LAN-"shared to other computers"...not connecting {SOLVED}

I just downloaded the latest Arch 64-bit the other day and thanks to the excellent wikis I have been able to get KDe up and running and change to network manager for my mobile broadband internet.
The only main thing I have a problem with now is connecting to my (VU+ duo) satellite box over LAN with a cat 5 in order to stream my TV service. This has nothing to do with the internet.
The only thing I had to do in other distors in network manager was set up a new wired connection and  , in IPV4, change to "shared to other computers" and it would connect straight away. The satellite box has a static IP address saved into it
when I try now, I get a message "The shared service failed to start"
ip link:
2: enp3s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
There is no file /var/log/messages to check.
These are the last few lines in dmesg after I tried to connect
[ 8.127846] r8169 0000:03:00.0 enp3s0: link down
[ 8.127861] r8169 0000:03:00.0 enp3s0: link down
[ 8.127872] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): enp3s0: link is not ready
[ 9.734164] r8169 0000:03:00.0 enp3s0: link up
[ 9.734176] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): enp3s0: link becomes ready
[ 1385.154487] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[ 1385.167013] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, 65536 max)
from lspci:
03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 02)
any ideas?
EDIT: from lspci -v
03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 02)
Subsystem: Dell Device 02e0
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 45
I/O ports at ce00 [size=256]
Memory at fddff000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=4K]
Memory at fdde0000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=64K]
[virtual] Expansion ROM at fdd00000 [disabled] [size=128K]
Capabilities: <access denied>
Kernel driver in use: r8169
Kernel modules: r8169
[nemesis@archlinux ~]$ dmesg | grep r8169
[ 5.251914] r8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver 2.3LK-NAPI loaded
[ 5.251930] r8169 0000:03:00.0: can't disable ASPM; OS doesn't have ASPM control
[ 5.252154] r8169 0000:03:00.0: irq 45 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 5.252330] r8169 0000:03:00.0 eth0: RTL8102e at 0xffffc900122de000, 00:25:64:e9:56:55, XID 04a00000 IRQ 45
[ 8.127846] r8169 0000:03:00.0 enp3s0: link down
[ 8.127861] r8169 0000:03:00.0 enp3s0: link down
[ 9.734164] r8169 0000:03:00.0 enp3s0: link up
Last edited by Human_19 (2014-01-08 20:37:48)

