Lost music video

I bought some video music from iTunes store, some of the are lost on my laptop. How to get it back ? Is that true, if we buy music or video from iStore, it will loose in future ? They lost during download for iTunes upgrade.

Just copy it from your back up.

Similar Messages

  • Lost music & videos during 4.3 upgrade

    When updating to 4.3 - it's possible to lose music & videos, if you manually sync!
    They are actually still on the iPod (if you view about, under settings they are still in memory), just reconnect the iPod to iTunes & open a song & a video from the iPod in iTunes & they will show up again!!
    Hope this helps, same bug for the 4.2 upgrade as well

    dansm wrote:
    "just reconnect the iPod to iTunes & open a song & a video from the iPod in iTunes & they will show up again!!"
    That MAY work for some people but not for most. It is not possible to get content back. The content will be there the first time you try to access anything but will disappear again.

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    dansm wrote:
    "just reconnect the iPod to iTunes & open a song & a video from the iPod in iTunes & they will show up again!!"
    That MAY work for some people but not for most. It is not possible to get content back. The content will be there the first time you try to access anything but will disappear again.

  • Re-downloading lost music & video

    Ya' know, so many people have asked about this, why doesn't Apple just allow iTunes customers to do this? Amazon does it. I just re-downloaded 4 movies I bought @ Amazon Unbox over 2 years ago, and I didn't re-pay one cent.

    Now, explain to me logically why Apple doesn't allow more than 2 re-downloads
    Now explain to me logically why you simply do not repurchase it?
    As a rule, Apple does not allow ANY redownloads.
    They may, on occasion allow it but it is definitely the exception and not the rule.
    I don't care if Apple has to pay royalties
    Why should Apple care about what you want over and above your agreed upon deal?
    surely a big corporation like Apple makes enough money every year to cover this
    What does how much money they make have to do with anything?
    You made a purchase knowing it is not allowed to be downloaded again and you were satisfied with this else you would not have made the purchase.
    Why should Apple have to pay for your mistakes/laziness/whatever is it that you need to redownload everything all the time.
    These are user-to-user forums. No one here can give you the exact reasons why Apple chooses to not allow redownloading.
    You can ask Apple here -> http://www.apple.com/contact/
    maybe I should have mentioned that I've re-download my entire digital media libray (101 videos) from Amazon at least 10 times.
    Really? 10 times? Really?
    You can't stop yourself from deleting it over and over?

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    There is a few events where I could see this happening...
    It's possible if you computer is not authorized with your iTunes Store account it may not have transfered your purchases from the iPad to the computer. To check, Open iTunes> Select the "Store" menu along top of the program and select Authorize this computer. Sign in with your AppleID and password, this will make sure your computer is authorized for the future so you can transfer purchases from your device.
    However, if your Movies are missing now you'll need to request to redownload or "regrant" them. Please send an email ticket into iTunes Store via...
    Select "Video Purchases" in the grey boxes, then "Lost or Missing Items", then click the link to "Email Us" on the right. Fill out that form and the folks at the iTunes Store should get back to you less than 24 hours.

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    Actions and settings that i took which may have caused the grey-out or loss of my music and videos.
    1. Manually manage music and videos.
    2. Unchecked and rechecked a song, out of sheer interest (this may be the problem) whilst on my laptop
    3. Managing files inside the iPod, using another desktop application whilst the iPod was in my laptop.
    The situation
    All music appeared grey in my iPod
    Majority of VIDEOS LOST.
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    Friend's music is LOST (greyed out and unplayable in iTunes)
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    1. Removed my iPod from laptop and attached my iPod to my desktop Mac, and it automatically synced, retrieving the music i had. The music my friend had recently lent me, that is, put in my iPod via his iTunes on PC APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN LOST. My music is in black font on the iPod, but the music my friend had gave me is in light grey/gray font.
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    Photos/videos in the Camera Roll are not synced. Photos/videos in the Camera Roll are not touched with the iTunes sync process. Photos/videos in the Camera Roll can be imported by your computer which is not handled by iTunes. Most importing software includes an option to delete the photos/videos from the Camera Roll after the import process is complete. If is my understanding that some Windows import software supports importing photos from the Camera Roll, but not videos. Regardless, the import software should not delete the photos/videos from the Camera Roll unless you set the app to do so.
    Photos/videos in the Camera Roll are included with your iPhone's backup. If you synced your iPhone with iTunes before the videos on the Camera Roll went missing and you haven't synced your iPhone with iTunes since they went missing, you can try restoring the iPhone with iTunes from the iPhone's backup. Don't sync the iPhone with iTunes again and decline the prompt to update the iPhone's backup after selecting Restore.


    i lost my iphone with some recent music & videos purchased on it.
    now that my phone is gone,
    *how do i retrieve the purchased media on my itunes at home????????*
    Message was edited by: ninaova

    Any iTunes content that is downloaded by your iPhone including 3rd party apps should be transferred to your iTunes library on your computer the first time you sync your iPhone with iTunes on your computer after doing so. All iTunes content on your iPhone should be in your iTunes library on your computer.

