Hello there!
I am using javabeans to connect & disconnect from a database by calling the methods listed below. What i have noticed is that sometimes the jsp application refuses to disconnect from the database after executing a sql command such as insert, e.g
bean.insertIntoTable(item one, item two );// this method test if there is a connection before inserting.
what i have noticed is that the lock icon appears on the msAccess database after running the jsp application. Do i need to close other stuff like PreparedStatments in my bean as well. Were is the leak coming from? Any ideas?
public void connectToDatabase () throws ClassNotFoundException,
Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
connection = DriverManager.getConnection (connectionURL, "", "");
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
error = "ClassNotFoundException: Unable to locate database driver ";
throw new SQLException (error);
} // end try
} // end connect
public void disconnectFromDatabase () throws SQLException
if (connection != null)
connection.close ();
} // end if
catch (SQLException sqle)
error = "SQLException: unable to close the database connection ";
throw new SQLException (error);
} // end try
} // end disconnectFromDatabase

maybe try if(connection.isOpen() == true){

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    Might be a certificate issue >  Safari, Mac OS X 10.5  Changes in client certificate authentication
    If you aren't sure which Mac OS is installed, click the Apple logo icon top left in your screen. From the drop down menu click About This Mac. You'll see the version number there. Helps to post that information when asking for help.

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    Padlock is no longer part of Firefox; it was removed beginning in Firefox 4. The padlock shows that there is a secure connection but does not supply additional information. You could have made a typographical error and still have been connected to a secure connection. The padlock was replaced in Firefox 3 with the Site Identity Button. Familiarize yourself with the Site Identity Button at the left end of the Location Bar:
    You can install this add-on if you wish: *https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/padlock-icon/
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    On 11/8 SafariTECH responded: "Access should never be used
    for a production site - it is a desktop database, not a server
    database." It IS a "desktop" database and NOT a "server" database,
    but that doesn't disqualify it from being used for a production
    At our company we have extensive (multiple-year) experience
    with Access on the back-end, and if you take the time to understand
    its limitations and account for them in your code, it can be used
    successfully. When we choose between Access or SQL Server on the
    back-end, it is based on expected traffic, ease of maintenance,
    footprint, and so on. In most cases we DO end up using SQL Server,
    but there are circumstances where Access -- even as a "desktop"
    database -- has proved a better choice.
    In a recent system we built, access to the web server and
    ColdFusion had to be extremely limited upon system deployment. No
    VPN, no modem, and a special arrangement with a third party to gain
    physical access. To minimize the system footprint while designing
    for completely-hands-off, 24x7 operation, we needed a pair of
    servers with shadowing and automatic failover if the primary system
    died. If we had chosen SQL Server, it would have required its own
    server box, and we would have had to double these up as well. This
    costs more money and adds yet more complexity.
    Given what we knew would be the traffic through the
    dedicated, private site with a handful of users at any one time, we
    decided that a server-class DB was unnecessary, and in any case,
    would force us to add hardware that itself could be a source of
    system failure. This was the deciding point in favor of Access.
    All aspects of the system that directly relate to Access have
    been running successfully, except the issue reported initially by
    happysailingguide. We experienced the same issue, which appears to
    be a ColdFusion-induced error, and not something inherent to Access
    or the fact that it's a desktop database. (Based on what evidence?
    We use Access in many automated telephone applications which are
    written in Perl instead of ColdFusion, and this problem has NEVER
    been seen in the 5+ years of production usage.) In our case it
    appears there are NO requests queued to Access at the time of the
    lockup, and the lock can last forever unless we take programmatic
    As anybody who has built and deployed many production sites
    knows, you must simply accept the fact that no hardware or software
    is error-free (yours or anybody else's). The described Access
    lockup is just one of these errors (and is probably pretty low on
    Adobe's list of things to fix). With a different DB there wouldn't
    be the same problem, but there would be another to take its place,
    perhaps increased system failures because of the increased
    complexity of the system, or the downside of greatly increased
    costs when replicating the system.
    When I was trying to decide on the Access vs SQL Server
    question a couple years ago, I read the forums and web discussions
    about how Access should never be used for a production site. There
    were many scary statements about Access that nearly prevented me
    from using it. But at the advice of a colleague who has used Access
    for several years in a telephony app with 100 or more simultaneous
    callers, I stared a little more at the timestamps on the
    statements, and found they were from a long time ago (in
    computer-years). Microsoft has made MANY improvements to Access
    over time. For anybody facing the same decision, you will find it
    worthwhile to consider Access if cost, complexity, and footprint
    are important factors.

