Last Full Refresh without Reporting Server

system: zenworks 11.2.3 + sles 112 p2
We cannot find a "Last Full Refresh" attribut in custom reports.
Is there any way to get a list of all devices with their last full refresh?
We have no report server.

don't know, but it's certainly possible with a reporting server...
Shaun Pond

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    MV log is newer than the last full refresh / MV-Log ist neuer als letzter vollständiger Refresh
    Oracle 11G
    We access from two data banks about MATERIALIZED VIEWs a big master table.
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    Edited by: 952865 on 15.08.2012 02:27
    Edited by: 952865 on 15.08.2012 02:28

    What do you get with the following query on the side of your master table?
    sg as
    (select segment_name,owner, bytes
       from sys.dba_segments
      where segment_name like 'MLOG$%'),
    tb as
    (select owner, object_name, object_type, created, last_ddl_time
       from sys.dba_objects where object_type = 'TABLE')
      bm.owner bm_owner,
      ml.log_owner ml_owner,
      bm.master bm_table,
      ml.master ml_table,
      ml.log_table log_table,
      sg.bytes log_size,
      tb.created log_created,
      tb.last_ddl_time log_modified,
      bm.mview_id bm_id,
      rm.mview_id rm_id,
      rm.owner s_owner, s_table,
      rm.mview_site s_site,
      ml.rowids ml_rwid,
      ml.primary_key ml_pk,
      rm.refresh_method rm_meth,
      ml.sequence ml_seq,
      ml.include_new_values ml_new,
    from            sys.dba_registered_mviews rm
    full outer join sys.dba_base_table_mviews bm
      on bm.mview_id = rm.mview_id
    full outer join sys.dba_mview_logs ml
      on bm.master = ml.master and bm.owner = ml.log_owner
    full outer join sg
      on ml.log_table = sg.segment_name and ml.log_owner = sg.owner
    left outer join tb
      on tb.owner = sg.owner and tb.object_name = sg.segment_name
         bm.master is null
      or bm.master = :mastertable
      or ml.master is null
      or ml.master = :mastertable
    order by 1,2;For :mastertable you have to insert the name of the table, where you created the MV LOG on.

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    thinks for replay

    what you could try, is to associate the RDF/REP extension with a mimetype (e.g. application/oracle.reports) on the server and then add this mimetype to the browser applications associated with the reports runtime executable.
    the oracle reports team

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    All of the reports are produced from the Data Warehouse Server. that would be the key piece. the Data Warehouse server INCLUDES a SSRS instance. is this the instance that failed? 
    If you were to use another reporting engine or instance, make sure to point it to the DWDatamart database, this is the Flat, user readable database that is ETL'd out for consumption by reports and BI. 
    do not try to read from the Active ServiceManager database.
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    Yes, you can run a schedule job to print reports at a scheduled time. Below is how (done in command prompt):
    h:\>at /?
    The AT command schedules commands and programs to run on a computer at
    a specified time and date. The Schedule service must be running to use
    the AT command.
    AT [\\computername] [ [id] [DELETE] | /DELETE [YES]]
    AT [\\computername] time [INTERACTIVE]
        [ /EVERY:date[,...] | /NEXT:date[,...]] "command"
    \\computername     Specifies a remote computer. Commands are scheduled on the
                       local computer if this parameter is omitted.
    id                 Is an identification number assigned to a scheduled
    /delete            Cancels a scheduled command. If id is omitted, all the
                       scheduled commands on the computer are canceled.
    /yes               Used with cancel all jobs command when no further
                       confirmation is desired.
    time               Specifies the time when command is to run.
    /interactive       Allows the job to interact with the desktop of the user
                       who is logged on at the time the job runs.
    /every:date[,...]  Runs the command on each specified day(s) of the week or
                       month. If date is omitted, the current day of the month
                       is assumed.
    /next:date[,...]   Runs the specified command on the next occurrence of the
                       day (for example, next Thursday).  If date is omitted, the
                       current day of the month is assumed.
    "command"          Is the Windows NT command, or batch program to be run.
    h:\>for "command" - you may want to consider writing a batch program to call your report.
    Hope this helps.

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    Thanking you all in advance.
    Regards ,

    I think i made mistake in representing my question no 2.
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    Many thanks.

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    I think that specific drivers are needed always when you need to print in windows enviroments, with or without report server, locally or remotely. If windows "see" the printer, report server does too.

