3,
    dbms_lob.getlength(ACTIVITY_FILE_4) ACTIVITY_FILE_4,
    dbms_lob.getlength(ACTIVITY_FILE_5) ACTIVITY_FILE_5,
    ||'<br>'||ACTIVITY_FILE_NAME_4||'<br>'||ACTIVITY_FILE_NAME_5 as DocumentName
    where account_id =:P3_id How can i display it in One column in Repot ?
    Edited by: Vedant on Mar 20, 2012 11:40 PM

    While downloading the properties need to be binded properly then it works fine.

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    I rented a movie and says I have 1 Download Available.  When I hit "Download Now" nothing happens.  Any help on this?

    Hi KirkP2013,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The following information should help you with this:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBookstore purchase

  • Use parameter to set runtime xlsx report document

    Thanks in advance,
    I'm using BIRT Runtime 4.4.2 with a report design that prompts the user for a value. I want to take the parameter value and pass it to the BIRT Runtime report document name.
    For example, if in response to the parameter prompt, the value of the parameter is now "Johnson," then I want that to become the name or the xlsx document that is automatically named/rendered to the default directory - the user doesn't have to do anything after entering the parameter value and hitting enter.
    I'm aware of the various script options, but not sure where to place them in the report or what specifically to use in the report string to designate the report document name.
    Should I use the afterfactory event to grab the value of the parameter? If so, how do i pass that to something that the report string (url?) on the jsp page will understand?
    New to all of this, so as much detail (where you can point me to go, what to read) without having to use Java would be much appreciated.
    thanks again,

    So it sounds like a non-programmer like me has some learning to do.
    When you say I need to create custom parameters page, you mean that the report parameter option within the report design will capture the information I need, but then I cannot pass that information to the portion of the configuration that specifies the name and file location, so I have to design a custom javascript page that asks for the same information (what is now the report parameter), and also ask for the desired folder location (or just assign a folder location (the location becomes less important if I can rename the report output.)
    Second: I need to use the runtime to not use the BIRT web viewer, to generate the excel output? I'm not sure what this means, but if you point me to the documentation on this, I will figure it out... Once the runtime generates the file, I need to...
    Third: I need to create a display another HTML page containing: the name of the (Excel) output file (using the inputted parameter in step 1), into the default folder location I have also added.
    Am I understanding what is needed? If so, could you point me to the corresponding documentation?
    Thanks for all of your help.

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    Is there anywhere we can get a download count for our app?? (other than waiting until the end of the month for the report)
    Many thanks!

    Not yet, anyway. The download counts were on the App Store when viewed from an iPhone only on the first day, but then they disappeared. Now they're nowhere, and also not in iTunes Connect. AFAIK, developers will get a check and a financial report sometime after the end of a month reporting on the previous month's downloads and income (actually if it's a free app, maybe not even that).

  • Interactive report: How to display "count" column on total data set?

    I'm a relative newbie to APEX and would appreciate some help with the following:
    I have an interactive report that will usually contain around 8000 rows.
    I need to report the total number of distinct values in one of the columns - but I need to get around the limitation of APEX where it only counts the number of rows displayed on the screen.
    I thought to create a separate region and use a separate SQL query to show the full total regardless of the number of rows displayed - however, I've now got the problem of not being able to access the interactive report "query", so, for example, if someone running the report adds a filter, I need the total to report with this new filter applied.
    Does anyone know if I can:
    a) get around the the limitation of only counting the number of rows displayed?
    or, if not,
    b) how to access the interactive report "query" that is being run?
    c) any other way of doing this!?
    I do hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance for any help....

    Hi all,
    Thanks for your responses. They really are much appreciated.
    I had hoped to spend some time on this over the weekend - but haven't got round to it. I'll work on it again tomorrow and will certainly look at the thread you mentioned Tony.
    Sorry I'm not being very clear about what I want. Why are these things always so hard to explain in words :o)
    I'll have another go....
    I have an interactive report that would report around, say, 8000 rows. Obviously I don't want to display all 8000 on the screen so I'll probably display them in chunks of 15 rows. If I use the aggregation function on the report, I can add a count of the distinct account numbers to the bottom of the display, but it will only count the ones displayed on the screen. I need the count to be of all the rows - so 8000 instead of 15 - but still displaying only 15 rows. When a user then applies a filter to the report, I need the count to change in accordance with the filter - so if the number of rows returned as a result of the filter is now 4000 instead of 8000, I need the count to now say 4000 instead of 8000 even though still only 15 rows are actually displayed on the screen.
    I'll try and pre-empt the questions...
    1) There will always be duplicate account numbers in there so the count will never be the actual number of rows - but I'm simplifying above to help explain the problem better
    2) Why would they want 8000 rows? Don't ask. I'm sure it's something to do with exporting the lot into an excel spreadsheet but they'll never admit it :o)
    I hope this makes more sense......
    Thanks again!!
    P.S. Almost forgot again... I'm using Apex 4.1 on the Oracle hosted environment which I assume is 11g.

