ListBox causes dump only in MVC

I have a working ListBox that is working in a "regular" BSP.
I copied this app to an MVC type BSP and I am trying to do the same.
The problem is that I get a dump on a listBox command.
"Type conflict in the ASSIGN statement in the program CL_HTMLB_LISTBOX==============CP "
It is definitely from the listBox.
I stripped down the code until I got the HTMLB:
                    <htmlb:listBox id                = "agg_number"
                                   table             = "//model/agg_list"
                                   nameOfKeyColumn   = "AGG_KEY"
                                   nameOfValueColumn = "NAME"
                                   multiple          = "true"
                                   size              = "12" />
the definition is:
the type is:
       begin of tp_agg_list,
         AGG_KEY type kunnr,
         NAME        type NAME1_GP,
         ACCOUNT type HKONT,
       end of tp_agg_list,
       tp_agg_list_tbl  type standard table of tp_agg_list,
       tp_agg_tbl       type standard table of kunnr
I have no idea why it is dumping.
I think that the code is right and it is working in a different app.
Do you have any ideas?

Hi ,
In the list box "Selection" or "Selections" is missing .
Without this , you cannot get the selected values.
Please check this.
<htmlb:listBox id = "agg_number"
           table = "//model/agg_list"
           nameOfKeyColumn = "AGG_KEY"
           nameOfValueColumn = "NAME"
           multiple = "true"
           size = "12"
           selections --- string table />
Reward if useful.

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    Per the recommendation I've moved this thread to the ABAP forum:
    ERP EHP4 causing dump when posting invoice in MIRO

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    How to Track and Report Stolen iPad
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
    Report Stolen iPad Tips and iPad Theft Prevention
    How to recover a lost or stolen iPad
    How to Find a Stolen iPad
    Apple Product Lost or Stolen olen
    Oops! iForgot My New iPad On the Plane; Now What?
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    How to Find Your iPad Serial Number
     Cheers, Tom

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    Not for unplanned account assignments
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    Read PO history for goods item
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    ...with the last line being the culprit. The actual break in execution occurs at line 119 of SAPLMRMP, BESTELLUNG_BUCHEN where function MRM_BW_PO_HISTORY is called.
    Had some other errors where tables weren't properly activated after the EHP installation, but here most everything seems to be activated properly. The exception is table EKBE, which activates but with warnings about missing enhancement categories of tables or includes/subtypes for four active dependent tables. That's the only lead I've got.
    Can't find any notes or other posts about this error, any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    the only thing i´ve found is this OSS Note:
    Best regards.

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    Hello Robert
    When you open the SAP LogonPad then you find a symbol in the left upper corner. Click on it (left mouse) and choose function "About SAP Logon..." (Über SAP Logon...).
    Then you see the exact version, build and patch-level of your SAP-GUI.

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    Last edited by Cdh (2012-03-09 09:47:22)

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    /dev/sda2: UUID="2e8619f0-1f4f-423b-8dd9-8cb1be8b6e2a" TYPE="ext4"
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    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
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    none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
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    dev-mqueue.mount loaded active mounted POSIX Message Queue File System
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    LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
    ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
    SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.
    JOB = Pending job for the unit.
    15 units listed.
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    Many thanks!
    [email protected]

    Or you can assign a static IP address on the computer it self.
    If it is a MAC computer then click on APPLE icon. Go to system preferences. Click on Network and select Ethernet. Go to Advanced settings and go to TCP/IP settings. Change the configuration to Manual and assign a static IP address to the computer.
    If it is windows computer then open Network connections. Right click on Local area connection/ wireless network connection and go to properties. Click on Internet protocol TCP/IP properties. Assign a static IP address.

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    Just wondering if anyone here encountered this situation before and knows of any explanation or solution.
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    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Kind regards,

    Welcome to sdn.
    Abap doesn't check existence of the dynpro, it only check activation of the exit in CMOD, that may explain the, difference.

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    Hi  friends ,
    During Upgrade , I made an EPC check .There I got synatx errors and warnings as well. I corrected all the syntax errors except one warning. But later the same warning caused a serious dump though it usually doesnot happen. So is it required to correct warnings resulted in EPC check ? If yes , is there any convenient way to monitor the warnings that cause suich dumps as the number of warnings exceeds  far more in  amount as compared to  syntax errors?

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    You should avoid Errors...

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    Basically when i try to reinstall it says its only for iOS 7 or later and that I cant install it. Ive tried everything at this point.
    someone help

    Use this method:
    Starting when iOS 7 was released, Apple now allows downloading the last compatible version of some apps (iOS 4.2.1 and later only)
    App Store: Downloading Older Versions of Apps on iOS - Apple Club
    App Store: Install the latest compatible version of an app
    You first have to download the non-compatible version on your computer. Then when you try to purchase the version on your iPod you will be offered a compatible version if one exists.

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    We're consuming a web service written in C# (.NET 4.0) which has datetime (xsd:dateTime) fields. The ABAP proxy class dumps when the service response is returned with:
    CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_DATE_TIME:XSLT exception.An error occurred when deserializing in the simple transformation program /1SAI/TXS72F7E0958348097F34D9.Value 2011-12-15T00:00:00 is not a valid date with time in accordance with the XML format for ABAP
    Apparently SAP expects 2011-12-15T00:00:00Z but we are getting 2011-12-15T00:00:00 (without the Z). What does this mean and how can we fix it? Our .NET developer apparently has no control over the "Z" and this all seems a bit of strange reason to dump.
    Here is the partial SOAP response:
    Here is the relevant WSDL:
    <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="expires" type="xsd:dateTime" />


  • Smartform causing dump

    During debugging  for occurence of dump in smartform , i found it is happening in following code.
    could any one please help me to solve it.
    Srinivasa Murthy

    Hi Murthy,
    The dump might be because the string W_SUB which you are accessing is not having so many characters.
    Before displaying the sub strings
    try to check if the string lenght greater that what you want. if true then pass that value to one variable and then try to print it in smart form in this format &Var1(C)&.
    if suppose ur string is W_SUB = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.
    if strlen(W_SUB) > 10.
    v_str1 = w_sub+3(6).
    in the text element write &V_STR1(C)&.
    hope this will solve your problem.

Maybe you are looking for