Link Tracker

I'm new to actionscript and flash and i was wondering what
command i would use to put an identifyer up when a person clicks on
a button that i can use (and take off) later to decide where to
send that user.
a button that sends the user to a certain frame and then
after those frames are done playing sends them to another frame,
depending on what identifyer they have on them.
function move1(e:MouseEvent):void {
add.tracker(move1) <-????????
if tracker = move1 {<-????????
THANK YOU so much :]

create a variable and assign it a value that's used to direct
your timeline " another frame".

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    So I am developing a marketing website and in need of a basic link tracking from where the web surfer came from, where they went to next, how long they spent on the site etc. Or something that is close as it cane to meet the specs from above.
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    Many thanks for your time.

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. It does matter what version of iWeb you're using. Go to the iWeb menu and select the "About iWeb" option. If you're running iWeb 1 a lot of what you want to do will be very difficult. iWeb 2 is better and 3 would be best.
    For visitor tracking you can use a 3rd party counter like StatCounter which gives you information on visitors like this:
    and this:
    Click to view full size
    This tutorial describes how to add it to each page in an HTML snippet: Old Toad's Tutorial #13 - Adding a StatCounter as an HTML Snippet.

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    You can use Join Cd Tracks which you'll find in iTunes under Advanced. You can only join the track prior to importing however not once the are already in. You load the CD and highlight the adjacent tracks then import them.

  • A LOT of iTunes broken links/tracks after Music folder move...

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    Just to follow up with a more comprehensive example of looping through a Library to detect & repair "missing" file-tracks:
    property kErrAENoSuchObject:(-1728)
    on run
    tell (application "iTunes")
    set theLibraryPlaylist to (first library playlist)
    tell theLibraryPlaylist
    set theNumCandidateFileTracks to (count (every file track))
    repeat with i from 1 to theNumCandidateFileTracks by 1
    -- Get a reference to this file-track
    set thisFileTrackRef to (file track i)
    -- Get this file-track's info (useful for debugging, etc.)
    set thisArtist to (artist of thisFileTrackRef)
    set thisAlbum to (album of thisFileTrackRef)
    set thisName to (name of thisFileTrackRef)
    set thisFileTrackInfo to (thisArtist & " > " & thisAlbum & " > " & thisName)
    -- Display a diagnostic message every 500th file-track
    if ((i mod 500) = 0) then
    tell me
    display dialog ("Checking file-track #" & i & ": " & ¬
    return & return & thisFileTrackInfo) ¬
    buttons {"Cancel", "•"} giving up after 2.5
    end tell -- me
    end if
    -- Retrieve this file-track's target file (an AS 'alias' object), if any
    -- {!!! NOTE: Due to a bug in iTunes 7.x+ (esp. when downloading), AS might
    -- be unable to access the 'location' field of some file-tracks !!!}
    set thisFileTrackTargetFile to (location of thisFileTrackRef)
    on error errMsg2 number errNum2
    -- Check whether it's that bizarre error: (-1728) "Can't get location of …"
    if (errNum2 = (kErrAENoSuchObject of me)) then
    -- Set up to just skip this track (assume it's being downloaded)
    set thisFileTrackTargetFile to (anything) -- (Other than 'missing value')
    else (* Re-signal all other errors *)
    error errMsg2 number errNum2
    end if
    end try
    -- Check whether this file-track is "missing" its target file
    if (thisFileTrackTargetFile = (missing value))
    -- Inform the user
    tell me
    display dialog ("Repairing this missing file-track: " & ¬
    return & return & thisFileTrackInfo) ¬
    buttons {"Cancel", "•"} giving up after 2.5
    end tell -- me
    -- Set up this target file's new pathname (e.g., via explicit user input, or
    -- better yet automatically reconstructed from this file-track's tags such
    -- as Artist, Album, Name, Kind, etc.)
    -- ... Translate this file-track's kind into a filename-extension
    set thisKind to (kind of thisFileTrackRef)
    set thisNameExt to "m4a" -- ... Default
    if ({thisKind} is in {("Protected AAC audio file")}) then -- Older DRM'd file
    set thisNameExt to "m4p"
    else if ({thisKind} is in {("MPEG audio file")}) then -- MP3
    set thisNameExt to "mp3"
    else if (thisKind contains "movie file") then -- E.g., interactive booklet
    set thisNameExt to "mov"
    end -- (thisKind = "MPEG audio file") ... else if ... else ...
    -- ... Auto-build this target file's new pathname
    set thisTargetFileNewPathname to ("New Disk:New Path:" & ¬
    thisArtist & ":" & thisAlbum & ":" & thisName & "." & thisNameExt)
    -- Assign this new target file (as an AS 'alias' object) to this file-track
    -- (This is the crucial step that was impossible in older versions of iTunes!)
    set (location of thisFileTrackRef) to (alias thisTargetFileNewPathname)
    end if -- (thisFileTrackTargetFile = (missing value))
    end repeat -- with i from 1 to theNumCandidateFileTracks by 1
    end tell -- theLibraryPlaylist
    end tell -- (application "iTunes")
    end run