the address in the tv box is static, gateway I never have to enter this info into nm, only in the browser after connection is established
I fired up a live cd of manjaro earlier and was able to connect to the shared link straight away, as usual.
3 lines from that log:
Jan 4 13:45:07 localhost NetworkManager[303]: <info> Starting dnsmasq...
Jan 4 13:45:07 localhost NetworkManager[303]: <info> (eth0): device state change: ip-config -> activated (reason 'none') [70 100 0]
Jan 4 13:45:07 localhost NetworkManager[303]: <info> Activation (eth0) successful, device activated.
The result from Arch today:
s]# journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=NetworkManager.service + _SYSTEMD_UNIT=dnsmasq.service --since 2014-01-04 ^C
is below, at the bottom of the post. I didnt include modem manager as Iam not looking for an internet connection
I am guessing the most important lines are:
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) successful, device activated.
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <warn> dnsmasq exited with error: Network access problem (address in use; permissions; etc) (2)
after googling, I found dnsmasq exitcodes
2 - A problem with network access occurred (address in use, attempt to use privileged ports without permission).
Could it be that I just need to add my user to a particular group to access http over the LAN? I cant find out how to determine which groupd I am in already. I added a load of groups already .
on Arch from my latest attempt:
-- Reboot --
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> NetworkManager (version is starting...
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Read config file /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> WEXT support is enabled
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Loaded plugin keyfile: (c) 2007 - 2010 Red Hat, Inc. To report bugs please use the NetworkMa
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: keyfile: parsing vu+ ...
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: keyfile: read connection 'vu+'
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: keyfile: parsing O2 ...
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: keyfile: read connection 'O2'
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> monitoring kernel firmware directory '/lib/firmware'.
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> WiFi enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> WWAN enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> WiMAX enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Networking is enabled by state file
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <warn> failed to allocate link cache: (-26) Protocol mismatch
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): carrier is ON
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): new Ethernet device (driver: 'r8169' ifindex: 2)
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): device state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed') [10 20 2]
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): preparing device.
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): deactivating device (reason 'managed') [2]
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <warn> /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo: couldn't determine device driver; ignoring...
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <warn> /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo: couldn't determine device driver; ignoring...
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): device state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'none') [20 30 0]
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <warn> Couldn't get managed objects: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name
Jan 04 18:23:58 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> ModemManager disappeared from bus
Jan 04 18:23:59 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> ModemManager available in the bus
Jan 04 18:23:59 archlinux dnsmasq[407]: started, version 2.68 cachesize 150
Jan 04 18:23:59 archlinux dnsmasq[407]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset auth
Jan 04 18:23:59 archlinux dnsmasq[407]: DBus support enabled: connected to system bus
Jan 04 18:23:59 archlinux dnsmasq[407]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.conf, will retry
Jan 04 18:23:59 archlinux dnsmasq[407]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jan 04 18:24:12 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <warn> (cdc-wdm0): failed to look up interface index
Jan 04 18:24:12 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0): new Broadband device (driver: 'option1, qmi_wwan' ifindex: 0)
Jan 04 18:24:12 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0): exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1
Jan 04 18:24:12 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0): device state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed') [10 20 2]
Jan 04 18:24:12 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0): deactivating device (reason 'managed') [2]
Jan 04 18:24:12 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0): device state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'none') [20 30 0]
Jan 04 18:25:29 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0) modem state changed, 'disabled' --> 'enabling' (reason: user-requested)
Jan 04 18:25:30 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0) modem state changed, 'enabling' --> 'registered' (reason: user-requested)
Jan 04 18:25:30 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> WWAN now enabled by management service
Jan 04 18:25:32 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) starting connection 'O2'
Jan 04 18:25:32 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0): device state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none') [30 40 0]
Jan 04 18:25:32 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> NetworkManager state is now CONNECTING
Jan 04 18:25:32 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Jan 04 18:25:32 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Jan 04 18:25:32 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Jan 04 18:25:32 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0) modem state changed, 'registered' --> 'connecting' (reason: user-requested)
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0) modem state changed, 'connecting' --> 'connected' (reason: user-requested)
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0): device state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none') [40 50 0]
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0): device state change: config -> ip-config (reason 'none') [50 70 0]
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (wwp0s29f7u1i1) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> dhclient started with pid 677
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 4 of 5 (IPv6 Configure Timeout) scheduled...
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 4 of 5 (IPv6 Configure Timeout) started...
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 4 of 5 (IPv6 Configure Timeout) complete.
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.2.5-P1
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: Copyright 2004-2013 Internet Systems Consortium.
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: All rights reserved.
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: For info, please visit
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (wwp0s29f7u1i1): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: Listening on LPF/wwp0s29f7u1i1/06:b4:63:3e:31:77
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: Sending on LPF/wwp0s29f7u1i1/06:b4:63:3e:31:77
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: Sending on Socket/fallback
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: DHCPREQUEST on wwp0s29f7u1i1 to port 67
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: DHCPNAK from
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (wwp0s29f7u1i1): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> expire
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: DHCPDISCOVER on wwp0s29f7u1i1 to port 67 interval 6
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (wwp0s29f7u1i1): DHCPv4 state changed expire -> preinit
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: DHCPREQUEST on wwp0s29f7u1i1 to port 67
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: DHCPOFFER from
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: DHCPACK from
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux dhclient[677]: bound to -- renewal in 3344 seconds.
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (wwp0s29f7u1i1): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> bound
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> address
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> prefix 27 (
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> gateway
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> nameserver ''
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> nameserver ''
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Configure Commit) scheduled...
Jan 04 18:25:35 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Commit) started...
Jan 04 18:25:36 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0): device state change: ip-config -> secondaries (reason 'none') [70 90 0]
Jan 04 18:25:36 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Commit) complete.
Jan 04 18:25:36 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (cdc-wdm0): device state change: secondaries -> activated (reason 'none') [90 100 0]
Jan 04 18:25:36 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_GLOBAL
Jan 04 18:25:36 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Policy set 'O2' (wwp0s29f7u1i1) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
Jan 04 18:25:36 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Writing DNS information to /usr/bin/resolvconf
Jan 04 18:25:36 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (cdc-wdm0) successful, device activated.
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) starting connection 'vu+'
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): device state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none') [30 40 0]
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): device state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none') [40 50 0]
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): device state change: config -> ip-config (reason 'none') [50 70 0]
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Configure Commit) scheduled...
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Beginning IP6 addrconf.
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Commit) started...
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux dnsmasq[407]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux dnsmasq[407]: using nameserver
Jan 04 18:25:42 archlinux dnsmasq[407]: using nameserver
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --insert INPUT --in-interface enp3s0 --protocol t
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --insert INPUT --in-interface enp3s0 --protocol u
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --insert INPUT --in-interface enp3s0 --protocol t
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --insert INPUT --in-interface enp3s0 --protocol u
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --insert FORWARD --in-interface enp3s0 --jump REJ
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --insert FORWARD --out-interface enp3s0 --jump RE
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --insert FORWARD --in-interface enp3s0 --out-inte
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --insert FORWARD --source
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --insert FORWARD --destination
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table nat --insert POSTROUTING --source
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Starting dnsmasq...
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): device state change: ip-config -> secondaries (reason 'none') [70 90 0]
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Commit) complete.
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): device state change: secondaries -> activated (reason 'none') [90 100 0]
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Activation (enp3s0) successful, device activated.
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <warn> dnsmasq exited with error: Network access problem (address in use; permissions; etc) (2)
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): device state change: activated -> failed (reason 'sharing-start-failed') [100 120 1
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <warn> Activation (enp3s0) failed for connection 'vu+'
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): device state change: failed -> disconnected (reason 'none') [120 30 0]
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> (enp3s0): deactivating device (reason 'none') [0]
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Policy set 'O2' (wwp0s29f7u1i1) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table nat --delete POSTROUTING --source
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --delete FORWARD --destination
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --delete FORWARD --source
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --delete FORWARD --in-interface enp3s0 --out-inte
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --delete FORWARD --out-interface enp3s0 --jump RE
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --delete FORWARD --in-interface enp3s0 --jump REJ
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --delete INPUT --in-interface enp3s0 --protocol u
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --delete INPUT --in-interface enp3s0 --protocol t
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --delete INPUT --in-interface enp3s0 --protocol u
Jan 04 18:25:43 archlinux NetworkManager[224]: <info> Executing: /usr/bin/iptables --table filter --delete INPUT --

