Language Session table in EBS

Hi friends,
In oracle EBS R12.1.3 we have two language preference options like 'AR' for Arabic and 'US' for English. Soon after the user changes the respective language and logs into the EBS application, those change languages will be stored as a code in session table for that EBS user.
I need to know that session table name where does the language is get setted for the user who logs into the application, so that i can query the appropriate session language for the corresponding user from the table in db.
Thanks in advance.

Mini wrote:
Hi Srini,
Actually the problem that im facing is that i couldnt pass the USERENV('LANG') variable to the where clause in my APEX from EBS session.
I have APEX 4.2 integrated with Oracle EBS R12.1.3, now from the EBS menu i can redirect to the apex page(by passing the apex login page) with EBS credentials.
Im near to the stage of bringing Arabic and English language in APEX, as my db contains data in both the lang.
But I need to bring it according to the USERENV(‘LANG’) that is set in the db for the users session from EBS login. But if I used the USERENV(‘LANG’) parameter in APEX it is not recognizing this EBS user language parameter. Whether you have any idea of how to make the APEX to recognize this EBS user language parameters.
I dont know how to pass this EBS user session variable to the apex, so that the data will be visible according to the EBS session language they select(either 'AR' or 'US').
If i give like below in the APEX report query of my where clause, means
where language = userenv('lang')
It is not working. But if i harcode like
where language = 'AR' means then i can see the arabic datas from db in APEX, but how i can pass this userenv code dynamically according to the EBS logged in user to the APEX.
MiniThis is a different topic and I see that you have created another thread for it -- How to pass userenv('lang') of EBS user session to APEX 4.2 pages
Please update the other thread instead of this one.

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    Forms Application is still English.
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    user MFG
    pass welcome
    Resp Manufacturing and Distribution Manager
    Path Inventory>品目>品目関連

    ls: /u100/app/HONDA1/orhonda1/oracle/aphonda1/apps/apps_st/appl/po/12.0.0/forms/JA/POXRQVRQ.fmx: No such file or directoryThis indicates that the fmx file was not generated via adadmin -- Can you upload the adadmin log file here?
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    Have you generated all NLS menus via adadmin? If possible, upload the log file.
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    Current Session Language :- American English
    Default Session Language :- American English
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    So we decided to make the submit request with default language as 'American English'.
    Below is the function. Kindly note that SEGMENT1 is not linked to any valueset.
        INTO V_DAYS
          FROM (
      --            NVL(SEGMENT5, 'تجاوز') Late_type,
      --             SEGMENT1 NOTES,
      --            ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,
    WHEN NVL(SEGMENT5,'تجاوز') not in ( 'تجاوز' ,'إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment1 not in ('إجازة غير مدفوعة') THEN 0
    --WHEN SEGMENT1  like 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' THEN
    --TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    --TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') +1
    when segment1 not in('بدل نقدي','إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment4 is null then
    TRUNC(to_date(ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,'DD/MM/RRRR'))- TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')-1 
    when segment1 in('إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment4 is null then
    TRUNC(to_date(ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,'DD/MM/RRRR'))- TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
    WHEN SEGMENT1 <> 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  <
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') 
    THEN 0
      WHEN SEGMENT1 <> 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  <=1
    THEN 0
    WHEN SEGMENT1 like  '%بدل نقدي%' then 0
               -- TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  
      WHEN SEGMENT1 like '%إجازة سنوية%' and segment5 in( 'إجازة غير مدفوعة','تجاوز')and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  >=2
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -1
    WHEN SEGMENT1 like '%إجازة حج%' and segment5 in('إجازة غير مدفوعة','تجاوز') and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  >=2
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -1
    when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')<=1
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
    when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND SEGMENT5 NOT IN('تجاوز','إجازة غير مدفوعة') AND
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')>=2
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')+1
    when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND SEGMENT5  IN('تجاوز','إجازة غير مدفوعة') AND
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')>=2
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
               EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))  <>
               EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) 
       TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') -
       TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') - 2
            to_char(to_date(SUBSTR(SEGMENT3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/YYYY') =
            to_char(to_date(SUBSTR(SEGMENT4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/YYYY')
            THEN  0
    EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))= 31
         TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
      TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')-1
    --------------------------------------------when enddate is NULL---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- WHEN segment3 IS NULL THEN round(TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    --  TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR'))
    WHEN segment3 IS NULL THEN ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 30) +
             (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))
    -----***********************************when segment1**********************************--------------------------
    WHEN SEGMENT1  like '%صادف%' THEN ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 0) +
             (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))
        EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) =
        EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))
          ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 30) +
           (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))-1
             ELSE 0
             END )EXCD_DAYS
                   PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F         PPF,
                    PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE PPPS,
                   PER_PERSON_ANALYSES      T ,
                   fnd_id_flex_structures_vl f
                 WHERE 1 = 1
               AND PPF.PERSON_ID = T.PERSON_ID
               and ppps.PERSON_ID=ppf.person_id(+)
              and   ppps.ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE           BETWEEN  ppf.effective_start_date and nvl(ppf.effective_end_date, to_date('31/12/4712', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
              -- AND C.ID_FLEX_NUM = 50318
               and c.id_flex_num = f.id_flex_num
        AND f.id_flex_code = 'PEA' 
          and f.ID_FLEX_STRUCTURE_NAME =  'XX_Old_Leave_Details'
        AND PPF.person_id = P_PERSON_ID
    AND T.DATE_FROM>=( select
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(xx.global_value, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
    ff_globals_f xx
    and substr(c.segment1,1,10)>=
               select substr(xx.global_value,1,10)
    ff_globals_f xx
      RETURN NVL(V_DAYS, 0);
        RETURN 0;
    Thanks in Advance.