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    <script type="text/javascript">
    function trackOutboundLink(link, category, action) {
    try {
    _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', category , action]);
    } catch(err){}
    setTimeout(function() {
    document.location.href = link.href;
    }, 100);
    <a href="" onClick="trackOutboundLink(this, 'Outbound Links', ''); return false;">
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    But it doesn't seem to work... Help appreciated.
    An example page is here: nd-review.html

    As per the instructions on link below you need to insert the code in <Head> section of the page.
    Conversion Tracking and Optimization | Facebook Help Center | Facebook
    Once you receive the code from Facebook you can insert it in Muse site.
    Open the page in Design mode and go to Page > Page Properties > Metadata > Html for <head>
    Paste the code in the space mentioned in the screenshot and you should be all set

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    I'm not exactly how you're doing your original animation but I expect that you're using text animators for position and tracking. Put tracking in Animator 1 but don't animate the range selectors, animate the tracking value. Don't use a text animator for position, just animate the text layer's position property. Make sure that the text is left justified.
    That should do it.

  • Link Tracking Number

    Hello Everyone,
    I was searching through the forums and found a thread about UPS Order history page, but not sure this is quite what I was looking for.  I wanted to know if it is possible to link the Tracking number that is sent out in the email so when you click on it the UPS site will open with your details.  Thanks for the help!

    Yep, if you edit the mail template "ordershipped" you'll see that its just HTML with some %% variables included that are in the Netpoint.API.Fulfillment.NPShipment class of the API.
    You can edit or add a link to the UPS website that includes the tracking number, provided you are inputting this tracking number into the delivery when creating it in B1.
    The link could be something like this:
    <a href=""> Track package </a>

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    Is it possible to configure something like a tracking on a port, so that the Controller starts a switchover if a port link is down or an ip address isn’t reachable anymore?  I know a tracking like this is possible in Catalyst switches, but i didn’t found anything for a WLC.

    I guess that you are referring to the SSO HA setup? All the fail-over conditions for that configuration are listed in this document starting on from page 41. It is not possible to influence this behavior.

  • Linking tracks (REWARD!)

    Ok, so the reward might be lame - but I'd appreciate any clear help with this puzzle.
    I have created a DVD that plays beautifully. It contains 30 music videos that have each been compressed (via Compressor). I have pulled them into a DVDSP template "Light Index" and dropped one video into each of the so-called "light index" windows. I put some cool music under each menu page (of which there are 6) and made a nice Main Menu for navigational purposes. All the videos have end jumps assigned - and again everything plays very well.
    Here's the issue:
    I'd like users to be able to view a track and simply skip/jump forward or backward to the next or previous track. Just like one would do with chapter markers within a single track.
    Each of the 30 tracks, of course, has a chapter marker assigned to it - and ALL 30 chapter markers have the same assignment "Chapter 1".
    So the result is that when the DVD is being viewed, users can not skip to the next track or back to the previous track.
    Without placing all of the videos on one track (which I think isn't doable since there are multiple original formats ie.e, 35mm, dvcpro hd, 16mm, etc) - how can I get all tracks to effectively link to one another so a user can jump forward or backwards through them.
    Seems like it should be a no brainer, right?
    First person to solve the mystery will receive a copy of the DVD which, I might add, is pretty cool

