Logon.ini (or comparable) on Linux

I installed SAP on RedHat, I can open the logon window and go to the preferences. I insert my (windows) saplogon.ini as configuration file and get inthe logon pad only 'Item60=p' and so on. When I choosing an entry I'm getting a Exception in my shell.
How do I have to administrate this file for Linux?
I'm sorry I could only find the entry ask your system admin in help.
Thanks & Best Regards

saplogon.ini will not work with SAP GUI for Java.
you need to add the logon entry in "connections" file which is located in users home directory..
just edit the below file with any text editor..
and add the entry like :
conn=/H/<ip address>/S/32<system ID>
Then you can see the entry in SAP Logon.
Rajesh Narkhede

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                     I am facing problems while connecting to a sap thru REmote connection.I got a saplogon.ini where can i place this file.
    Wats the use of this file

    Just check whether your having "SAProuter String:" in your logging?
    If it's not there ask from your Basis to send it to you.
    Best regards,

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    Check these links for reference regarding AIX and Apache using X.509 certificates:
    And just using cookies -
    http://forums.devshed.com/archive/t-105611 (perl based)
    You can also use mod_ssl built into your Apache to facilitate both certificate based authentication as well as encryption.
    The mod_ssl route is most secure (because of the encryption), the IBM link is comprehensive but requires extra infrastructure (LDAP).

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    Just installed Oracle 10G on RH 9.
    The trick here is to modify the oraparam.ini file in the downloaded installation.
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    [Certified Versions]
    Linux=redhat-2.1,UnitedLinux-1.0,redhat-3,Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)
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    [Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)-optional]
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    All you have to do is to modify the web.xml file in your Analytics.war file to tell it the BI Server name and port and it will work.

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    Last login: Fri Apr 6 20:19:09 2012 from foo.bar.com
    echo $PWD'>'
    /usr/bin/gdbserver :12345 /linux/path/to/my/binary args_to_my_binary;exit
    but it fails with "Error while launching command: gdb --version"
    The old FAQ is very incomplete and seems out of date: wiki.eclipse.org/TM_and_RSE_FAQ#How_can_I_do_Remote_Debugging_with_CDT.3F
    This suggests it's possible but does not have sufficient details on how to set the myriad configuration options in Eclipse: stackoverflow.com/questions/6044138/remote-debugging-in-eclipse-cdt
    I suspect many people would benefit if there was a clear set of instructions in one place on how to make this happen.
    --Gerald Dalley

    OK. I just spent the last two days figuring this out, so here are step-by-step instructions that hopefully will help others (This list is unusually anal by the standards of this group, but really simple concrete instructions would have helped me).
    on the target linux box, make sure you have gdbserver. If you don't, get the gdb sources. Note: Making gdb does not build gdbserver. Instead, you have to go into the gdbserver directory and configure/make there.
    Run gdb on the linux box. In the startup banner, it will say what its target is. This will be something like x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu or i686-pc-linux-gnu. Remember this for later.
    Install MinGW on your Windows box (I had trouble building gdb on cygwin, so I recommend MinGW).
    Download expat from http://sourceforge.net/projects/expat/files/expat/2.1.0/.Note: Do not download the Windows expat installer. Download the sources instead.
    In the expat directory. "./configure --enable-shared", make, make install.
    Download the gdb sources
    ../gdb-7.4/configure --with-expat --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=i686-pc-mingw32
    make, make install
    Time to test. On your linux box, create and compile hello.cpp to hello.
    On your linux box, gdbserver :4444 hello
    Note:If you are on a corporate network, non-standard ports may be blocked. Set up an ssh tunnel if necessary.
    Copy hello.cpp and hello to your Windows machine
    From the MinGW prompt, run "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gdb ./Hello" Note: Substitute the name of the gdb you built as appropriate based on the target platform you got in step 2.
    In gdb, load the executable with "file hello"
    target remote localhost:4444 Note: This assumes that you have an ssh tunnel on localhost. Modify appropriately.
    Verify that gdb commands like break, cont, and run work here.
    Now we want to run it from outside of MinGW. In Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables add something like E:\MinGW\bin to the path. This is necessary for the loader to find libiconv_2.dll, etc. Now verify that you can do the preceding step from an ordinary Windows command prompt.
    Launch Eclipse (finally!). New debug configuration C/C++ attach to process.
    In Main, give path to the copy of the Linux executable on the Windows system.
    In Debugger tab, set Debugger dropdown to gdbserver. Set "GDB debugger" to something like "E:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gdb.exe" based on where your gdb is. For Connection, choose TCP and fill in the hostname and port number you've been using from gdb in the previous steps.
    Make sure gdbserver is running (it often quits when the program ends) and launch the debug configuration
    In the gdb console, enter "file hello," "break main," and cont or run (sometimes it wants one. Sometimes the other) and voila, you should be there.
    Let me know if this works, and I'll post it somewhere better.
    Good luck,

