LR4 won't make virtual copies

I installed LR4.4 and now it won't create virtual copies. It says it did but none show up. The show badges is still checked in view options.

Thank you Jim. I clicked on smart collection and then clicked it off and went to a different collection and it seems to be okay now.
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2013 14:21:36 -0700
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: LR4 won't make virtual copies
    Re: LR4 won't make virtual copies
    created by jim01403 in Photoshop Lightroom - View the full discussion
Make sure you have filters turned off and/or make sure you're not operating out of a smart collection which excludes VCs.
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    I have noticed myself on one occasion that lightroom did not adhere to the specified sort order in Library after creating a virtual copy. Shutting down and restarting LR resolved the issue. I was not able to reproduce the problem though.
    Beat Gossweiler

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    Rikk Flohr wrote:
    new location - do not rename
    Or same (or different) location, and do rename.
    I do this regularly, but only for testing purposes. Note: Some people don't want to use virtual copies, because they are handled as "2nd class citizens" by Lightroom (e.g. not saved in xmp, and must tag along with master base copy...).
    That said, I agree that care should be taken when having multiple (real) copies of same file, especially if they have the same filename (which I don't recommend, unless you really know what you are doing, and why...).

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    I think you're right.  I did a lightroom restart, and it seems to be working now.

  • How to unstack (if this is the right term) virtual copies in LR4?

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    Aloha Y'all,
    Don't know if you figrued this out, but I had a friend with the same issue and you inspired me to explore it a little more... The easy fix we found was being in the Library Module and in the Grid View... Then click "None" in the Library Filter bar at the top... It seems that somehow in the "attribute" area of the Library Filter bar at the far right we somehow had clicked on the first little icon to the right of the word "kind" that is to only view the "Master files"... We Tried it again to double-check and yep... With that icon clicked you cannot stack and unstack virtual copies... because you have told Lightroom to only show the Master Files... Duh. :-/
    Thanks for giving me the oompf to figure that out... Hope is helps, if any of you didn't know that.
    Message was edited by: SantaFeRick

  • Virtual Copies did not import with images

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    Virtual copies are kept only in the Catalogue. They won't be in the xmp data of the master files. They will, however be in the converted catalogue that you'll get when you start using the release version of LR4.
    The other problem (all 2012 process version) seems like it was probably caused by your not writing out the metadata into your master files while they were part of your LR3 catalogue. You might need to do that in LR3 and re-import in LR4.
    Note: it's a bad idea to use the same master files in each catalogue. Make copies and import those in LR4. Much safer.

  • Virtual copies naming issue

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    This had the advantage of keeping my file numbers in sync when I uploaded them to my online lab (Pictage) and the client gave me a file name.
    In LR4 renaming sequencing doesn't take into account the virtual copies in terms of the chronological # and compensating for the vcs. So the same sequence would be jcp0001, jcp0001-copy(vc), jcp0001-copy2(vc), jcp0002
    This has the affect of misaligning my files with those of the online host. I have searched for how to adjust this, but cannot find a solution.
    Anyone know of one?
    Many thanks in advance!

    The copy names are included in the exported filenames, but the way they are named by LR has changed from LR3 to LR4. The numbered sequence no longer "counts" the virtual copies as taking up a chronological number space. I know it's really confusing to explain!
    But think of it this way, LR now counts the first master file as 0001, and the next master file as 0002, but there are 2 virtual copies of 0001. So when I export them, master file 0002 is really the 4th file in the list, and then I have a discrepancy between my hard drive files and the ones online the client is seeing (they see it as image 0004, when it's really file 0002). Does that make the problem clearer?

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    With "publish gallery" you mean a collection under a Publish Service?
    I have not checked with LR4.2 how this behaves, but with normal collections you should get only the virtual copies as members.
    But you can remove the masters from the collection, using the filter: when in the collection, choose only master files in the filter bar, no virtual copies nor videos. Then select them all and choose simple delete: this will not remove from catalog ( as a splash-delete would do), but simply revoke their collection membership. Unlock the filter and you should have only the virtual copies left in your collection.

