Leopard Font Sizes

Since getting my new MacBook with Leopard, in replacing my PowerBook, I find that both the system fonts and dashboard text fonts are too small to read easily . I have increased the Safari minimum font size ad use Command + to increase fonts in mail and sch things, but am nearly unable to see the text in the Translator and Mac Tip widgets. Can you help me?

System Preferences->Displays->select a lower resolution.

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    Guess not. Thanks anyway.

  • How to change the default font size in X11?

    I was a PC/linux user and have switched to use Mac lately (MBP Snow leopard 10.6.8).
    Everything's been running perfectly on Mac so far and I really like it, until I have to run some programs on XQuartz/X11 (XQuart 2.7.0).  
    The default font size in the Xterm is too small. And I hate it that I have to change it everytime i open a new terminal (via vt fonts menu, ctrl+right-mouse click).
    Is there a way to change the default font size "permanently" in XQuartz/X11 ??
    This may be a stupid question to ask in the developer forum but i cant really solve it.
    There's only config. file ~/.Xdefaults they have mentioned so far on Google but i really cant find it regarding to the directorty.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    You would be surprised to find out that is not like this, to get your account blocked you really need to do a lot of damage and posts are not removed unless they are illegal, and *always* it needs more than a person to delete something. That's a site managed by the community, not by some people put in place by a company.
    It is always acceptable to link to external resources as long these resources do provide additional usefull information. Clearly the thread on that side contained much more information than the one here. I observed people linking from there to this forum, but it's not so common, and that's not due to the policy, just because here is more chat and less usefull information.... you will not see endless threads of replies on with "yes, I have the same problem" there.
    Shortly, this is "discussions" and is quite different in approach than the SE model, where everythign is aimed towards getting the be answers UP and removing all the nonsense.
    I wish that Apple would invest more in discussion, and going towards making this more practical.

  • How to change the default font size in XQuartz?

    I was a PC/linux user and have switched to use Mac lately (MBP Snow leopard 10.6.8).
    Everything's been running perfectly on Mac so far and I really like it, until I have to run some programs on XQuartz/X11 (XQuart 2.7.0).   
    The default font size in the terminal is too small. And I hate it that I have to change it everytime i open a new terminal (via vt fonts menu, ctrl+right-mouse click).
    Is there a way to change the default font size "permanently" in XQuartz/X11 ??
    This may be a stupid question to ask in the developer forum but i cant really solve it.
    There's only config. file ~/.Xdefault they have mentioned so far on Google but i really cant find it regarding to the directorty.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    You would be surprised to find out that is not like this, to get your account blocked you really need to do a lot of damage and posts are not removed unless they are illegal, and *always* it needs more than a person to delete something. That's a site managed by the community, not by some people put in place by a company.
    It is always acceptable to link to external resources as long these resources do provide additional usefull information. Clearly the thread on that side contained much more information than the one here. I observed people linking from there to this forum, but it's not so common, and that's not due to the policy, just because here is more chat and less usefull information.... you will not see endless threads of replies on with "yes, I have the same problem" there.
    Shortly, this is "discussions" and is quite different in approach than the SE model, where everythign is aimed towards getting the be answers UP and removing all the nonsense.
    I wish that Apple would invest more in discussion, and going towards making this more practical.

  • How can I change the font size of an outgoing instant message using Applescript?

    Text copied into Messages.app from a web page is often too small to read. Is there a quick way to boost the font size using Applescript?

    I have spent some time looking at the Mix Message Case.scpt in Hard Drive/Library/Scripts/Messages and also Crazy Message Text.scpt in the same Scripts Folder but then the Mail one.
    Both are Apple versions.
    The Mix Case one is set in Messages > Preferences > Alerts
    Set the top drop down to Sent Message
    Enable the Applescript items and chose the Mix Case item.
    It will look something like this in the current Font and size you have set.
    ThEn aGaIn
    Obviously you don't want all the bit to make the font change between upper an lower case but it does have the option to use it with the Sent Message and it also uses the entry in the text field as a String.
    The Mail Crazy Message one  opens a dialogue box when run.
    it has a default phase and some Upper and lower limits to the size that will be used.
    the Dialogue allows you to change the phrase and also "Set Prefs" to altert the font sizes.
    The result is a text palce in a new Mail items and the font and size changes to look like this:-
    It will look different everytime and the Font for each character  and the size of each is randomised.
    Although I have tried sticking in a line to change the size to anything other then my set font in the Mixed Case one I can't get it to work.
    In some cases I get an Script error in Messages  (It seems to think I am setting a Font called "10")
    At other times it just says it can't set it buit still does the Mixed Case bit.
    My hope was to change the size and then reduce the requirement for the "intercaps" routine.
    I have other emails about new posts so I will anwser them and then spend some more time on this.
    9:01 PM      Thursday; June 13, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.4)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • How to get reasonable font size with higher screen resolution

