Mac book to iMac

I am attempting to connect my Mac book pro to an older version iMac A1225 and use it as a monitor. Is this straight forward? What cable do I need please?

Use a product such as ScreenRecycler over a network.

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    There is no simple way to go from iPhoto to Lightroom. Lightroom cannot make any sense of the iPhoto Library (and vice versa). In essence, you're starting over from scratch.
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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Here's a video of how to use iPhoto Library Manager copy Events or Albums from Library A to Library B and keep the metadata, titles, etc.:

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    It is a good question - and is a debate I go through every time I buy a new machine. Which I have just my 5th in 10 years or so.
    Based on your post you appear willing to spend the extra money to address the storage issues that would be a potential "knock" against the laptop.
    You can of course buy a nice monitor for your desktop and plug the macbook into that which also starts to tip the scales toward the macbook.
    The other question I would ask is if you have wireless internet in your house. That would be a show stopper for me and would push me to a desktop if I didn't have and wasn't about to get it.
    As I say, every time I go to buy a new computer I have this debate. For me it has never come down to any kind of performance issue. Instead it is things like being able to sit at the kitchen table, or on the couch, or in the back yard and do my thing depending on what my need/mood is at the time.
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    Cloud License allows 2 activations
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    I think you check in Touch Apps for ipad information

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    Do you have the latest version of Toast 7?

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    Copy the entire \Music\iTunes\ folder from your MacBook to your iMac.
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    "Yes, the airport communication port is on."
    When you say that does that mean in network settings on the macbook and/or the iMac you have gone in and turned on each respective Airport? If so, does it not list any available networks in your area? If so, you need to tell it which to connect with.
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    This is not an area I have much experience in......I rarely insert DVDs and I have never had a similar problem.
    When the DVD is in the drive (and DVD players is open) click on File>get disk info.

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    so you want the notebook forum, not this one
    MacBook Pro

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    Bobbi Headder wrote:
    When my iMac is awake and I click on Connect to Server, the connection is instant. However, when it's asleep, no go. Is there anyway to wake up the Imac from my Mac Book?
    You might find this article useful: config-is-ri/

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