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    Hi All, I hope you can help me with an issue. As the main user, I can use Safari and other applications that connect with the Internet.
    However, all other users I have set up can't access the Internet. When I try to use Safari or other applications, it tells me I can't access the Internet.
    Is there an easy way to correct this? Thx.

    I too had the same issue and found a solution after much searching...
    The problem started after I had to restore my Mac using my backup with Time Machine. After the restore, all accounts I created with parental controls could no longer access the internet (admin accounts all worked fine).
    Here's what I had to do to fix this: I had to create a folder called apache2 within the /private/var/log folder. It turns out that when you restore from Time Machine not ALL files/folders are restored - including the apache2 folder and it's contents.
    However, finding the private folder is a task in itself because it's hidden even to an administrator, and you must confirm admin access to put a new folder into that path. This is what I ended up doing:
    - opened a new Finder window and navigate to the HD containing the System folder
    - select the 'Go To Folder...' option from the Go menu
    - enter 'private' and hit the Go button
    - this takes you into the private folder in the Finder, you can then navigate to the /var/log folder in the Finder window
    - I opened a second finder window and created a new folder called apache2 (can be done in any folder you have full read/write access)
    - you can then drag the new folder into the /private/var/log folder - you have to confirm access to move the folder
    Once that's done all your accounts with Parental Controls should now work as before.

  • Opening a dialer for other computers to connect

    Hello all!
    I'm connected to the internet using a cable , with username and pass login.
    Sometimes I have some friends coming over for studying purposes, and the need for wifi arises.
    I've heard there's a way to open up a "dialer" or something of that sort, that imitates the use of a WiFi, and other people could connect to the internet as well, while my computer runs this sort of dialer on the background..
    How is it possible? I tried googling with no success . I'm running Snow Leopard.
    Thanks in advance!

    Setup an Ad Hoc network: tml

  • Wireless computers not connecting to internet

    I had a great thing going. Cable modem connecting to Asante router. From router I had the main computer and two more ethernet connected devices and then a connection that went to my Airport Extreme Base Station (the previous dome shaped model), and a printer connected to the base station. Everything connected, printed and got along fine. Then my 6 year old router went out.
    So here is what I am trying to do without the router. From Cable modem (motorola) to AEBS WAN port. Main computer to LAN port and printer in USB. I can connect to the internet from the Main computer and connect to any wireless computer. I can print from any computer. But none of the wireless computers can access the internet.
    I've tried 5 hours of swapping cables, shutting down and restarting devices, re-configuring, and anything else I can think of to try. I'm out of ideas. Isn't this supposed to be a pretty basic configuration I am trying? No additional equipment, just modem to AEBS.
    I can't find any valuable help on the support site so I thought someone might have an idea.

    I got everything fixed if this helps anybody. I don't understand why it had to be like this but here is what I had to do.
    I had to purchase a router to put between the modem and AEBS. But any device connected to the router directly cannot access the printer because it doesn't have a print server built in. I have my main computer plugged into the LAN port of the AEBS and it and all the wireless computers can print just fine.
    I so thought the AEBS was a router, but apparently can't assign ip addresses or something. Maybe if I had the new AEBS it would work more like I wanted. But my issues is resolved for now.
    If anyone has any further comments on this issue I would still like to hear them in case I am missing something.