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    2) when I restart mail, I have have to change the setting each time
    3) I cannot figure out a way to make the menu bar larger
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  • Change font size in side bar

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    Thanks in advance

    A few people mention seeing a sidebar option in Tiger but nowhere in 20 minutes web searching could I find anybody saying where they could do this in Tiger (and usually that kind of tip is very quickly found on many websites). They just bemoan missing this in Leopard. Maybe they remember an even earlier incarnation of OSX, or it may involve a pretty serious hack of the system.
    I looked at preference lists for Finder and com.apple.sidebarlists.plist and nowhere does it list sidebar font preferences.
    Good luck searching, and report back if you do find it.

  • "apple-+" does not increase font size in preview pane in mail.app 4.2

    i have letterbox http://harnly.net/2009/software/letterbox/letterbox-beta-4-for-snow-leopard/ installed on my machine. before the SL upgrade, i could hit cmd-+ and increase the font size of the message i am viewing. that was super convenient!
    i can't do it any more. any ideas anybody on how to bring that back? btw, if i open a separate window for the message, i can use cmd-+ to increase font size. but no more can i use it in the preview window.

    the obvious suspect would be letterbox. it's beta (=bugs) and I've also heard report that it's incompatible with 10.6.2. you can try uninstalling it and see if that fixes the issue.

  • FINDER - Sidebar Font Size

    FINDER - Sidebar Font Size
    I'm using Mac OS X v10.5.8 & have been trying to find a way to I increase the font size in the sidebar of FINDER.
    Has this actually been fixed or is there a 3rd party app that will allow me to do this much like in mail! but for FINDER!
    I've noticed this has been asked many times but never officially answered.
    thank you in Advance.

    While those font sizes appear to be fixed, and perhaps there is a way to get into
    the system via Terminal or some other super-user access, an easy utility to do so
    does not appear to be readily available. If one is available, this feature is under
    advertised or a sub-note hidden within.
    I'd just been looking into 'Path Finder' by Cocatech, I did not see a reference to
    this Sidebar Font size issue; yet did read into their Forums page to note a post
    there asking about this situation. Since Path Finder is a retail product and adds
    a new user Finder with extra capabilities (30 day demo) license is about $40.
    No mention about their adding this; however many other controls are added.
    (A Leopard 10.5 & Snow Leopard 10.6 version, plus older v. Tiger 10.4 appear.)
    While their screen casts of features were a bit interesting to watch (in QT .mov)
    http://cocoatech.com/screencasts - the specific ability to resize Finder sidebar is
    not mentioned; although their custom Path Finder application has more controls.
    Note they say their app can 'replace Finder' - so maybe they will offer their own fix.
    So, this probably isn't a direct answer to the pending question or a fix.
    Since I haven't had much time or access to Snow Leopard, I've no idea
    if the newer system version has a control to adjust Finder's Sidebar Font.
    I rarely use the Finder window within the desktop 'finder' and have avoided it;
    that isn't something I'd found useful, though something similar has existed in
    many Mac OS systems in some form, guise, or other applicable function.
    In fact the wider busy finder/folder windows are more distracting than ever
    starting in Leopard 10.5; so, that's more wasted screen space to try to ignore.
    {Sure, I can say that while realizing the other kinds of access this may provide
    the seasoned user who is already used to tiny words & extra feature functions.}
    Not sure if tweaks in tools such as Titanium Software - OnyX may offer any
    type of interface customization in this area. This can change a few things,
    I've used this application since it was first available, in earlier v. OS X 10.x
    while not being all that interested in making a mess of what has worked well.
    Perhaps someone with command line or Terminal experience has already
    blazed a trail into this jungle, and left some great bread crumbs to follow.
    Maybe a nice Script has come from surveying & marking the path...?
    +PS: Hello, and welcome to Apple Support Discussions forums!+
    Good luck & happy computing!
    +{ edited }+

  • Increase default font size??

