Logic Board Issues?

Just got back from Memorial City Mall's Genius Bar. Some old man said my MacBook's logic board is busted and he knows because the MagSafe didn't light up. I plugged in my OEM Charger and it lights up. I Google'd malfunctioning logic board and the results are keyboard and mouse related... I swear that old bag at the Genius Bar around 1:30 PM was on CRACK!!! So does it have any relations to responding to the MagSafe or... I don't think he had it plugged in. All he did has take out the battery, and told me that I fried it when I was replacing the harddrive... It turned on and was fine 3 days ago, and won't boot again since the battery is at 0 mAh. So does everything make sense? I couldn't have fried it, maybe that knockoff MagSafe fried it, but I booted with it... Or is that old man on crack and I am right? The guy didn't do anything except put the MagSafe in the MacBook and not in the outlet, and didn't try an SMC reset or anything.
Message was edited by: xgamercrazy

If it's under warranty, call Apple and send it in for repair. If not, get a second opinion from another store.
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    Hi, Sheila. Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    No. The iBook Logic Board Extension Program is for display issues only.

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    Hi Bruce, sorry to hear of your frustrations. First off, Apple doesn't make logic boards. Heck, Apple doesn't make any of the parts under the hood of your computer. I'm surprised that on a two week old computer they didn't just offer you a replacement. Was the computer purchased through Apple or did you buy it 3rd party?
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    Out of warranty logic board replacements are very costly, definitely the most expensive component to replace in the machine.

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    Apple store genius determined it was a bad video adapter.

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    <Edited by Moderator>

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    Hi Matthew,
    That is very interesting, I can't say anything except it is possible that Apple might want you to replace your logic board. Anything strange going on with your computer? Any problems? Anything that might have to do with Ethernet, FireWire, USB, or anything like that?

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    Make an appointment with an Apple Genius, and discuss your options.

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    The answer is no for any one who looks at this.

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    First up, PowerPC-based Macs can't boot up from a USB external drive (per se... there is a workaround and "hack"). Only Intel-based Macs can do that.
    Second, since you say it works and boots up when connected to a FireWire external drive, I believe it is a hard drive issue. S.M.A.R.T. status is not ("not") always a reliable indicator from what I've heard. It may say it's verified, but really it's failing. By the same token, it may say failed, but really it's fine.
    That is not always the case however. 95% of the time, S.M.A.R.T. status is highly accurate.
    If you are so inclined, you can open up your PowerBook, take out the hard drive, and place a new one in there and see what happens. If it works, you're in business. And you only spent a $100 or less on a new drive (which you might end up needing anyway if your current drive is indeed broken).
    (If your drive isn't broken, then you have a backup drive ).
    If the new drive installed doesn't work, then it is a logic board issue or something else. But since you say it works fine and boots up from a Leopard install DVD, I think it may just be the hard drive. And a new logic board usually starts at $300 so think about that as well. (You could get a new used one for a bit more and sell that one for parts).

  • 13 Inch Macbook Pro Logic Board Failure

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    When i tried it it switch it on, it is not coming up back. No response at all, when i press the power button even the brething light is not coming up.
    No issue with the battery as it is fully charged and even the MagSafe is connected.
    I gave it to Apple authorised service center for repair, they initially asked 1000+ buck (INR) for checking it and after checking it i got a response that it is a logic board issue no power is being send to Logic board and it needs an expensive replacement of Rs 33,600.
    Not sure why this logic board can't be repaired rather than an expensive replacement..??? Are they doing service or only replacements?
    Bought it for 80k and spending another 35k in 3 years is the most annoying thing   - a brand new windows laptop costs 35k

    Apple or an AASP do not "service" logic boards...everything is soldered in place...they replace them.

  • Power supply vs. logic board?  turns off in sleep mode.

    My imac g5 (2004 - 1st generation?) is either turning completely off or going into some un-wake-up-able mode after it's put to sleep. (I have to switch off/on the power strip and turn the computer on all over again.) And sometimes if it's sleeping (power light pulsing on front) it may or may not wake from sleep by pushing the power button. Often touching a key in that circumstance will cause it to crash, so I've quit using that altogether as a method of waking it up. I've reset the SMU a number of times throughout the past few months and it has not cleared up this problem.
    Last night after I put it to sleep it switched in to the un-wake-up-able mode. I could still hear something running (not a fan, just an electrical hum) where it seems like it's crashed and can't shut itself off. I had to turn off the power and try to turn the computer back on. It wouldn't respond the first couple times. Then the power light glowed for a while but it still didn't turn on completely. After a few more minutes I tried again. Maybe I held the power button for too long, but I heard a long single beep, the fans whirred, and then everything started up as usual.
    I've read a number of threads seemingly related to these issues, but am now not clear about whether this is a power supply issue or a logic board issue. I have yet to open the back and check for bulging capacitors. Just thought I'd ask here first.