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    A simple solution to avoid the font issue: Draw a box on the report, and put an X in (on top of) the box to check it if value is true.
    A formula that is an X if true or F if false.  Format the font to be white if not an X, and put a box around it.
    Edited by: DebiHerbert on Oct 8, 2010 1:19 PM

  • Print SSRS Server Report in landscape or portrait mode directly(without report viewer control)

    .Net 4.0\VS2010\C#\ssrs 2008 on Sql Server 2008R2
    Having a problem printing a Server report while controlling the orientation and the size of the emf rendered to the physical page.
    I have the report cutting off in both landscape and portrait modes. I'm passing the following deviceinfo to the render function:
    string DeviceInfo =
    return DeviceInfo;
    string mimeType;            string fileExtension;            Stream pageStream = serverReport.Render("IMAGE",  deviceInfo, firstPageParameters, out mimeType, out fileExtension);
    No other settings seem to have an affect on controlling the output to printer or pdf.  i.e. The deviceinfo params fed to server report's render function are all you get.  I think my original code comes from an MSDN or CodeProject example. I'm not
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    print ssrs rdlc report in landscape mode directly

    Thanks for posting in MSDN forum.
    I am not expert in SSRS. You should get better response in SQL Server > SQL
    Server Reporting Services, Power View forum.
    After take a look at the similar threads links as you posted above.
    The conclusion is we needn’t tell the program o this report is landscape not portrait. If the width is larger than the height, the report will be printed in landscape; otherwise, it will be printed in portrait.
    >>Links below indicate similar problems but they are looking at the issue from just landscape mode.
    But in C# forum, we only from the point of code, code looks OK to me.
    A similar blog talking about this
    Controlling Page Size in a Reporting Services Report
    And  I have got the default page size in the US is Letter, 8.5in x 11in.  In other parts of the world A4 (8.3in x 11.7in) is the standard. 
    65: //build the device settings (A4 8.3 × 11.7)
    66: string deviceInfo = string.Format("<DeviceInfo><PageHeight>{0}</PageHeight><PageWidth>{1}</PageWidth></DeviceInfo>", "11.7in", "8.3in");
    68: //get report bytes
    69: result = rs.Render(format, deviceInfo, out extension, out encoding, out mimeType, out warnings, out streamIDs);
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Can we Run 10g Forms & Reports without Application Server

    Currently We are using form 5 and reports 3.5
    we are willing to upgrade .
    we are told that we can upgrade only to 10g developer suit
    and for that Application Server is must
    Our requirement is for LAN based application only
    Do we have to go-in for application Server
    DOes the 10g forms and 10g reports have Form server /report server which can help us to run application using Browser but without IAS

    for production environments you must run Forms and Reports through Oracle Application Server as there no longer is a client-server runtime. For development puposes tehre is a HTTP server in Oracle Developer Suite that is used to run both servers.

  • Install Forms and Reports builder 11g without WebLogic Server

    Hello Everybody,
    Presently to install Forms and Reports builder 11g on a PC for developers, we need to install WebLogic Server prior to that.
    For this, we need lot of resources. Hardware, to download big software bundles, memory resources, etc...
    If we have a solution like *"Forms and Reports builder 11g and its tools as stand-alone distribution from Fusion Middleware technologies"* ........ no words from me.
    Do you have a solution to install Forms and Reports Builder 11g without WebLogic Server?
    murali krishna

    check out the following link.
    Forms/Reports 11g Builder without WebLogic

  • Deploying a report to the end user without using Crystal Reports Server

      I'm using Crystal Reports Professional XI.
      I finished creating a report that contains several subreports.  Now it's time for me to deploy the report to the end user so that they can start running it.  The company that I'm doing this consulting work for does not have Crystal Reports Server setup so what is the best approach to deploying this report to the end user?  For now it would just be one user using the report but down the road there could be other people within his department that are running it as well.
        if you have any questions or need additional information to answer my posting just let me know.  Have a good day.

