Mail: extremely slow

Recently my mail app has begun to run really slowly. For example, when I click on an unread message, it takes several seconds for the message to be regestered as read and for the small blue circle to disappear. I have more than 16,000 messages - it that the problem? If so, how do I preserve the hundreds of messages that I need records of without slowing down my Mail app
Very grateful for any feedback

I had the same problem. Opening Firefox in Safe mode cured it, so I knew it had to be a setting or plugin of some sort....I did all the recommended fixes and nothing changed the typing being real slow and behind when running in normal mode.
What fixed it for me is turning off the hardware acceleration option in Firefox. Here's how: Click on Firefox->Options->Advanced->General tab. Then uncheck the checkbox "Use hardware acceleration when available". Click OK. Hope it works for you. Good luck!

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    I can't seem to find any mention of this anywhere! But since 10.5.2 saving attachments from mail is extremely slow. Try an email with many attachments - more than 10. The size doesn't seem to matter. It takes roughly 1 second per attachment. Pre 10.5.2 was almost instant. Problem remains in 10.5.3.
    Doesn't matter if I hit the 'save' button or choose 'save attachments' from the File menu.
    Other mail programs do not do this. (Entourage, Gayzmail)
    I think it has something to with quarantine but can't find any info.

    Works here in 10.6.8.  Are you using Lion, by chance?

  • Yahoo Mail extremely slow on Firefox 12

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    Yo soci888! Why are you on Firefox 12? All the cool people are on Firefox 18 now. Time to upgrade and join the crew. Check out this upgrade link:
    Here is another suggested solution from another solver:
    "I had the same problem. Opening Firefox in Safe mode cured it, so I knew it had to be a setting or plugin of some sort....I did all the recommended fixes and nothing changed the typing being real slow and behind when running in normal mode.
    What fixed it for me is turning off the hardware acceleration option in Firefox. Here's how: Click on Firefox->Options->Advanced->General tab. Then uncheck the checkbox "Use hardware acceleration when available". Click OK. Hope it works for you. Good luck!"
    Hope this helps,

  • Is your Mail extremely slow trying to send to a "group" from Contacts?

    I can't believe how long this is taking to just add a couple groups from my Contacts into the To: area of a message in Mail.  I've never had this problem with my older 10.6.8 OS.  There are about 150 addresses in one group and less than 10 in another, yet, once I type in the group name, everything slows down to a snails pace in Mail and I can't type one letter without having the beachball of death start spinning.  This is ridiculous!  Is anyone else having these kinds of problems?  Generally Mail in Mavericks has been working well for me - the amount of spam has decreased tremendously, but this new issue is a big problem!
    Thanks for any insight,

    I am climbing the walls with this.
    I have to type the text of the mail, then insert the group.
    Forgot about changing anything later or adding a second group.
    It takes several minutes to change one character.
    Activity Monitorshows "Mail (Not Responding)", CPU running 99.9%

  • Mail extremely slow for an imap account after 10.5.2 combo

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    Using INBOX as the path prefix is NOT the "correct way"; the correct way is server dependent. This is further complicated by the fact that servers that fully support the IMAP Namespace extension actually have more than one "path prefix".
    On my company's server, we have the concept of shared mailboxes and the company relies extensively on them. If a user sets the path prefix to INBOX, he can no longer see the shared mailboxes, since that prefix limits him only to his personal mailbox hierarchy. So he must leave the prefix as blank in order to see the shared mailboxes.
    Unfortunately, 10.5.2 has decided that a) it shouldn't honor the setting of "Keep Notes & ToDo's" to "On My Mac" and b) that it knows better than the user what the path prefix should be, and c) it doesn't have a "don't ever ask me again" on that annoying dialog.
    I have already filed a bug report on this issue.

  • Mail extremely slow, sometimes cannot connect

    Mail has become incredibly slow: sometimes it take thirty seconds to load a text message with two lines.
    Sometimes, upon starting up, it can't connect at all.
    At the same time, the internet connection is fine, and all browsers work.
    I'm on 10.8.5 with a first gen retina MacBook Pro with 512 Gb disc and 16Gb ram.
    Should I reinstall Mail? What could be the reason for the sluggish performance (it doesn't happen all the time, sometimes Mail seems to work fine, but very often I get "Loading..." forever.
    And, again, I'm getting the zigzag sign for interrupted connection. Why doesn't Mail work?
    update: I checked activity: Mail is constantly logging out of my mail accounts, and then has to log back in, which is why it's so slow. How can I prevent Mail from logging out?
    Also: Mail gets stuck in the middle of downloading messages. The blue bar in the activity window only goes halfway, and then is stuck for fifteen to thirty seconds... which is the time it needs to get me my mail.

    Sometimes this problem can be cured by tidying up the Keychain, where login info is stored. You can do this by opening Keychain Access in your Utilities folder. Find the location and login info for the mail account. Delete, say, all but the most recent one. Does that fix the problem?  If not, go back and delete even the recent one. When Mail asks you for your login stuff, give it, then check the box which says to store it in the keychain.  Sometimes just doing this last step is enough to clear up the annoying login windows.

