Logic 7, Reason & Melodyne

I used Reason for the Drums and Percussion, then I rewire to Logic 7.2.3 and add the other instruments (strings/piano flute).
The I open Melodyne to speed up the vocals to 124BPM and go it tight. When I went back into logic; Reason got replaced by Melodyne; when crazy last night. Any thoughts that I can have both Reason and Melodyne studio running?

Melodyne Studio's polyphonic timestretch algorithms are really good, although I think the polyphonic algorythm is only available in the expensive version.
If you are doing vox only then you may be fine with the more regular algorithms in the lower down versions.
Personally I thought that iZotope's Radius was even better - either one I would be happy to run mixes through - and I'd never run a mix through Logic's inbuilt default timestretching in a hundred billion years...
Incidentally, you can download the iZotope Radius & Melodyne demos and try them out on your material to see which you are happiest with - Melodyne is more expensive but you get lots of other cool tools included, whereas Radius is straight timestretching only.

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    17" 2.16 MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    You have to export the Reason midi data as a Standard Midi File and then, import that in Logic. You're probably better to sequence directly in Logic.

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    I'm going to try this... See if it works on your end as well!

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    Search the "ALL OBJECTS" layer of your environment to see if there is a rewire object labeled "Combinator". If you find it, click the "chain" button on both the environment and the arrange windows, create an external midi track in the arrange window (make sure the track stays selected), then use the MIDI tool to click on the rewire object in the environment to set it up as a track in your arrange window. If you can't find a combinator rewire object, then you will have to create a new rewire object in the environment. To do this, choose NEW/INTERNAL/REWIRE OBJECT. With the rewire object selected, you will have to select the channel for the COMBINATOR (keep in mind that the channel name of the sum combinator will be the same name on the combinator's label strip in Reason). In the parameter box, change the rewire bus if the channel selection is not available.

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    This applies to Live users on intel as well.
    The ReWire 1.7 update brings dramatically improved sample loading times and compatibility with Intel Macs. If you use a PC, this update is for you. If you use a mac, you only need this update if you are not using Reason. For instance, if you use ReWire to hook up Ableton Live and Logic on an Intel Mac you should download this update.
    Note: If you are using Reason 3.0.5, you do not need this update at all.
    Dual 1.8Ghz G5 PB G4 1Ghz LP7.1.1 RME FF800   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Reaktor 5.1 Reason 3.0.4 Live 5.0.2 Battery 2.1.1 Recycle 2.1 DFH 1.5.3

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    Reason and Live are both great programs.
    Reason is good for a 'general' tool to add to your toolbox. The strings and piano sounds good, the combinator adds a lot of interesting possiblities. But the sequencer is lackluster at best. I never use it as a stand alone program. It's always rewired to Logic, or Live. Another slighlty negative point is Rewire. It's just not as simple as an AU plug-in. It's not complicated, but it's not as simple as using an AU plug-in. I've since replaced all the 'parts' that I commonly using in Reason, by better AU 'version' (e.g., Reaktor for synth/beats. Stylus for beats). Also, it's good to point out that Logic has a nice of AU to begin with. If there's a particular AU Logic plug (e.g., Ultrabeat) that doesn't quite do it for you, then maybe consider looking into a more focused plug-in to meet your needs.
    Live is a completely different entity. It's an outstanding sketch pad and composing tool. Absolutely brilliant. It's great for layer parts, trying new arrangements, or recording loops (clips) and then triggering them in a particular order via midi. It's a very interactive compositional tool. The problem is there isn't an easy way to use Logic's plug-ins from Live. Live as a Rewire slave to Logic is very restricting. So when you're composing in Live and you want to use Sculpture, or UltraBeat, you can't (very easily). Also, Live is great for triggering loops/clip live. It's GUI is setup really well.
    Also, neither Live, or Reason (as stand alone) allow time signature changes. This is a huge negative point for both of them, especially Live.
    Dual 1.8Ghz G5 PB G4 1Ghz LP7.1.1 RME FF800   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Reaktor 5.1 Reason 3.0.5 Live 5.0.2 Battery 2.1.5 Recycle 2.1 DFH 1.5.3

  • !!!Problems Using Logic With Reason in Rewire Mode!!!

