Logic Pro 8 and Digi 003 Rack

I am successfully using the Digi 003 Rack as my audio hardware. The latency is better using instruments and audio then when I am using Pro tools, I highly recommend! I am on a 2.8 Intel Imac, 4g ram, 10.4.11 OSX.
My problem is I cannot get the midi to work. I have USB controllers working like the Oxygen *, trigger finger,etc but I have not been able to get logic to see the digi 003 midi. Has anyone successfully gotten logic to see the midi from the digi 003? Please instruct how to set up this configuration.

*To use MIDI Mode on 003, you must first download and update the firmware on your 003:
003 Firmware Update for MIDI Mode

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    Usually you'd create an aggregate device (Utilities Folder - Audio/MIDI set up) to create a new virtual device, into which you can combine two or more devices, including built-in audio I/O.
    But although I'm not certain (as I don't use an 003) I don't think you can create an aggregate device with an 003 (no harm in trying, though).
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    Yes it is more or less compatible, except the use of 32 bit plugins, which is prohibited from now on. So although you're able to open Logic projects as far as down to v5 I believe, it is advisable to remain for 'adding and tweaking' in your pre LPX environment.
    Have a nice day!

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    Hi Kurt,
    The Mac IIci is not even powering on at all. Tried again with wih a tested power cable and no luck. 
    I think it's best that take  this issue to the Older Hardware Community. Not only did I see a fair number of replacement parts for the IIci avaiable online, but there also vintage external floppy drives as well. I'm not giving up.
    Thank you for your time and interest in helping.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    For what you want the Mac, the Mac mini is OK. It has got a quad-core processor that will give you the performance you need and 4 GB of RAM that you can extend to 16 GB, apart from a removable hard drive.
    The problem is the GPU, but as the applications you are going to use don't require the best GPU, it will work properly. If you want the Mac mini, go for it. An iMac may give you better performance, but the Mac mini is correct.
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    Any help would be much appreciated,
    Regards James

    Well, Sylenth I know... works under Logic Pro 9 and it should be found by left clicking and holding... the Software Insturment Button (The one just below where it says i/o and then scrolling down in the menu that appears to the Instrument section below the Apple Plugins...
    I don't know about Massive 1.01 because i think that one is not Logic 9 compatible because it is so old.... and I have never used Vanguard... but according to it's specs the latest version should be found in the same place as Sylenth...
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    ...and.. it probably doesn't help that you are using older/not 'legal' copies of these plugins.... *ahem*

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    Process:         Logic Pro [372]
    Path:            /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic Pro
    Identifier:      com.apple.logic.pro
    Version:         ??? (???)
    Build Info:      Logic-17005700~2
    App Item ID:     459578486
    App External ID: 6130764
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [119]
    Date/Time:       2012-04-17 08:24:13.051 -0500
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)
    Report Version:  6
    Interval Since Last Report:          25851 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           2589
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   6
    Anonymous UUID:                      EDA52A61-88BE-4D83-8D14-5CB718D2D6EB
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMedia.framework/Versions/A/CoreMedia
      Referenced from: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/ProKit
      Reason: image not found
    Binary Images:
    0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4163b  dyld 132.1 (???) <4CDE4F04-0DD6-224E-ACE5-3C06E169A801> /usr/lib/dyld
    Please help!! and thanks

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    Have Mavericks.
    Have not been recording/using Logic since getting Mavericks, but getting ready for new projects.
    How is old Logic Pro (not X) working with Mavericks? And X?
    Are the upgrades in X worth the hassels I'm reading about on this forum?

    As long as you have Logic 9.1.8 it will run fine under Mavericks. If there is no impending need to go to Logic X then don't bother. Updating for the sake of it when everything is working ok is not something I do. I only went to logic 9 from 8 about 7 months ago. Had the box install of 9 for a couple of years before moving to it because I had no need.
    If you do decide to go to Logic X make sure you have 64bit versions of any 3rd party plug-ins.
    There are some good features in Logic X but do you need them and do you need to move?

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    Interesting and convoluted way to get something done.. from what you're describing it almost sounds like the software instruments are somehow getting recorded twice but slightly out of phase.
    When you record your singing are you monitoring through headphones or speakers?

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    Depends on the computer model and if you have unlimited funds.

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    Did you run "Software Update" to get the latest version?

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    Thank you for the info I appreciate it!  Was also wondering if the Drummer content downloads faster from Logic Pro X than from Garageband as the Drummer content downloads rather slowly from Garageband. And was figuring that since Logic Pro X is more expensive than Garageband perhaps the servers they use for Logic Pro X would be more faster than Garageband's but I'm just taking a wild guess

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    There is another possible fix that I have just been made aware of, thanks to Apple Tech Support...
    Go into Energy Saving in System preferences.. and temporarily move the two sliders (for screen sleep and computer sleep) to never, uncheck "Put hard Drives to sleep whenever possible" and then download additional content..
    When the downloads are complete, put back these settings to their original state...
    For some people this has provided another way of avoiding the 'timeout' if it has not been caused by an ISP's max file limit rule...

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    Or if apple would work around this some way or another?

    If you bought Logic 9 less than a month ago then Apple will most likely refund you so that you can buy Logic X instead.
    The full (only) price of Logic X is as staed on the App Store. This price (whether people agree or disagree, like it or not like it) is still less than any upgrade price for any other DAW.
    A lot of people here are saying they bought Logic 9 6 months or a year ago and want a cheaper price. For me, I started on Logic 5.5. Logic 6, you could pay an upgrade price that was way over what the full app is now but you had to add costs as things like Space Designer were extra. Their serial numbers, once purchased, got added to you XS Key, which was a dongle that never got hacked in 6 and a half years.
    Apple, on acquiring Emagic, dropped the price from $1000 to $499, included all the things you had to pay extra for then dropped the price to what it is now once they went over to the App Store. They also dropped the un-cracked dongle.
    So myself and a lot of other people here went 5.5 to 6 (added the goodies that were extra) to 7 to 8 and to 9. When there was an upgrade price, the price was around what the app is now.
    I'm amazed at how many people see this as a full price and want money off whereas in reality a complete piece of softwaser is being offered for an upgrade price.
    My first paragraph will answer your question and you probably won't care about the rest of the post. $199 or £139 IS an upgrade price.

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