Log In Time Out

Is there a way we can change the "log in - timeout time". Users are complaining they get logged out too quickly and continually have to sign back in.

This can only be changed by Customer Care.
See below.
Company Idle Timeout (minutes)
Time allowed before the user's session ends due to inactivity. The maximum timeout is set by the hosting partner, and only Customer Care can set the timeout value. You can see the current setting at the top of the page when you edit the Company Profile.

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    Please provide more details on this. 
    Refer : https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/555375?wa=wsignin1.0
    Arnav Sharma | http://arnavsharma.net/ Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading
    the thread.

  • Session time out and automatic log off

    I have been using JSC for a while but I am not JSC guru.
    I want to implement automatic logoff when the session timesout. I know that I can set session time out in tomat web.xml file. but I cant understand how to check if the session time is out and logOff the user.
    When user logs in, username is stored in the database, so when the user logoff the username has to be deleted from the database and he should be redirected to the login page. I want all this to be done automatically when session times out(i.e if the user is inactive for specified amount of time).
    Any help is greatly appreciated. Please reply ASAP, i need to get this working by tommorow.

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  • Time-out checking log bucket location.

    Earlier this month, I successfully ran the OSB Cloud Module for Amazon S3 installer. It created a "new registration for this S3 user" with a new "Registration ID". It also generated an "S3 Logging Bucket" with a name based off of my Amazon nickname which at the time of running the Cloud module installer was "javanetworking".
    $ *./osbws_install.sh*
    Oracle Secure Backup Database Web-Service Install Tool, build 2011-02-04.0001
    AWS credentials are valid.
    Creating new registration for this S3 user.
    Created new log bucket.
    Registration ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    S3 Logging Bucket: oracle-log-javanetw-1
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    Downloaded 20744341 bytes in 10 seconds. Transfer rate was 2074434 bytes/second.
    Download complete.
    Extracted file /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libosbws12.so
    Since then, I have changed my Amazon nickname (https://www.amazon.com/gp/nickname/index.html"). I was hoping to re-run the Cloud module installer and have it generate a new "S3 Logging Bucket". I removed the two S3 buckets that were created in the initial Cloud module install (the data and log buckets).
    However, when I attempt to re-run the Cloud module installer, it complains that it cannot find the original "S3 Logging Bucket":
    $ *./osbws_install.sh*
    Oracle Secure Backup Database Web-Service Install Tool, build 2011-02-04.0001
    AWS credentials are valid.
    S3 user already registered.
    Registration ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    S3 Logging Bucket: *oracle-log-javanetw-1*
    Validating log bucket location ...
    Time-out checking log bucket location.
    Please try again later.
    I even tried using the *-newLogBucket* option to osbws_install.jar so it would force the creation of new log bucket; however, it doesn't appear to do anything. It still complains about not finding the original S3 Logging Bucket.
    I thought the best option would be to "un-register" the Amazon S3 user the installer generated. There is no documented option in osbws_install.jar to perform a full "un-install" or "un-register". The Registration ID the installer creates appears to be hard-coded metadata somewhere in Amazon S3.
    +AWS credentials are valid.+
    +S3 user already registered.+
    +Registration ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx+
    I know that the registration information is not stored with your OTN profile because I tried putting in a fake OTN username/password when calling osbws_install.jar. It doesn't use the OTN username/password because it first uses your AWSID/AWSKey to see if there is information that the S3 user is already registered. Once it determines that the S3 account is already registered, it doesn't need to log in to OTN and displays:
    *S3 user already registered.*
    I did try this and it worked for modifying the backup bucket (OSB_WS_BUCKET) but didn't appear to work for the S3 Logging Blucket (_OSB_WS_LOG_BUCKET).
    1.) Manually re-create the missing S3 Logging Bucket (oracle-log-javanetw-1).
    2.) Run the Cloud module installer so it creates the wallet, configFile, and downloads the library.
    3.) Determine list of valid parameters that can be set in the configFile:
    $ *strings $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libosbws12.so | grep '^OSB_' | sort*
    OSB_WS_BUCKET <----------
    $ *strings $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libosbws12.so | grep '^_OSB_' | sort*
    _OSB_WS_LOG_BUCKET <----------
    4.) Modify the configFile to include:
    $ *cat $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/osbwstestdb1.ora*
    OSB_WS_WALLET='location=file:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/dbs/osbws_wallet CREDENTIAL_ALIAS=idevjhun_aws'
    1.) Is the *-newLogBucket* option broke or an unimplemented method?
    2.) Is there a way to "un-register" or modify the S3 registration information so that the Cloud module installer will register a new S3 user? (i.e. starting from scratch)
    It would seem to me that a user might want to completely uninstall and un-register at some time in the future.
    3.) Where is the "Registered S3 User" metadata stored?
    4.) Can you specify the S3 Logging Bucket (and data bucket) during the install?
    There is a similar post which the user ran into the same issue when removing the S3 Logging Bucket.
    Best regards,

    Hi again,
    my problem seems to be caused by us having deleted the bucket at an earlier stage. When we ran the installer script again, the installer was confused by this, and was not able to re-create a bucket.