    Ok, here's what I've done:
    -Created a "Play All" button on my main page
    -Created a Story for 3 separate music videos (just to test, if works I'll do all 30)
    -The "Play All" button target is my first Story - "Story 1"
    -Story 1's end jump is "Story 2"
    -Story 2's end jump is "Story 3"
    -Story 3's end jump is "Main menu" (which is what I've actually named my main menu)
    I know that each of my stories "work" independently, because I see them, and can play them in their parent track.
    However, when I simulate, and press "play all" (my new button), nothing at all happens.
    Have I missed a step here?
    Message was edited by: Kevin Toaster
    Message was edited by: Kevin Toaster
    Message was edited by: Kevin Toaster

  • Video & Audio Linked Tracks Will Not Modify Together - FCP 6

    I have a weird phenomenon w/FCP 6. When attempting to modify the length of video and audio clips that are linked (even Slug from the Generators area). I can only 2 either the audio or video, not both. Is there a setting which I need to modify? I would prefer to do this rather than re-install the whole thing. Thanks.

    Clips that are linked have their names as undelined text in the timeline.
    Clips that are not linked haven't.
    So Check if they are linked. If not. Select and use Command L to Link.
    AFTER that. Linked Selection can be switched on and off.
    When Link is on. Then clicking on a Videoclip selects Video AND audio.
    When Link is off. Then clicking on a videoclio selects video ONLY and NOT it's Linked Audio.
    To toggle Linked Selection On and Off use SHIFT L.
    edit: oh, almost forgot. ALT clicking on a clip toggles temporaraly (as long as the ALT is being pressed). This way you can also easily trim edges that are linked, while linked selection is on. ALT click and drag on the cut then only trims the track (audio OR video) that you selected.
    Probably you are aware of this all. I just want to make sure...
    Message was edited by: Rienk

  • Styling Links Tracked by Google Analytics

    Hi everyone --
    I'm tracking a site using Google Analytics. I'm taking
    advantage of one of
    GA's tools by tracking a 3rd party shopping cart. So far so
    good. But
    here's where I need help with 2 things.
    First, how do I make the links in the code (around line 30)
    for users
    with/without JavaScript enabled follow my CSS styles; and
    how do I do I make the rest of the line display --"or learn
    more about the
    Here's a link to the page:

    Hi David
    did you ever sort this?
    many thanks

  • Linking tracks color to mixer

    How do I link the color of the regions to the color which shows up in the mixer.

    select the regions. Under the regions menu look for channel strip/instrument colors to regions.

  • How can I re-link multiple "missing" files from my iTunes without doing each one manually?

    All of a sudden, hundreds of my songs can't be played because iTunes can't find the files.  They are all still on my computer and I can link each of them manually, but that would take days!  Is there a way to re-link multiple files at once?

    Something must have been done to break the link.  Did you manually move files or folders, rename files or folders, or otherwise change where iTunes thinks the files are located?  Did iTunes crash at some point?
    I haven't seen any truly successful tools to re-link tracks.  You can check on Dougscripts website where there's one that uses Spotlight.  There's also one that tries to re-link based upon your file being in a logical folder structure.
    You could re-link by adding the files again.  Of course they will be added as brand new files and not in playlists, and won't have ratings, etc.  You can then use one of Dougscripts to automatically remove dead links.

Maybe you are looking for

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