    Hi, Maybe someone can help me...
    I can´t Hear any sound coming out of Reason into logic!
    This is what i did:
    1- loaded logic
    2- loaded reason (used the Redrum, L+R and connected to the 1 and 2 Audio OUT of reason)
    3- selected a audio track in Logic Pro (audio Track 1)
    4- Went to the Audio parameters window, and selected from the drop down list
    Rewire>RW:Mix L
    5- pressed play... and nothing!! no sound
    i used reason in ableton live 5, and works fine,.. so i know it is not a reason problem
    Hope someone can help me

    Use method 2 to help you set up Reason and Logic.
    Also you might want to upgrade from Reason 3.0 to 3.0.4.
    good luck.

  • How I ReWire Logic with Reason 3

    Getting Logic Express 7 and Reason 3 ReWired and working well together took me a few days. Thanks to some very helpful posts here (mostly by users "clangwork" and "mlehmann") and a few other sources I have everything working well. Mostly so I can remember, I wrote down the steps. Hope it helps someone!
    ReWire Logic Express 7 with Reason 3
    1. Start Logic
    2. Start Reason
    3. Reason: create a mixer, Subtractor, and NN-XT (any device is fine, these are for example) and select some patches.
    4. Reason: DELETE the tracks for the devices you made in the sequencer, but KEEP the devices when asked. IMPORTANT!
    5. Logic: open Environment window, set it on MIDI Instr. (on left), and click New -> Internal -> Rewire. Do it for as many devices as you have in Reason. In this example I have two (for Subtractor and NN-XT). Click on a Rewire object and set Device (on left) to Reason and Channel to SubTractor. Click on the other and set Device to Reason and Channel to NN-XT. Bus should be 6 for both. Close the Environment window.
    6. Logic: Click on any track icon and hold the button down. In the pop up menu, select MIDI Instr. and then the first ReWire listed. It should show up on the left as SubTractor 1. Click another track and do the same for the other Reason device.
    7. Logic: Select an Audio track and set the Channel to ReWire -> RW:Mix L. Pan the track all the way to the left. Select another Audio track and set it to ReWire -> RW:Mix R and pan to the right.
    8. Logic: I have no idea why, but for any Reason devices to play I need to set up a Logic instrument (any, such as ES1, etc.) and load a patch. Play one note, then select one of the yellow ReWire tracks and you should hear your Reason device!
    9. Logic: Record to the ReWire tracks like any other MIDI instrument!
    You can add effects to the Reason rack and don't need to change anything in Logic.
    Set levels, pans, etc. in Reason.
    You can delete a device and replace it with something else in Reason and don't need to change anything in Logic. Reselect the channel for the ReWire track to update the name.
    Mac OS X (10.4.3)


  • Logic and Reason. Is this the only way?

    I have managed to rewire Reason 3 to Logic Pro 7.2 thanks to frequent popsicle's video. I can record and playback with no problems. Except that in order to control volume/pan in the arrange window I have to have 2 tracks for each instrument. One for the midi to Reason and one for the aux that the instrument is patched to. I can control the volume/pan of the aux track but not the midi which makes sense but why do I need both to get sound? This is mostly just inconvenient but surely it should be possible to have just one reason track in arrange that acts just like one of Logic's internal instruments?

    I still find Reason to be a very useful set of
    virtual instruments. There's a ton of good stuff in
    there. I've hardly ever used the Reason sequencer,
    but the instruments, processors and Combinator are
    For sure. The combinator is perhaps the nicest thing to happen to Reason. You can really do some cool things with it.
    Recently, I've become a bit annoyed that Rewire doesn't allow the slave to send midi to the master. I find this makes using Live (in rewire mode) completely worthless. I've been moving to a LogicRMXReaktor setup, so Reason has lost it's usefulness to me.
    I've recently been using it again in ProTools - loved
    it, so simple . But now I've (again) gotten rid of
    ProTools, so it's time for me to learn how to get it
    working in Logic in a way which suits my style.
    Note: Using the combinator can really mess up a Logic Reason template (due to Logic's particular way of implementing Rewire). In the internal rewire object, the BUS 'system' is a bit unfriendly. I've never understood why there is a need to have BUS7. BUS6 should show all your device in your Reason rack (not just the first 16).
    Dual 1.8Ghz G5 PB G4 1Ghz LP7.1.1 RME FF800   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Reaktor 5.1 Reason 3.0.5 Live 5.0.2 Battery 2.1.5 Recycle 2.1 DFH 1.5.3

