Last second of audio clip is silent.

I have been getting this bug recently and its really starting to annoy me.
Almost daily I have to work on 30 second spots on AE and when I get sent an audio scratch track that is 30 seconds long I import it and when I play it back it plays fine until the last second where it just mutes. If I play this same file in any other program it plays fine. Im on CS5 on Mac OS X 10.6.3. The same file has no issue on a PC CS5 and we have no other Mac CS5 to test with. The files are created in Avid Media Composer then saved as a wav and sent to me. Even if I convert it it gives me problems.

It happens if I ram preview, or audio only preview, and even when I render out the file. If I look at the waveform its also gone. A curious thing is that when I get a full mix from out audio post house, the audio works fine, even though both files are 16 bit 48k. Im not sure what you mean by what are my preview setting set to. Also, I have an AJA Kona 3 card in my system and almost anything I import says AJA Importer in the "Type" column in my Project window, including these WAVs or AIFFs.

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    I agree re: MP3.  I seldom use it, but I fell into the trap of thinking that since I was having problems with the captured CD and WMA, that certainly Premier would handle MP3, the most ubiquitous format around, without problems.
    So I was really buffaloed when even the MP3 formats failed!
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    Thanks again.

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    Great news!
    I do agree with Jeff. If you can state the player, that exhibited this behavior, that might help others, who find this thread, and will also arm many of us with something else to mention, should we encounter such an issue, here or elsewhere.
    Thanks, and good luck,

  • HELP! No Audio Clip 01 Silent lost audio no sound

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    First of all, though it may not be relevant to you, Miguel, but it may be a warning to others: when using an external hard disc ALWAYS make sure that the disc is formatted as "HFS+" or "Mac OS" BEFORE you start copying anything onto it, as a disc formatted as something else (..e.g; PC DOS or Windows..) will lose some of the vital info about your stored files, and thus they'll NOT replay properly in iMovie!
    As all the rest of your clips, apart from Clip 01, seem to be OK, that doesn't seem to be your problem. I do remember someone else having this kind of trouble, but I haven't been here on this Discussion for a few weeks, so I may be a bit out-of-date, or have lost the original discussion about this others may know more about solving this than I do.
    Try playing the clip in QuickTime, and see if the audio plays there. If so, Save the clip in QuickTime as a DV clip, and that ought to save the sound correctly, too. (The audio settings should be set as 48 kHz.)
    Sometimes a STILL frame at the very start of a movie corrupts the beginning (..possibly audio too; can't remember..) so if the very first item in your movie is a still frame, put a bit - any bit - of movie in front of that, just to 'kick start' iMovie as a movie player, instead of as a still picture player!
    These audio problems sometimes happen if the video has been recorded - in the camcorder - as "12-bit" or "32 kHz" audio. iMovie prefers audio recorded as 16-bit or 48 kHz audio. If you have your camcorder handy, and playing the clips in QuickTime (see above) doesn't help, try setting the camcorder's audio settings to 16-bit/48kHz, then exporting (.."Sharing"..) those clips back to the camcorder, then re-importing them. That just might fix it.
    I thought that Matti Haveri had an answer to this problem, but I've just searched thro' his replies in iMHD and in iM3/4 but can't find any reference.
    Perhaps he'll come and explain further if you call him.. put both index fingers to your head, and say "Matti Haveri, Matti Haveri.."

  • A few seconds of audio there, but silent

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    Weird, huh? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
    Message was edited by: katmichaels1

    Some suggestions:
    1) I assume the selected chunks are already joined as one region? If not, try joining them.
    2) Try copying and pasting the audio region you want onto a fresh track. Perhaps there is invisible automation or other problems infecting the bad track.
    3) Select all the tracks/regions in the song, and move them all forward, in sync, 2 measures. That way, there will be 2 empty bars at the beginning of the song, and the new beginning of the song will be measure 3 instead of measure 1.
    Good luck!

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    We know nothing about your system, your render settings, what tool you use to view your clips/ listen to the audio and a gigazillion otehr things. For all we know, this could be some auto-fade in your player.