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    In my experience, oid on redhat runs the fastest. User bases range for our clients from 100 to 50,000. Also, upgrades will come out on linux faster than aix, since it's getting to be a less used OS. Just my thoughts.

  • Saplogon.ini   services files NOT copying over durring PACKAGE INSTALL

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    the user on the machines have admin rights to the machine so I dont think its a rights issue.  any idea out there for me ? 
    this is SAG gui 7.10 patch 2.

    This is the script I use when deploying a package.
    NwEngine.Context.Log.Write "Event: Copying customized saplogon.ini"
    If NwEngine.Shell.FileExist("%SAPSrcDir%\ConfigurationFiles\saplogon.ini") Then
    NwEngine.Shell.CopyFile "%SAPSrcDir%\ConfigurationFiles\saplogon.ini", "%WinDir%\saplogon.ini"
    End If
    Basically I have installed my SAP installation server to a share SAPINST$ the \ConfigurationFiles\ folder is within the SAPSrcDir (SAPINST$\ConfigurationFiles\).
    Hope this helps?

  • Surround Test Tool for Linux?

    since I changed to Linux some years ago, my surround 5.1 Sound isn't working. Atm it seems that only the left front channel is used. I had a look into alsamixer but it's hard to judge which channel is or is not working. Under windows there was a little tool for my soundcard (Realtek ALC650F) which played a sound on every channel one after another - it was easy that way to check which channels were working. Is there something comparable for Linux?
    Thank you

    man speaker-test.
    Last edited by Wintervenom (2010-02-11 07:05:40)

  • SOA installation question on Linux

    Can it be possible to install SOA on VMware, if yes please share with me some basic configuration,how much memory required to install and diskspace.
    Thanks for your Help.

    1. Yes, it is very much possible to install SOA in VMWare and it should work fine. We are already using it for our development. We created one image in one VM. copy this image to 5 other machines and they all work fine.
    2. Get a machine with minimum 4 Gb and if possible get 8GB RAM. 8 GB is really good, as we can install more stuff like I mentioned below. Get 2 CPU if possible.
    3. If your intention is to install everything in VM and replicate it across multiple machines say for Developers, here is what I suggest.
    4. Get a machine with 8 GB. In VM Ware, install following software. This kind of gives you full SOA/BPM Workstation Image. There is nothing else to install by developers other then some tools.
    Latest version of SOA/BPM is 11.1.5. So better go with this version. Just make sure that all related versions also match like weblogic server etc.
    1. Linux OS latest version
    2. Oracle Database XE 10.2 which is very light weight and works pretty well for SOA/BPM
    3. Standalone 2 JDKs - Sun and JRockit. If your machine is 64 bit, its better to have these 64 bit versions. For 32 bit, you do not need this as WLS comes with that JDK.
    4. WebLogic Server 10.3.5
    5. BPM/SOA Suite 11.1.5
    6. If required, create a ready to use SOA/BPM Domain also with any custom datasources for your apps, LDAP AD settings etc. This way developers just get the image and they are good to go.
    7. If you plan to use Oracle ESB, you can install that stuff also.
    The above setup is sufficient to use pre-built Domain or create any SOA/BPM Domain and deploy those applications.
    Now if you want to do development also on the same machine, then additionally install these softwares:
    1. JDeveloper
    2. Extend above JDeveloper with SOA and BPM Extensions.
    Generally most of the developer are very comfortable working with Windows OS (compared to Linux) for Development using JDeveloper etc. So you can have one very simple laptop or desktop. Install JDeveloper on this. Develop all your applications and deploy them on the above VM Ware system.
    Another option is have one single machine, desktop or laptop with 2 CPUs and atleast 8 GB RAM. On this create 2 Partitions and install Windows OS and VM Ware software. For VM Ware allocate like 4 or 6 GB RAM. Install all above stuff on this VM Ware. Rest you have 2 GB for Windows. On this install JDeveloper. This way you will have just one machine with all the stuff installed.
    There is a ready to use out of box VM Image from Oracle itself, but I guess it is for little bit older version SOA 11.3. Where as the latest version is 11.4 and most latest released few backs is 11.5.
    http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/soasuite/learnmore/vmsoa-172279.html - (For SOA 11.3. But latest is SOA 11.4 and SOA 11.5)
    Ravi Jegga

