Macbook pro, motu ultralite,dj mixer---traktor pro

hello to you new to using a mac and i would like a setup related question....
i have a macbook pro, a motu ultralite a usb midi controler and traktor pro
i would like to connect firs my motu ultralite which has a firewire 400 to my NEW macbook pro that uses a different firewire (maybe 800) and then i woul like to connect my motu ultralite whicha has the jack outputs to an dj mixers(RCA) and then the usb midi straight to my laptop... can someone tell me please what cables do i need to do that??
thank you so much for the help

Dumb me! Settings in the Utilities folder.

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    I Recently bought a macbook pro to have for my Live appearance.
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    motu ultralite driver 1.4.21
    Thank you in advance

    Popping in to say that I have now a fully functional Ultralite (mk3) under OS X 10.5.8 on my Macbook.
    I have found that people who have upgraded the firmware to 1.15 were having problems (according to the MOTU site this upgrade isn't actually meant for the mk3 anyways) with Leopard (maybe Snow Leopard too?) and needed the 1.00 version of the firmware.
    Using the drivers supplied on the MOTU CD, the device would not appear when connected to the Macbook. However, removing these from the system prior to downloading the latest MOTU Universal driver from their website seems to have solved it.
    Now after installing the universal drivers from the website the device works without any problems (driver 1.4.23 of MOTU Audio Setup). Hope this helps someone

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    I've done installation work for theatres/theatre groups. Reliability is a nr. 1 priority. I suggest you take a hard look at the Metric Halo 2882.
    I like my MOTU 828 mk2(it always works), but my experiences with the MOTU Traveler (will often go berserk if you inadvertently pull the FW plug) and the MOTU 896 HD haven't been very favorable. The 896HD will give you a full blast burst of noise whenever you switch it on. Not good in a theatre where the amps are normally left at full throttle. Also, I had a lot of failures/technical problems.
    The 2882 is a bit more expensive, but worth every cent. And the technical support is second to none.

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    If the MacBook Pro was produced after June 5, 2007, yes.

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    I'm not sure if you understand that 5 GHz has some upsides, but also some very significant downsides.
    The upside is that the 5 GHz signal will allow faster speeds.
    The downside is that you must always give up something in order to gain something else.Unfortunately, the marketing hype about 5 GHz does not go into very many details about this.
    In the case of 5 GHz, the 5 GHz signals are much weaker than 2.4 GHz signals, so they do not travel as far or penetrate any obstructions like walls or ceilings nearly as well as 2.4 GHz signals. In many cases, in order to get good 5 Ghz performance, you literally have to have almost a line-of-sight relationship between your computer and the wireless router.
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    same as it ever was
    do it like nothing is different.
    be sure to have an external trackpad keyboard or mouse as you will loose them on the computer once it is closed.

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    So when you go to "System Preferences - Sound" can you see this?
    and see your mixer there when it's plugged in?
    From: 4
    "I use this unit to interface between my studio monitors and my Macbook Pro, which it does very well. It is indeed Plug and Play, and works nicely with both Logic Pro, Ableton Live and my Macbook's audio settings. However, be prepared to spend a few minutes figuring out the audio settings on the unit itself in order to get sound recorded into your software."

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    Many thanks

    Scott, I can relate. It's happened to me too!
    It's time to play signal chain detective.
    First, are you sure you are getting output from your bass? Plug it into an amp and test. (Once I figured out that the battery in my bass had died. New battery: problem solved.)
    Once you know you're getting a signal from the bass, then check to be sure the mixer is outputting the signal. Run the outputs from the mixer into an amp.
    Once you know your bass and mixer are cooperating, then it is time to engage the interface.
    Be sure the preferences for the input to recgonize the interface are set BOTH in GarageBand and the OS generally. The problem is that when you connect an interface, GarageBand will see it and ask if you want to use that or line in. Be sure the interface is selected. For the OS preferences, click on the Apple logo and go to system preferences.
    Finally, you might ask a friend to bring over an Apple laptop to eliminate the possibility of something wrong with your MBP, or lug your gear to his or her house, and try it. (Just remember to leave with all the settings restored to how you found them.)
    If you live within reach of an Apple store, you can go to the genius bar.
    And if nothing works, you can pay for a call to Apple support, or perhaps the support line for the maker of your audio interface.
    Good luck. I know it can be frustrating when you want to make music ad you are spending a lot of time horsing around with the technology.