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    Thanks for your reply, KiltedTim!  After reading on some additional resource sites and evaluating suggestions and reviews, I did try a 3rd party software which worked beautifully!   The software allows the user to store the data into different folders by content type, including subfolders, too.  I completely understand Apple's theology to make the sync a one way deal for copyrighted content, but when the unthinkable happens, it sure is nice to at least have an option to preserve anything personal and legal that you have on your iPhone that you lost on your hard drive, mainly music, videos, voice memos, text messages and notes.  I am completely respectul of the protection of copyrighted music...I am just very glad that the people that created the software "had my back" this time for my precious family memories and the time saved trying to reimport all my music CD's!

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    even though I think my Senior Analyst is trying his best I did a work around that works well... I bought a little program that converts them to .mov files which play just fine in iTunes... Still converting though.. As I said I have have a bunch. The poster above is incorrect in saying or hinting that the ones that dont play must of come from a source such as limewire etc... all of mine came straight from iTunes and I have tried 3 different configurations with Apple to get them to work. I am not complaining as I could never imagine anyone calling from Dell as this guy has from Texas on some days at least 3-4 times.. I figure I will get other uses besides just this with this program but for now it solves this issue until a fix is made... here is a link
    good luck

  • HT6147 can't find music on iphone 5 after latest download...lost entire folder with music, videos & pictures

    I cannot find my music, videos or pictures after downloading latest update....Usage indicates that space is used for them. I lost an entire folder after the update.

    Restore it from your last backup.


    i lost my iphone with some recent music & videos purchased on it.
    now that my phone is gone,
    *how do i retrieve the purchased media on my itunes at home????????*

    Unless you have backed up the items you don't. You can contact iTS Customer Service and tell them what has happened and they might give you a second download. You are only entitled to one download of the purchased content per the iTS terms of service.

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    Resync them from your iTunes library.
    If necessary
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    I synced a movie from my laptop 2 my iPad but lost some music video I purchased from iTunes store. How can I get them back ? Thxs

    Sorry, but movies cannot be downloaded more than once without charge, so if you don't have a viable backup, you may be out of luck. You can, however, contact the iTunes Store, explain the situation, and see if they can make an exception for you.

  • HT1349 Why have I lost some music videos? It says something about the URL ! Have watched these in the past.

    Why have I list some of my downloaded music videos?
    I have viewed them many times before but now some are saying something about the URL..
    Help.....I've lost Mariah Carey and others!

    Here's the solution for the T-string error.

  • IPod Classic 160GB - Lost Of Music & Video Files When Connected To iTunes

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    My laptop and iTunes are able to read my iPod, but when it shows up on iTunes the music and video section disappears. Only 'Other' and 'Free' shows on the ipod's GB stats, with only 148 GB left to use. Before this happened, I had only 110 GB or so to use, maybe even less, since I had tons of music and video files stored. Also downloaded games, which also disappeared.
    I thought iTunes was the problem, but when I disconnected my iPod, I searched through it manually, and found that all of music, videos, and games are gone, it's like I didn't put anything in it. The only thing that stayed, was the notes, other than that everything vanished. Is there a way to retrieve my old music, video, and game files back? I tried looking into the hidden files of the ipod itself, and went into 'ipod_control' then to music, but every single folder was empty, all 'F' folders.
    I am deeply frustrated about this. I really hope there are solutions out there to help me, without having to re do everything.
    Forgot to add, don't know if this will help but, when I connected the iPod to iTunes, there was a pop up message saying something like 'CheeziPuffs cannot be found or played on your iPod' I have never had this pop up message before when the ipod worked perfectly on iTunes.
    Message was edited by: classic160

    I am having the same problem. Sometimes I get an error code and sometimes I don't. I tried to get apple to do something about it however mine is also out of warranty so no luck. I have read about a lot a people having syncing issues like this with their ipod classic and I am kind of amazed that apple is not willing to fix this issue. If I get it fixed or have any luck with apple I will post here. Good Luck.

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