Locking transparent pixels like in phothoshop?

I am new to A.I ( I have the cs5 version I think)
is it possible to lock transparent pixels of a layer like in phothoshop in A.I?
Thank's in advanced.
Best regards

Use a mask.
Either a clipping mask or an opacity mask.
In Illustrator CS5: draw the mask shape. Then click on the Draw inside button and use what ever drawing tool you like to draw directly in the mask.
See manual on clipping masks and draw inside mode.

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    I have not had a problem in Photoshop CC 2014 as long as I selected a layer with transparency, in my case the gray checkerboard. The button would dim if I selected an adjustment layer.

  • Photoshop opens dialog box when trying to fill a layer with transparent pixels locked

    This script should set the layer to lock transparent pixels, and then fill the layer with a color. It does that, except when it gets to the fill stage, it opens the fill dialog box, and you have to hit okay.
    If you omit the transparent pixel line, it runs as expected, no dialog box.
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    #target photoshop
    doc = app.activeDocument;
    doc.artLayers[0].isBackgroundLayer = false;
    doc.artLayers[0].transparentPixelsLocked = true;

    Not sure why that happens.
    But I would recommend foregoing the locking and using the AM code for a Fill that honours the transparency.
    #target photoshop 
    doc = app.activeDocument; 
    doc.artLayers[0].isBackgroundLayer = false; 
    doc.activeLayer = doc.artLayers[0];
    // =======================================================
    var idFl = charIDToTypeID( "Fl  " );
        var desc18 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
        var idFlCn = charIDToTypeID( "FlCn" );
        var idFrgC = charIDToTypeID( "FrgC" );
        desc18.putEnumerated( idUsng, idFlCn, idFrgC );
        var idOpct = charIDToTypeID( "Opct" );
        var idPrc = charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" );
        desc18.putUnitDouble( idOpct, idPrc, 100.000000 );
        var idMd = charIDToTypeID( "Md  " );
        var idBlnM = charIDToTypeID( "BlnM" );
        var idNrml = charIDToTypeID( "Nrml" );
        desc18.putEnumerated( idMd, idBlnM, idNrml );
        var idPrsT = charIDToTypeID( "PrsT" );
        desc18.putBoolean( idPrsT, true );
    executeAction( idFl, desc18, DialogModes.NO );

  • RAW as Smart Objects - Lock Edge Pixel Opacity During Resize

    I'm a professional fine art printer.  I prepare images for large format printing, often starting from the original RAW files.  Since the feature to open RAW files as Smart Objects in Camera Raw was introduced, I've been doing that, as it allows me to go back into the Raw file at anytime and re-tweak as I layer.  I love this option and it is totally indispensable to my workflow.
    HOWEVER, I find a serious flaw when resizing the image for final print, or even when resizing for web-output.  If I do any interpolation (pixel resizing) up or down, the edge pixels are not locked in place, and treated as if they are a floating object, therefore the edge pixels usually show up at a lower opacity, (see attached image).  This KILLS my workflow!  It means I have to completely flatten my work and then resize, loosing all my groovy layers and the ability to go back into Camera Raw and make final tweaks while I make test prints and final decisions with the client by my side.
    Even worse, when I apply the final print sharpening and flatten the file to send out, the edge transparency issue is compounded, and the sharpening adds an ugly halo around the whole image, BLAH!
    What I need is a way for Smart Objects with the exact same pixel dimensions as the file to lock their edge pixels at the current opacity when resizing.  In other words, I need Photoshop to treat the Smart Object as a true Background Layer for certain purposes, while still being able to go back into Camera Raw as I like.  I notice the ability to lock transparency is gone on Smart Objects, which I'm sure is necessary for compositing, but not for what I'm doing at all.
    Is there anyway this can be done in the current CS5 or 5.5 (haven't upgraded yet) that I'm simply missing?  Can anyone from Adobe confirm that this is something you'll look into for me?
    Thanks so much, absolutely loving Adobe products these days, you guys rock!

    I'm not going to say anything about the abysmal rendering of Vector Smart Objects in CS6 because it'll be beating a dead horse but I can explain the issues you see with measurements after scaling.
    The slightly disproportionate scaling and half-pixel shift of the centre is unavoidable when it happens because the resulting Smart Object/Vector Smart Object must measure an integer number of pixels in height and width and be perfectly aligned to the document pixel grid. That's true in CS5 and CS6.
    Say a SO/VSO originally measures 102 x 103 pixels and you scale it by 50%. The Options bar may say the result is 51 x 51.5 px but the result will really be 51 x 52 px, and therefore the new height will really be 50.49% of the old height.
    The original SO/VSO is an even number of pixels wide and an odd number of pixels high, therefore its centre will be halfway down a pixel. The 50%-scaled SO/VSO is an odd number of pixels wide and an even number of pixels high, therefore its centre will be halfway across a pixel.