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    Before buying MacBook I checked if there is any issues connecting MacBook and Presonus and found none. ble-with-Apple-Thunderbolt-Adapter
    Also I checked Presonus forum and everyone said that there is no problems.
    To connect adapter and mixer I have used cable that came with mixer and I also bought Belkin firewire 800/400 cable.
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    Now to my problem. Everything seemed to work at first.
    But then channel names just got lost in Virtual StudioLive time after time.
    Then I send some music from my MacBook through the mixer and I found that there is two pauses to the connection before the channel names get erased from computer.
    I also turned Virtual StudioLive off and these pauses still occured.
    Have anyone smarter than me any ideas how to sort this problem?
    Maybe the thunderbolt firewire adapter is not working propperly?
    Maybe it is a hardware problem in MacBook?
    Maybe it is a problem that my MacBook pro has Thunderbolt 2.0?

    Care to share which OS you are using?
    Have you read for possible solutions over in the "More Like This" thread over here?-----------------------> 
    Change your router channel number.  Most times this works & is all you have to do. 
    System Preferences>Network
    Click the Assist Me button.
    In the next window that pops up, click the Diagnostic button & do the necessary.
    Research Knowledge Base for network problems that pertain to the OS that is currently installed on your computer.   See these basic networking KB Articles: AirPort troubleshooting guide Using network locations in Mac OS X
    Manually provided DNS server addresses are higher priority than DHCP's Solutions for connecting to the Internet, setting up a small network, and troubleshooting
    What to do when you can't connect to the Internet
    Also, run the Airport Utility app which is located inside the Utilities folder.
    If using a  Linksys router, contact LinkSys Customer Support and/or post in their forums.
    If using Apple's Airport, please re-post over in one of the AirPort Forums.

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    First, make sure that the apps that you depend on are Intel-compatible and not PPC only Take a stroll over to Roaring Apps and make sure that you check all of the applications that you use on a regular basis.
    You might want to just upgrade to Snow Leopard if it looks as if you've a number of PPC apps - going the Mountain Lion route may be very expensive for you otherwise.
    Good luck,

  • Live recording : MOTU 8pre, ADAT, and Macbook Pro

    I have a concert coming up that I'd like to record, and I'd be interested in any input from people that have done it.
    Here is the gear I have
    -16 channels of mic splitters
    -MOTU 8pre with ADAT (from what I understand I can record 16channels in with that combo)
    -Mackie 16x8 board
    -Macbook Pro (dual 2.16Ghz Core Duo)
    -1TB Firewire 800 Lacie Big Disk.
    -and one person to run the computer off stage
    Any thoughts? Could i be done, or am I asking to much from the Macbook Pro?
    Thanks for the help

    hmm.. I was under the impression when I bought it that it would do 16channels in, if I use my ADAT with it, connected with optical
    From; "the 8pre also features two banks of ADAT optical ports, which gives you an additional eight channels at up to 96kHz"
    Was I mistaken? That would kinda nix the idea if all I could get was 8 channels.

  • Macbook pro i7 experienced a hard freeze while I was using Traktor with it. Never seen before dialog box says to shut down using on/off button.

    My Macbook Pro i7 dual core had a hard freeze halfway through my DJ set. At that moment, I had 'mixedinkey' opened on another page but it was not processing any files. The Traktor interface just froze for about 1-2 minutes with the usual rainbow ball spinning and I could not manouvre to another page. Suddenly, the music stop and an error dialog box which I have seen before appeared and say to shut down my Macbook using the on/off button. I did what was said, off the Macbook and on it again and it behaved normal after that. I also did a 'repair disk' with disk utility after that. Now, I am kind of worried it will happen again in the midst of my DJ sets because it is going to be embarassing. Does anybody out there know what actually happened? Is it my hard disk or is it a one time off thingy...any thoughts will be a great help.

    My Macbook Pro i7 dual core had a hard freeze halfway through my DJ set. At that moment, I had 'mixedinkey' opened on another page but it was not processing any files. The Traktor interface just froze for about 1-2 minutes with the usual rainbow ball spinning and I could not manouvre to another page. Suddenly, the music stop and an error dialog box which I have seen before appeared and say to shut down my Macbook using the on/off button. I did what was said, off the Macbook and on it again and it behaved normal after that. I also did a 'repair disk' with disk utility after that. Now, I am kind of worried it will happen again in the midst of my DJ sets because it is going to be embarassing. Does anybody out there know what actually happened? Is it my hard disk or is it a one time off thingy...any thoughts will be a great help.

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