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    Hey barnsieno10,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Looks like sign in issue, This article is a great resource for the message you are receiving.
    FaceTime, Game Center, Messages: Troubleshooting sign in issues
    Have a nice day,

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    Error:connection to host packadBell, service Sapd00 time out
    release  46D
    component:NI (network interface)
    version 34
    return code  -12
    module  nixxi.C
    détails   niPconnect
    counter  1
    the description of the ID event(42) in the source (Sapgui)  can't be find.the localhost
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    message server=packardBell (my hostname machine where Sap is installed)

    Check if your sap system is up and running.
    Make sure that you have also filled system number detail.
    If you have already done it and still error persists send a detialed log
    Reward points if usefull

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    Wireless Diagnostics
    Also try turning off Bluetooth.
    Troubleshooting Wi-Fi issues in OS X
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (2)
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (3)
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (4)

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    while my macbook pro will log on successfully to itunes, the appletv times out every single time and i cannot log on.

  • Session time out

    Is there any way to set ovm manager gui session time out.
    as of now, if there is no action in gui for 2 mins,
    session gets timed out.
    Importing a template takes lot of time and session is
    getting timed out just after 2 mins.
    I have another question. Even if session times out,
    does importing template continue?

    887506 wrote:
    Is there any way to set ovm manager gui session time out.There is a way to increase the WebLogic timeout, but I'm not 100% sure on the process. Best thing to do is open an SR with Oracle Support so they can provide the exact steps.
    I have another question. Even if session times out,
    does importing template continue?Yes, this all happens on the Server/Manager side and doesn't require you to remain logged into the UI while the job runs.

  • Session time out problem

    Hi guys
    I am using WSAD 5.0. the problem that i am having is that i have a properties file where i give the session time out value along with many other things. and when a user logs in a servlet takes those values from the properties file and sets the session time out value, using session.setMaxInactiveInterval(). but the problem is the session is still maintained even after the stipulated inactive time. Can any one tell me what could be the problem.
    Note: when i say session.getMaxInactiveInterval(), i get the value that i have set in the properties file.

    You're sure you specified seconds rather than milliseconds?
    - Saish

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    where can I set the session time out parameter? and
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    Thanks in advance.

    Post Author: amr_foci
    CA Forum: Authentication
    go to the universe which this report based on, get the parameters window from (File->Paramaters)
    check the CONTROL tab
    see those parameters and configure them as you want
    good luck

  • Session Time Out For UNLOGGED IN USER During Search -pls help SIR!

