Leopard install hangs up

Around 3pm today, I inserted the Leopard OS X 10.5 disc and double-clicked "Install Mac OS X". In the following window I clicked "Restart" and now my computer has "hung up" with the colored spinning wheel and has not restarted. It's now been seven hours.
One possible issue is that the computer goes to sleep during this process. Will that stop the restart from proceeding? Is there a way for me to change the Energy Saver settings now that it has reached this point? If I simply shut down and restart my computer is there any danger that I might lose information or corrupt my hard drive (80GB internal). Also, I have a 500GB external FireWire drive connected to the computer. Should I remove the FireWire connection before proceeding with the Leopard installation?

If you never got to the DVD self-check stage, which occurs first, then nothing should have changed and your system should still be Tiger.
The system should have immediately proceeded with the 10 minute DVD self-check.
See if you can eject the DVD with the keyboard. If not turn it off and restart it and hold down the left mouse button or the touchpad bar.
Check the DVD very carefully for scratches or that thin oily film found on some disks. If it has that file, clean it with a damp soft cloth, wiping radially center out. Do not wipe in a circular motion!
You should then be able to boot into the safe mode by holding down the shift key. After the system boots, restart it back to normal. Since you got to the first part of the install already, simply reinsert the DVD and shut off the computer.
Restart holding down the "C" key and you should boot into the DVD from which you can continue the install.
Be sure that you have done the normal preparations first: use the Tiger DU to check/repair the HD and file permissions. Do this before rebooting the system if you have not already done so. These two operations are very important for a smooth install.

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    I have erased the HD repartitioned it and i still get the same result. Here is the log file showing the point that it gets to everytime before it just hangs.
    Any advice greatly appreciated.
    Mar 7 09:41:27 localhost OSInstaller[145]: _installNextPackage of 1
    Mar 7 09:41:27 localhost runner[151]: Administrator authorization granted.
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Starting installation:
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Preparing volume "Macintosh HD" for installation
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Asking receiptdb to drop all open receipt connections on /Volumes/Macintosh HD.
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost installdb[152]: started (uid 96)
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost installdb[152]: Closed receipt database on '/Volumes/Macintosh HD'
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Erasing volume for OS Install
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Original Disk Layout
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost OSInstaller[145]: partition map from /dev/disk0:
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost OSInstaller[145]: #: type name size identifier mountpoint
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost OSInstaller[145]: 0: GUIDpartitionscheme *74.5 GB disk0
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost OSInstaller[145]: 1: EFI 200 MB disk0s1
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost OSInstaller[145]: 2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 74.2 GB disk0s2 /Volumes/Macintosh HD
    Mar 7 09:41:33 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Preparing disk for erase
    Mar 7 09:41:35 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Erasing volume.
    Mar 7 09:41:35 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Erasing.
    Mar 7 09:41:36 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Initialized /dev/rdisk0s2 as a 74 GB HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal
    Mar 7 09:41:37 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Mounting disk.
    Mar 7 09:41:38 localhost OSInstaller[145]: IFDiskObject (null) was set with a nil DMDisk object.
    Mar 7 09:41:38 localhost Unknown[66]: 2008-03-07 09:41:38.222 Mac OS X Installer[145:10b] Path (null) given to -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:] is not a full path.
    Mar 7 09:41:38 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Done erasing volume.
    Mar 7 09:41:39 localhost installdb[152]: done. (0.009u + 0.009s)
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Final Disk Layout
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: partition map from /dev/disk0:
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: #: type name size identifier mountpoint
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: 0: GUIDpartitionscheme *74.5 GB disk0
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: 1: EFI 200 MB disk0s1
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: 2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 74.2 GB disk0s2 /Volumes/Macintosh HD
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Waiting for volume...
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Configuring volume "Macintosh HD"
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Preparing disk for Netbooted OS Install.
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Volume disk0s2 mounted at /Volumes/Macintosh HD is ready
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Preparing disk for Netbooted Install.
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Physical memory statistics immediately before turning on virtual memory backing store:
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Physical Memory Allocation: 187 MB wired, 248 MB trapped, 48 MB active, 9 MB inactive, 532 MB free, 589 MB usable, 1024 MB total
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Activated virtual memory backing store at mount point '/Volumes/Macintosh HD'
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Free space on "Macintosh HD": 74.1 GB (79611785216 bytes).
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Create temporary directory "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/BaseSystem.pkg.145NKtdy4"
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Running install actions
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Processing BaseSystem:
    Mar 7 09:41:41 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Determining files to install
    Mar 7 09:41:43 localhost OSInstaller[145]: It took 1.53 seconds to create the install plan for BaseSystem.
    Mar 7 09:41:43 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Configuring deferred files
    Mar 7 09:41:43 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Assembling temporary receipt
    Mar 7 09:41:43 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Performing pre-extraction actions
    Mar 7 09:41:43 localhost OSInstaller[145]: run preinstall script for BaseSystem
    Mar 7 09:41:44 localhost root[170]: Running Install Scripts . . .
    Mar 7 09:41:44 localhost root[172]: Begin script: fixVar.sh
    Mar 7 09:41:44 localhost root[174]: End script: fixVar.sh
    Mar 7 09:41:44 localhost root[175]: 1 Install Scripts run.
    Mar 7 09:41:44 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Creating destination path
    Mar 7 09:41:44 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Validating package payload
    Mar 7 09:43:08 localhost OSInstaller[145]: Starting file extraction
    Mar 7 09:43:09 localhost payloadExtractor[177]: Initializing new flat-package receipt.
    Mar 7 09:43:09 localhost installdb[178]: started (uid 96)
    Mar 7 09:43:09 localhost installdb[178]: Opened receipt database on '/Volumes/Macintosh HD/' with schema 0.
    Mar 7 09:43:09 localhost installdb[178]: The db cache for '/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/Receipts/db/a.receiptdb' contains: {\n schema = 0;\n sqlite = <8075c001>;\n}
    Mar 7 09:43:09 localhost installdb[178]: Initializing database with schema version 17 at '/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/Receipts/db/a.receiptdb'.
    Mar 7 09:43:09 localhost payloadExtractor[177]: Extracting...
    Mar 7 09:53:55 localhost installdb[178]: idle 10 min with 1 open connection.
    Mar 7 10:03:55 localhost installdb[178]: idle 20 min with 1 open connection.
    Mar 7 10:11:04 localhost Unknown[66]: 2008-03-07 10:11 Mac OS X Installer[145] (CarbonCore.framework) FSEventStreamStart: ERROR: FSEvents_connect() => Unknown service name (1102)
    Mar 7 10:11:08 localhost OSInstaller[145]: installAutoFSMonitor: open failed
    Mar 7 10:13:55 localhost installdb[178]: idle 30 min with 1 open connection.
    Mar 7 10:23:55 localhost installdb[178]: idle 40 min with 1 open connection.
    Mar 7 10:28:19 localhost Unknown[66]: 2008-03-07 10:28:19.965 Mac OS X Installer[145:10b] Path (null) given to -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:] is not a full path.