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    Running LR 4.1 on Windows 7 64-bit.
    Thanks in advance.

    Andrew Rodney wrote:
    richardplondon wrote:
    My only point, was an observation that there is very little actual practical difference between a virtual copy and a "master" ANYWAY.
    So you have 1 master (an actual raw) and 10 VC’s. What happens to the VC’s if the master gets corrupted?
    If your master has say Adobe Standard as the DNG Profile but the VC has a custom DNG profile, what happens to the VC if that profie goes missing or gets corrupted? Try it.
    If by "master", you mean the Raw file on disk, then if that is corrupted (something I have never yet experienced IIRC; although I still backup against this possibility) then certainly, all images derived from that will suffer. However adding VCs does not increase the absolute risk of that. The way I was using "master", was to refer to the one LR metadata set which, unlike a VC metadata set, currently asserts a functional link to the source file. If that LR metadata set were to get corrupted, (something I have never yet experienced either IIRC, although I still backup against that possibility too) then I might be glad of a VC which I could immediately promote to that role and status instead.
    Certainly bad things may happen to a VC if a required external file is lost or changed - but these are exactly the same bad things, as if the exact same events had happened for the "master" version alongside. I do take the point that there is protection in redundancy - no question - and also that instantly written-out metadata is a useful separate backup of one's work (as I mentioned, I'd be glad if VCs could get the same thing too somehow, someday).
    One-to-many dependency on a single source file can make some good things happen too,though, which may be judged worth any potential added risks. Say deliberate changes are newly made to a Photoshop edit on which several LR image versions are based. These updates will ripple through all virtual versions automatically; whereas if these versions had instead been fully independent, the same changes would need to be made repeatedly to get the same result; assuming one wants all these versions to reflect the changes; which is (should be; needs to be) the realistic expectation, when one has opted to use a cluster of VCs in the first place.

  • Are Virtual Copies saved in Backups? How do I insert a backup into an existing catalog?

    Are Virtual Copies saved in Backups? How do I insert a backup into an existing catalog
    I deleted a tif image file that I didn't intend to, which had several LR virtual copies created from it. The virtual copies had a lot of important history that document my print preparation edits. Are these virtual copies saved in the LR backups?
    If so, how can I insert them into the catalog I am using? I have made a lot of edits in the two days since my last backup and don't want to lose that history either. Do you suggest I make a current backup before retrieving files from my last backup? I know I'm supposed to go to the backup location and open the last backup, but how do I blend that with the current work from the last 2 days?
    Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks, Tom

    That was exactly what I was after. However, I'm still having trouble getting the virtual copies imported. The master file was in my trash, I restored it to the original hard drive folder. Before I got your message I re- imported it to LR but of course LR came up with a new name since I was importing from and saving it to the same folder in LR. And of course no copies. This may have been a mistake, but before starting the procedure you described, I re-named the master file (it seemed that the import from backup would re-create it so I didn't want  a conflict).
    Then I did what you said and used the 'Import From Another Catalog' feature. I found the virtual copies in the backup and checked them. But when the import completed, the it gave me file names  xxx/Copy1, xxx/Copy2 but there was no image or history or metadata. When I tried to find the folder containing the files, it said it couldn't be found. So I missed something in the settings. When I tried again, there was a warning saying the file(s) exists in the catalog and its settings differ. I went ahead anyway and the message I got was "No Photos in previous import"
    Here's what the import from backup shows:
    A box with catalog contents and all the folders and files within them, that you can check.
    A New Photos section, which gives 2 file handling choices: a)add new photos to the catalog without moving them or b) don't import new photos
    A Changed existing photos section with 2 replace options: a) nothing or b) Metadata and develop setting only. If you choose this you can check a box to preserve old settings as a virtual copy.
    Not sure what to do. I changed the master file back to its original name, but that didn't make a difference. Suggestions? Thanks, Tom

  • No warning when deleting a Master image that is linked to Virtual Copies?!