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    Padlock is no longer part of Firefox; it was removed beginning in Firefox 4. The padlock shows that there is a secure connection but does not supply additional information. You could have made a typographical error and still have been connected to a secure connection. The padlock was replaced in Firefox 3 with the Site Identity Button. Familiarize yourself with the Site Identity Button at the left end of the Location Bar:
    You can install this add-on if you wish:
    You are using Firefox 5. The most current version of Firefox is 8. Consider updating as Firefox 5 is not longer updated/maintained and contains security issues that will not be corrected.
    *See --> https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Updating+Firefox?bl=n&s=update%20automatically
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    run the following commands in terminal
    sudo chflags nouchg /Volumes/"drive-name"
    sudo chmod 775 /Volumes/"drive-name"
    put the name of the external instead of "drive-name" in the above. keep the quotes. you'll have to enter your admin password (which you won't see). that's normal. repeat for every affected drive.

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    The lock icon appears when you iPod is set to automatically update.
    Set it to manually update and you should be able to play the music from other computers.
    Hope this helps.

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  • DW Procedures to connect to MS ACCESS database located on remote server

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    I went through the procedures to create a connections .asp and resulting in a connection without and tables (of course) because I do not initially have any connection information from my remote site.
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    'Database connection info and provider
    strCon="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&_
    Server.MapPath("database\trans.mdb") & ";" &_
    "User ID=xxx;Password=xxxxx"
    The question that I have is:
    How does this connection coding relate to the "connections/conn_newland.asp" file that was create within the Dreamweaver screens?  How do I merge the ASP coding?  The file (/connections/conn_newland.asp) generated within Dreamweaver is as follows:
    'Catelog=" "
    Dim MM_conn_newland_STRING
    MM_conn_newland_STRINT = "dsn=newland;"
    Any advice would be appreciated.  I know that this is simple but debugging an error from an  ASP coding merge would be a "bear" to debug!

    I have not used MS Access myself (fortunately) but I believe it works much like the old, old way of achieving a multi-user database in FileMaker.
    That is, it is not a true client-server database but more a peer-to-peer database and that each peer opens the same database file which is available to multiple user via file sharing. Therefore as elikness said it should just be a matter of putting the files on your Lion Server and then sharing that folder/volume using SMB sharing.
    However one thing to be aware of, since MS Access is not a true client-server database I would imagine it uses record locking to manage simultaneous direct access to records in the same files. File or Record locking is something that has historically been a bit flakey when using Windows clients with a Mac file server (and probably vice versa).
    While I am not proposing it as a solution to consider seriously, it is worth you knowing that FileMaker Pro is a database system that is available for both Mac and Windows and depending on how you configure things can be considered to stretch from a configuration very similar to MS Access at the low end all the way to a high-end MS SQL Server style setup at the top end. See http://www.filemaker.com for details.
    There is also a a third-party tool available for migrating databases to or from FileMaker Pro and it can convert MS Access databases to FileMaker Pro see http://www.fmpromigrator.com/
    You could use FileMaker Pro just on Windows machines if you wish.

