Läuft die Runtime Engine von LabView 7.0 unter win 95

läuft eine Application die mit Lab View 7.0 Geschrieben wurde auf einem Windows 95 Betriebsystem

LabVIEW 7.0 DOES  NOT support win95
It supports win98/NT/2000/XP
The latest version to support win 95 is LabVIEW 6.1

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    Zur Sicherheit kannst Du ja erstmal die 5er zusätzlich installiert lassen.
    and if you write your question in english,  you will definitely receive more answers...
    and keep smiling

  • How do I determine if a VI is running in the runtime engine or LabView Development Environment?

    Is there a function or VI that I can call that will tell me if the program is running in the LabVIEW Runtime Engine or if it is running in the LabVIEW developement Environment?  I am using LabView 8.5.
    I have a menu item, File/Exit,  and I would like to call the Exit LabVIEW vi if running in the runtime engine when that item is selected.  However, in development, I don't want to shut down LabVIEW when I select that menu item.
    Maybe there is a more appropriate way to exit the program.  However, I am looking for something elegant.  I'm sure I could find some other way to accomplish the same thing, but I'm looking for a clean way to do it.

    Here is a small VI with this exact function.
    Is EXE.vi ‏9 KB

  • Unterschiedliches Verhalten von LabVIEW 6.1 unter WinXP und Win98

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
    wir möchten ein Messgerät unter Win98 betreiben. Die Treiber des Herstellers werden über "Call Library" eingebunden und funktionieren unter WinXP, nicht aber unter Win98 (es handelt sich um die gleichen VIs). Ein kleines C++-Programm (mit Visual C++ 6.0 erstellt) funktioniert aber unter Win98 mit der gleichen DLL.
    Der Fehler scheint also bei LabVIEW zu liegen. Updates für LabVIEW 6.1 stehen von Ihrer Seite keine zur Verfügung.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
    Markus Nolte

    Hallo Markus,
    ich dachte zuerst, dass evtl. zwei verschiedene DLLs installiert sind; 32 bit für WinXP und 16 bit für Win95/98. Da es sich um ein USB-Gerät handelt und es sich bei dem C++-Programm (kompiliertes exe und nicht auf jedem System neu erzeugt?) geht, möchte ich das als Ursache nicht in Betracht ziehen.
    Die einzige Idee, die ich habe ist die, dass die Laufzeitumgebung von LV für Win98 und WinXP unterschiedlich ist. Ich kann das nicht überprüfen, da wir hier kein Win98 haben.
    Ich gehe jetzt von folgender Annahme aus:
    Der Rechner hat eine Festplatte mit einer Partition C:\. Win98 ist in C:\Windows und WinXP in C:\WinNT installiert. Es gibt ein Programmeordner für beide Betriebsssteme C:\Programme. Dort gibt es dann einen U
    nterordner "National Instruments". Dort gibt es die Unterordner Win98\LabVIEW6.1 und Win98\shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\6.1 für die Win98 Welt und WinXP\LabVIEW 6.1 und WinXP\shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\6.1 für die WinXP Welt.
    In diesem Fall sollten dann die Versionen sauber ausenander gehalten sein. Dann wäre allerdings auch mein Wissen am Ende und ich kann dann nur empfehlen sich per email an den Support zu wenden und die URL dieser Seite hinzuzufügen. Landet dann automatisch in München.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions

  • Labview Runtime-Engine 6.0, welche höhere Version ist Kompatibel?

    Hallo zusammen,
    Ich habe ein Labview-Vi  (bzw. dieses als .exe) das Ganze wurde mit Labview 6.0 erstellt.
    Die Runtime-Engine 6 produziert beim Aufruf eventlogwarnung die vom Kunden nicht akzeptiert werden.
    Nun habe ich Version 8.5 installiert und erhalte die Meldung das die .exe eine Labview Runtime-Engine version 6 oder Kompatibel benötigt.
    Gibt es eine höhere kompatible Version der Labview Runtime-Engine?
    Danke schon mal im vorraus
    Ronald Polski

    I have a Labview Vi (or as this. Exe) the whole thing was with Labview 6.0.
    The run-6 engine produces eventlogwarnung the call by the customer not be accepted.
    Now, I have version 8.5 installed and get the message that the. Exe Labview a run-engine version 6 or Compatible.
    Is there a more compatible version of Labview Runtime Engine?
    Thank you have been to advance
    Ronald Polski

