Locking the remote screen in screen sharing?

10.5 had the option in screen sharing to "lock" the remote screen when you were accessing it via Screen Sharing... I still have it in my notes (love me some EverNote) and it went something like this...
defaults write com.apple.ScreenSharing \
'NSToolbar Configuration ControlToolbar' -dict-add 'TB Item Identifiers' \
Specifically the "Curtain" option... I've tried doing the same thing on 10.6, but no dice, and have resorted to changing the brightness to zero in System Preferences   So my question is...
Is there any way to lock the remote screen when I am accessing my home mac via Screen Sharing?

The lock switch is the only way to prevent rotation, sorry.

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    Care to share which OS you are using? 
    Have you read for possible solutions over in the "More Like This" thread over here?-----------------------> 

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    What about using the Sleep command?
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    Remember to mark as helpful or solved.

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    The curtain mode is good beginning.
    Kind regards,

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    Good question, and I am not sure. I believe the remote login WAS checked, so if that is needed, I think that is a available, unless checking Remote Management unchecked Login.
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    It was a MAC Pro and all I was doing was holding power button. I unplug a power and it worked. It was bad that I haven't seen this post though I searched a lot! But this might work too just in case:
    varjak paw The old house on the hill
    This solved my questionApple Remote Desktop - remote server says it's locked by me! How to get in? 
    Jan 13, 2011 11:27 PM (in response to geerm)
    geermc4 wrote:
    Is there a settings file where it will say it's locked and then maybe to a -HUP on the ARD process?
    Not that I know of. You could try a restart of the ARD agent:
    /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Resources/ki ckstart -restart -agent
    and see if that helps (you may need to try killing the screenlock process again afterwards). If not, force-restarting the server may be your only option.

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