    Hi Ting,
    I see now.... In older versions of CR like 8.5 there was a Deployment Wizard one could use to compile the report and runtime into an executable to run on an end users PC so that user could preview and refresh the reports.
    That ability stopped as of CR 8.5 or earlier, I don't recall exactly now.
    Yes, if they want to be able to run your report they will need to install a copy of Crystal Reports, then just send them your RPT file, they can then set Database location to their DB Source and then preview and refresh the report as required.
    Or as mentioned use a third party app to do the same or write your own. It's quite simple to do and likely one of our samples applications is all you need with a few basic changes, report source and DB log on info would need to be updated.
    As for licensing, the end user must purchase a copy of Crystal Reports to be able to use your application. Third Party app's would include the licensing mostly but check with them if you go that way.
    The convenient part is if the users want to write their own reports they can.
    And for your sake if you want to protect your reports the next version of CR has a read only RPT file format that all the user can do is preview and refresh the report. They can not edit it in anyway.
    Thanks again

  • 2008 Report server without IIS ? Server instance I inherited doesnt have IIS installed?

    I was looking at ways to format the report folder on the server I recently started using and went looking for the IIS manager, but it doesnt seem to be installed?  I thought IIS was a requirement for the SSRS report server?
    Maybe this has something to do with it?

    You are correct.  IIS was dropped in 2008.  They integrate a part of IIS, the http.sys, with it.  To manage different aspects you'll have to have the appropriate permissions and use Report Manager, i.e. http(s)://url/reports.

  • Error while refreshing a report using local csv file

    I'm using BI 4.1 SP02.
    While using Rich client, I've created a report with some merged queries, while one of the queries is a local CSV file - saved on AD in some server, and not on the repository inside BO.
    While trying to refresh the report with the Rich client, it all went great.
    Now, while using BI Launchpad java based app, I can't refresh the report - I get the following error:
    "An Internal error occurred while calling 'processDPCommandsEx' API. (Error: ERR_WIS_30270) (WIS 30270)"
    Should I be able to refresh a report without the Rich if it contains a local file (which is possible to EDIT only with rich) ?
    If so, then did someone ran into this error?
    Thank you,

    First of all, thanks for both of the replies.
    my problem is unlikely have to do something with permissions from one reasons -
    when the report is using XLS\XLSX on same folder(with same name prefix) - the report is running without any problem.
    Only problem is while refreshing without Rich while the source is network CSV file.
    Any suggestions?

  • Pre-Purchase Question - Deploying Crystal Report to SSRS Report Server

    Our company has recently installed a SQL 2005 server for our accounting system.  I had intended going down the path of using SQL Reporting Services as our reporting tool and deploying them to the builtin Report Server.  However, I've been using Crystal Reports for years and find it much more user friendly for a non-programmer to use.  I can actually write a report in Crystal, SSRS took me 3 days to achieve very little, I believe it requires too much SQL reporting knowledge for a beginner.
    After spending many hours trawling the net looking for a solution to this problem, I found that Crystal comes as part of Visual Studio.  However, I also believe the version of Visual Studio that comes with SQL2005 is the basic version, and I'd need the Pro version to get the Crystal add on. 
    To this end, I've downloaded the trial version of Crystal 2008 and installed it.  I find I can write a report in Crystal, and then I can manually add that report to a SSRS project. When I open the Crystal Report within Visual Studio I can see all the correct Crystal toolbars and menus etc, so it would appear that the installation of Crystal for Visual Studio has integrated properly.  I can then deploy that report to the Report server and see the report on the web page.  However clicking to open the report then opens the full Crystal Reports application, instead of just displaying the report in the web page.
    I've been unsuccessful in finding a solution to the above deployment problem.  I'm seeking a solution so that my users can just see the report without Crystal itself opening up.  I've been advised that there is a Crystal Report Server that I can purchase, but I don't wish to go to that expense when we already have this functionality built into our SSRS server.
    Can you please advise if it's possible to deploy the Crystal report to the SSRS Report Server and then open the report within the web page without opening the full Crystal app, and if so what steps I would need to take to implement this. 
    If this issue can be resolved, I'll be more than happy to purchase the full Crystal 2008 package and forget SSRS as a bad idea.
    Sorry to be so long winded, I wanted to be clear what the issue is.  Any information /advice would be very much appreciated.

    Hello Diane,
    I would not know if Crystal Report can be used with SSRS but I know for sure that you can use the embedded Crystal Reports Version with comes with VS 2005 or VS 2008 to create reports and to display them in web and windows application.
    We have lots of samples how to do this in our [dev community|].
    Also, you can use [Crystal Reports 2008|] with MS SQL 2005.
    Other products like Crystal Reports server can also use MS SQL 2005.
    Please see our [supported platforms for CR 2008|] on windows.
    Hope this helps

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