  • NI Developer Suite 8.2 / LV Runtime Engine 8.2 vs 7.1.1

    I have NI Developer Suite 8.2 and have installed LabVIEW v8.2 from it onto my development computer.  I have converted a LabVIEW 6.1 application to 8.2 and am now setting up an installer build for the application.
    When setting up installer build properties, I find NI LabVIEW 7.1.1 Runtime Engine, NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 8.0.1, and NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 8.2 listed as additional installers that can be included in the build.
    Wanting to use the latest and greatest for my application, I have selected Run-Time Engine 8.2 for inclusion in the installer.
    Upon testing the installer, I find Runtime Engine 7.1.1 installed, not 8.2.
    I checked the development computer (Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs->National Instruments Software) and found only Runtime Engine 7.1.1 installed. I then uninstalled LabVIEW 8.2 and reinstalled it, hoping to be able to specify which runtime engine to install, but there is no option in the installation process for runtime engines.
    My question is: what happened to runtime engine 8.2? Why can't I get it installed on my development computer? If it doesn't exist, why is it listed in the installer build properties as an installer that can be included? Is it vaporware?

    Hi Igk,
    On your development machine, the LabVIEW RTE 8.x will not appear in Add/Remove Programs because it is an invisible MSI Installer.  The installer is invisible because other applications (LabVIEW Development environment, for example) are dependent on the RTE.  Uninstalling the RTE would cause problems for all the other programs with dependencies, so the option to remove it is not there.  If you uninstall all the programs that depend on the RTE, the RTE will be uninstalled with the last program.  You can see in the attached image that I don't have LV RTE 8.0, or 8.0.1, or 8.2 in Add/Remove Programs, but it is listed in MAX Software.
    If you run this LV installer on a clean PC(without the LV development environment), I havn't tested for sure, but because the application installed depends on the RTE, the RTE still probably won't show up in Add/Remove Programs (but your application will).  You can verify the RTE's existance by checking the <Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\8.2> directory and verifying the lvrt.dll version is 8.20.x.xxxx.  Also, when the application runs, you will know the RTE exists.  Also as TonP mentioned, you can use MAX to verify its installation. 
    As a side note, I would generally avoid running LV built installers on a development machine that already has LV.  Installing the RTE (or any other NI installer) from a LV custom installer will change its installation source stored in the registry from the LV CD where it was originally installed from to the installer that you built.  Future repairs of the RTE will then look for this custom installer rather than the original source.  If that installer disappears or changes, repairs or uninstalls become more difficult.  I usually set up a test machine to test my LV built installers. 
    National Instruments
    To the pessimist, the glass is half empty; to the optimist, the glass is half full; to the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be...
    820RTE-Installed.jpg ‏127 KB

  • Runtime Engine VISA Treiber in EINEM Installationsschritt - wie ?

    Folgendes Problem:
    Mein Programm benutzt den seriellen Anschluss. Damit das funktioniert müssen sowohl die Runtime Engine als auch der Visa-Treiber installiert werden. Beim Visa Treiber 3.01 soll man sogar noch eine fehlerhafte Datei per Hand austauschen - Wie bring ich das Ganze in die vom Application Builder erzeugte Installation ?
    Man kann ja kaum dem Kunden zumuten, 2 Programminstallationen durchzuführen und dann noch eine Systemdatei manuell zu patchen..!

    Just an idea for a workaround:
    -Include the VISA Install files as support files into your main install package.
    -In the installer options you can start a program after installion, so it should be possible to start the VISA installation
    -For the patch... maybe that might work with a script (.bat) file that you start for the installation and replacement ? But then you shouldn't reboot after Visa installation and do this reboot in the script.
    Greetings from Germany
    LV since v3.1
    “ground” is a convenient fantasy
    '˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'

  • Labview runtime engine in VBS erkennen

    das Dataplugin eines Kunden setzt auf die Labview-Runtime-engine auf. Um ein VBS-Makro "anwenderfest" zu machen würde ich gern im Makro abfragen können, ob die Engine in einer bestimmten Version oder höher installiert ist.
    Frage: wie kann man in VBS abfragen, ob Labview oder eine Runtime-Engine in einer bestimmten Version installiert ist?
    Danke für alle Antworten und Tips