  • OK, What's Wrong Here--Logic and Reason

    OK, before anyone goes off on me about this post, I have searched the topics in this forum and followed all the advice for hooking up Rewire applications (and the manual is absolutely useless on this, I might add). However, after creating two separate audio objects in the Environment (L and R Rewire channels) and assigning them to their own Bus, (see below)I still can't here any sound. I get to see the faders gleefully bouncing up and down as if they're saying "You can't hear me, You Can't hear me". Is there something in Logic 7.1 that's not covered in these posts about Rewiring or have I just missed something? Here's what I've done which I got from another post on this topic:
    Environment Window
    In the Middle section of the parameters on the Left select Create
    Name it Rewire
    Under that windows "New" pull down (Top Left), pull down to Audio Object
    In the "Channel" pop up (Left, bottom section) select>Rewire (Left, right, 3,4... What ever you want.
    Double Click the Audio Object to expand it
    Pan Left or right, or whatever you need.
    Rename if you wish
    Do the same for the other stereo side. Now's the fun part. Assign these stereo pairs to a bus (above the fader, the default is "Out 1-2")
    Go to the Mixer window
    Double click the Bus you assigned, this puts it in the arrange window
    Arrange window
    Name the Bus "Rewire" or "ReDrum" or something great like that.
    Been there. done that but still no sound. Thanks, as always, for your help.

    On a side note everyone, does anyone have trouble with Reason and Logic looping together? Everytime I try to get a Reason song to loop with Logic it might loop once or twice (or not at all) but Reason will eventually lock up and its playback marker will stick on it's right loop marker and I'll hear no sound from Reason as Logic just keeps on looping. Then, if I let Logic keep playing, Reason might sync-up and start looping with Logic again or more often it doesn't. Could take 5 to 10 times around before it catches again, if at all.
    I thought these types of issues were a thing of the past with modern software?
    What's the deal?

  • Logic Express, Reason 4 and a MacBook Pro.

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    A couple of questions... Will logic work nicely with the MBPro? Is the 15.4" screen tolerable with Logic Express? I'll still have the Dual 1.8 G5 w/ 4 GB of memory but wan to try and be totally portable. Also, for a simple two channel input how is the quality on the 1/8" jack? Should I look for a nice 2 channel input/output USB audio card?
    That is all my questions for now.

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  • DAW (Logic Pro, Reason etc) distorting iTunes, Safari etc

    This is a problem that seems to be related to the control of the audio clock/sample rate within core audio.  Here's the scenario:
    I have a DAW (I get the same problem whether the DAW is the latest version of Logic Pro, or Reason, so I'm therefore confident it's not just a Logic Pro problem) running.  There isn't a difference whether there's a project/file open within the DAW or not.  Simply by having a DAW running when I try to play audio from iTunes, or Spotify, or Soundcloud or any internet based audio such as YouTube it's distorted.  It kind of sounds like the audio is being run through a mild to medium strength Bit Crusher. 
    Only if I quit the DAW can I listen to audio from any other program without the distortion.
    Has anyone else experienced this problem or found a solution to it?
    My audio interface is a Prism Sound Orpheus.

    What sampling rate are your DAW's operating at?
    Sometimes you'll get noise and 'bit crushing' distortion if the main OS X system is set at, say, 44khz and your DAW tries to switch to something like 88 or 96.
    I often switch between 48 and 44 khz on my system (with MOTU audio hardware) and it USUALLY works seamlessly, but every now and then there's bit-crush effect as the system adjusts the sampling rate.  For some reason, the Mac will occasionally make the transition from one sampling rate to another veerrrrry sloooowly, as if changing speed limits with the lightest accelerator foot on the planet...   Might take a minute or two, but it SHOULD eventually arrive at the new sampling rate and the distortion goes away.  
    hope that's helpful.   As Bee Jay said, check your audio driver (for the Prism) and see who's in control of sampling rate (ie. internal clock, external, etc.)

  • Using multiple monitors with Logic 8 & Reason

    Hi Guys
    Im using a macbook pro to run Logic 8 & slaving Reason with it. How do I connect another 2 monitors so I can look at Logic's arrange window on one, Logic's mixer on another and Reason on the third monitor?
    Cheers guys

    SSuitor wrote:
    Is anyone here using 3 monitors??!
    Yes, but not on a laptpo, since you need a third video card and port.
    On a desktop like the Mac Pro, you can use the first video card to run two monitors, and install a second video card for the third monitor.
    Although, I can't see using more than two monitors....

Maybe you are looking for