    Scenario: I am trying to clear out old images to free up storage space, so I go back though thousands of images looking for weak . unrequired shots.
    Problem; when dealing with "mass deletions" it is near impossible to detect which images are "Master copies" from which I have any number of Virtual Copies. And when you hit delete you might well be ruining Virtual Copies without knowing it.
    Surely there is a way to warn you that pics, X, Y & Z are linked to Xcopy1, YCopy1 & Zcopy1 etc, and give you an IMAGE SPECIFIC option to see those copies and make a choice of delete the master or not? I can't beleive Adobe think its user-freindly to have people trawl through each image to check before a deletion?
    I know others have expressed similar concerns, and it seems a REALLY glaring omission in an otherwise decent ptoduct.
    Comments from Adobe staff more than welcome.

    eddybaby66 wrote:
    Your response implies that you know how another person wishes to use the product, and it is clear that you do not know this. Being so prescriptive is no way for Adobe to look at an issue like this either.
    your responce to the observation from the above forum member is a little inelegant and harsh. It is a very good way of telling you where there are VC's of images, but as you said, your methods are your own. Doing things your way and then asking for help and then biting like that is, well up to you how you reply to those offering help and positive suggestions
    I dont' expect Adobe would be so prescriptive and +1 your comment and request is a very valid one

  • Create several virtual copies at once. Looking for a workflow of exporting 650 photo's in two versions

    i have photographed a wedding and i have 650 finished photo's. All came from a 5Dm3 of 5Dm2. All are in raw. The color versions are ready. I have created a preset to convert all 650 edited version to B/W. The key is i will not edit the curve and other light and contrast sliders because, and cropping for that sense since these are all done already. So to make it more simple, i need to silver 650 photo;s in color and B/W. The color versions are done.
    I am looking at three workflows:
    1 create virtual copies of the 650 photo's, filter them out, apply the b/w preset/ make some small tweakes and export the B/W version
    2 export the color version to a 16 bit tiff, import those and the apply the b/w preset/ make some small tweakes and export the B/W version
    3 make an extra copy of the lightroom library and then apply the b/w preset/ make some small tweakes and export the B/W version
    In option one i do not know how to create 650 virtual copies at once. It seems i can do this only one photo at a time which is to time consuming
    In option 2 this is an extra batch and consuming me much more hard disk space
    in option three this is workable but i rather stick to one library
    Any help in this?

    Go to the library module, grid view. Highlight all your images and create a new collection. One of the options when you create the new collection is to make new virtual copies. The collection will consist of virtual copies of all your original files. Then, just work with the collection and create your black-and-white images. The virtual copies can be exported just like the regular images. So you can export color and black-and-white versions.

  • Virtual Copies search and export...

    The underscores I'm using in my filenames seems to be messing up the sort order. So I want to replace the underscores with dashes. LR can't do this in its rename utility, afaik. If I do this externally, then I need to re-associate the images in LR's database with the files on the disk. I have about 5000, so don't want to do this on a file-by-file basis. However, if I remove all the images from the LR database and re-import everything, I'll lose the virtual copies, won't I? (I can export the metadata and keywords to sidecar files, so won't lose them.)
    So here's my first question: Is there a way to export the data for a virtual file to an associated sidecar file that LR can later read back in? My other thought is to convert all the virtual copies to tiff files (eat a lot space that way). Either way, I need to find all my virtual copies. So my last question is: Is there a way to search for, or filter on, just virtual copies in LR?

    re virtual copies, the answer is No is 1.0 but Adobe understand the problem and I'm hopeful you'll see a method before long. For now, you have to do something immediately after VC creation - add to a collection, mark the IPTC instructions, or add an appropriate keyword.
    The sort order shouldn't be messed up by underscores. I assume they are in a consistent position in the filename - I use yymmdd_012345 quicl description.ext. Are you sure you are sorting by filename - see the toolbar (T) in Library.