  • Yahoo mail extremely slow on Firefox 17

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    I had the same problem. Opening Firefox in Safe mode cured it, so I knew it had to be a setting or plugin of some sort....I did all the recommended fixes and nothing changed the typing being real slow and behind when running in normal mode.
    What fixed it for me is turning off the hardware acceleration option in Firefox. Here's how: Click on Firefox->Options->Advanced->General tab. Then uncheck the checkbox "Use hardware acceleration when available". Click OK. Hope it works for you. Good luck!

  • Processing speed of my MacBook is extremely slow when opening applications, whether Mail, Safari or MSOffice

    Problem description:
    The processing speed of any function is extremely slow - such as opening Mail, Safari, clicking on a page within Safari, switching to MS Word, adding a window in Safari, loading a page from Safari.  I get the spinning wheel most of the time before the action is completed. All other Macs which are newer in my home WiFi network operate just fine. I have done a top level (novice) check for malware, and haven’t found anything.  Any help you can suggest would be truly appreciated! Thank you!
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.8 (121)
    Report generated March 25, 2015 4:45:43 PM CDT
    Download EtreCheck from
    Click the [Click for support] links for help with non-Apple products.
    Click the [Click for details] links for more information about that line.
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
        MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) (Technical Specifications)
        MacBook - model: MacBook5,1
        1 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2-core
        2 GB RAM
            BANK 0/DIMM0
                1 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
            BANK 0/DIMM1
                1 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
        Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
        Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
        Battery Health: Replace Soon - Cycle count 675
    Video Information: ℹ️
        NVIDIA GeForce 9400M - VRAM: 256 MB
            Color LCD 1280 x 800
    System Software: ℹ️
        Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) - Time since boot: 6 days 5:40:11
    Disk Information: ℹ️
        TOSHIBA MK1653GSX disk0 : (149.05 GB)
            - (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Macintosh HD A (disk0s2) / : 159.70 GB (39.03 GB free)
        MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-868
    USB Information: ℹ️
        Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
        BUFFALO HD-PCFU3 931.51 GB
            - (disk1s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Buffalo ExDrive (disk1s2) /Volumes/Buffalo ExDrive : 999.86 GB (805.75 GB free)
        Apple, Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
        Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
        Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
        [not loaded]    com.palm.ClassicNotSeizeDriver (3.2.1) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.seagate.driver.PowSecDriverCore (5.0.1) [Click for support]
            /System/Library/Extensions/Seagate Storage Driver.kext/Contents/PlugIns
        [not loaded]    com.seagate.driver.PowSecLeafDriver_10_4 (5.0.1) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.seagate.driver.PowSecLeafDriver_10_5 (5.0.1) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.seagate.driver.SeagateDriveIcons (5.0.1) [Click for support]
    Startup Items: ℹ️
        HP Trap Monitor: Path: /Library/StartupItems/HP Trap Monitor
        Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Problem System Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [not loaded]    org.samba.winbindd.plist [Click for support]
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [running]    com.seagate.SeagateStorageGauge.plist [Click for support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [loaded] [Click for support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.synology.CloudStation.plist [Click for support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
        iTunesHelper    UNKNOWN Hidden (missing value)
        Dropbox    Application  (/Applications/
        EvernoteHelper    UNKNOWN Hidden (missing value)
        Doodle iCal Connector    UNKNOWN  (missing value)
        Google Chrome    Application Hidden (/Applications/Google
        EvernoteHelper    Application  (/Applications/
        HP Scheduler    Application  (/Library/Application Support/Hewlett-Packard/Software Update/HP
        HPEventHandler    Application  (/Library/Printers/hp/hpio/
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        JavaAppletPlugin: Version: 13.9.8 - SDK 10.6 Check version
        FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.6.6
        Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        nppanda3d: Version: Unknown [Click for support]
        Musicnotes: Version: 1.18.8 [Click for support]
        OfficeLiveBrowserPlugin: Version: 12.3.6 [Click for support]
        SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.4.7 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        Unity Web Player: Version: UnityPlayer version 2.6.1f3 [Click for support]
        DirectorShockwave: Version: 11.5.0r596 [Click for support]
        iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0
    Safari Extensions: ℹ️
        Evernote Web Clipper
    Audio Plug-ins: ℹ️
        iSightAudio: Version: 7.6.6
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
        Flash Player  [Click for support]
        Paragon NTFS for Mac ® OS X  [Click for support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
        Time Machine information requires OS X 10.7 "Lion" or later.
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
             2%    WindowServer
             0%    Synology Cloud Station
             0%    fontd
             0%    Finder
             0%    Dropbox
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
        307 MB    WebProcess
        129 MB    Safari
        97 MB    mds
        69 MB    Dropbox
        56 MB    WindowServer
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
        102 MB    Free RAM
        1.06 GB    Active RAM
        450 MB    Inactive RAM
        262 MB    Wired RAM
        2.47 GB    Page-ins
        846 MB    Page-outs

    Before you do anything do you have a current backup? If not make one.
    I don't see any of the usual software suspects associated with slow downs. You don't need the Seagate software, you should uninstall that.
    Reset the SMC Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) - Apple Support  and PRAM How to Reset NVRAM on your Mac - Apple Support
    You only have 2GB of ram and could upgrade to 8GB, but Snow Leopard should run ok in 2GB.....not great but ok.
    Start up in Safe Mode OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode? - Apple Support be paitient as it will take awhile to start as it checks and tries to repair any problems with the file system. Once it's completely started up you can restart normally.
    Insert your Snow Leopard disc and restart while holding the C key. Run Disk Utility to repair the hard drive and permissions. While in Disk Utility check the SMART status of the hard drive, anything other than Verified indicates a problem with the hard drive.
    Again, you only have 2GB of ram.....try restarting your Macbook every's been running for almost a week now.