    I am having a very close issue too (posted also in a more recent thread about power button not functioning). My old iMac G5 20 inches got a power supply that went bad two years ago. I had it replaced and all went fine until two weeks ago.
    My wife was using it, while I was away: machine shut down with a 'pop!' sound.
    She tried to start it up again, but after pressing the button a couple of times - the last one longer - she had a long strong peep. The machine went on for a while and then off again. Scared, she left it off.
    After checking, no reported issue seems to fit to the problems shown: power supply is working; logic board too. The machine is working fine, but on sleep, it dies out. While doing tasks, at undetermined times, it shuts down with a 'pop!'. Sometimes you can restart it immediately. Sometimes you can't and have to wait one or more hours. No evidently bad caps on board, led check returns 1 (no 2 flashing or attempting to turn on) with dead computer, otherwise all working fine. Hardware test also passed. Console messages have nothing relevant or clearly understandable to offer.
    Still can't figure out a solution. Many user are pretty fast in suggesting to bringing the machine to Apple. Unfortunately not all around the world we have/need cars. And getting the 20 kg of iMac by feet/metro to the shop it ain't such a nice walk. When I fried the power supply, there was no sufficiently large box on sale to pack the computer and have it send to the shop. I had to wait for the technician - on a convenient day - do drop by and take it (and he knew he was going to repair it)!
    Will post, if I have further developments.

  • Is there anything I can possibly do about these logic boards?

    Ok, I have 4 broken 4th Generation iPods. Two of them are white 20GB models, one is a white 40GB model, and one is a U2 Special Edition 20GB model. All of them have broken logic boards. Every month or so I give them another go to see if I can get any of them working. But, like usual, I tried today and had no luck.
    EDIT: Let me specify, these are all monochrome 4th generation models.
    The difference here (as opposed to previous attempts) is that now I have a working monochrome 4G (meaning a perfect functioning logic board) that I purchased since my last attempt at fixing these (meaning I now have 1 working iPod but still the 4 broken ones). I was able to restore one of my spare hard drives (20GB MK2006GAL model) with firmware version 3.1.1 using this working iPod. I was even able to add songs, and after disconnecting, play them in the working iPod. Not to mention, the hard drive sounds like it is running beautifully.
    So, I thought, "maybe if I plug a 4th gen formatted, working hard drive with the latest 4th gen firmware into one of these corrupted iPods, they'll at least play the music, even if they won't connect to the PC". Wrong. I still get the old routine of Apple logo, folder icon, "Do not disconnect" for about 5 seconds until it resets itself to the Apple logo, a sad face, and finally a low battery sign (regardless of how charged the battery is) in that exact order. This occurs with 3 of the logic boards. The other logic board, which was originally in the U2 iPod, is able to boot up, and choose a language, but the logic board is broken in that the battery is undetected (no charging, and as soon as you unplug it, poof, its gone). I've tried several batteries that I know work; I am 100% positive it is a logic board issue.
    I've tried diagnostic mode on each and every iPod. On the working 4th gen (with functioning logic board), they pass HDD R/W and HDD SCAN. But they never complete on any other iPod; even after an hour, they've done nothing, and act like they have frozen. I've run the 5-in-1 test on each of these, and they all complete fine.
    So... I guess it all comes down to corrupted logic boards prevent the iPod from properly booting, connecting, and completing diagnostic tests. Is there ANYTHING I can do to rewrite or fix these files? Would connecting to a Mac help at all? (I ask because there is no Mac available to me, not even at a local computer store, but if you guys think it would help, I would go out of my way to the Apple store about 1 hour away). I know Mac's use different formats for the hardware, but I thought this was all hard drive related. Thanks for any help/recommendations/etc.
    Oh, one last note, about that logic board that is able to boot but can't detect the battery: It actually can tell if theres a battery there, but it just doesn't... work. Like, if I have a completely dead battery installed, and I try to plug it in, I get the battery with exclamation point icon. If I plug it in with a battery 50% charged, it will boot and the battery icon will show that is it 50% charged, but it won't charge it, and it still turns off it its disconnected. Any help with this would be great as well.

    I tried running the HP tool today, to see if that would help, but it to was unable to detect my iPod.
    I should also point out that Windows can not detect my iPod either (and thus it has no drive assigned to it).

  • Can you tell if it is a display problem or logic board problem

    I have a 17 inch aluminum mac book pro. I bought it from a reseller on ebay in February. Recently I have been having some display issues. It has taken it longer and longer for screen to come back on from sleeping and the other day it did not come back on at all. I thought it could be a faulty graphics card because it is one of the models that has the faulty card in it but when I took it to my local mac authorized dealer they said that because there was damage to the hinges of screen, they thought it was a display issue and suggested I get a new screen for upwards of 900 dollars. While testing it they plugged it into an external display and the screen turned on for a few seconds. When they closed it, it did not come back on. Back at home I did a similar test and plugged in an external monitor and it worked for a while but as soon as i turned i closed the lid the display went off again and now I cant get it to display even when connected to external monitor. WHen i turn it on i can hear the chime and i can control the volume and keyboard brightness. My question is whether this is a simple display issue, a faulty graphics card issue, or a logic board issue? Please help me. I am going to fix the computer either way I would jsut like to know if it is a screen issue that I could replace myself.

