Lack of Keyframing Support in FC Express HD

For over 6years I have been a long time user of FCP2.0 on a G4,…
And in the last few weeks, a newcomer to FC Express HD on my new iMacG5/iSight. (I couldn’t afford the upgrade price to move to the FC Studio package.)
Am I missing something, or is FCE seriously lacking Keyframing support?
The manual supplied with the software package and imbedded Help Section is sparse on this topic. These onling forums seem to be the best place for getting "How To" advice.
I really loved the flexibility and control of the keyframe timeline that was alongside all the Motion parameters available in the Viewer pane of FCP2.0
Tell me I’m stupid and that what I want to see is available, but I haven’t found the right view or mouse click or menu or what!…..
I simply want to provide dynamic changes WITHIN a clip to such Motion parameters as Opacity. It seems as though this parameter can only be set for the total duration of the clip.
I have figured out how to do keyframing in controlling audio tracks, and dynamically moving “Scale” and “Position” within the duration of the clip. But some of the other Motion effects (Opacity, Blur,...) seem locked and do not allow multiple keyframes within the clip.
iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   2.1 GHz with i Sight & 20" Display

Tom,……..Thanks again for responding and recommending the Timeline be the pane to control the Motion function, Opacity.
With a lot of “playing around” and help from a friend in a local Apple Users Group, here are the details that we have come up with to dynamically control Opacity within a video clip:
Once the video clip is in the Timeline, you turn on Clip Overlays by clicking the squiggly line button in the lower left hand corner of the Timeline window.
When the 'Clip Overlays' mode is turned on, you will see a black horizontal line appear at the top of all video clips (and red lines in audio clips for that matter). That is the opacity control line at its default 100% setting.
Then on the Tool palette, you select the Pen tool; it looks like a
calligraphy pen and is the left option in that tool palette. When you position the tool on the video clip, specifically on the Opacity line, it converts to a pen point. Click on the opacity line with the pen tool and it applies an Opacity control point. Clicking on the Opacity line at multiple points creates finer control of the Opacity function. The cursor turns into crosshairs when over the point. Dragging the cross hair down or up, changes the opacity, much the same way one controls amplitude within the audio tracks.
Tom, this is the detail that I have not been able to find in the User’s Manual that came in the FCE box, nor in the Help Section of the software. I did learn from the Help Section (page 228 of my version of FCE HD) that the Motion Parameters, “Drop Shadow” and “Motion Blur”, are the only ones that cannot be controlled by keyframes. That’s too bad, because Blurring within a clip can have a neat effect; I don’t need to try to figure that one out quite yet.
Because of forums like this one, and people like yourself willing to help each other, the rest of us can achieve some satisfaction and performance improvements with this software.
Thanks again,
iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   2.1 GHz with i Sight & 20" Display

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    Hi Ian,
    You are right in the sense that upgrade will be supported in BPM 11gR2. More specifically, the upgrade will support OBPM 10gR3 to BPM 11gR2. Customers in older versions of OBPM and ALBPM will need to upgrade to OBPM 10gR3 before attempting the upgrade to BPM 11gR2. To upgrade to OBPM 10gR3, there are a series of pointers in our documentation on how to do this. I can explicitly provide links if you are interested in this mandatory upgrade before moving to BPM 11g.
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    Unfortunately, Apple has dropped support for the older AirPort routers in their newer operating systems.
    You can still configure and administer the older AirPort Express, but you will need to have (or borrow) a Mac running Leopard or Snow Leopard, or a PC.

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    Hello Barty,
    Our Field Point products are not supported with Signal Express. I reviewed the ReadMe for Signal Express. Here is a list of the drivers that are supported:
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    IVI Compliance Package 2.0 or later
    NI-VISA 4.1.0
    Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
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    What Al says is perfectly correct, however there are workarounds that can achieve a keyframed effect with most of the filters.
    As an example, say you wanted to change a colour clip to B/W gradually.
    All you would do would be copy the clip and put it above the original on V2. Then add a B/W filter. Finally adjust the Opacity levels of the B/W clip to make it slowly change.
    This and other techniques can overcome the lack of Filter Keyframing in most effects.

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    But InDesign has it as well and I think this is like the craziest omission I can think of and they have made some serious ones in the past.
    Hopefully the next version all the apps will have it and that in case there are any problems it will be done in the way so that it will not cause any unforeseen difficulties.
    thanks for the answer David. Good you can find a little time to visit here as with this thread we all guess and you know better.