    The problem lies in searchresultscontroller.java/searchcontroller.java file under search/web/handler of an application that supports educational note sharing.
    The problem is that -
    When I search with query strings in different fields(as you will find in the above mentioned java files)..the keywords in resourcedto and get some files as search results.
    Then I click on one of the file from within the search result and visit the file.
    Here if I m logged in as an user, and the session time out is set to 1 minute in the web.xml file of the web folder not the admin folder then when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button it easily goes back to the previous search result page along with the queries string that I had input previously.
    The problem is that when I m NOT LOGGED in as an user, and I've performed a search with queries and other dropdowns in the search panel, I get the search result page, I visit the file by clicking on one of them but when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button I don't see the previous search result page from where I had navigated to view the file.
    Please suggest on what changes shall I make in the code so that even if I m not logged in as an user, I get back to the search result page on hitting the BACK TO SEARCH button from the file view page.Sir I m herein pasting the code of the searchresultscontroller.java file, but please feel free to ask for anyother file whose code you might want to see.SEARCHRESULTSCONTROLLER.JAVA FILE CONTENT-
    package com.mgh.sps.search.web.handler;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
    import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleFormController;
    import com.mgh.sps.search.business.facade.Search;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.dto.ResourceDTO;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionAttributeKey;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionManager;
    import com.mgh.sps.fileusage.web.constants.FileUsageWebConstants;
    public class SearchResultsController extends SimpleFormController {
    * SearchResults Controller
    * @author Muralikrishna.s
    * @Codedondate DD-MM-YY=26-07-07
    * @Usecase/s associated =UC504
    private static final Logger logger = Logger
    private final static String REG_EXP = "^[A-Za-z0-9]*$";
    private final static Pattern EMAIL_PATTERN_REG = Pattern.compile(REG_EXP);
    * Spring framework method used to hold reference data
    * @param request
    * HttpServletRequest
    * @param command
    * Object
    * @param arg2
    * Errors
    * @return Map
    * @throws Exception
    protected Map referenceData(HttpServletRequest request, Object command,
    Errors errors) throws Exception {
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method entered:"
    + request + "," + command + "," + errors);
    FileUsageWebConstants.TAB_SEARCH, request);
    Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
    ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
    String[] allValues = new String[7];
    if (null != (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
    SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request)) {
    allValues = (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
    SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request);
    + resourceDto.getQualification());
    String flag = (String) request.getParameter("id");
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method exited:");
    return search.retrieveReferenceData(resourceDto);
    * Spring framework method used to hold OnSubmit
    * @param request
    * HttpServletRequest
    * @param response
    * HttpServletResponse
    * @param command
    * Object
    * @param arg3
    * BindException
    * @return ModelAndView
    * @throws Exception
    protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
    throws Exception {
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method entered:"
    + request + "," + command + "," + response + "," + errors);
    Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
    Map dynamic = (Map) getServletContext().getAttribute("config");
    ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
    //changed by sreelatha on sep21
    //String key = request.getParameter("keywords");
    //logger.debug("&&&&&&&&&&&&& key &&&&&&&&&&&&" + key);
    String keywords = (request.getParameter("keywords"));
    if(null!=keywords) {
    keywords = keywords.trim();
    // changes end
    String[] allValues = new String[7];
    //changed by sreelatha on sep21
    //allValues[0] = request.getParameter("keywords");
    allValues[0] = resourceDto.getKeywords();
    //changes end
    allValues[1] = request.getParameter("country");
    allValues[2] = request.getParameter("universityName");
    allValues[3] = request.getParameter("subjectArea");
    allValues[4] = request.getParameter("qualification");
    allValues[5] = request.getParameter("yearLevel");
    allValues[6] = request.getParameter("specificType");
    allValues, request);
    if(null!=keywords) {
    keywords = keywords.trim();
    String words="";
    for(int i=0;i<keywords.length();i++) {
    String key=String.valueOf(keywords.charAt(i));
    if(key.contains("*")) {
    key = key.replace("*"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("?")) {
    key = key.replace("?"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("[")) {
    key = key.replace("["," ");
    } else if(key.contains("{")) {
    key = key.replace("{"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("(")) {
    key = key.replace("("," ");
    } else if(key.contains(")")) {
    key = key.replace(")"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("+")) {
    key = key.replace("+"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("
    key = key.replace("
    } else if(key.contains(" ")) {
    key = key.replace(" "," ");
    } else if(key.contains("_")) {
    key = key.replace("","");
    } else if(!EMAIL_PATTERN_REG.matcher(key).matches()) {
    key = key.replaceAll(key," ");
    words = words + key;
    keywords = words;
    SessionManager.setSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.test, search.setInputValues(resourceDto, dynamic), request);
    String name = (String) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.tempName, request);
    String flag1 = request.getParameter("id");
    String status="";
    if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser"))
    return new ModelAndView();
    if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser")){
    status = "redirect:SearchResults.htm?id=loggedInUser";
    }else if(flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("nonLoggedInUser"))
    status = "redirect:SearchResultsnlu.htm?id=nonLoggedInUser";
    ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(super.getSuccessView());
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method exited:");
    return mav;

    Cross-posted in many forums. Don't answer this one.