    I did the erase zero out data using DU, and I still get stuck at "extracting", It has been mentioned to me that the optical drive may be getting to hot, but the same thing happens even if i do it from an image off the hdd.
    I have used 3 different leopard retail disks so i cannot believe that all 3 are bad dvds.
    Maybe it is a problem with the optical drive, maybe it is something to do with the hdd / firmware or systems management. Who knows. It seems that apple care have no idea either.
    I can install windows XP on it for heavans sake!! It's ridiculous that an apple os product will not install on native apple hardware.
    Like I said earlier I will never buy an Apple computer again based on this experience. Windows Vista people moan about that OS but as far as I can see its streets ahead. To think I was almost an apple convert
    One bricked macbook for sale spares or repair buyer collects and glues back together!

  • Leopard install hangs at DVD reboot

    I cannot upgrade from OSX Tiger to OSX Leopard on my G4 iMac. I insert the DVD and follow the prompts to do the installation, however when my iMac tries to boot from the installation DVD it just hangs at the grey screen showing the apple logo and sits there indefinitely ( in desperation I have left for over 3 hours!)
    My iMac is a 17 inch 1.25 GHz G4 so is fully Leopard compatible. I have used the same (Family pack) media to upgrade my MacBook with no problems. I have tried removing all peripheral devices, including oem memory and still no joy.I have repaired all disk and permissions issues using the Tiger DVD and all firmware is fully up to date.
    I am totally at a loss to as to what to do next. Any help would be gratefully received.
    Happy New Year

    go to apple support and type in" imac and leopard." There's some software or firmware updates you probably need to do.

  • Can't finish snow leopard install, hangs at apple logo?

