Locking a lines aspect ratio

I have moved away from word, and currently using pages. Anyone know how to lock the aspect ratio of a line like I used to be able to in word? I see that is able to be done with shapes, but I have not been able to find any luck with the lines.
Any help is great, thanks!

That is only an issue with the Freehand pen tool, lines drop into the page perfectly horizontal.
The shift method btw is a universal shortcut to hold lines at 0°, 45° and 90°, everywhere, not just Pages.

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    Hi Photo31,
    You can easily calculate the aspect ratio of any frame size with a calculator - it's just basic maths.
    However, there's no need to calculate an aspect ratio in Lightroom. Just use the 'Enter Custom' function for the aspect ratio in the Crop tool, and enter your picture size (for example, 20x16). Lightroom will then display a crop that is locked to this aspect ratio. You can then resize it as much as you require, and LR will still keep it at your desired aspect ratio (as long as you don't check the 'locked' icon).

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    First try clicking the little arrow at the far left of the options bar and choosing reset tool. If that doesn't do it, quit the editor, then restart it while holding down ctrl+alt+shift. Keep holding the keys till you see a window asking if you want to delete the settings file. You do.

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    Thank you Jacob for answering my question.
    I was hoping there might be a way around it, apparently not , though...
    Sent from my iPhone, may contain numerous errors...

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    Frustrating isn't the word.
    I reported this through a previous post (much the same as you are experiencing).
    crop not keeping to ratio
    It was ok in LR3 and is ok in LR5 (I think)
    so they have fixed the bug, but where does that leave the LR4.4 users ??
    Upgrade to LR5 ?
    Surely there should be a LR4.4 bug fix that can be downloaded instead of yet another purchase to upgrade.

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    paulsinyard wrote:
    Does anybody know if this is possible using the automates BatchCropStraighten function?
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    The PPro tutorial list in message #3 http://forums.adobe.com/message/2276578 may help, with more help in message #5
    Look for the NEW ITEM information on page 5

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    I've run axcross this one recently with MOV files from FCP as well.
    Load the exported MOV file up into Premiere and it tells me the PAR is 0.9, which is wrong.
    This was with a 10 bit uncompressed Blackmagic encode, and even in QT Pro it still displayed vertically stretched.
    I solved the problem by encoding to MPEG-2 out of CCE SP and setting the export flag to 16:9.
    When imported into Encore "As Is", you cannot get this to work.
    1 - Encode to MPEG-2 externally, as long as the MPEG encoder understands the Mac format video file.
    2 - Re-encode the file from Premiere Pro.
    Import into PPro, and interpret the footage to the correct PAR, then export out as an uncompressed AVI file if you wish to avoid a DV codec, or else export out of PPro as an MPEG-2 clip - but do not forget to interpret the footagefirst, or all you will get is a vertically stretched clip with black bars either side.
    Don't get me started.

  • Digital Photo Professional and Aspect Ratio on DPP Version 3.13.51 ( OS X version 10.8.5

    I recently up graded to DPP  Version 3.13.51 (  and it seems have lost the capability when cropping using the trimming tool to convert the cropped images to their cropped aspect ratio.
    Shoot events with two cameras 6D and 50D. Always shoot RAW. At the end of an event may have as many as 1000 images to edit and convert to small sized JPGs for display on WEB.  I bring in the RAW, select the RAW images to be converted, then from the Collection TAB edit the RAW. Editing may include cropping a 3:2 image to 4:3 or 5:4 or 2:3 or 3:4 or 4:5 or Custom. Once I have completed the editing and cropping  I apply the BATCH Process to convert the RAW images to JPG and resize and rename. Here is where the issue appears. Before upgrading to DPP 3:13 I would use the following conversion selections :
    File Format Exif- JPEG
    Image Quality 10 Embedded ICC Profile
    Resize (in Resize I would always select )
    900 pixel Width and 600 pixel height with Lock Aspect Ratio
    Then would name the file
    With those parameters the converted and saved images would convert to the proper sizes with proper Aspect Ration as Cropped and Trimmed. I would always line up the images so that the 3:2 ratio would show in the selection window (5472 x3648) then I would enter the new desired size  (900 x 600) . The 3:2 images would convert to 900 x 600 and the images cropped to 5:4 Aspect Ratio would convert  for example to 642 x 514  (the proper ratio for 5:4). 
    With the new version 3:13 the image cropped to 5:4 also is converted to 900 x 600 rather than the desired 642 x 514. 
    This is a real conundrum for my workflow. It works the same way even if I uncheck the Lock Ratio Option on the Resize command options. 
    How can I fix this? If uninstalling and reverting back to the older version of DPP is my only solution, what are proper steps for uninstall and reinstall of older version and maintain data structure. 
    I have Lightroom but have never been able to get a workflow as efficient as the DPP flow for converting hundreds of RAW to small cropped JPGs. 
    Thanks for your help. 
    Go to Solution.