    Dear All,
    I found the solution for the above function.
    In the same function I removed the static arabic values replacing with code values from the value set.
    In my scenario there is a value set where some of these values exists, and other we can add there.
    Kindly let me know if someone was successful by using the arabic text in the coding and defaulting the language in conc prog as English.
    Thanks a lot.

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    SERVER      VARCHAR2(9)      Server type (DEDICATED| SHARED| PSEUDO| NONE)

    PSEUDO is the server column's value of killed sessions, until they are cleaned up by PMON.
    A dedicated server session will always have DEDICATED as server value, while a shared server session has SHARED when it's active, and NONE when it's inactive.

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    Which column did you refer to?
    Please compare these two tables according to the following link.
    McuJoinsAndLeaves Table
    Session Table
    In my lab, I didn’t see the same data from these two tables.
    Lisa Zheng
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi gurus,
    Oracle EBS R12.1.2
    Linux x86-64
    RDBMS 11g
    How can I find the top 10 largest tables in EBS - in terms of size (KB/MB)? pls send me the Query and also direction from where (which Schema) should I run that query?
    -- TIA

    I suggest check below threads:
    How to know which is the largest table in my oracle database??
    Find Largest Tables in 9i Database
    Query to find biggest table in oracle ERP database?
    Those links should give you answer of your questions.

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    Did anyone reorganized the tables in EBS database to reclaim the fragmented space within the Tablespace. If so please suggest how to identify which are all the tables have more fragmentation in order to reorganize it within the tablespace.
    Subramaniam PL

    do NOT cross/multi-post!
    Reorganization of Tables in Database

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    Hi everyone,
    I'm trying to keep tabs on the number of connections I create (via python and cx_Oracle) by monitoring Oracle's v$session table.
    From the cx_Oracle docs, it appears the preferred way to write my "module" and "action" parameters to v$session is via the Connection.clientinfo method.
    I tried creating a connection and using that method, but the results did not appear in the v$session table. Below is how I called the method:
    cnx.clientinfo(module="name of module", action="myaction")
    Is that the correct way to use "clientinfo"?
    The cx_Oracle docs don't provide any usage examples (that I could find), and only point to the Python DB API specs. I didn't notice a mention of this method there:
    Can anyway show me an example of how to use the "clientinfo" method? Also, is it necessary to have "write" permission for my username in order to access v$session? If so, perhaps that's my problem...

