Leopard knocks my airport base off the the net

How about this. My network which is a cable modem to an Airport extreme BS(UFO) to a 24 port switch with several wired and wireless computers and a airport express to speakers, all works perfectly, has for years.
I plug in the ether net cable into my new 24" iMac with leopard for internet access and some time within the next few hours I lose internet access over the entire network, wired and wireless.
If a unplug the power to the Airport base station, wait 30 seconds, plug it back in, I have internet access again, for a while.
I have since unplugged the iMac with leopard and... no problems. I waited a couple of days and tried plugging the ether net cable into the iMac again... after a while I lost access again.
Unplug the iMac with leopard and no airport problems since.
What do I do?

You are one of many people having the same problem.
See another thread here:

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Play the videos on your computer. What program do they play in?

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    Boot directory structure and files the same on both copies except Java and installers...
    #diff -r /jumpstart/solX/Solaris_10/Tools /jumpstart/solX.boot/Solaris_10/Tools
    diff: /jumpstart/solX.boot/Solaris_10/Tools/Installers/.install/JRE: No such file or directory
    diff: /jumpstart/solX.boot/Solaris_10/Tools/Installers/.install/com/sun/launcher: No such file or directory
    diff: /jumpstart/solX.boot/Solaris_10/Tools/Installers/.install/com/sun/liveupgrade: No such file or directory
    #diff -r /jumpstart/solX/boot /jumpstart/solX.boot/boot
    # ^^^ no differences
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    Specifically, I had the typical problem connecting when using Windows Live OneCare, despite allowing AirPort Disk Agent in its firewall pop-up.
    This is the procedure which unlocked access via AirPort Disk Agent:
    Double Click Windows Live OneCare icon in system tray. Or use your own means to get its main window open.
    Click the "Change OneCare Settings" topic listed along the left edge column. This will open a new dialog box.
    Click the "Firewall" tab of this new dialog box.
    Click the "Firewall connection tool" button shown right under the protection level slider. This will open yet another dialog box.
    At the top of the list in this "Set up connections" dialog box will be a checkbox (probably unchecked) next to the words "Network Discovery: Browse your network to find printers, computers and other devices."
    Close all the dialog boxes using an OK button where available, else the usual [X].
    Left-click the AirPort Disk Agent icon in your system tray. From the menu that pops up, select the disk you were having trouble with. Enter its password (the one you know works from a Mac, if appropriate).
    After a delay, your "My Computer" window should show a new drive. If you have window settings appropriate to this display, the drive should appear under the "Network Drives" category. In my case, it became drive Z:.

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    Thank you

    Reset to factory and start over.. this is common with latest firmware and OS.
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