??Lawsuit-Bioware/EA-Mass Effect 3 Ending?

Was checking my mail when i stumbled on this my friend sent me.
IMO he's got a point the ending has nothing to do with the choices you did through out the game, which was advertised.
Either way i just hopes this leads to free DLC

Yeah I saw that on Yahoo the other day. I kind of skimmed it, in case there were any spoilers, but it sounds serious. And ridiculous!
I really want to play it!!
Mariel|Community Connector | Best Buy® Corporate
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    Hello Ashraf,
    Sorry you didn't get any help on this post. In the future, please contact Adobe Support for 1-1 assistance on issues like this: Contact Customer Care

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    Got an email reply:
    Hello Brandon,
    I'm sorry that we do not have this item on our website as of yet. Brandon, keep checking back with us as we may not have it listed on our website as of yet. That could change anytime and we may start carrying this item. However, we do not know at this time as it is up to the manufacture. I hope we do get this item, so that you are able to use your gift cards and purchase it from Best Buy.
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    Thank you,
    Best Buy Customer Care

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    If you like my answer then click the little Star under my username.
    If my response answered your question then click the Solved button.

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    A little google search will help you most of the times
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

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