    I'm using a Macbook Pro running at 1920 x 1200. The real estate is perfect for when I'm using Final Cut Studio but there's a huge problem. The font sizes are tiny. Is there any way to increase the default OS X font size?

    jiliwi wrote:
    I'm looking for a way to increase size of the default font of MacOSX.
    I have tried to decrease resolution, that increase character size but all is fuzy.
    I have tried the zoom featured but it is the same problem.
    For some application, like Safari 4.0, this feature exists. I need the same for the finder, the menu bar, the default of other application...
    In MS Windows, I simply changed the dpi of the screen.
    How can I do to increase font size without a fuzy screen ?
    the general answer is: you can't. it will be possible once resolution independence is fully supported. it exists in leopard but is so extremely buggy that I don't even want to explain how to use it. it might be better implemented in snow leopard once it comes out. in the meantime you can use TinkerTool to change SOME fonts.

  • Font size in messages

    I downloaded messages- I was able to adjust font size for my text but all incoming are still small- does anyone know how to adjust size ?
    Im using a macbook pro running Lion latest updates

    In Messages Menu > Preferences > Messages you should be able to Override Incoming Messages and choose a Font Size you want  (most likely it will have to be the Font as well)
    It maybe that this has been Set and should not be.
    It may pay to check which Font and what size your Buddies are sending you
    11:11 PM      Saturday; March 3, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • I would like to change the font size (make it larger) in the Finder SIDEBAR

    I would like to change the font size (make it larger) in the Finder SIDEBAR in Leopard.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    vincentd wrote:
    I could also use a larger font in the Finder side bar. Sceen resolutions increase and systems fonts get accordingly smaller...
    Well, if you normally use the lowest resolution, then yes.
    vincentd wrote:
    Also it CAN be done in iMovie 08, why isn't it possible with other Apple apps?
    I can't answer that question. We don't work for Apple here, we're all just plain users who contribute our time, but you can send Mac OS X Feedback
    Message was edited by: macjack

  • Changing defauklt font size in the Safari and in text menu

    II want to change the font size as in the img at the url http://www.andreabersi.com/up/1.jpg. But how do it (i am beginner with Leopard and with MAC )? Thank you

    There is no way at this stage to change the font size in Menus or on toolbars.
    If the text is too small to see clearly the options under System Preferences > Universal access > Seeing > Zoom Options could help.
    Smaller or bigger? change the computers resolution if possible or send feedback to Apple

  • Increase font size in Finder ?

    Is there any way to increase the font size above 16 point in the Finder, and/or of the menus of Apple apps such as Safari (tabs, etc) and iTunes lists? Either in 10.4.11 or 10.5.7 or both.

    Mark McMurtry wrote:
    tried Zoom and Tinker Tool - does NOT change Finder Fonts or Toolbar for Apps
    And, editorializing and offering (constructive) suggestions to/for Apple is apparently verboten here.
    I would 'like' to be able to see/read the tab and bookmarks bar in Safari, and playlist, library info in iTunes, ETC without resorting to reading glasses and/or squinting.
    then you need to change the screen resolution. the only other option not mentioned thus far is using resolution independence. but it's so extremely buggy in leopard that it's not even worth trying. things may change in a month when snow leopard comes out.

  • Change Help font size

    I don't know if this is really a Universal Access topic. I have what I think is average eyesight for someone just past 40 anyway.
    But trying to read the built-in online help for any application convinces me I need glasses!!
    Dictionary.app has a font size widget in its toolbar, why not Help? Mac OS X wants so badly to use miniscule 3 point type for things that it is almost torture.
    I would like to increase the default font size in a safe way (Snow Leopard, 10.6.2).
    If possible, it would be nice to have a font face / size changer widget that would work on any window of any application, with a checkbox to make it the default for that window pane.
    Thanks for your comments. I'm thinking of registering it with Apple's Bug Reporter as a UI bug since it is.

    FYI I have registered it as a bug at bugreport.apple.com
    Problem ID: 7579066
    26-Jan-2010 09:19 AM Matt Rosin:
    Font size increase/decrease widget missing from the Help application used by all applications.
    Dictionary.app has it, Help needs it.
    Also the two fingered font zoom gesture needs to be enabled for the Help pane.
    The default font size is too small for people over 40 and is an Accessibility issue as well as a UI mistake.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    Open Safari
    Under Help, select Safari Help.
    Expected Results:
    Font in a readable font size. At least it should enable two fingered frame zoom gesture to zoom font size. Should also include the a/A font size changer widget that is used in Dictionary.app.
    Actual Results:
    Text is way too small to read.
    Would not be a problem if Safari's ordinary html rendering was used, and probably would be more flexible / higher quality. You could put movies in Help, open a two-way iChat with the developer, fill out a form, etc.
    See thread at:

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