    I don't use DPP enough to help you with your issue. But Lightroom is really great program for batch processing. It is much much better than DPP, so you may want to look at it again since you arealdy have it.
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  • Can you help me solve my aspect ratio issue?

    Hey guys,
    I'm posting this in hopes that someone can help me solve an aspect ratio issue with a project that I have to finish by tomorrow.
    I'm trying to avoid having to re-edit the entire thing.
    I shot the project with my Nikon D7000 DSLR. in 720p 30p (29.97)
    I am running Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 (the trial version).  I have the full version of Adobe Premiere Pro CS3.
    The reason I was working with the trial is that CS3 can't handle the H.264 MOVs that the D7000 records.
    You can work with a timeline, but if you try to export anything, it never works.  I always have to convert my footage to ProRes MOVs with MPEG Streamclip before I can work with them is CS3.  That takes a lot of time and a lot of hard drive space.  After much research, I found out that CS5 is the way to go for DSLR footage.  I just need to save up my pennies for the upgrade.
    So I thought I'd edit this short (1 minute) project with the trial to see how CS5 works with the D7000 footage.
    Upon installing the trial program, I found that the project presets were limited.  I knew this ahead of time because it's clearly stated on the Adobe's website.
    But I wasn't aware how limited they are.
    Since "DSLR 1280x720p 30p" is not an option with the trial, I was going to use HDV 720p 30p.  But that was not an option either!
    So basically, my only option for 16x9 30p was "DV NTSC Widescreen".  It's my understanding that this is 864x480 (in square pixel aspect ratio) or 720x480  (in widescreen pixel aspect ratio)   I needed the output file to be 864x486.  I downsized the footage to 69% in the "Video Effects: Motion" setting so it looked correct in the project.  I didn't think about those extra 6 pixels until I outputed the file and saw thin black lines on the top and bottom.  My guess is that Premiere is adding black pixels because my project is technically 720x480 (1.2121)
    Any thoughts on how I can get a clean 864x486 export?  I'd rather not re-edit the whole thing...which I would have to do in CS3 after I spent a few hours converting the original files in MPEG Streamclip.  I don't know if there is a way to export something out of CS5 and then open a new project in CS3 to make this work.
    Thanks in adavance!
    - Jordan

    On export, just crop a few pixels off of each side; that'll let the image scale correctly to the output frame size without black bars.
    I'm not running the trial, but you should still be able to create a custom sequence preset using the Desktop editing mode. Just switch over to the General tab when you create a new sequence, and choose "Desktop" from the editing modes. Set the rest of the parameters as you need them.
    Even easier: once you've imported your footage, just drag a clip to the New Item icon at the bottom of the project panel; a sequence will be created matching your footage parameters. You can edit at full-resolution, and then export to your desired frame size when complete--you'll probably still need to crop a few pixels (in the Export Settings window) to eliminate the black bars.

  • How do I restore all images in a collection to original imported aspect ratio?

    Typically I select all images in a catalog, resize the first image to 640x480.  I then right click on the first image (all images are still selected) click on Develop Settings, Sync and choose to sync only the aspect ratio.  All images are then cropped to 640x480 like the first image, which I then export to a folder.
    I then need to restore all images to the original aspect ratio for building a slideshow to export to my website.  I've followed the same procedure i.e. selected all images, click on the first image, change aspect to original, right click on first image and sync aspect ratio for all images.
    The problem is that the rest of the images do not return to their original aspect ratio but revert to 4x6 aspect ratio instead of the original size when imported.  I've changed the lock to unlocked and tried both but still no result.  Now I have to select each image individually, open the crop dialog and choose custom to get it back to the imported aspect ratio.
    How do I batch restore all images in a collection to the aspect ratio when imported?

    Rotating an image is adjusting its crop rotation and crop size.  You originally said you wanted things back to import state which presumably was full resolution w/o any adjustments to ratio, size, or rotation.  If you are wanting to do things in the middle of your other processing I'm less sure what to tell you.
    Taking a crop that you have at 3:2 and setting it to 4:3 shrinks in the longer sides, and resetting the ratio to 3:2 shrinks down the shorter top and bottom--this is how it always works, because a crop box is not ever expanded by setting the ratio to something different, and changing the ratio back and forth like that makes the crop-box smaller and smaller. 
    Are you having an issue because you want to fiddle with the crop in the middle of other processing every time, or is this a special case because you've moved on in your processing after asking your question some time ago? 
    If you routinely need to do this, an easier way might be to export the images at the 3:2 crop, then reimport those JPGs, change the crop on those JPGs, only, then re-export them a second time, and be done with them.  This sounds like you're making proofs?
    If you are making proof-sized images at a different ratio?  Why not just export the 3:2 images at a smallish size, perhaps with a watermark and not have to worry about making them 4:3 ratio?
    Another alternative would be to print the images to JPGs instead of a printer, and set the paper size to a 4:3 ratio and turn on the Fill option--which will chop of the long sides automatically as it prints them.

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