  • My iTunes does not see shared libraries and is not connectable

    I am using Comodo Firewall on Windows 7 x64. I have a mac mini with no sharing and an iMac with sharing of iTunes libraries enabled.
    The mini is able to see and read the library of the iMac, while the iTunes on Windows 7 isn't able to see any library at all.
    The mini is also not able to see nor read the library of the Windows pc.
    I have opened ports 3689 and 5353 on Comodo firewall and iTunes is a 'trusted application'. ICMP is also not blocked (not sure it is allowed).
    The mini and the imac are on wireless, the windows pc is wired.
    Does anyone have an idea what I am missing?

    Try to turn both the computer and phone off then turn them both back on..once the computer starts, try to go to iTunes first then connect your phone to it. If it still doesn't pop up, u might have to uninstall iTunes then reinstall it. This happened to me before.

  • All Music on one computer, but shared with other computers

    This has probably been answered here somewhere, but I have yet to find it.
    Three PCs in the same house on the same network. I want to store all music on one PC, and share it between the three. I have turned on sharing on all Itunes. I can play Music on all PCs. No album info is displayed from the shared library, and it will not let me create a playlist to burn a CD on the PC that does not have the music physically on it.
    Computer 1 - Main PC - Has Music files stored on it.
    Computer 2 - My PC
    Computer 3 - Kids PC
    What I have done:
    I have created a mapped drive to the itunes music library (computer 1), so that when ever music is ripped from a CD it is placed there(Comp 2 or Comp 3). When ever music is purchased it is also placed on the mapped drive (Comp 2 or Comp 3).
    Problems now:
    If a disc is ripped from Computer 2, it shows up on Computer 1 and 2, but not 3. If a disc is ripped from Computer 3, it shows up on Computer 1 and 3, but not 2. If music is purchased on Computer 2, it shows up on Computer 1 and 2, but not 3. If music is purchased on Computer 3, it shows up on Computer 1 and 3, but not 2.
    So the question is: Is there a way to allow multiple PCs to share a mapped drive and update there individual databases to show current information?

    You also need to map your iTunes library file. If you are on Windows it is probably in your My Documents folder. Once you find the folder it is in, share it, and then the next time you start iTunes in computer 2 or 3 hold down shift and select the recently shared library file as the library to open. This will allow all computers to read from the same library, but unfortunately they cannot all write to the same library at the same time. The last computer with iTunes open will be the last one to write the new iTunes library. Hope this makes sense.

  • HT3819 can you use home sharing with other computers

    i got a new laptop, but my old one has all my songs, and i sync my ipod to that one. I tried home sharing so everty time i download on one laptop, it goes to the other but it is not working.

    While it is possible, I have yet to see anyone in these forums report it working successfully.  Simply copy the ENTIRE C:\Users\<user>\Music folder from the old computer to the new computer.

  • I have tethered my ipnoe 4 to my pc. i no longer have any other internet connection, just through the iphones 3g. do i still need to update my pc internet security, antivirus, firewall ect.? (there are no other computers/devices connected to my computer)

    I have tethered my iphone 4 to my pc. Do i still have to update my pc security, antivirus, firewall ect.? the phone has not been jail broken and it is the only device or means of internet connection, connected to my pc.

    iT is good practice to keep all your security software up to date, remember your phone is just a source to access the internet, the vulnerability reside in your computer not on your phone.
    Only if the phone had a very good firewall blocking access to your computer, but a think thats no the case

  • I want to set up my mac book as a wireless router for other computers to connect on

    I already used my macbook as a wireless router but these days when i try to set it up through the internet sharing column in system preferences the up arrow signal shows for a second does not show anymore making my wireless invisible to other pcs and the green icon to show internet sharing is up stays on . How do i go about this and sort this problem . My Mac OS X is 10.9.3 . Thanks

    Hello Francinette Pestana. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    Have you already checked with your Virgin ADSL ISP on, whether or not, they can provide you with an Ethernet modem or combination modem/router? This would be the most straightforward path to a solution.

  • Shared drives on computers not showing in sidebar/devices?

    I have a shared drive on a windows server that I use commonly. I'm able to place my airport airdisk under devices and it stays there, even after rebooting. it's nice because i can click on it quickly from the finder.
    HOWEVER, when i mount my windows shared drive and drag it to under devices, it stays there, but is GONE after a reboot. i have to re-drag it back there to keep under devices (until the next reboot). it's quite annoying. is this a bug? thanks.

    This seems to be working well on my machine. I dragged my network shares to Devices. They stay there even if the computer goes to sleep or switches from wired to wireless networks. This never worked in Tiger, which really bothered me. Just that makes upgrading worth it.
    When I reboot, the shares do disappear, but when I mount them again, they return to the Devices list. I am using the Go>Connect To Server... method because browsing in the Sidebar is slow and doesn't work very reliably for me.
    I created an Automator workflow that mounts the shares, and added it to my Login items. Now, the shares reconnect automatically whenever I log in.

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