    Everytime I run my install it will get to 45 minutes and then be stuck at the apple logo with the spinning wheel. When I try to boot from the disk also this happens. I'm pretty sure my drive is working as it can read other discs. This is also the retail disc with the snow leopard, 10.6. Disc utility tells me everything is verified, and I have also run applejack. I'm currently at 10.5.8 on a late 2006 macbook a1181. Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 gb. I know my laptop can run this but I keep getting stuck at this screen.

    Thanks for your help!
    I will try my Tiger Install Disk (4x CDs) to see if they work. I am able to play / burn CDs and play DVDs fine so this problem sounds fishy. I will try to clean the lens as suggested. If its of any relevance, i cant boot into by Carbon Copy Clone on my external HD either! (its formatted in APM and everything!) over FireWire. Bhaaa...
    Oh well, at best i will re-install Tiger and head off to my local Apple Store and see whats up...

  • Snow Leopard install hangs

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    I have not been able to find a problem that was described quite like this one so some help would be appreciated. Also, when the system rebooted with the SL DVD in the drive, it of course wanted to proceed with the installation - I was a little leary as I do not want to loose my apps, configuration and data (data is backed-up).

    Rebooting the computer with the SL disc or starting the install by just popping the disc in and clicking install results in the same thing. There are lots of possible explanations for what you experienced. It is possible that the computer gods deemed your day for a crash had arrived. It might be the installation disc is a little dirty. Your hard drive may be barely empty enough for the installation. It may not have actually stalled at all! During the beta period last summer Apple engineers tinkered with the progress bar and timer quite a bit but it still is only (very) roughly accurate.
    If you can do so, I strongly recommend you back up your computer and then try installing the OS again.

  • PPC G5 system hangs after Leopard Install

    Well I had been monitoring things with the new OSx for awhile before installing. I had upgraded my Macbook Pro (Intel first Gen model) and my newer Intel MacMini with no issues. So after using both of these machines for quite awhile, and with the release of 10.5.2, I decided to upgrade my PPC G5 from Tiger to Leopard.
    Everything seemed to go fine. I installed all possible updates and have used several apps with no problems, such as Adobe PS and Dreamweaver, etc. But now I am starting to notice a serious problem.
    Every time my system either goes into Screensaver mode or sleep, when I try and bring it back it is frozen. All I get is the beachball and the only thing to do is a hard shut down with the power button. My system never did anything like this under Tiger.
    Has anyone experienced a system hang like this?

    Do you have any external drives (especially Maxtor or Maxtor OneTouch Drives)?
    I know on Tiger I had this same problem and it turned out that there was a problem between the Mac's Firewire drivers and Maxtor OneTouch drives. Maxtor had a patch that fixed the problem on Tiger, but I'm not sure if the patch is needed also for Leopard. Not sure if Maxtor drive support is continuing since Seagate bought them.
    I'm currently having a problem on Leopard with hangs (not specifically the same as yours). I'm wondering if it is again a problem with compatibility between Leopard and the Maxtor drives.

  • 17 inch i7 Macbook Pro Snow leopard install problems

    Got my new 17 inch i7 MBP, powered it up everythings fine. So I go to re partition the drive and do a clean system install. Middle of the install it fails. Log file shows it cant read files from the DVD.
    So I grab a snow leopard install version 10.6 to install from. It will not boot the mbp i7. It hangs on the apple screen with no activity circle underneath the apple logo. Same for 10.6.2 SL install disc I have.
    I then try to install SL to a external drive and update it to 10.6.3. It boots all my non i7 macs here but when I try to boot the i7 mbp it hangs again on the apple screen.
    I really want to use the i7 machine and Im dreading waiting on apple to send me mbp 17 replacement disks. I have no problems buying a 10,6,3 version of the SL installer but after my experiences with 10.6 and 10.6.2 and the external disk to upgrade to 10.6.3 I have a feeling the i5/i7 machines need specific installer discs.
    Is any one aware of this or run in to it yet ? Thanks.

    The only OS installer that will work with your MBP is the one that came with the Mac originally so you will need to wait for a new set.