  • Session Time Out For UNLOGGED USER During Search -pls help

    The problem lies in searchresultscontroller.java/searchcontroller.java file under search/web/handler of an application that supports educational note sharing.
    The problem is that -
    When I search with query strings in different fields(as you will find in the above mentioned java files)..the keywords in resourcedto and get some files as search results.
    Then I click on one of the file from within the search result and visit the file.
    Here if I m logged in as an user, and the session time out is set to 1 minute in the web.xml file of the web folder not the admin folder then when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button it easily goes back to the previous search result page along with the queries string that I had input previously.
    The problem is that when I m NOT LOGGED in as an user, and I've performed a search with queries and other dropdowns in the search panel, I get the search result page, I visit the file by clicking on one of them but when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button I don't see the previous search result page from where I had navigated to view the file.
    Please suggest on what changes shall I make in the code so that even if I m not logged in as an user, I get back to the search result page on hitting the BACK TO SEARCH button from the file view page.Sir I m herein pasting the code of the searchresultscontroller.java file, but please feel free to ask for anyother file whose code you might want to see.
    package com.mgh.sps.search.web.handler;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
    import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleFormController;
    import com.mgh.sps.search.business.facade.Search;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.dto.ResourceDTO;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionAttributeKey;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionManager;
    import com.mgh.sps.fileusage.web.constants.FileUsageWebConstants;
    public class SearchResultsController extends SimpleFormController {
         * SearchResults Controller
         * @author Muralikrishna.s
         * @Codedondate DD-MM-YY=26-07-07
         * @Usecase/s associated =UC504
         private static final Logger logger = Logger
         private final static String REG_EXP = "^[A-Za-z0-9]*$";
         private final static Pattern EMAIL_PATTERN_REG = Pattern.compile(REG_EXP);
         * Spring framework method used to hold reference data
         * @param request
         * HttpServletRequest
         * @param command
         * Object
         * @param arg2
         * Errors
         * @return Map
         * @throws Exception
         protected Map referenceData(HttpServletRequest request, Object command,
                   Errors errors) throws Exception {
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method entered:"
                        + request + "," + command + "," + errors);
                        FileUsageWebConstants.TAB_SEARCH, request);
              Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
              ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
              String[] allValues = new String[7];
              if (null != (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
                        SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request)) {
                   allValues = (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
                             SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request);
                        + resourceDto.getQualification());
              String flag = (String) request.getParameter("id");
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method exited:");
              return search.retrieveReferenceData(resourceDto);
         * Spring framework method used to hold OnSubmit
         * @param request
         * HttpServletRequest
         * @param response
         * HttpServletResponse
         * @param command
         * Object
         * @param arg3
         * BindException
         * @return ModelAndView
         * @throws Exception
         protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
                   throws Exception {
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method entered:"
                        + request + "," + command + "," + response + "," + errors);
              Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
              Map dynamic = (Map) getServletContext().getAttribute("config");
              ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
              //changed by sreelatha on sep21
              //String key = request.getParameter("keywords");
              //logger.debug("&&&&&&&&&&&&& key &&&&&&&&&&&&" + key);
              String keywords = (request.getParameter("keywords"));
              if(null!=keywords) {
                   keywords = keywords.trim();
    //          changes end
              String[] allValues = new String[7];
              //changed by sreelatha on sep21
              //allValues[0] = request.getParameter("keywords");
              allValues[0] = resourceDto.getKeywords();
              //changes end
              allValues[1] = request.getParameter("country");
              allValues[2] = request.getParameter("universityName");
              allValues[3] = request.getParameter("subjectArea");
              allValues[4] = request.getParameter("qualification");
              allValues[5] = request.getParameter("yearLevel");
              allValues[6] = request.getParameter("specificType");
                        allValues, request);
                   if(null!=keywords) {
                   keywords = keywords.trim();
                   String words="";
                   for(int i=0;i<keywords.length();i++) {               
                        String key=String.valueOf(keywords.charAt(i));
                        if(key.contains("*")) {
                                  key = key.replace("*"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("?")) {
                                  key = key.replace("?"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("[")) {
                                  key = key.replace("["," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("{")) {
                                  key = key.replace("{"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("(")) {
                                  key = key.replace("("," ");
                             } else if(key.contains(")")) {
                                  key = key.replace(")"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("+")) {
                                  key = key.replace("+"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("\\")) {
                                  key = key.replace("\\"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains(" ")) {
                                  key = key.replace(" "," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("_")) {
                                  key = key.replace("_","_");
                             } else if(!EMAIL_PATTERN_REG.matcher(key).matches()) {
                                  key = key.replaceAll(key," ");
                        words = words + key;
                   keywords = words;
              SessionManager.setSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.test, search.setInputValues(resourceDto, dynamic), request);
              String name = (String) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.tempName, request);
              String flag1 = request.getParameter("id");
              String status="";
              if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser"))
                        return new ModelAndView();
              if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser")){
                   status = "redirect:SearchResults.htm?id=loggedInUser";
              }else if(flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("nonLoggedInUser"))
                   status = "redirect:SearchResultsnlu.htm?id=nonLoggedInUser";     
              ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(super.getSuccessView());
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method exited:");
              return mav;

    Cross-posted in many forums. Don't answer this one.

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