  • Report Document not show on Crystal Report Viewer in C#

    My program is modified from VB.NET. Now I struck with Crystal Report that Crystal Report Viewer didn't show Report Document.
    Printing code is composed of two forms. One assign parameters and objects need. Other is Crystal Report Viewer form, CrystalReportForm. Last one run report by parameter from the first.
    When run this code that it didn't found any error but the problem is no report show on Crystal Report Viewer on second form. It just blank Crystal Report Viewer. There arm't any message response.
    Here is my code.
    // report caller form.
    private void Print()
       CrystalReportForm rptForm = new CrystalReportForm();
       string[] strtbl;
      strtbl = new string[1];
       string[] strqry;
      strqry = new string[1];
       // prepare var
       string myqry;
       string myrpt;
       // Pass The Table That you used in the crystal Report
      strtbl[0] = "r_receipts";
       // Pass the Query
      myqry = "SELECT * FROM r_receipts";
      myrpt = "rptReceipts.rpt";
      strqry[0] = myqry;
       //Pass For Mdi True
      rptForm.MdiParent = this.ParentForm;
      rptForm.ViewReport(myrpt, strtbl, strqry, "");
       //Parameter Value It is Optional
    // Crytal Report Viewer form.
    public void ViewReport(string ReportName , string[] TableName, string[] QueryString , string Parameter = "")
       //Me.MdiParent = mainpage;
       if (TableName.Length  != QueryString.Length  )
       MessageBox.Show("Passed Variable Are Not Correct", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
       CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument rpt = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument();
       CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer crv  = new CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer();
      crv.ActiveViewIndex = 0;
      crv.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
      crv.ToolPanelView = CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.ToolPanelViewType.None;
      crv.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
      crv.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
      crv.Name = "CrystalReportViewer";
       MySqlDataAdapter at =new MySqlDataAdapter();
       DataSet ds = new DataSet();
       for (int i = 0; i < TableName.Length; i++)
      at = GetDataAdeptor(QueryString[i]);
      at.Fill(ds, TableName[i]);
       string rptPath  = "";
      rptPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ReportName;
       if (Parameter != "")
      rpt.SetParameterValue(0, Parameter);
      crv.ReportSource = rpt;
       Panel panel1 = new Panel();

    Hi Bhushan,
    It's not yet fixed. My dataset (ds) can't bine to DataGridView as
    DataGridView1.DataSource = ds
    But it could do like this
    DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
    When I bine to Crystal Report Viewer setdatasource
    CrystalReportViewer1.setdatasource = ds.Tables[0];
    It still not work, anyway you suggest let me in the right way. I very confuse the thing I fix to bine to DataGridView

  • HT4623 I have a iPhone 3GS model MC135LL/A with version 6.1.3.  I tried to download the most recent iTunes software but I get " cannot download because version needs to be 10.6.3 or later.",  I hit download and it runs for 10 seconds then quits, saying th

    I want to download itunes 11.0.2 on my PC but I get a "cannot download because you do not have 10.6.3 or later.  I hit download and it runs for about
    ten second then says "Thanks for download" but it is not download.  I have not been able to sync for over 5 months. My iPhone 3GS has 6.1.3 version.

    That's because iTunes 11 requires Snow Leopard or higher.

  • Can we have a "print button" to print massive report document ?

    Hi there,
    Can we have a "print button" to print a massive report document (e.g 3000 page , each for a specific customer description), instead of exporting to pdf or excell before printing.. ?

    You cannot have a print Button in the report, But have you tried Scheduling the report, and setting the output to printer? That might meet your requirement. You can also use the schedule section to run it immediately (once)

  • How to add a field object to group header section in crystal report document?

    Hi All, I have got two questions mentioned below, please share your inputs. 1)I want to know whether it is possible to add a field object to header section in crystal report document programmatically? I am using crystal runtime for visual studio. I know that using RAS we can do it, but I want to do it using managed library of crystal runtime. Please suggest. 2) I am doing a POC where I am using RAS (unmanaged library) to manipulated crystal report document. Please see code below: var dbTable = _reportDocument.ReportClientDocument.DatabaseController.Database.Tables[0]; var dbField = dbTable.DataFields.FindField(item.ColumnName,                         CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.CrFieldDisplayNameTypeEnum.crFieldDisplayNameName,                         CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.CeLocale.ceLocaleEnglishUS); CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.FieldObject fieldObject = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.FieldObject();                     fieldObject.DataSourceName = dbField.Name;                     fieldObject.FieldValueType = dbField.Type; var groupHeaderArea = _reportDocument.ReportClientDocument.ReportDefController.ReportDefinition.GroupHeaderArea[0].Sections[i]; _reportDocument.ReportClientDocument.ReportDefController.ReportObjectController.Add(fieldObject, groupHeaderArea); In above code last line throwing exception : "The report field type is not valid." at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ReportObjectControllerClass.Add(ISCRReportObject ReportObject, Section Section, Int32 nIndex) Thanks, Jai

    Hi Jaikumar
    As per the SCN Rules of engagement, one question per thread please.
    Re. your 1st question. Adding a field to a report is considered to be a report creation APIs (RCAPI). Only the RAS SDK has RCAPIs, so you can not use plain jane crystal APIs. For how to with RAS, see the examples here: NET RAS SDK Samples - Business Intelligence (BusinessObjects) - SCN Wiki
    Also, consult the Developer Help Files:
    Report Application Server .NET SDK Developer Guide
    Report Application Server .NET API Guide
    Re. your second question, please create a new discussion.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

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    Hi all! I want to use the class CL_SALV_HIERSEQ_TABLE to display a hierarchical-sequential list. Report SALV_DEMO_HIERSEQ_REFRESH shows exactly how it should be. The problem is that no event is raised when clicking the checkboxes. If I select a check

  • Where is the print centre ?

    any one else missing the print centre, print seems to work from apple app but not from Adobe Lightroom (major pain) anyone know how to get it back, pacifist won't open the DVD installer. Carl