Lightroom not installed.

I started the creative cloud install and ran into internet connection issues partway through and had to restart my computer.  The creative cloud app is on the desktop and won't open.  Photoshop appeared to install okay, but I cannot install lightroom and have restarted and still can't open creative cloud.

Coutrneyleaf do you receive any error messages when trying to open the Creative Cloud Desktop application?

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    Did you uninstall Lightroom when the trial expired? It doesn't do that automatically when the 30 days are up, so it's still trying to start whenever a memory card is inserted (because that's how the preferences were set when the trial expired). All you can do, assuming you don't want to buy it, is to uninstall it and the problem goes away.

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    Hi ,
    Thanks for quick response.
    Can you also please tell me what could be the reason for this error?

  • Lightroom not installing

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    calvincropley wrote:
     But you don't think by deleting it'll actually stuff it up real bad; Or is it just a once of type of thing? Cause I don't wanna make things worse.
    Deleteing the .lock file does not oppose a risk, as long as no LR is running on your system.
    This is how the .lock file is handled:
    When a catalog is opened by LR, a .lock file is put into the folder right next to the catalog file. This file indicates to possibly other LR instances started that this catalog is in use and cannot be used by anybody else. Upon normal shutdown of LR, the .lock file is deleted by LR and the catalog therefore is freed for use.
    If your LR crashes for some reason (either as an application or while your entire system crashes), LR cannot delete the .lock file before ending, so the .lock file stays with the catalog file. Upon next start of LR, it thinks that the catalog is in use by somebody else and does not open the catalog.
    By deleting the .lock file manually, you "free up" the catalog for use again.

  • How do I tell the CC application manager that Lightroom is not installed on my pc?

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    Win 7 Home Premium 64-bit PC, CC Version

    Hi adogool,
    Please try to perform the steps given in the follwoing article.

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    It is possible that you downloaded the Creative Cloud trial of Lightroom. The perpetual license key will not work. Uninstall the version on the second computer, this will not interfere with your catalog, preferences and personal files.
    Download the appropriate version from the link below and install, your license key will be accepted and everything will be fine.
    Product updates

  • Lightroom CC installed but does not run

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    Photoshop CC                Update Ready   
    Photoshop CC (2014)      Update Ready
    Bridge CC                      Update Ready
    Lightroom 5                    Up to date
    Lightroom CC (2015)       Up to date
    Edge Inspect CC            Up to date
    I am not aware of any updates for the first 3 items
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    Any idea how I proceed?

    It seems to have worked !   I was doubtful since I had already rebooted so I thought that would resolve things.
    After the logout/login, I launched LR and updated my default catalogue. Then notified me that a third-party plugin was no longer compatible (no problem, I dont use it anyway)
    Now it is working

  • Lightroom CC will not install!

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    We have an enterprise license and I am using the same procedure I used for all of the other packages. The Lightroom installation media downloads and the package is successfully built but running the .exe or the .msi is not successful. When the installer is executed, it brings up the normal dialogue boxes and appears to be working. However, after a few minutes the box goes away with no error message and nothing is installed.
    The most frustrating part is the lack of log files, I found the page pointing to the Common Files folder but there is no Adobe folder in there. I have tried installing and running the CC Packager on two different machines with the same result. I also tried installing Photoshop CC first to see if maybe it was a prerequisite for Lightroom but the result was the same. Any advice?

    Hi Stephen,
    Adobe Lightroom goes to exception folder once a package is created. You would need to install Adobe lightroom under exception folder using ExceptionDeployer.exe (WIN).
    For more info, please visit :

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    >Windows Cleanup seems to have done the trick, though before trying it I actually managed to install LR 2.0 beta with no problems. Anyway, since it's a windows system, anything can happen -- and frequently does!
    But that is what happens; you may get an error trying to install one particular application while all others work perfectly well. The cleanup utility fixes the problems for that particular application and saves you doing registry edits etc.
    >I have install issue saying I dont have the right Window Installer error when I install 1.4.1 update too.
    If you do not have the "right Window Installer" you may need to download the latest version from Microsoft. You can find the revision of your current windows installer by looking of properties of Msiexec located in c:\windows\system32. My version is 3.1.4000.1823.
    This is the link to the download: 38C&displaylang=en
    Also, make sure that your Windows is up-to-date.

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    We have to Re-name the OOBE folder and so we will be able to install the software from AAM, once it is installed we can undo the OOBE folder.
    Mac HD> Application support > Adobe> OOBE
    For 32 bit :  C:\Program Files > Common Files > Adobe\ OOBE
    For 64 bit: C:\Program Files( X 86) > Common Files > Adobe\ OOBE
    You can re-name the OOBE folder as OOBE.old.
    Note: Please don't forget the Re-name the OOBE.old as OOBE once the software is installed.

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    Why is it not installed , when I made the installation

    Without proper system information we cannot tell you anything.

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    Scrappy1 what do you mean exactly by doing a scan?
    Under Windows 7 you will want to use the Programs and Features Control Panel to remove your installation.  I would recommend verifying that Photoshop Lightroom is removed from the list of installed applications.

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    Download from Adobe's website
    Win: Adobe - Lightroom : For Windows
    Mac: Adobe - Lightroom : For Macintosh
    Install then enter your serial number when prompted.
    I have the receipt, and you can look to see that the program was never used.
    The receipt is only of use to B&H. Adobe will have no record of it.
    If you quote an Adobe Lightroom serial number then Adobe can confirm if that serial number has ever been registered. That step should not be required at this stage though. Just install the software.

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    Far out, I have been suffering from the same issue! I have tried on multiple machines to install Lightroom CCP pacakge! When running the setup.exe for other packages it will actually install the application and display a desktop icon / program files entry. I have wasted hours trying to figure out why Lightroom wasn't installing even tho event logs said successful! How is there no official documentation from Adobe that this is the expected behaviour for Lightroom manual installs?
    Sure the documentation says run setup.exe then exceptions installer, my thoughts were why bother with exception installer if the main package has not installed correctly! It should mention the program won't appear until exceptions have been installed?
    Thanks for creating this thread DeltaCollege! And thanks for the resolution Romsinha!

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    Lightroom app installed, but will not open

    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

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