Loading MS Word

I have Crystal Reports XI, and I need to know if this is possible...
I want to be able to load a Word document, inside of a report, while it's printing, and yet have it be dynamic. In other words, I want to be able to load a Word document for a network share, and have it displayed in the report. The Word document could change from one instance of the report to another, that is ok. That is what we want. We want the text to be dynamic. I know that it is possible to load an image file dynamically from a file location, but what about a Word document? Is this possible? If so, how can I do it? Thanks...

Hi Chris,
If you are placing a word document inside of Crystal Reports and wanting this document to update on a dynamic basis then there are 2 options to do this.
1. Insert the word document as an ole object and ensure the 'link' option is checked so that the object will get updated when the report is opened. Then manually update this file in a specified location with the necessary document so that when the report is opened it will check the underlying file and update what is seen within the report.
Note: This will be static for the entire report, so if you want this document to be different for various records or sections in the report then that will not be possible and you will need to insert separate OLE Object and conditionally suppress what is to be displayed.
2. Convert the word document into text and store this with a database text field (using RTF tags if you want to have formatting in the text such as Bold, font colors etc). This would allow the data to be dynamic and change on a per record basis.
The dynamic graphic location formula within the picture tab will only work with image files, this formula option will not work to dynamically retrieve Word documents or PDF files based on criteria within the report.

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    I had the same issue. The COM Add-In for PDFMaker was disabled by Word 2007 due to an unexpected crash during the creation of a PDF. I have searched all over the place trying to find a way to get the PDFMaker functionality active again in Word 2007 including the solutions mentioned in this post. In the end I found a solution myself.
    1. Go to Word Options > Add-ins
    2. Go to the Manage drop down dialog at the bottom of the page and select Disabled Items. Click Go.
    3. A dialog will open that displays all the disabled add-ins. Select Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Addin.
    4. Click the Enable button.
    5. Close and reopen MS Word and the Acrobat menu should be available again.

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    If you are using Lion:
    Dealing With The Resume Feature of Lion
    Managing Mac OS X Lion's application resume feature.
    If you shutdown your computer you should get a dialog asking if you want applications to resume on the next startup. Simply uncheck the box to prevent that from occurring. Open General preferences and uncheck the option to Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps. You can also install a third-party utility to control resume features on individual applications: RestoreMeNot or Application State Cleaner.
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    chflags nohidden ~/Library
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    what is use of LOAD key word in ABAP-HR?

    LOAD keyword is used to load all the parameter values.
    Basic form
    LOAD REPORT prog PART part INTO itab.
    1. LOAD REPORT prog PART 'HEAD' INTO itab.
    2. LOAD REPORT prog PART 'TRIG' INTO itab.
    3. LOAD REPORT prog PART 'CONT' INTO itab.
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    17. LOAD REPORT prog PART 'COMP' INTO itab.
    Loads the specified part of the generated version of the program prog into the internal table itab (for analysis purposes only).
    The return code value is set as follows:
    SY-SUBRC = 0 The load for the program prog exists and is current.
    SY_SUBRC = 4 The load for the program prog does not exist.
    SY-SUBRC = 8 The load for the program prog exists, but is not current. In some cases, this SY-SUBRC may mean that the program load has been destroyed. You can resolve this by generating the program. With PART 'LREF' , SY-SUBRC = 8 means that the line reference table is incorrect for the program. With PART 'CONT' , it means that the reference part of the internal table is empty.
    itab has been filled only if SY-SUBRC = 0 .
    Reward points if useful.

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    Case_ID VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL,
    A_Status VARCHAR2(30) ,
    Emp_Name VARCHAR2(100) ,
    Emp_no VARCHAR2(30) ,
    Counter_sign_mgr_comments VARCHAR2(1000) ,
    C_KPI1_Name VARCHAR2(1000)
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    79717^ST 1 PEND EMP 1^Test1^1025^Risk Management ^Account Monitoring • Proactively monitor • Early identification • Write Call Memos
    79718^ST 1 PEND EMP 2^Test2^1026^Leading Courageously ^Account Monitoring • Need To Improve • ensure compliance • Write Call Memos
    Control file
    INFILE '/home/apsprod/DUMP.txt'
    BADFILE '/home/apsprod/REJECTEDRECORDS.txt'
    fields terminated by "^" optionally enclosed by '"' trailing nullcols
    Counter_sign_mgr_comments char(1000),
    KPI1_Name char(1000)
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    Replies urgetntly required so please kindly mail to [email protected]
    thank you

    This is documented in http://technet.oracle.com/doc/oracle8i_816/inter.816/a77063/cdefaul5.htm#1000908
    examples in http://technet.oracle.com/doc/oracle8i_816/inter.816/a77063/aload.htm#272
    easiest is INSERT, frequently done when http-posting text from an html form into a varchar2
    iFS also provides several text insert methods.

  • Pdfmaker won't load in Word 2013, but does load in Outlook 2013

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    I've repaired the AA install. I've repaired the OL install. No change.
    Any ideas?