    Hi all,
    I want to share my BT experience with you.   I have been up to now a happy BT Infitinty customer.   At the start of July I informed BT of a house move at the end of July.  I happily signed for a new package, NO BRAINER as far as I'm concerned.
    One specification of my order is as I was providing sufficient notice I advised them that whilst the postcode in question show's to part of a village which has Infinity, the house is isolated and presently does not have a phone line.  I advised a survey to carried out to enable the engineer to carry out the necessary work when I moved in.  The main reason for my request was I know it's a very poor reception area for mobile phones and presently my father is not very well and I need to be contacted.   On the day of moving in the engineer turns up, and guess what the necessary requirements which I made them aware of had not been carried out.    The engineer informed my that the road required traffic lights in order for me to have an installation.    I'm sure you can imagine my disappointment, especially when I knew this would be the case.
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    All I want is to speak to someone in authority and I want a definitve date to when it WILL be done.   What I dont want is to be lied to and passed around from pillar to post.
    Nigel L Bevan
    Go to Solution.

    I agree in the lack of support and not only its that the lack of knowledge within the stupid call centres.
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    P.S its after 12 midnight and guess what...... yep still no service what a waste of time they are

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    This lack of support has forced me to go back to Lightroom, and to reconsider that application as my primary media catalogue and editing application.

    A JPEG saved as a DNG isn't really a DNG file.
    It is true that Aperture doesn't have "comprehensive" DNG support. It doesn't support linear DNGs, and it doesn't support some of the newest DNG extensions that Adobe has added (lossy compressed DNGs, etc.). I don't know the exact version of the spec that Aperture supports.
    But do note that DNG is a lot of things. It's a fairly comprehensive spec that has many versions, with lots of different things. Aperture does support many DNG properties, but not all of them. If you want the latest, greatest, most comprehensive DNG support, then Adobe will have it, as it's their specification.
    I personally just use the RAW files that come out of camera - whether they be NEF, CRW, CR2, or DNG. I _never_ convert my camera RAW files into DNG, because that actually strips some data (in my case, focus point informatin from CR2 files that Aperture can display, is removed from the converstion to DNG). There are many long-winded discussions on the "value" that DNG provides, and I don't subscribe to them. It provides no legay-proofness today that's unavailable other places.

  • Lack of trained support agents!

    Hi all
    To start with im a pretty savvy computer user.
    When contacting BT and asking about thier unlimited BB i was told by the slaes rep that he had downloaded 500gig a month without restriction and i would not need to worry about a a fup restricting my speed.I asked this because my previous supplier had implented a fup on my line then tried to troubleshoot speed issues for 3 weeks before realising and  telling me about the fup.
    Imagine my amazement then to get a restriction for downloading more than 50gig(about 2 years ago)
    Until the last 3-4 weeks i have suffered with speed issues constantly(23 mnoths).In those 23 months it has taken over 50 phone calls,3 engineer visits,5 conversations with managers,about 15 promised call backs of which over 10 didnt happen.
    An example of 1 support issue i had personally and seems to be typical of the way tech support operate.
    This support request was about net protect plus picking up flase positives.
    After calling support and going through the issue i had with the first support rep which took about 10 mins and 5 explanations i got transfered to the security department.
    The support rep i spoke to here wanted to remotely connect to me to start with after i explained loosely what the issue was.He then asked me to try launching the game.I replied i cant as the file is quaranteened in net protect plus.He then loaded the mcafee interface and could niot find the quaranten section.(A TRAINED SECURITY SUPPORT AGENT!).He then asked me to try launching the game anyway.So i went to the website i use for this(metaboli a legit subscription based service)and nothing happened.NO WARNING from mcafee that it has blocked anything and the game did not launch.Then with out asking me the security support agent uninstalled mcafee restarted my system and asked me to launch the game.HMMMM i thought at this pointas i needed to be connected to the net to launch the game.I expressed my concerns at this point and was told it is ok windows firewall will be on by default.I there fore decide to try to launch the game.When launching i explained to him as this game was downloaded it might take 5 mins to lunch the first time as it would need to unpack files.Ok he said.I then went to grab a cup of coffee.
    When i returned the so called securtiy support agent decided to go and surf the net with my computer.That is bad enough that he is using my connection and computer to surf but is made a whole lot worse when you bear in mind he himself has just uninstalled my security software so there is none installed.I was furious at this point and rightly so!!!.Shortly after i returned the game launched fine and the agent then reinstalled my mcafee.He then asked me to try and launch the game a 3rd time which i duely did and yet again nothing happened.NO WARNING from mcafee and the game did not launch.He then loaded the mcafee interface put me on hold for 4-5 mins and asked his supervisor to have a look.The supervisor then found the quaranteen section and the file was picked up as an artemis......The supervisor then tried to send it away to mcafee but the file was too big.He also told me it must be a virus as mcafee had given it a name and not to play it.I then asked why mcafee had given me no warning at all and was told it was not possible to get mcafee to notify me.
    After this conversation i decided to check up on the virus name etc to find out some info.I found that the artemis name given to the virus is a prefix for when the scanner thinks a program has been acting in a suspect manner and it might be a flase positive.If i goto the settings in mcafee and turn off scan for unknown viruses the scanner ignores the game and allows it to launch.
    Im somewhat perplexed as to why
    1.A so called BT trained security support agent would act in such a manner and put a customers computer at risk like he did
    2.why does BT net protect plus not notify the end user when items are blocked(not during a virus scan)
    3.Why is there no way to add exceptions
    I complained after this and was offered 1 month free time but It really amazes me that a big company like BT have not after all the feed back left on these foums actually done something constructive with thier support service.It is a complete joke at best when SO CALLED TRAINED agents can operate and do act in this manner.
    I had an almost identical situation today with support india so it would seem BT have learnt no lessons since my original complaint some 8-9 mnths ago.What is the good of complaining if you are not going to learn from it.Do bt really think customers like to complain just for the sake of it????I have far better things to do with my time so come on BT please sort it out!!
    sorry for the ammount of text but i felt i had to give my complaint some context