    Hallo Udo, Hallo Winfried,
    Winfried's erste Beispiel wird nicht in einem DataPlugin funktionieren.  Auch der zweite wird mit "MsgBox" ab DIAdem 10.0 Probleme bekommen.  Vermütlich ist das Ziel ein sinnvollen Fehlermeldung auszugeben wenn der Version nicht passt.  Dafür eignet sich die Funktion RaiseError.
    Das Aufruf zu "CreateObject" sollte besser nach einem Aufruf zu "On Error Resume Next" kommen.  Das ist weil, wenn LabVIEW nicht installiert ist, diesen Aufruf ein Fehler werfen kann.  "On Error Resume Next" gibt einem dann die Möglichkeit diesen Fehler zu behandeln anstatt direkt aus dem Skript mit diesem Fehler rauszufliegen.  Zurückschalten kann man dann mit "On Error Goto 0".
    Registry auslesen ist möglich, aber nur wenn bestimmte Komponenten auf der Machine installiert sind.  Bei viele Firmen sind diese Komponenten verboten da sie eine Sicherheitsrisiko darstellen.
    Viele Grüsse,
    For tips and tricks on creating VBScript DataPlugins go to http://dataplugins.blogspot.com.

  • LV 6.0 runtime engine not found with labview 6.1

    I recently upgraded to LabView 6.1.
    Now when I try to run an exe built under 6.02, I get an error that the 6.0 (or compatable) runtime engine could not be found.
    I have the developers version of labview 6.1 installed, and the labview runtime engine 6.1 installed.
    Do I need to install 6.0 runtime too? (in that case do I need 5.1 ruintime instaled too for exe's built a log time ago)?
    Shouldnt the 6.1 RTE be able to run older exe's?
    I could find no solution searching this web site.
    Larry Junek, Certified LabVIEW Developer

    Did you install 6.1 wheer 6.0 was?
    You may have lost the 6.0 RTE you did not realize you where using.
    Yes you need the version of RTE that matches the app.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Runtime engine 8.6.1 on Labview 11

    I have upgraded labview 10 to Lv 11. A program that used to work on Lv 10 is giving problems now. It asks for runtime engine 8.6 ( usually gets stucked preparing the installation ). Once i cancel this process, it loads all the vi's, and it seems to work, but I can't be sure until all the devices are connected, and it can't be done until september. My question is, do i really need to install runtime engine 8.6 to make it work properly, or it can work without it? 
    And if I downgrade to Labview 10, will i solve this issue??
    Thanks in advance!!

    This is actually strange behavior because the runtime engine 8.6.1, if it is installed on the computer, should be accesible both from LV2011 and from LV2010.
    What do you mean by "downgrade to LabVIEW 2010? You may have multiple version of LabVIEW on the same computer. Did you uninstall LV2010 first? If you did, then it may happened that you uninstalled the runtime engine 8.6 at the same time.
    Do you really need or don't need the engine depends of your application. In any case, it should not be a problem to download the runtime engine from ni.com and install it. http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/1244/lang/en
    Sergey Kolbunov
    CLA, CTD

  • Several question s about runtime Engine, application builder and labview player

    I am a little confused by all the options to distribute a program.
    Please help bij answering (one of) the following questions:
    1. Does an application built with the application builder always need the LV runtime engine? The LV runtime engine is 33 Mb to download!
    2. Is there anyway to make a 'normal' executable that runs on a windows machine, without any supporting installed software?
    3. What is the advantage of the labview player above the runtime Engine?
    All questions refer to the latest software versions of NI software
    Thanks in advance,

    ferry1979 wrote:
    1. Does an application built with the application builder always need the LV runtime engine? The LV runtime engine is 33 Mb to download!
    Yes, the runtime engine contains all the stuff that is common to all LabVIEW applications. This is not any different than e.g. the Visual basic runtime (VBrun...) or dforrt.dll for Fortran.
    If you built the application, you can strip it a little bit by including the runtime with the installer and leaving out unneeded modules (see image from the 7.1 builder).
    The advantage of a seperate runtime engine is that applications are very small. The runtime needs to be installed only once. On any broadband connection, 33MB is peanuts. I distribute everything without runtine, but tell people to download and install the runtime directly from NI.
    (In LabVIEW 4, no runtime was needed, with the disadvantage that even the simplest program was multiple megabytes. Not an efficient solution).
    (Maybe in a few years LabVIEW will be so prevalent that the LabVIEW runtime will be part of a standard OS install ;
    2. Is there anyway to make a 'normal' executable that runs on a windows machine, without any supporting installed software?
    No. See above.
    3. What is the advantage of the labview player above the runtime Engine?
    The two are quite different. The labview player is more a simple educational tool, because it lets users inspect the diagram. It is not designed for any serious application deployment.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 08-21-2005 10:05 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    runtime.png ‏24 KB

