Low speed internet -- intermitte​nt problems

Usually my internet service is fine; but, occasionally it will be very slow (essentially unusable).  The past couple days it has been VERY slow and unusable.  I have tried restarting the computer and internet/router many times to no avail.

N_e_a_l wrote:
Usually my internet service is fine; but, occasionally it will be very slow (essentially unusable).  The past couple days it has been VERY slow and unusable.  I have tried restarting the computer and internet/router many times to no avail.
Hi you can follow the below steps to increase your internet speed
1)Delete all cookies and temporary files.
2)Use different browser. Because normally some browser enabled javascript
and flash video ,so the webpages is loaded very slow.So you can try  it
different browser.
3)Virus,malwares is also another important thing it will make a slow connection.
So use a good antivirus software to remove all virus and malwares .
4)You can try to close unwanted applications
Finally go to this site Scanmyspeed.com then check your internet speed it will  definitely works very fast

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    Go to Solution.

    When Verizon turns your speed back up, they have to disable the optimization system they use on the lines to maintain your speed, since it sounds like that is just turning your speed back down after a few days. Make them fix it back again.
    For future note, if you do have problems with your DSL and you're also having audio quality issues with your phone, call Voice Repair, and leave DSL support out of the mix. DSL support usually dials back the speed for a line issue from what I've seen as a first try basis. If you do have noise that disappears when the DSL modem is off, then that could be from other things which DSL support OR phone support will be needed for.
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    The first to bring me 1Gbps Fiber for $30/m wins!

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    How will your real time scenario be? Its better if we simulate that
    you must estimate like this
    a. No of invoices from SD that may be raised
    b. Any manual postings from FI or other misc postings from MM
    c. Montlly Order settlements to COPA posting variances
    d. Any assessment cycle from CO to COPA for marketing overheads - estimate the no of segments you will be distributing upon
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    br, Ajay M

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    Hello, thanks for your response.
    I can assure you that i have tried absolutely everything including replacement router, filters etc.
    The line was only installed on the 14th April, and BT only guarantee their work for a month! I paid £130 to have a line installed...
    They have admitted there is a fault in the line, but even after 6 hours of diagnostic tests still cant find the problem. These tests werent all carried out today but over the past 2 months yet they still didn't send another engineer round to check the line had been installed correctly. I was only offered this option once the "28 day" warranty on the line had expired hence I was expected to pay for it. If this information is incorrect, i have been lied to by the Technical team at BT once again.
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  • Connection issues and low speeds

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    Many Thanks
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    Hi Welcome to the community forums
    Here is a basic guide to getting help from the community members done by CL Keith Please read through the link posted http://forumhelp.dyndns.info/speed/first_steps.html
    once you have posted the information asked for then the community members can help you more
    Thank You
    This is a customer to customer self help forum the only BT presence here are the forum moderators
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

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    Yahoo has its own junk mail filter (Spamguard), which you should confirm is enabled:
    * [https://help.yahoo.com/kb/mail/stop-spam-yahoo-mail-sln3227.html Mail Help | - SLN3227 - Stop spam in Yahoo Mail]
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    Separately, there are solutions for filtering spam on your computer as the mail is downloaded from Yahoo. Thunderbird has a built-in filter, as described here: [[Thunderbird and Junk / Spam Messages]]. However, if that isn't as effective you would like, there are third party products as well.

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    Up till last month.
    This is what I get when I burn a playlist.
    "itunes can not burn this cd because your burn speed is too fast for you cd burner or media. Choose a lower speed in the burning pane then try burning again."
    I've tried that - even though that seems silly considering I've had no problems at my current settings until now. The lowest burn speed (1) gives me the same error.
    I'm hating life and my mac right now, something I though I'd never say.

    If you don't have Nero, check out http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=9229334#9229334. I think some people have found a way to get just the Burn Rights program.
    If that doesn't work, some people seem to have luck with editing the registry or messing with filters or gear drivers. Check out this discussion starting with Tytus (he came up with the Nero fix) on March 22:
    Hope this helps!

  • Download error 9006, internet intermittent.

    download error 9006.  internet intermittent. Tthis is normal for where we live, it just drops for a second and everytime it drops you have to start over with the download, is there a way to pickup where it dropped off?

    traffic shaping prioritises "core" services, so web browsing and email are not affected.
    P2P traffic and video sharing/downloading are the services that are often throttled (sometimes to the point where it's not usable).
    all ISPs do this (even the ones that say they don't).
    Sky's broadband services all do this expect for the 16MB Max LLU package which has no throttling or download limits (the 8MB services has shaping during peak times and a 40GB a month usage limit).
    apple have no control over this and will give an error message that is relevant to the problem in question (ie problem downloading the file). it has no control over what throttling an ISP is doing and is unable to tell if throttling is the issue or not.