    Hi bifta,
    First of all welcome to the forum.
    I am glad you were able to find a solution to this though I am sorry for the problems you've had with the helpdesk as they weren't able to get it sorted on their end.
    I have fed back the experience you had with this particular problem and if there's anything we can look into for you get in touch, we're here to help.
    Many thanks,
    BTCare Community Manager
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post. If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • VERY dissapointed by lack of Mac support

    well I've read a lot of posts on the web now about this and they all say the same thing: Why doesn't Creative make Mac drivers? And I've yet to see a reply! I've bought a Vista IM and of course it won't work on my iMac G5. I think this will put me off buying anything from Creative again.

    Same here. I looked all over for a mac-compatible USB webcam, and found very little support out there. Macam is good, but due to Creative's lack of support (which amounts to simply giving the Macam people documentation, takes practically no effort on Creative's part) none of their recent webcams are supported. I went with a competitor for a couple of webcams instead, including the Philips SPC900NC (works well with Macam).
    If Creative can't be bothered to support Macs, the least they could do is have some open dialog with the Macam people or send them a bit of documentation. But as it stands, Mac users will simply have to ignore creative.

  • Will OSX support Adaptec PCI Express scsi cards in an early 2008 Mac Pro?

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    Thanks in advance for any info.
    Message was edited by: Jakob Richardt
    Changed name of display adapter manufacturer.

    Thanks for the response - I guess the question I should have asked is "Will OSX support scsi cards in an early 2008 Mac Pro and if so, which ones?"  I didn't realize Apple and Adaptec weren't working together - my G4 tower arrived with an Adaptec card in it when I bought it in 2000 (from a third party vendor, not directly from Apple).  It came with either OS 8.* or OS 9.  When I updated to OSX, everything continued working, so I didn't think much about it until I pondered using the Mac Pro for the scanner - at some point the G4 is going to stop working - need to have a solution before that happens.  The manuals I've been reading refer to the slots in the G4 machines as PCI.  The manual for the Mac Pro refers to the slots as PCI e.  These slots have fewer connectors, so I thought that the "Express" part of the name referred to this particular card configuration when compared to the longer card connectors in the G4 type of machines.
    Can you tell me what scsi card brands will work in the Mac Pro?  I'd still like to pursue this option.  As I mentioned in my original post, buying a new scanner isn't in the cards right now - it costs more than the computer, so, although pricey, the card option is still less expensive.

  • The AirPort utility doesn't support my AirPort Express, now what?

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    Is this another example of Apple's policy of planned obsolesce?

  • Support for JSTL Expression Language?

    Is JSF going to support Expression Language ?

    Hi mayssam,
    In this thread
    There was a long discussion on how to make it work. I think I remember somewhere Craig posting that it was going to work but you should search the archives of this list for more info on it. If I remember correctly there were a few issues with using the EL and the expert group did not want to require JSP 2.0 or something like that.
    Anyway your answer is somwhere in the archives.
    hope this helps,

Maybe you are looking for