  • Installing LabView 8.2 runtime engine on Windows 7 64-bit

    We have a product built on LabView 8.2
    For a couple of years, we have been distributing this product on Windows 7 64-bit systems with no trouble at all.
    Today, we received a customer complaint indicating that the LabView 8.2 runtime engine cannot be installed on Windows 7 64-bit.
    Our verification team has confirmed this to be true.
    Interestingly, we have several Windows 7 64-bit computers with the LabView 8.2 runtime engine already installed.
    How is this possible?
    Has something changed in Windows that no longer allows the LabView 8.2 runtime engine?
    We are confused by the fact that this appears to be a new problem and the runtime engine did, at some point, install correctly on multiple Windows 7 64-bti computers.
    Any thoughts would be extremely appreciated.
    lv_install_error.jpg ‏22 KB

    No, i dont think the 8.2 installer is corrupt, but it uses the Windows Installer service, which according the image has some problems. Maybe it recently updated? It's incompatible with that old installer so you need to downgrade it? It's corrupted and needs some fix?
    LabVIEW 8.2 - 2014
    "Only dead fish swim downstream" - "My life for Kudos!" - "Dumb people repeat old mistakes - smart ones create new ones."
    G# - Free award winning reference based OOP for LV

  • Unable to install LV Runtime Engine 7.1.1 with LabVIEW Professional 8.5.1

    I installed LabVIEW Professional Sys. for Windows (XP) 8.5 and then the 8.5.1 update. Somewhere in the original installation, LV Run-time Engine 7.1 was installed. But I need LV RTE 7.1.1. So I attempted to install RTE 7.1.1. Problem: The LV RTE installer aborts with the following message:
    "Installation aborted. Newer version already installed." 
    Why do I need 7.1.1? I must run some commercial LV executables that were compiled with LV 7.1.1 and will not run under 7.1.

    Well, I have to correct myself. MAX indicated that LV RTE 7.1 (not 7.1.1) was installed. My complied LV app indicated that 7.1.1 was not installed. I checked Windows Add New Programs and selected "National Instruments Software" I found that LV RTE 7.1.1 was, in fact, installed. So I selected LabVIEW Runtime Engine 7.1.1 and clicked Repair. After rebooting, My app works correctly. Again, MAX incorrectly displays LV RTE 7.1 (not 7.1.1). My app works, so I don't care.

  • LabVIEW Runtime engine on Windows Embedded Standard 7 P 32/64 bit?

    Did anyone ever try to install and run LabVIEW Runtime engine (2011 or later) on Windows Embedded Standard 7 P 32/64 bit?
    I am trying to figure out if this will work, for example on a Beckhoff CX5120 embedded PC. I will need to have some simple TCP/IP communication in order to exchange information with another PC, but nothing else, i.e. drivers, etc...
    I hope someone tried to do this already. I just don't have the right hardware right now to check it out.
    Go to Solution.

    As NI sells touch panels with WES7 installed here: http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/210551 it's pretty safe to assume they've used the RTE on WES7.
    But yes, it's been done.

  • Labview 8 Application Builder and VISA Runtime Engine

    I am using Labview 8 Application Builder and everything is working fine except for 1 small thing. My program makes use of some of the VISA functions and when I build the application I'm having to include the VISA Runtime Engine Installer as a separate item on the CD to make the .exe file work.
    What I would ideally like is for people who want to use the application to run the installer and that all necessary components (including the VISA Runtime Engine) are also installed in the one installation. At the moment they're having to do 2 installations and I would like to streamline this.
    Is this possible?

      this How-To explains about making those selections and including the different drivers :
    and this tutorial covers the screenshots a little more step by step.
    Hope that helps
    Sacha Emery
    National Instruments (UK)
    // it takes almost no time to rate an answer

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