Live Update - AMD driver 12.104.0

I use the live update program to update the drivers etc. The program shows that current version is 12.104. and the online version is 8.947.0. In my world a lower number indicates an earlier version, and the highest number the latest.
Have I missed something here, or is this a bug? Should I install or drop it?
Dag R

that 8.947.0 driver is for the South Bridge (Main Chipset) as the board has no Graphics so any mention of Graphics or VGA should be ignored as that has a VGA driver set but is just there as its totally generic and some boards that some makers produced do have a basic GPU on them that can use that but yours doesn't have one so it means nothing but it contains everything else too for the board to operate the Southbridge so it is needed.
the Graphics Drivers should be for whatever Graphics Card you are running so if its a AMD graphics Card get them from either the Manufacturer of the card or from the AMD and again if its a Nvidia Based card get them from the card maker or from Nvidia as you have not listed what Graphics card you have just the motherboard so I'm being generic and trying to be as thorough as I can with such limited information that you have gave us!
does that make it clearer?
note: it would be more helpful if you listed your parts in the build so we know what you have so its not so hard and I do not have to guess here! >>Posting Guide<<

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    Quote from: ITPalg on 27-November-13, 09:37:01
    Well, it is an AMD based board, not Intel. Shouldn't the board manufacturer supply the drivers for their own board?
    p.s....after letting the one file download for over an hour, there is a corrupt file in it /rolls eyes...I also can't find drivers for an ATI based MB on the AMD website. The only selections for drivers are for graphics cards.
    So you didn't get a disk with your motherboard?
    Yes, MSI will provide drivers for your motherboard off of their website, or with the disk that came with your motherboard. You had mentioned the newest drivers...the newest drivers will always come from the chip AMD, Intel, Nvidia, etc.
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    download drivers for your graphics card from AMD as they will have newer versions then MSI have for that card! (just select Desktop Graphics - HD series - 4xxx and then select your OS)
    the one windows 7 installs is just a version they have for your card and may be outdated or buggy so i would suggest getting your VGA updates from AMD directly!

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    I used this driver package too, but I had after the installation of the AMD Drivers a Black Screen, and I could'nt read anything.
    Then I solve this problem! 
    And here are my steps:
    1. Download the driver package
    2. I have installed it and I made a desktop-icon for the amd Installer.
    3. Then I go to the Device Manager and then I clicked with the right-click on the ATi Radeon HD5650 and then I choose 
         "Update Driver Software...". After this then comes a windows with two messages. I have chosen the Second One                "Browse my computer for driver software". Then put in the location of the driver from the installed downloaded                  package. The Standard location is: C:\Drivers\Catalyst_12.10_WHQL_UnifL\Packages\Drivers\Display\W86A_INF
    4. Then click on "Next" and then comes a message that a driver wants to get installed, install it.
    5. After this then comes the "Black Screen". Now take your finger and press the Display Change Button: |O|
         Press the button 3 times and press Enter after this if you don't see your desktop do this step again.
    6. Then If you have a picture do step 5 again and now you must look very well because now the desktop is very dark and      you can't make the brightness better.
    7. After this close all windows but before you could maybe see that the driver for the ATi Graphic Card is successfully            installed. 
    8. Now click on the desktop-icon which called "Run Catalyst 12.10 WHQL UnifL Installer"
    9. Run this Installer and then install it and don't make an update. Now choose a "user defined" installation and check if
         all important things are would be installed (so far if you can read it).
    10. Click on Next and Installation begins. While or after the installation you get now your desktop with a correct 
    I hope it solve your problems 

  • Re: Live Update showing wrong installed version of driver

    try with other version off live update, i got that problem too

    As for Intel ME, ask MSi techs as they should tell whats the issue (database might not be updated?): >>How to contact MSI.<<
    As for Killer, correct: just driver is much smaler than driver+...

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    Would be nice to know what mainboard is even being discussed. If the driver off the disc or MSI Website isn't working, go to vendor's Website and download and try their newest driver.

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    Here is pic of how many drivers can Live Update find for me.
    Here is the info that Live Update shows to my mainboard.
    When I search for AMD boards in Live Update it gives me zero results (at least for all AMD K8 boards), but Intel boards shows just fine.
    MSI could you please fix this problem soon?

    Quote from: Tiresmoke on 15-July-05, 07:20:40
    Sigh... Yet another web drama queen.
    LOL He will be back when he has a real issue. We give the best tech support on the web but we can't contol MSI's own website that contains Live Update and their drivers.
    I guess some folks never will get it.
    Or does he still think that I work for MSI? HeHeHe
    Sorry didn't notice at first that this was a USER 2 USER forum...
    Won't be back here after this post since I have no need for tech support (can manage my self).
    Quote from: bassmadrigal on 15-July-05, 07:25:58
    Boy you would think if he is having so many problems that he would download everything manually and update it that way.
    Have Fun
    Don't you think that I have installed the drivers alreayd?...
    I only posted because they have a bug in their system and it seems that they don't know it themselves.
    I already issued this problem to techsupport, but they just asked me to reinstall (even when I said that I had done that allready)...
    Gave them a bit more info and hopefully they will understand that the problem is in their servers.
    WoW bassmadrigal don't loose your temper right away when someone doesn't bother to read the "rules"
    One post and you all are flaming around like bunch of 5 year olds.
    Bye bye it was surely a colorfull visit.