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    The IDEA of Premiere editing any type of compressed file (be it video or audio) has been discussed, literaly, hundreds of times here
    The bottom line is that the actual FACT of editing this type of file, in spite of what Adobe says in their marketing materials, is that some people have success... and other people do NOT
    Some of this is attributed to whatever else (ie-codecs) is installed on the computer... and in what order (each time a codec is installed it puts an entry into the Registry to say that IT is "most important" and should be "seen first" in the list of codecs) and that can cause problems for Premiere, even with files that "should" work
    So... as you have found... convert to WAV

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    One can add a Marker by tapping the * key on the numeric keypad. You could do this every 30 sec. (you can drag any about, if you miss the cue). Then, I'd use a "beep" SFX file, and place one at each of these Markers. If you have an SFX file that has any pre-roll in it, first thing that I'd do is alter it in Audacity, or any sound editing program, so that the actual "beep" comes at the very beginning of the Clip, and do a Save_As, then Import that edited SFX file.
    Here is a list of possible sources for SFX (and music) files. Many are free, and some are for sale:
    Good luck,

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    My version is 8.0.6 on Snow Leopard.

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    The problem that you describe has come up frequently on this forum. There are lots of things people have tried, but no solution has been found, other than the workaround of extracting the audio, as Klaus 1 mentions, and manually adjusting the fade out. Some feel that it is an intel machine problem, but that is not clear.
    For more information on this issue, try using the search function of this forum, typing in "audio echo with transitions", or some other appropriate search words. You might find of interest the information contained in the following post:

  • clips being cut off

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    Welcome to the PPRO forum, soneman28. We're going to need some more info.
    What version of PPRO are you running. Exactly (e.g., "6.0.5" or "7.0.1" = good; CS6 or CC = not good)
    exactly what kind of clips? The file type. The audio codec. And their source, too.
    if they're A/V clips (as opposed to audio-only), have you messed with the frame rate through the Interpret Footage dialog?
    Do you hit this problem both in the Source Monitor and with clips that have been added to a sequence (i.e., playing from the Timeline/Program Monitor)

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    How do I manually extend the duration of the audio clip?

    It's unbelievable that you cannot simply drag out the audio clip to extend it's duration if it's original duration supports this.

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    Thanks for the help.

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    Thanks for reading and asking good questions.

  • How to delete my voice for one second in a clip?

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    When I clicked the Help menu and followed it several times, it gave me the opposite effect of what I wanted. The lesson is titled "Reduce the volume of competing audio clips." I figured that my voice in that clip was "a competing audio clip" but what resulted was losing the music that I chose for the video.
    I realized my error and hit the Undo button about ten times to get back to where I was before I began working on "ducking" my voice from the clip.
    How can I take away my voice of one second from the clip involved? I do not want to lose the music. I want to lose my voice talking to my dog in that clip.
    And the Help section did not help because I misunderstood it.

    I figured it out and it is now solved. The problem was that, incredible as it sounds now, I did not notice that my voice was on that blue track. Somehow I saw that track is part of the clip and not a sound track at the bottom, especially because other than my voice, there was no sound.
    Once I realized with chagrin that the blue horizontal band was the original sound track (along with video) it was easy to isolate my voice and bring down the volume.
    So by tonight my new movie will be on my blog!! I hope you see it.
    Message was edited by: Lorna from Hawaii

  • How do I stop background audio clips from playing while browsing sites?

    Firefox is my default browser. I use Google chrome and Internet explorer sessions for background monitoring news site sessions at the same time. I have no problem with the other two browsers. While surfing with Firefox I get unwanted background audio clips that start and run by themselves. I cannot stop them. They run and then stop by their self. They are some sort of adware and I cannot find the source to remove them. I also get video clips sometimes that I can stop that run around the outside of the active window I am viewing. These is very annoying. I have uninstalled Firefox and reinstalled it but the problem does not go away. I antivirus software, registry change protection software, and registry cleaning software. The problem is with the default browser.
    How can I locate and remove the plugin, addin or service that starts this annoying activity. I have no special unwanted toolbars installed. There is nothing in the installed programs list in the control that shouldn't be there.

    I had a similar problem to this. EVERYTIME i started firefox, it would play an audio clip from a flash game i played a while ago, it would last 5 minutes before finishing. i tried the starting in safe mode, but that didn't work for me, so after that i then tried RESETTING firefox, and that has worked for me.
    On another side of startup problems, firefox would also open up a new tab on startup, usually or i know these are caused by a virus and have since deleted it, but it had changed a preference file in firefox causing it to continue to open on startup.
    Having since done the firefox reset, i haven't had either of these problems AT ALL! would recommend this as a possible fix for you friend before trying any lengthy troubleshooting process or downloading any extra anti-virus removal software.
    here's the like to showing you how to reset firefox:

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