  • How to merge multipal saplogon.ini files..

    How can I merge the multiple saplogon.ini files if system is on Domain?

    We are merging two SAP Logon.ini file. The common file I placed in c:windows and the users own entries are in saplogon.ini in the %appdata%commonSAP directory. And by using note 1426178 pkt. 5, we set ConfigFileOnServer to c:
    Now the user can create own entries in own saplogon.ini, and not change entries in the common saplogon.in I c:windows.
    If you update the common file, you just have to replace the file in c:windows.

  • How can I sync with audio framerate?

    I hope that there is an entirely different way of doing what I'm trying to do because I've run up against what seems like an insurmountable obstacle. I have been working on a project for many months and the last piece to figure out is synchronizing application actions with the audio framerate. I have seen other apps doing this successfully (but proabably written in C++, not Java) so it can be done with standard Wintel boxes - but I'm now concerned that it cannot be done using Java Sound.
    My project attempts to animate sound with visual images (not video or pictures but more abstract visualizations based on the audio itself). It works fine when simply "listeing" and responding to the audio. The final step is to be able to sync specific abstract visualizations with precise points in the audio (frames or position in microseconds). I'm now wondering if what I need is handled by the soundcard (hardware) and not available through Java. I presumed that I would be able to rely on the soundcard to handle the realtime audio stream (using its clock) and I would simply wait for increments of a certain frame count that correspond to the refresh/trigger times for my visualizations. As it turns out, after a lot of experimenting with my configuration, I can't find a way to trigger a method in my application synchronized wiht a certain period in the audio being played. I am playing audio by writing to a SourceDataLine, and listening (using loopback, I believe) on a TargetDataLine. To give an idea of what I'm looking for, if a LineListener supported notification based on reaching a certain frame position in the audio stream, that would be great. That doesn't exist (that I could find, only START/STOP/OPEN/CLOSE events). I've been trying to set the buffer size on the TargetDataLine, and the number of bytes (frames) that I read from that TDL, to achieve a synchronization with the actual rate the audio is playing through the sound card. What I've seen is that the number of frames made available through TDL is not consistent. The read() method blocks for various times and with differing incremental frame positions as the TDL buffer is replenished in real time.
    My goal is to be able to detect when a number of frames corresponding to 20 milliSeconds at 48kHz or 44.1kHz sample rate have been played through the sound card. Is this possible? I've not posted any code because the code I have isn't non-functional, it's just not capable of performing the task I am trying to achieve. Suggestions as to how I can refine my existing approach, or what other direction/implementation I can pursue will be greatly appreciated.
    Edit: typo.