    C:\Documents and Settings\tchsensoy>python
    Python 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
    import cx_Oracle
    con = cx_Oracle.connect("player/player@pground")
    cur = con.cursor()
    con.module="query module"
    con.action="dual query"
    con.clientinfo="Husnu Sensoy"
    # Run below SQL after running this line ....
    cur.execute("select dummy from dual")
    exit()select s.PROGRAM, s.CLIENT_INFO, module, action from v$session s where username = 'PLAYER' and program = 'python.exe';
    python.exe Husnu Sensoy query module dual query
    Hüsnü Şensoy
    Edited by: HSensoy on 19.Eki.2009 02:58
    Edited by: HSensoy on 19.Eki.2009 02:59
    Edited by: HSensoy on 19.Eki.2009 03:00

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    You can find the various values for V$SESSION.COMMAND in Table 7-5 COMMAND Column of V$SESSION and Corresponding Commands found in the link below to build your own table.

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    Couple of options, this one is probably the easiest without knowing other requirements (e.g., do you have to store the output as XML, or do you just the data available so you can output in XML later?).
    Capture the SQL statement that generates the output in the first place. If you have that statement, you can insert into some table using the select statement. Once you have the report data (and you can tag that particular set of data with a job ID, timestamp, whatever, in case you need to store it and distinguish it from other reports down the road), you can generate XML output using the PL/SQL built-in DBMS_XMLGEN.
    Is that what you are looking for?

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    First I should ask, is it possible to get the information you see on Administration -> Manage Sessions, using a query to the database ?
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    Creative Ideas welcome

    Hope you are on Oracle DB if yes, write a simple query on db tables (V$session and V$session_logops) based on the moudle filter 'nqserver' which gives all Active SESSIONS
    SELECT SID, Serial#, UserName, Status, SchemaName, Logon_Time
    FROM V$Session
    Status=‘ACTIVE’ AND MODULE LIKE '%nqserver%' AND
    For more information refer : Oracle Business Intelligence

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    Login in EN language and try to change the text of the table. The system will ask two options
    1 . Maintain in Original Language
    2. Change Orginal Language
    Click the option Change Orginal Language and change to language of ur desire.

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    1) Does the out of the box Oracle EBS connector handles removing users from the tables "PO_AGENTS" and "PO_VENDORS" apart from "FND_Users" and "HR foundation" table?
    2) If no, what are the recommendations for achieving the above requirement?
    Thank You!

    No, OOTB the connector will not revoke the user entry from tables like PO_AGENTS etc .. You can customize the connector to do that .
    Explore the stored procedure which can revoke entries from the mentioned tables and wire it via a adapter .

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    My sqlplus does not work but I have an Oracle sqldeveloper. How do you display the tables info of order management module in EBS R12 for windows?
    For example:
    Base tables
    Interface tables:

    Hi Fernando,
    The tables for Order Management will mostly be in ONT schema - APPS schema only holds Views, Synonyms, PL/SQL Packages and similar abstractions.
    In SQL Developer make a connection to the APPS schema, then go to Synonyms and you'll see the tables (note you should filter as there are lots of objects in Apps schema)!
    In the synonym SQL tab you can see the base schema for the table, e.g.
    Make a connection to the base schema, e.g. ONT.
    Then you'll see the ONT tables under the Tables folder.
    Alternatively, connect as apps and execute SQL "desc OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL"
    Or look at the APPS schema views instead, e.g. OE_ORDER_HEADERS
    Edited by: gareth.roberts on Aug 18, 2009 11:52 AM

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    My user wants to get the same columns like EBS front end in the OBIEE. What is best way to know what table belongs to the column in EBS Front end .

    In Oracle EBS from the "Help"/"Record History" will give you the table/view name, when you can find here then use following menu functions (this will also give you additional information, like column details).
    1) Open Forms
    2) Click on Help/Diagnostics/Examine (*you might have to enter the APPS password at this point)
    3) Change "Block" to "System"
    4) Change "Field" to "Last_query"
    Help Menu> Diagnostics> Examine. The system will ask for the password which is usually “apps”
    And once you have you view or table info .. search in for its base table information.
    Hope this helps. Pls mark if it does.

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