  • Access Database (.mdb) on Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials

    Hi guys, thanks for your time!
    - Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials
    - Windows 7 Ultimate Clients (3 clients)
    - VB6 application on clients using a MS Database (.mdb) hosted on the server.  
    - Clients access the database (.mdb) via a mapped network drive (K:).
    - Microsoft Database (.mdb) on server gets corrupted frequently.
    - Clients don't "flush their changes" back to the database: database was not updated.
    - Database was moved from the server to one of the Windows 7 clients.
    - Application is running OK.
    - Permissions are correct: network and NTFS.
    - No faulty network hardware: switch, cabling, NICs.
    - Computers and Server hardware is new.
    - UPS are used everywhere.
    SMB 3.0 
    - Opportunistic Locking and Read Caching on Microsoft Windows Networks.
    - Windows 7 cannot
    open the shared MS Access database if it's opened by another user
    - Initializing the
    Microsoft Jet 4.0 Database Engine Driver
    - Moved to
    Server 2012 getting Access Database Corruption
    - Configuring
    opportunistic locking in Windows
    - Understanding
    offline files
    - How to
    enable and disable SMBv1, SMBv2, and SMBv3
    - Is it possible to
    monitor and log actual queries against an Access MDB?
    Now, server is useless if it is not hosting our database. Any ideas, please? Do I need to diagnose using Wireshark? Or using Sysinternals Process Monitor? I think that is a waste of time. 
    Thank you! 

    Thanks for your reply.
    Software is from a 3rd party provider. It currently supports concurrency. It was deployed on Windows XP. SQL Server would be a nice upgrade, however that is
    not an option.
    Something has changed with newer versions of Windows. That is what I am going to study in a lab I prepared with a real server and some clients.
    File-sharing databases (Microsoft JET databases) are very old technology even before I was a college student. However, I have been very busy researching this technology.
    It was made for multi-user environments. It is highly tied to file sharing services from Windows: SMB protocol.
    Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 use different versions of this protocol. I think that is the root of the problem. With old technology, application was running fine.
    With new technology, application is troublesome. I will check several things: JET drivers vs. ACE drivers, SMB tweaks, etc.
    Basically, there are 4 general answers to this issue:
    1) Migrate your Access Database to SQL Server Express (or another RDBMS engine).
    2) @Server: disable SMB 2.0/3.0 protocol stack by powershell command. Network speed decreases.
    3) @Clients: disable client redirector caches by using regedit.
    4) @Server: disable the leasing on the file server. 
    5) @Server: tuning Broadcom NIC parameters.
    - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff686200(WS.10).aspx
    - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365433(v=vs.85).aspx
    - http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Microsoft_Operating_Systems/Windows/Q_28482197.html
    - http://tipsntricks.sherr.co.uk/stop-smb-corrupting-files/
    - http://www.dataaccess.com/whitepapers/opportunlockingreadcaching.html
    - https://social.technet.microsoft.com/forums/windowsserver/en-US/67baa9fd-5eaf-438e-9cc4-dc1a531b9e19/disabling-oplocksmb2-vs-fileinfocachelifetime
    - https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/7336d31b-6c24-468a-9c47-750244ae3a8c/moved-to-server-2012-getting-access-database-corruption
    - https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/e9567167-22db-4b8c-9f96-a08b97d507f9/server-2012-r2-file-server-stops-responding-to-smb-connections
    - http://support2.microsoft.com/kb/2957623
    - http://support2.microsoft.com/kb/2899011
    - http://support2.microsoft.com/kb/2955164
    - https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/7bd0aa5b-eb95-40a8-a56d-c6013273665c/extremely-slow-smb-network-speed-server-2012-r2?forum=winserver8gen

  • Only one user at a time allowed to open MS Access database on a Mac share

    I have an issue trying to open a Microsoft Access database from our Mac OS X Server running on XServe.
    The MS Access file is stored on a Share Point on the XServe. Windows XP clients open the database. The problem is that it will only allow one user at a time to open the file. The has previously been operating fine when it was stored on a Windows server.
    The Group's permissions for this Share Point allow Read & Write.
    Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

    I think you're being misled a bit by the interface: the checkbox labelled "Strict locking" doesn't just allow strict locking, it requires it (and thus disallows byte-range locking). That is, with strict locking enabled, any client that tries to lock any part of the file actually locks the entire file. Access normally depends on byte-range locking to allow different clients to share the database (as long as they aren't trying to modify the same part of it at the same time), but with strict locking the first client locks all others out.