  • MSI Live Update/Driver Versions

    Today I run MSI Live update program and received results. For VGA Drivers I had several options. But I don't know which one is better. Can you recommend me which driver version is necessary.
    1. MSI Live BIOS (MS-6796) (BIOS for Mainboard)
    Current  3.30                                
    Online 3.50
    2. Drivers for Mobo
        a. nForce System
            Current    2.29
            Online 2.03
        b. nForce VGA Driver
            Current     4523
            Online       4467
    3. Drivers for VGA Card
    Current               4523                           Online          5303
    Current               4523                           Online          5663
    Current               4523                           Online          6121
    Current               4523                           Online          6172
    Current               4523                           Online          6177
    Current               4523                           Online          6672
    4. MSI Utilities
      a. MSI i-Speeder
            Current     Unknown
            Online       1.2            
       b. MSI SecureDoc
           Current      Unknown
           Online        1.13E2
       c. MSI InfoView XP
          Current     Unknown
          Online       1.750                            
      d. MSI DMI Browser
           Current     Unknown
       e.    MSI WMI Info
           Current    Unknown
       f.     MSI LockBox
           Current    Unknown    
           Online      1.63B1
       g.    MSI PasswordKeeper
           Current    Unknown    
           Online      1.0

    Latests nVidia drivers (5.10) are getting me crazy. I have problems with audio (interferences and laggy sound), video (autozoom of my desktop after watching a film at fullscreen). I recommend the 4.xx (xx=cannot remember  ), I mean, the prior version to 5.10 for the Mega180 with onboard audio&video.

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    and the driver in the MSI Live Update is:
    Online Ver. 4403 (MSI Version)
    but when visit the MSI webpage ( the last driver is:
    Nvidia driver 45.32 for Win2000/WinXP/Server2003 OS
    and in the Nvidia webpage is 50.16.....
    and the same happend with the VGA Bios...
    y fix my vga cad update the VGA bios....but...this update don't show in the Live Update 3
    How fix it???

    Do not update the VGA BIOS unless you have a good reason to. It is not like a motherboard.
    Go to  nVidia Drivers if you want the latest drivers.
    Live Update may not have been updated OR the version reported by the Live Update utility has been tested successfully with that card. Newer drivers sometimes cause problems with older cards. The only way to know for sure is got to the nVidia site and try the latest.

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     Best way to fix Live Update is remove from your PC and don't use it. If you need updated drivers or BIOS or any such thing then manually download from either MSI website or chip manufacturers websites and install yourself..

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    MB driver
    Asmedia 106x SATA Driver
    I downloaded it several times, but it wont install.
    Can someone please help??

    Don't use Live Update but check for updates on product site as you didn't even add the product you have we can't help you any further right now. >>Posting Guide<<

  • H97M-G43, Live Update 6 does not include Intel ME driver

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    Fresh install Win7HP-64
    Install the NIC driver manually in order to have Internet
    Install the latest Live Update 6 from MSI (in this case from H97M-G43 utility)
    Run Automatic scan, select suggested "drivers" only, and Total Installer
    After finish, the Live Update 6 leaves a yellow flag in device manager. Is this a bug in LU6 or is it intended to be like this?

    It's the same driver for all Z/H97 boards (including hotfix). There is no need to download anywhere else but the link on the product site of the board in question which has been provided earlier.
    Quote from: flobelix on 17-October-14, 22:03:55
    The Live Update software you like is unfortunately crap and you are very lucky that it did not brick your board thus far as it often does that.
    Remove it and download drivers manually from poduct site: 64
    You'll find the ME driver there too.

  • Driver Update (Change-logs) MSI-Live Update 6 and Website

    I have kinda a request. I am a owner of the Z97 Gaming 9 AC motherboard.
     In MSI Live Update 6 I see some updates ready to be installed. The most annoying part is that it isn't notifying the change-logs. Normally I have a rule of (If it ain't broken, don't fix it). Yet some drivers that are update-able, are having my priority. Like a network-driver and audio-driver. And if the changes are adding more efficiency and better overall performance. Then it helps me to make up my mind to either update the drivers or not.
    Killer Network Driver (installed : and now there is a update available to version
    C-Media Audio Drivers (installed : 1.00.0013) and now there is a update available to version 1.00.0014)

    Ask MSI about it as nobody here on the forum will know: >>How to contact MSI.<<

  • Via sata live update driver error

    i tried to live update via satas...and i get some kind of box that says use /XXX comands . anyone else notice this...
    also it is a rather large file 7.X mb's:frankie:

    Isn't it possible to download those files manually? Or if it's the VIA S-ATA drivers, why not download them from instead?

Maybe you are looking for

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