    If the Macbook Pro was made between 2007 and 2008 it maybe the Nvidia issue.
    I suggest you take it to an Apple center and have them run the test.
    The damaged hinge should not affect the test, I would think.
    Be warned though, just because you have exactly the same symptoms does not mean it will fail the test or more importantly, if the test does not generate a fault code, Apple will not repair.
    Did this start after the 10.5.7 update and more importantly did you run the SMC 1.3 update as well?
    If you can get the machine to start properly, deleting the /var/vm/sleepimage seems to eliminate the symptoms of not waking. Before you delete is take note of it's size.
    It's my opinion that this file also caused the machine to hang after the SMC 1.3 update when the lid was closed the first or second time. The machine then continued to run generating lots of heat. You may not have noticed and just found the machine with a flat battery one day.
    If that is the case, damage is done and the symptoms are the same as the Nvidia extend warranty issue except not covered!

  • Macbook Pro Mid-2012 Logic Board replacement, Apple Dragging feet?

    First some background:
    I have a macbook pro 13" Mid-2012 non retina covered under applecare until Jan. 2016. Starting in late march, i had noticed some performance issues but never took it in as the issue would subside within a day or two. Going into the final two week of my college semester, the macbook started freezing and tacking almost 5 minutes to boot. Suddenly it would take 5 tries just to get it to boot. due to this, i had been unable to get the time machine backup to work as it would freeze for 12 hours on average.
    So thenI took my macbook pro into the local authorized apple service center (on April 29th) as i suddenly got 'open error 5: input output error' errors and my mbp wouldnt boot at all. When i spoke to the servicer, he and I agreed that at minimum the hard drive was failing. The servicer made a time machine backup of the data on the hdd and got the backup on my external drive. He asked to keep the external drive as it has a partition that is a USB install disk of the latest Mavericks. Soon after he got the data backed up, the hard drive showed signs of failure to happen soon. So we agreedto have him replace the hdd. He hoped to have my macbook to me by May 5th. Well on May 5th, i got a call from him that with the replacement hard drive, the computer still had similar issues and was able to track it down to logic board issues. We agreed that since he had the macbook pro already and since it was applecare covered, we should go ahead and replace the logic board. Anyways, he ordered a new logic board from apple last monday (May 5th, 2014). I called on Thursday for an update and the servicer was frustrated with Apple that something is going on and he hasnt received the part as Apple usually gets him these parts within 1-2 days of request.He said he will call me once Apple gets him the part as he will get on the repair once the part comes in.  He hasnt called me back yet.
    This is rather frustrating for me as my macbook had all my college files on it and this problem happened right before college finals (i technically lost about 2 months worth of web design files and class files) where much of what needed for finals was on that computer. if he could have gotten it back by the 7th as he'd hoped, i would have been fine.  Instead, i was forced to go back to my PC laptop and try recreating some of the files that were made by mac only applications into something similar on windows. i was unable to recover the web design files as they were on the macbook and i couldnt remember right off which folder it was in. So i had to scrape together things to be able to submit for my finals so i wouldnt totally bomb the course. My web design instructor understood how frustrated I got from losing all that work and having to settle for a final design that just met the requirments rather than the one on the mac that was well past it.
    He is not sure whats going on as the last time he ordered a logic board for the same model, he had it by the end of business the next day. He is apoligizing for everything . I am not frustrated with him, rather I am frustrated with Apple as they had recommended me to take it in ASAP, yet they are seemingly dragging thier feet on getting him the parts.
    On top of this, I am helping a neighbor modernize her business website, and am doing a project with the state unemployement office to help them redo thier videos. Both of these are things i would always use my mac for as it is like 5x faster than my pc on this stuff. It's more than just an inconvience now. I need my mac badly as the PC is just not fast enough to do what i need in the itme i am given (which i why i switched to mac as my primary computer).
    Is this common for Apple when it comes to logic board replacements for macbook pros or what?
    Has anyone else had this issue?

    Applecare was no help at all. I called and did the complaint. They confirmed that it is registered to me and everything but essetially told me that they cant give me answers as to what is taking so long. They knew a repair was in progress but wanted to set me up with an appointment at an apple store? (the nearest Apple retail store is Billings which is 240 miles away, or about 4 hours). i tell them its at the repair place and they go on to tell me they can send me a box to mail it in and have it reapir by them.. They are trying to shift the blame to the AASP and his rep. But he said he has been trying with very few answers from Apple as well

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