  • Virtual copies not visible

    Oh God, can some one PLEASE help me???I can't contact Adobe by phone,m too late and it says everyone else busy, try later...right. 
    I DID review as much as I could possibly read, and NOTHING is of help.
    1. Made virtual copies, count goes up, can't see them in grid in library, develop, or in loupe.  Thought they were stacked, but when I went to Photo>stacking> the rest is all grayed out...can't do anything.  "set as master copy" also grayed out,.  Read somewhere "preferences for lightroom might be corrupt"????   I tried to do the thing in the library to correct the preferences,:(on moubntain lion 10.8.3), but in the user file there is no I then looked up how to find the hidden library, but I can't  find the stuff to do THAT!!!  And, there IS a library on my hard drive, but when I open THAT up, there isn't anything about preferences.
    I JUST bought this 2 mos ago--how can it have corrupt preferences when I only just started using it???--used it once, then discovered diddn't have right processor in old computer...bought a new computer...took several weeks to get (bought increased ram) I am just using for first time today.  Started importing, but they are all coming up missing photoi (when I had lightroomn installed on old computer, I deleted uit and pics), then reinstalled and it was migrated over to this new computer.  I looked up how to massive transfer missing photos and there is NO folder with a question mark, so I have to do hundreds and hundreds manually--can I tell you I am really hating LR4.4????? Right now I am hating photography and LR and I am beyond upset.  I got back from vacation a month ago, and STILL haven't been able to process my pics!!!
    Disgruntled King Tut's Mom---p.s.PLEEZ help be4 I have a nervous breakdown !!!

    thanks...very strange.  so first, I found a thread that said could have corrupt preferences...the short of it:  caslled Apple support--he showed me how topull out the hidden "library (it wasn't that easy as it was written on a webpage here).  I found LR preferences and they were corrupt--there was almost nothing in them.  Followed instructions on webpage here, and redid them and it looked QUITE different!
    Thwn by accident I discovered that if I click on ALL photographs, the virtual copies were there, but not in the 2013 folder specifically.  don't understand that.  I later closed out and restarted, and now they are everywhere they are supposed to be, so I think it was the corrupt prefderences.  Also, now the mouse is working on the actual photo again......VERY odd.
    However, I am afraid to download anymore pictures because of what has been happening...the question mark, then another box telling me the metadata has been changed by both LR and another application, and do I want LR to import settings from disk or overwrite disk setrtings with those from the catalog?  I have no idea what this means...what does it mean, disk?. or from catalog?  Does it mean there were these pics still somewhere else on my computer and LR is confused?  I sure am.  The drink sounds very good......
    King Tut's mom

  • Stacking Disabled & No Virtual Copies

    I am not sure if I did this to my software or not. I can no longer stack photos - the stacking options no longer appear in the context menus and the main menus are grayed out. I can edit and work with the photos otherwise no problem EXCEPT that creating virtual copies doesn't result in a copy either in LR and no additional XMP file outside either. Anyone resolved this and/or is there an idiot box someplace where I've inadvertently shut stacking off?

    Yes my VCs have keywords - checkmarks show up no problem.
    In case 1. I click on a Keyword tag - 39 images show up in the grid and the number next to the Keyword reads "39". I select the last image in the grid and create VC. Number of images in the GRID reads 39 but the counter next to the keyword now reads 40. The grid is sorted by Filename in ascending order and there are no filters applied (i.e. the filter bar is disabled). When I toggle to the folder view that contains these images I see both original and VC stacked and I can unstack them - edit one and verify that the keywords match. But when I return to the Keyword view which still has the number 40 next to it I still only get 39 images in the GRID and no sign of the VC or that one even exists!
    In case 2 I start by making VC in the folder view but I get the same results. My VC's won't show up in the keyword tag views stacked or otherwise. I just assumed this was connected to stacking limitations. Do people get a different result for this process?

Maybe you are looking for