  • I want to delete all transparent pixels, how can I? CS6

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    Image have rectangular area they have a width and height boundaries as do layer.  Not all of the rectangular area need to have content or be fully opaque,  However the image boundary is a rectangle.  Some file formats are like a Photoshop Background layer do not support empty area or even transparency so those file formats only contain image that are rectangles and have no transparency. Some file formats support transparency and empty areas so those images can be any shape and contain transparency still the image boundary is rectangular. Then there is the GIF file format an oddball format. It only supports 256 Colors. Pixels are mapped to one of the 256 colors selected for the image.  If you want Transparency in a gif  the number of colors is reduced by 1 to 255  the 256 color now indicate no content its not real transparency it just a no color pixel in other words off or no content.
    So if you have areas that are 100% transparent there is nothing to delete the area is empty.  If you have pixels that contain some transparency and you delete those pixels you delete details are you sure you want to delete all pixels that contain transparency? You will loose things like drop shadows

  • How to edit transparency pixels in a FilterPlugin?

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        /* Flat data, no selection */
        inWhiteMat, outWhiteMat,
    By the way, When i invoke a filter (i develop it 2 yeas ago) on the transparency document , photoshop gives a messagebox said it canot invoke the fiter because the selection area is totally empty.
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    Thanks a lot.!

    First off, don't confuse "alpha" with "transparency" they are different.
    If I create a RGB document with one layer and call the Dissolve example I get the following bits of information in the FilterRecord:
    planes = 4
    imageMode = 3 // plugInModeRGBColor
    filterCase = 4 // filterCaseEditableTransparencyNoSelection
    inLayerPlanes = 3
    inTransparencyMask = 1
    plane 0 = red, 1 = green, 2 = blue, 3 = transparency
    See DoFilter, the loop on the planes, and DissolveRectangle, the changing of the data on each plane, in the Dissolve.cpp example file.
    Now flatten the document and create an alpha channel and select all channels via the channels panel. Selecing just the alpha channel or any one channel will have different results.
    planes = 4
    imageMode = 3 // plugInModeRGBColor
    filterCase = 2 // filterCaseFlatImageWithSelection
    inLayerPlanes = 0
    inTransparencyMask = 0
    inNonLayerPlanes = 4
    There is some documentation about FilterCaseInfo in the Plug-in Resource Guide.pdf found in the documentation folder.

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    That sounds like a typical display driver problem.
    If you have a PC, visit the web site of the maker of your video card, seek out and download/install the latest display driver for your hardware and OS, and reboot (even if it doesn't require it).
    If you're on a Mac, you might find that manipulating the graphics processor-specific settings in your Photoshop-Preferences-Performance dialog (and in the Advanced settings) might help.  Make sure to fully Quit and restart Photoshop after making changes there.

  • Ctrl + click doesn't select ALL non-transparent pixels

    Hello. How can I select ALL non-transparent pixels from a layer?
    - Ctrl + click doesn't work (it seems to have a 50% tolerance - my opacity 7% and 40% pixels don't get selected);
    - The magic wand tool with 0% tolerance does work (when I click on a transparent pixel it selects ALL opacity 0% pixels around it and then I just have to inverse selection), BUT my image has a lot of holes with transparent areas and selecting them one by one would be tedious.
    Thank you.

    I think it should. if your only going by the selection outline, then the selection outline only shows the pixels that are 50% or more selected.
    In other words the pixels have varying degrees of transparency. If the selected pixel is not at least 50% opaque then the selection outline doesn't show them, but they are selected when ctrl clicking on a layer thumbnail.
    After making the selection by ctrl clicking make a new layer and fill the selection with black and then turn off the visibilty of all the other layers.
    You should get a better idea of what is happening.If you were to lock the transparency of the layer and fill with black you should get the same result.
    If you use the magic wand at 0% tolerance then your not getting a true selection of the layer transparency, but rather making the partially transparent pixels fully opaque (selected).

  • How do i stop PS from deleting transparent Pixels on layers?

    Hello community,
    i have a problem concering the place-function of Photoshop CS6. I want to include hundreds of png files in a psd file and i want them to keep their original size. Unfortinatly they have transparent borders and PS deletes these borders when you place the images in the PSD-file. For example: I have a square with x=50px and y=50px and it is positioned in an png with the dimensions x=100px and y=100px. I want to have these kind of files in my psd-file an need to keep their full dimensions, because my graphic specifications relate to the 100px/100px size and i need it later in my workflow.
    How do i stop PS from cutting off the tranparent borders of my images?

    Yes Free Transform has what was set during the place and you can see in the option bar if the layer has been scaled or is at 100 % width and height. You can also drag out guide line to the transforms bounding box. Then later measure the size or drop in a low opacity pixel in two diagonal corners to force the bounds to the png's canvas size.   However if you don't add those pixels in a script the bounds you get is that of the bounds of the non transparent pixels and in an action Ctrl|CMD clicking the layers content in the layers palette selects the non transparent pixels.
    My Photoshop Photo Collage populating scripts do not always fill an image area when they resizing odd shaped png images, However if the png is rectangular with transparent borders the script will fill the area with pixel for the scripts gets the bounds of the non transparent pixels, not the png canvas size. So resizing works well. There is a difference between layer size and canvas size in the png file. Layers can also be larger then canvas size in psd files Photoshop support any size layer you have the canvas act like a cropping mask on a document.
    Message was edited by: JJMack

  • Find bounds of contiguous transparent pixels

    I have the need to find the largest rectangle of ONLY
    transparent pixels in a transparent PNG. The transparent region is
    non-rectangular, so getColorBoundsRect returns a rectangle that
    also contains non-transparent pixels. Is there a way I can check
    for a rectangle that contains only the color I set?