    As you are saying that PDFMaker add-in is simply not loading in the add-in list of MS word.
    Please exit all programs, open MS Word and go to File> Options> Add-Ins.
    Now, in the 'Manage' label on the bottom, choose COM Add-Ins and click go.
    Then, look for Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Add-In in the list.
    If Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Add-In appears in the list but the checkbox beside it is not selected, then click the checkbox. Click OK. Then close and reopen the Office 2013 application.
    If Adobe PDFMaker COM Add-In is not in the list of available add-ins, then click Add and choose PDFMOfficeAddin.dll from "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 11\PDFMaker\Office". Click OK. Then close and reopen MS Word.
    Please check and let me know.

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    Anyone got any ideas what this might be - the MS help for this dialogue is useless (assumes for a start you are using Word on a Windows machine...).
    Thanks in advance...

    As you are saying that PDFMaker add-in is simply not loading in the add-in list of MS word.
    Please exit all programs, open MS Word and go to File> Options> Add-Ins.
    Now, in the 'Manage' label on the bottom, choose COM Add-Ins and click go.
    Then, look for Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Add-In in the list.
    If Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Add-In appears in the list but the checkbox beside it is not selected, then click the checkbox. Click OK. Then close and reopen the Office 2013 application.
    If Adobe PDFMaker COM Add-In is not in the list of available add-ins, then click Add and choose PDFMOfficeAddin.dll from "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 11\PDFMaker\Office". Click OK. Then close and reopen MS Word.
    Please check and let me know.

  • How do I load microsoft word on my new macbook air?

    i need help! I have no idea how to load this!! this is probably the most easiest thing in the world but I can't figure it out!!!! Thank you!

    Do you already have Microsoft Office?  If so it comes with it's own installer.  Just double click it and follow the instructions. Word is only one of its components that is installed.
    If you don't have Microsoft Office then you need to purchase it from Microsoft.
    If you don't have Microsoft Office and don't want to pay the purchase prices then there are some Office substitutes to choose from:
    These are all permutations of OpenOffice.

  • PDFmaker addin will not auto-load to Word

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    Now every time I start Word, PDFmaker shows as inactive ("load behavior: unloaded") until I go to File | Options | Add-Ins and check the box to load it. Then it works fine until I close Word and have to do it again.
    How do I get it to auto-load?? I can't find a place to set that.

    You can solve this problem by editing the "LoadBehavior" registry entry.  The value needs to be 3 (load at startup).
    With Office 2013, that registry key is at
    One note - the Add-In was loading when I ran as the administrator but not when I just opened a Word doc.  I checked this same registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and it was set to 3.  I am guessing that is why it worked when run as administrator.  For some reason the LoadBehavior key had been revised to 0 on my HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key.
    Nevertheless, the fix above will work because I just tried it out on my machine and another here in the office which had the same issue.

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    Read it and save its data in xml
    Is it possible?

    If you have a problem with Word, ask Microsoft.  But I suspect you only came here to post your spam link!

  • All of a sudden, I can't load Microsoft Word,

    The error message says that i need to check if Word works with this version of Mac OS X ... but Excel and PP ok and Word was fine yesterday?! I just noticed that the W icon on my bar was missing ... haven't had any problems with this before......Any ideas please?

    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    * Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    * Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    How is your location reported?

  • I note that several people are having problems loading MS Word files into Pages and the answers have not been helpful.  I too, have had this problem recently, whereas a few weeks ago the uploads worked as the manual said.  Now, a MS Word 2 doc is rejected

    Perhaps the problem lies in the version of the Word file.  Does anyone know what versions Pages 09 will accept?  I have re-installed iWorks09, but that did not solve the problem.  My operating system is 10.6.8 and I am current on updates.

    The Word 2 doc is ancient. I wouldn't even know where to find one to test.
    The obvious thing to test is open the documents you previously opened successfully.
    If they still open successfully, then it is highly likely that the version that is the problem.

  • I purchased a toshiba laptop in 2013. I also purchased and loaded a word 2013 software package for which I paid $139.99. This software has stopped working and all the valuable documents, presentations, and valuable family photos are now accessible.

    My son is going off to college and uses this computer to apply to colleges, write essays, and verify scholarship statuses. This is a great hindrance for my son as well as our family endeavors. I feel very distraught regarding this issue it has held unbearable
    consequences for my family. I am just an every day mother of 7 who has striven for success and requires the same out of my seven children. My youngest son Isaiah J. Davis, has exemplary character, determined drive, and admirable enthusiasm. For him to miss
    out on any part of his destined future. 
    I also was suppose to receive Word 10 software as a bonus for purchasing the Word 2013 package. Now I'm really regretting utilizing the software system that I learned to love over the 20 year duration of employment within various customer service fields!
    I thought I had a company I could trust and reference to others as a reliable system to utilize.   
    I don't believe this is how customers, especially paying consumers should be treated and trust me I know.
    Mrs. D. Jai' Davis
    3611 Limestone Avenue
    Dayton, OH 45417
    (937) 641-1599

    Try repairing Office. If the repair fails, you may have to reinstall the product. See
    Stefan Blom, Microsoft Word MVP

  • I upgraded to os X and when I start my macbook pro it loads ms word, firefox, neatworks, I have to close out those systems every time I restart my mac.

    how do I stop programs from opening at startup

    When you shut down, uncheck the window to reopen applications. If you update to 10.7.4, then it should remain unchecked each time you shutdown. In previous versions of the OS, you will have to uncheck the window each time you shut down or restart.
    You might check your User Account login items for other applications you may not want as startup items if you have any there.

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