    ags wrote:
    I think this breaks down into two related but separate issues:
    First, the latency between writing audio (to a SDL) and when that audio is actually heard. If I could find a way to measure that, and it was consistent, I could adjust my processing and delivery of audio data to that SDL. As I tried to explain in my previous post, there will ALWAYS be a variability in the time when a given frame is processed in an SDL and when it sounds. Biggest variability is between the time required for the onset of the first sound (played via bytecode interpretation) and onsets of subsequent sounds (if played via code loaded into memory). But JVM switching also accounts for variability.
    Have you seen this article?
    "Real Time Low Latency Audio Processing in Java"
    It does a good job of listing various factors that affect real-time audio latencies.
    The other problem is that even if I were able to get an accurate measurement of the delay (latency) in the audio lines, if I then set system timers to cause action in sync with the audio frame rate based on audio sample rate (frame rate for uncompressed PCM audio) there is still an error path. Again from observation not direct knowledge, it seems that there is no direct link between the sound card clock (controlling real time frame rate and what should really be the master of all actions) and the system clock (which I would use as a surrogate for the actual sound card clock to synchronize my actions with the audio being heard). Even if I were to establish perfect synchronization at the start of a song, by the time 5 or 10 minutes of audio has been processed, I suspect there will be an accumulation of errors between the sound card clock and the system clock that becomes noticeable.The sound card clock and the system clock are perfectly in synch. The problem is the granularity of the system clock. With Microsoft, the clock info is only updated once every 15 msec or so. As a consequence of this, System.currentTimeMillis() will only report the time at the last update. Also, Thread.sleep(millis) and setting a Timer are subject to this constraint. The error doesn't accumulate, though. It is just an issue of having a reduced "granularity" that creates a predictable error. (System.nanoTime will always be more accurate--it is not subject to letting the OS determine the update frequency.)
    As I wrote, there is a hack that allows you to increase the granularity of the OS clock interrupt. It involves setting an independant, background thread to sleep for the maximum amount of time, e.g. Thread.sleep(Long.Max_Value). This somehow forces the OS to use a higher granularity, and with Microsoft the accuracy becomes about 1 msec (comparable to Linux and Mac systems). I learned this at the forum Java-Gaming.org.
    I'm open to ideas, criticism or examples of how I might acheive my goal. While it might not be practical or the only way, the best I can describe what I'm looking for is to have an audio-event driven system where I can determine a frame position corresponding to the audio being rendered in real time and trigger events to keep other actions synchronized with that audio. If a constant delay (latency) was maintained and measureable, that would be OK.
    This is a difficult problem.
    Agreed about the difficulty!
    Given all this, I think the questions are:
    1) how much in advance do you know about given frames that you wish to use as cues?
    2) how well can you guestimate an anchor point? (and, is there a way to improve upon the guess with feedback?)
    3) how accurately can you trigger the visual cue?
    Regardless of when Java decides to process a frame, it DOES manage to keep the playback steady. Thus, if you focus your efforts on finding an ANCHOR (for example, the nanoTime, or "close enough" approximation, when the first frame sounds) that you can use as a reference point for the duration of the sound, then you can use that point to calculate conversions between the frame count of the sound and the time it can be expected to play.
    For example, if the frame is 44100 and you estimate frame 0 was at time 1336426670003 (System.currentTimeMillis), then set a Timer, in advance, to trigger the visual cue at 1336426671003 (I'm adding 1000 msec). The level of accuracy will remain the same regardless of the frame number and duration involved as long as you use the same anchor (and the sound playback is not interrupted).

  • I need to understand better, what can be done with sync and what cannot

    i setup 2 windows boxes + 2 linux boxes to sync and got a mess in less than a day. apparently, i do not understand, what it does/should do, and what not.
    As one having done work in distributed environments, namely in database replication scenarios, i understand, there have to be limitations, especially, as all of my 4 boxes are running most of the time.
    next, i found, that copying profiles wouldnt have worked either, as the windows boxes (have to) use different add-ons/plugins compared to linux (like fireshot - to give a simple example - needed a replacement on linux). - So just moving profiles doesnt help. But the promise to catch open windows/tabs, history, and so forth doesnt seem to work either. Maybe TabMixPlus is killing the whole mechanism?
    I found very detailed documentation on where to click to get it all started, but nothing about the internals nor limitations, thus being very disappointed now to find sync actually NOT working at all.
    Furthermore, while setting up the whole thing, every machine had a "sync setting" as to how to use that one machine: initial distribution/sync/receiver only/and so forth. Does this only concern the initial setup? - I wasnt able to see this configuration option ever again to be able to change it after the initial setup had been done.
    So i obviously need to understand better... as to me it looks like some real messy replication scenario, with not all backends sharing the same tables. And apparently adding/removing add-ons needs to get replicated manually anyway.
    What time delay do i have to expect? When shall i use "Syncronize" manually? And so on...
    I mean: I trusted Mozilla solution more than any other one, but it doesnt seem to live up to my expectations.
    (sorry: i had to reenter the whole thing after my email address ran out)

    Ok then! Thanks for answering!  Can you still transfer music over? I can't even get that to work! I have set my nephews up with no problem..obviously not a sec generation... please help again!