  • Playback speeds up intermittently on first scene when played after build

    I have a problem with playback on apple dvd player after completing the build? When I play the authored project on apple dvd player after the build, after clicking on the play button in the main menu, the first scene (about 1 min. long) playback speeds up intermittently-normal speed then fast for a second then normal then fast-jumpy I guess might describe it. This only happens on the first scene with all the other scenes after this point in the timeline playing fine. I placed 2 new clips (different assets-scenes) to replace the first scene & the same issue happens with different asset clips being used in the same position (first) in the track timeline.
    The scenes I used are pans of a running deer, which play fine anywhere else in the track timeline except the first position. When I play the project it's fine in simulator mode & in the project itself...this only happens after the build when playing on apple dvd player from VIDEO_TS folder. This is a test project for some footage so it's only 10 minutes long with bit rates at 5-6 ave. & 6-7.4 max.
    -2 pass VBR-best motion.
    Any ideas on what is going on?
    I'm using DVDSP 2 with Jaguar 10.2.8.
    Thanks for any help.

    Not a clue about the problem, sorry, but can "imagine" a workaround just to fool the problem.
    You must have a PLAY button that connect to that first scene (first chapter in the track, I guess). If you connect that button to the second chapter (just to try) that plays fine or again behaves as it was first?
    If that way plays fine, you can add a "false" first scene (i.e. one second of black exported from FCP) and connect the PLAY button to the real first (now second in the track) chapter.
    I told you, it's just a workaround to have in hand in case your dead line gets close!!

  • How do I setup high speed internet on Sun Solaris 10?

    I have comcast high speed internet. It doesn't work automatically. How can I setup my high speed internet connection to work with Sun Solaris 10?

    Pickup a broadband router, made by dlink, linksys, netgear, SMC or Cisco. If possible get a wireless with 4 port switch built in. This will give you added flexibility if you happen to get another system or a wireless laptop. You want a gateway router that does NAT, SPI firewall, DHCP.
    Plug it into your cable modem then into your sun box, default settings on the router will generally self configure to the broadband you connect to and there will be no problems. However if you are using a DSL or bigpond they require a username and password to get the line active, this requires an initial login to the firewall to pick PPoE on the WAN side.
    Different brands default to different 'non routeable' internal IP's, all are 192.168.x.x, smc defaults to 192.168.1.x or 192.168.2.x depending on release date, Linksys defaults to 192.168.2.x as does linksys, Netgear defaults to 192.168.1.x, the owners manual will usually tell you this.
    They are generally made to default to a windows box so configuring a unix box has to be done either manually or with the dhcp option. www.dslreports.com has alot of good vendor specific information on configuring these things.
    At any rate you need to create a file in /etc called 'defaultrouter' with the routers IP address, in the smc case it would be, pick a couple of outside DNS servers and put them in a file in /etc called resolv.conf in the format
    nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    copy nsswitch.dns nsswitch.conf
    pick an address in the 192.168.2 range like .25 and add it in the /etc/hosts file, create a hostname.hme0 file with the host name thats in the hosts file and reboot.
    Then try to ping the router, if no ping then the chang the 3td octet 1 instead of 2 and try again.
    I've never tried doing the .dhcp thing but I've never used dhcp for a sun box before because all I do is servers.
    I think I'd try the DHCP thing first then get to the router to get all it's information and write it down. Usually the ISP will populate the router with dns servers and any dns requests are answered by the router in the dhcp configuration. I think thats about it...

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    again , again...
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  • Unable to activate my high speed internet account with a mac os 10.5

    I have a big problem with the activation of my line. I have subscribed to high speed internet.
    The agent came to my house to install the jack but when I'm trying to run the installation on my computer with the cd or directly with internet it's stops when smart acces opens (I have a Mac OS X 10.5). Could somebody help me ? Thanks

    In almost all cases, internet is "plug and play" on newer computers.
    If you need to install filters, they need to go between the phone and the jack for every phone you have on the same line as the DSL. The modem does not get a filter.
    If you need to set up your username and password, you will need to log in with your default Verizon-assigned id. If you were not given this, then contact tech support and ask for your "vzid" and have them reset your password. You should then be able to log into verizon.net and click on the My Account page. On the My Account page, you can set your username, create sub accounts, manage your billing, add an alias to your account, etc.
    Does that cover what you needed, or is there something more?
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.
    "All knowledge is worth having."

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