    Barring finding a method to do this, I hacked together a
    First, I found the bounds of all transparent pixels using
    Next I iterated from the top-down until I found the first
    line with only transparent pixels to revise the top edge
    Finally I iterated from the bottom-up until finding the
    bottom line of only transparent pixels to revise the bottom edge.
    I was able to compensate like as such because I know that the
    rectangle is not impeded from the sides at any point, otherwise I
    would have had to find the left and right edges as well.
    I feel like there should be an easier way (and also a less
    processor-intensive way) to do this.

  • Cookie Cutter and removing transparent pixels

    Unlike crop, when I used the cookie cutter, the transparent pixels remained after I accepted the cut.  Doing a Ctrl-click in the Layers panel > Image menu > Crop, only did a crop rectangle delimited by the x/y max of the shape.
    Is there an easy way to remove all of them, that is following the outline of the shape?

    Every digital image ever is rectangular (or square). That's the whole point of transparency: it lets your rectangular image look like it's shaped like a star or a sailboat or a german shepherd, even though it isn't.

  • Graphics.copyArea() and transparent pixels

    I have a problem with a JLayeredPane.
    I have to paint a scrolling sampled signal on top of a grid. To do this I used a JLayeredPane where on the bottom layer there's a panel (let's call it GridPane) with the grid, and then some layers up I put another JPanel with setOpaque(false) that paints the signal (PaintPane). This way I have to paint the grid only one time, or so I thought.
    Now when I try to scroll the signal I use the copyArea() function to scroll one pixel to the left then paint the next line of the trace.
    The problem is that the copyArea() function ignores the transparent pixels and copies the grid that is behind them even when I'm using the PaintPane Graphics. This way is like i'm shifting the grid but I want it to be fixed.
    So do all the components in the JLayeredPane share the same graphics? that would explain the behaviour of the copyArea() func.
    Is there a way to tell the copyArea() func to copy also the transparent pixels, ignoring what stands behind them?
    Thank you.

    Apparently there's no way to just repaint that portion of graphics without repainting everything.
    I now understand more on how transparent pixels are treated.
    So, when I overwrite one of the pixels in the background in a way or another I have lost it forever. and it's my function that has to take care of repainting it.(usually repainting everything).
    I hoped to improve performance with this method but, well, have to turn back on the old one.
    Thanks again.

  • Use GIF with transparent pixels...

    I imported into my Library a gif with some transparent
    basically this gif represents a frozen frame and i would like
    to see
    thru like if user was watching thru frozen window.
    however, when i convert it to symbol, the transparent pixels
    are turned
    to non-transparent.
    how can i do to use transparent pizel under CS3/AS3 ?
    thanks a lot,

    Careful with the cross-posting! I answered your post on the
    General Discussion forum.

  • Trim Transparent Pixels while placing PSD

    Would like to know is there any way of trimming the PSD files when placing them on to InDesign?
    The PSD is of 4000px x 2500px whereas the actual product is only 1200x800px and when i fit the image proportionately, its calculating the transparent pixels, any suggestion on how this needs to be addressed?

    @Bala – there is an explicit UI command for that in PhotoShop: "Trim to Transparent Pixels" (I'm on a German version of PhotoShop, so I cannot tell the exact English phrase).
    Zuschneiden => Trim
    Basiert auf => Based on
    transparenten Pixeln => transparent Pixels
    Entfernen => Cut to
    [x] Above     [x] Left
    [x] Below     [x] Right
    One could script that and use BridgeTalk to launch PhotoShop out of InDesign, do the trimming, and relink to InDesign.
    You'll find some examples of BridgeTalk here around in the forum.
    For scripting PhotoShop there is a different sub-forum.
    Another solution, not recommended:
    InDesign's ability for detect edges in a placed image.
    But using PhotoShop will be far more accurate, not to say: precise…

  • My iPhone 4 lock button feels like there's something underneath it?!, My iPhone 4 lock button feels like there's something underneath it?!

    My Black iPhone 4's lock button feels like there's something underneath it when I press it. No water has been in contact with my device at all, and I'm certain of it! I don't know what to do! Should I take it to the Apple Store or see if it stops? I've still got warranty so I can take it back but it would be a problem as the nearest Apple Store is in Manchester and I have no transportation lately as train costs and no car. Thank you!!

    If it is a hardware problem, that means that one of the physical parts inside the phone is defective. This is opposed to a software issue, meaning that there is a problem with the operating system (iOS) and not the phone. Since the power button is a physical part of your phone, it is hardware.

Maybe you are looking for