  • Leopard install problems on G4 AGP with processor upgrade

    I've got an olde PowerMac G4 (AGP 450 or so Mhz) that was upgraded many years ago to a PowerLogix 7455 Dual 1.3 Ghz processor. It has Boot ROM version 4.2.8, and has been running Tiger 10.4.11 faithfully, but I thought I would bring it up to speed with Leopard and get it in line with the rest of my machines.
    The Leopard install disc (10.5) won't boot the machine. After I run the installer and the machine re-boots, the drive churns, spits out the disc and then re-boots.
    So I looked into the whole "disc pops out issue" in the KB and this G4 AGP does NOT need the firmware update listed in the KB to solve a similar problem on Quicksilvers (FYI, its a MATSHITADVD-ROM SR-8585 r1A28)
    The machine meets all Leopard requirements, so thinking it was the drive (since the disc kept popping out) I booted into target disc mode and installed 10.5 from a PowerBook G4.
    But now when I boot the G4 from that drive, it does not get past the grey Apple screen with the spinner... the machine shuts down just as it would normally get to the blue screen.
    The G4 boots fine from the clone I made just before I started all this (Phew!) so I am back to square one, just wish I could bring the G4 up to Leopard.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    After I run the installer and the machine re-boots, the drive churns, spits out the disc and then re-boots.
    I booted into target disc mode and installed 10.5 from a PowerBook G4.
    I am getting confused your your use of "installer". Being able to run an Installer implies that you actually got the computer to boot from the DVD so you are actually able to run the Installer program. In the second instance when the other computer was in TDM did you actually install 10.5 and now the grey screen issue is when it is booting to 10.5 on your computer, or are you still hanging on booting to the DVD?
    The G4 boots fine from the clone I made just before I started all this (Phew!) so I am back to square one, just wish I could bring the G4 up to Leopard.
    I assume this is some pre-Leopard OS.
    Are you using a retail version of Leopard (black color) or gray discs that will only install on the machine with which they originally came and in particular if they came with an Intel computer will not like a PPC?

  • Big problem with plain blue screen on boot (not related to Leopard install)

    Hi - eventually I have worked out how to post to this forum!
    I have had a major disaster with my iMac this weekend. It began with a lock-up when I was working happily away in Blender. I got a beachball and the machine froze. I had ssh set up so I tried to go in from my iBook to kill a few processes to try to get it back on track, but without success, so eventually I had to hold down the power button to power off the machine.
    When I tried to reboot, I got the grey screen and the spinning wheel, then a plain blue screen with no mouse, no beachball and the machine just seemed to stop. I could hear the CPU going like the clappers and was able to ssh in again and check top to see what was going on, and the WindowServer(?) process was maxed out at 100%. I wasn't able to kill it and again nothing happened and on a further reboot I just had a plain blue screen.
    I have since spent a few hours trying various things to sort this out, so far to no avail.
    - Single User mode, fsck -fy: reports everything fine, no change
    - Reset PRAM, no change
    - Tried booting off my backup Firewire drive (SuperDuper) but it won't boot to it, same blue screen hang
    - Ran Disk Utility from Leopard Install DVD - permissions, checked disk, etc - no change
    - Ran DiskWarrior in Target Disk mode from iBook, no change
    - Ran Tech Tool Deluxe, no change
    - Removed RAM (not third party), put it back in, no change
    - Reinstalled Leopard using Archive & Install, no change
    - Reinstalled Leopard again, using Erase & Install, no change
    - I think I'm running out of options.
    I'd have been on the phone to Apple by now but it's Sunday tomorrow and a Bank Holiday in the UK tomorrow so it will be Tuesday at the earliest, and I know I'm going to be frustrated by having to go through all this with them again!
    A weird thing is - I CAN get logged in in Safe Mode now and again, and when I do, the mouse pointer has a small, almost transparent rectangular graphic attached that follows the pointer around. Barely perceptible but it's there - it looks like a Leopard icon for a txt file but barely visible. Has anyone ever seen anything like this?? It really feels like something has corrupted, but with a totally clean OS install, is that possible?
    As it stands, I'm sure this is a hardware issue but I'm not sure. I had a couple of power outages lately which I suspect are behind this.
    I'd be really grateful for anyone's thoughts on this - it's been a really frustrating couple of days.

    As far as I can see, resetting the power manager on this model of iMac involves resetting the SMC, which is unplugging all cables for 15 seconds, plugging back in and powering up. Tried that too, same result. In terms of third party software, nothing. Clean Leopard install is the lot.