  • Update a field in an access database via TestStand

    I want to read a value from a numeric field in an MS Access database, increment that value by one, and then update the database record that I got the value from with the new value. I am able to execute an Open Database step, execute a Open SQL Statement step with a SELECT query, execute a "Get" operation in a Data Operation step to get the value into a TestStand variable, and increment the value, but I'm at a loss for how to update the databse record with the incremented value.
    I tried to execute another Open SQL Statement step with an UPDATE statement, but I get a "Specified value does not have the expected type." error. The TestStand variable type is a number, and the Data Type of the database field is Number. I've tried using long integer, double, and decimal as field sizes, but they all give me the same error.
    I also tried to execute a "Set" operation with another Data Operation step against the original Statement Handle. When I do this, the Data Operation runs without error, but when I run a Close SQL Statement step against the statement handle I get an "ADODB.Recordset: Operation is not allowed in this context." error.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Scripter -
    When you try to do a Set and Put, it is always good to explicitly set the statement's cursor type to something other than forward only, like keyset, and the lock type to something other than read-only. See if that helps...
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

  • Document in Easy DMS and SAP DMS is lock cannot be accessed

    Hello Guru,
    Document in Easy DMS and SAP DMS is lock cannot be accessed. when check in Easy DMS the document 123 excel file is not accessible cannot be open, it has an icon on pencil with red circle sign.
    when check in SAP GUi, the padlock is unlock, file cannot be open as well with error (File C:\EasyDMS\SAP_400\PRE1234567890 could not be accessed.
    how can we fixed this and unlock the document excel so that we can open it. Please advise. Thanks

    based on your description it seems to me that this original file is currently checked out for editing. So maybe another user is
    editing this file and so you cannot access it.
    If no other user edits the file you can try to use the function 'Exit Edit mode' in the context menu of EasyDMS. This will checkin the file again and restore the last checked in version.
    Best regards,

  • Pad - LOCK icon in Upper Right Corner of Screen - How did it get there??

    When I start my Mac (G5-10.4.11) for the first time I have an icon of a pad-lock in the upper right hand corner of my screen and appears in the 'closed or locked' position. I don't know how it got there. I think it has something to do with 'Keychain' but not sure. When I open Entourage (2008) to check my email for the first time following a boot sequence, Entourage asks me for a keychain password and after entering the password, the pad-lock icon in the upper right corner now indicates an 'open' or unlocked condition. I don't have to do this again as long as my computer stays on. I've tried changing the access setting in Keychain to 'ignore' Entourage and Keychain but it still asks me for a keychain password following a re-boot. What did I do to get the pad-lock icon there in the first place? And, how can I turn OFF that 'pad-lock' and not appear on my startup screen? I have another hard drive in my computer that I boot from occasionally and the "pad-lock' icon does not appear on my startup screen and I can check Entourage without entering any keychain password. I really don't need password protection on my home computer, it's very annoying every time I check my Entourage email.

    Check "Keep login keychain unlocked" in the "First Aid" tab of Keychain Access (Utilities folder).
    In the "General" tab, uncheck "Show Status in Menu Bar".

  • Problems with Dynamical SQL Querys on Access Databases!

    This thread is for everyone who has the same problems like me.
    I tried to change SQL-Querys via Javascript to fill in my PDF sheet some data from my database.
    But whenever I want to change the Query, I never get some data back.
    The main problem was:
    Access has locked the database whenever I tried to run the Query.
    Now Iam using MySQL and everything is working fine.

    This thread is for everyone who has the same problems like me.
    I tried to change SQL-Querys via Javascript to fill in my PDF sheet some data from my database.
    But whenever I want to change the Query, I never get some data back.
    The main problem was:
    Access has locked the database whenever I tried to run the Query.
    Now Iam using MySQL and everything is working fine.

Maybe you are looking for

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