  • List the items the user does not have access to.

    I have a requirement to show the user a list of all the libraries of a site with the number of items in each even if the user does not have rights to the library. (the link or button will be grayed out if the user has no access)  
    I am looking for opinions on how to do it with the best performance possible.
    The first candidate is to first enumerate all the items in all the libraries with elevated then do the same as the logon user and compare the collections.
    The drawback is performance so maybe rely on the assumption that the overall content of the site does not change often so keep the collection from the elevated run in cache (with configurable lifetime) and only run as user on page load and compare with the
    I am sure there is probably a better way so let's here it. can we take advantage of search?
    This is on SP2013 but we are not using apps for unrelated reasons. We can use server object model.
    Thank you all.
    Ofer Gal

    I believe Search cant be used since Search is Security Trimmed. Search will not return the result if user dosent have the permission. 
    Thanks! Best Regards, Prasham Sabadra http://prashamsabadra.blogspot.in

  • Solaris 10 u5 Samba slow transfer rates?

    I've installed Solaris 10 x86 (Core2Duo - x64) server, with Samba over ZFS RAID-Z. Samba is a part of Active Directory Domain. I've managed to join it to domain, to get the users and groups from A.D. and to translate them to Unix IDs. Everything works really good. Samba is installed from the packages from Solaris 10 DVD.
    Only problem I have is the performance :( It's disastrous!
    On 100Mbit Realtek NIC, Samba can manage around 4 MB/s if log level is set to very high (10). If I lower it to 0, then transfer rates go up to 7.5-8.5MB/s and they fluctuate in that interval.
    On the same network, there is a Debian Samba server, and transfer rates go high as 10.5-11.0MB/s.
    Next test I did was switching to Gbit interface. That increased transfer rates up to 25 MB/s, but that is still 5 times slower than the theoretical limit.
    So, next thing I've tried was to switch to Blastwave (CSW) Samba instead of SUNW Samba.... My transfer rates went back to normal immediately! It was a bit of shock for me... I could transfer about 10MB/s on 100Mbit interface, and around 45MB/s on 1Gbit interface. 45MB/s is theoretically limit of the workstation hard drive I was doing transfers from.
    Sun packaged (SUNW) Samba is 3.0.28 patched today to the latest patchlevel, and CSW uses 3.0.23. I used CSW Samba with the exact same smb.conf file. Only problem is - I never managed to connect CSW samba to ADS on my network :( So I gave up on that, and I'm facing a dilemma. Managers request full speed of the Samba server (comparable to Linux/Windows shares), but I just can't connect to Domain with CSW package.
    So I'm asking you guys - any ideas what could be the problem with SUNW Samba and performance? Is it just the 3.0.28 vs 3.0.23 issue, or what? Why is there so big difference in transfer rates? :(
    Please help!

    OK, here goes my smb.conf:
    workgroup = MYCOMPANY
    server string = server4 (Samba, Solaris 10)
    security = ADS
    map to guest = Bad User
    obey pam restrictions = Yes
    password server = server1.mycompany.local
    passdb backend = tdbsam
    log file = /var/samba/log/log.%m
    max log size = 50
    load printers = No
    local master = No
    domain master = No
    dns proxy = No
    idmap uid = 10000-90000
    idmap gid = 10000-90000
    winbind separator = +
    winbind enum users = Yes
    winbind enum groups = Yes
    winbind use default domain = Yes
    comment = Share on ZFS Raid-Z
    path = /tank/share
    force user = local_user
    force group = users
    read only = No
    guest ok = Yes
    vfs objects = zfsacl

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