  • Clean Leopard Install - Can't get Photos back in Right (tripling, etc)

    Hi. I did a clean Leopard install then loaded my iLife '06. I have my "iPhoto Library" on my external. This contains folders 'originals', 'modified', 'data', and other accoutremonts. In iPhoto, I selected "Import" and thought things were going well till I saw 1) triple copies of each photo 2) no import of my tags for each photo, albums, folders, etc. I see 2000, 2001, 2002, etc. but no 'Canada Vacation', etc.
    So, knowing I still had them on my external, I deleted over 10,000 photos from iPhoto to start anew. Then I figured the triples were coming from 'originals', 'modified', 'data' so I tried just importing "originals". This put only 1 copy of the photo in iPhoto, but it's a jumbled mess with no tags, sections, etc.
    I checked the help section but am still not 'getting it'. Could someone point me in the right direction or explain what I should do here to get my iPhoto back to where it was pristine/organized? I'm befuddled.

    I fixed my problem by accident. I merely dragged my "iPhoto Library" from my external to "pictures" in my home directory.

  • Creating a backup before Leopard install

    Is it possible to back up my entire 80gb imac startup drive to one of my firewire drives with assurance that I can go back to that system if my Leopard install goes haywire? My first attempt to install Leopard failed with some un-useful error message and I was concerned that I might have gotten too far to go back. It seems to have rebooted fine back to 10.4.10, but my other startup drive is 10.2.8 and I'd hate to have to startup from that

    Make a bootable clone backup on the FW drive. I use LaCie Silverkeeper 1.1.4.
    Most important! Test the bootable clone. Restart your computer with the Option key pressed and your external drive should appear as one of the bootable options. Select its icon and click on it. Only after you boot up and see that the clone is indeed a clone, do you really know that you are safe from any kind of installation problem.
    I would also strongly suggest removing the external drive connectio from your computer before installing Leopard to be absolutely sure nothing can happen to it.

  • I have a copy of Windows 7, and I am trying to bring up Boot Camp on my MacBook with Snow Leopard. But my Snow Leopard install disk is too old for Windows 7, so attempted Boot Camp install of drivers fails.

    I have a copy of Windows 7, and I am trying to bring up Boot Camp on my MacBook with Snow Leopard. But my Snow Leopard install disk is too old for Windows 7, so attempted Boot Camp install of drivers fails.
    I have hand-installed the NVidia graphics driver, and I have keyboard, minimal trackpad, and hardwire to internet all working. So the WIndows machine is usable. But I am hurting for wi-fi, better trackpad, and whatever else is delivered by Boot Camp. I can't use any of the Boot Camp upgrades because I do not have XP or Vista.

    While we all have MacBooks in this forum not all of us use Boot Camp. There's a Boot Camp Support Community where everybody uses Boot Camp. You should also post this question there.

  • How do I install snow leopard on a 2.1 ghz macbook with 10.5.8 Leopard installed?  I have a 10.6.2 unstall disk.  It says it can't install snow leopard on this computer.

    How do I install Snow Leopard on my Macbook 2.1 ghz, with 10.5.8 Leopard installed?
    I have the install disk for Snow Leopard 10.6.2, but when using it for installation, it
    states that "Snow Leopard cannot be installed on this computer"!
    I understand some features of iOS5 cannot be used unless my iMac and Macbook have
    10.7 Lion installed.  Correct?

    It sounds like your Snow Leopard install disk is the disk that came with another model of Mac (grey lable with no pictures). If so, that's not legal and won't work. You need a retail (white label with the picture of a snow leopard) copy of the installer for each system that didn't come with Snow Leopard.

  • How do you make a back-up copy of the OSX Leopard Install Disk 1?

    I'd like to make a back-up copy of +Leopard Install Disk #1+ but I only have one DVD read/write machine onboard the Mac Pro.
    Can I insert the Leopard DVD, copy it to my desktop, remove it from the drive, insert a blank DVD and burn the contents to the blank DVD?
    I'm trying to create a simple bootable Leopard DVD that will enable me to (a) boot up, then restore my System HD from a Time Machine Archive; and/or (b) run +Disk Utility+ from a source other than the main System HD if necessary.
    I know I can do these things from the original Leopard Install DVD but I'm trying to preserve it and use it as little as possible in the event I need to reinstall Leopard.

    In addition to Malcolm's instructions I want to point out that you need a Dual Layer
    DVD+R (or -R) for this. Those are quite flaky and some might not work or not work well when you burn them. I was recommended Verbatim DL DVD+R as being reliable. try those.
    also, instead of burning to a copy of the install Disk 1 to a DVD you can clone it to a partition on your hard drive. Just make a small partition, insert the DVD, select it in Disk Utility and click on "restore" tab. select the DVD as the source and the partition as the target and hit "restore". this will give you a very fast bootable installer right on your hard drive.

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