  • Extremely slow Safari, Mail, Firefox,etc.

    I have been experiencing an extremely slow computer. Safari, Apple Mail, Firefox, Apple App store, iTunes store, any app the requires the internet. Sometimes it takes 30 seconds to load. Apple Mail routinely times out. After loading a web page and then selecting the back button, it takes over 30 seconds to reload the previous page. I have turned off iCloud.
    I contacted my ISP,  two service calls to check the line and they replaced the cable modem. The results from were +25Mbps download so their advice was to call Apple.
    I have been getting a Recoverd files folder in the trash when I start up the compter. Activity monitor only shows, activity in Finder, Firefox, and Acitvity Monitor, so nothing else is running in the background.
    Any suggestions? Have I missed something?
    Should I do a Clean Install?
    iMac, 27 inch, 3.4 Ghz Intel Core i7, 8GB memory,  Mac OS 10.8.2
    Thank you.

    Boot into Recovery by holding down the key combination command-R at the startup chime. Release the keys when you see a gray screen with a spinning dial.
    Note: You need an always-on Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection to the Internet to use Recovery. It won’t work with USB or PPPoE modems, or with networks that require any kind of authentication other than a WPA or WPA2 Personal password.
    From the OS X Utilities screen, select Get Help Online. A clean copy of Safari will launch. No plugins, such as Flash, will be available. While in Recovery, you'll have no access to your saved bookmarks or passwords, so make a note of those before you begin, if they're needed for the test.
    Test. After testing, reboot as usual and post the results.

  • TS3899 After updating to ISO6, my email sending get extremely slow or dispeard. on the botton line of mail page always indicate "sending # of 9", however I do not know where to check or delete these unsent items. Please help! It has consumed lots of data.

    After updating to ISO6, my email sending get extremely slow or dispeard. on the botton line of mail page always indicate "sending # of 9", however I do not know where to check or delete these unsent items. Please help! It has consumed lots of data.
    I use and

    >>A CHAR datatype and VARCHAR2 datatype are stored identically (eg: the word 'WORD' stored in a CHAR(4) and a varchar2(4) consume exactly the same amount of space on disk, both have leading byte counts).
    Ok, but on the other hands:
    SGMS@ORACLE10> create table x (name char(10), name2 varchar2(10));
    Table created.
    SGMS@ORACLE10> insert into  x values ('hello','hello');
    1 row created.
    SGMS@ORACLE10> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SGMS@ORACLE10> select vsize(name),vsize(name2) from x;
             10            5
    SGMS@ORACLE10> select dump(name),dump(name2) from x;
    DUMP(NAME)                                         DUMP(NAME2)
    Typ=96 Len=10: 104,101,108,108,111,32,32,32,32,32  Typ=1 Len=5: 104,101,108,108,111Cheers

  • Since upgrading to Mavericks, Mail is extremely slow to load preview pane or show email when mailbox is double-clicked. Is this a known issue?

    Since upgrading to Mavericks, Mail is extremely slow to load the preview pane or show email when mailbox is double-clicked. Is this a known issue? Or is there a solution to this issue?

    Hi AngieLynch,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like you're seeing some unexpected behavior in Mail.
    Before troubleshooting on your computer, I'd strongly recommend backing up your data to an external hard drive with Time Machine, if you haven't already. This article can help with setting up Time Machine:
    Mac Basics: Time Machine backs up your Mac
    Next, try creating a new user account on your computer. You can add your email account to Mail in the new user account. If Mail is more responsive in the new user account, then Mavericks is working fine and the behavior is caused by conflicts in your own Mail or user account. 
    These articles walk you through creating a new user and setting up Mail:
    OS X Mountain Lion: Create a new user account (applies to Mavericks, too.)
    Configuring Mail for your email account

  • Mail in Safari is extremely slow, it's fine in Firefox. What happened?

    Aside from a problem viewing some video (i guess I'm missing a driver or something), Mail in Safari has been extremely slow. I go in with Firefox and everything is fine. What happened?

    From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data...
    and confirm. Test.

  • Mail running extremely slow in yosemite

    I upgraded to Yosemite and my mail program is running extremely slow (moving from one mailbox to another or deleting, etc.).  Does anyone know of a fix?

    Hi Linc,
    I am using iMac [OS X Yosemite V. 10.10.2] and using Mail app for my email account via Outlook 365 office [Exchange].
    Suddenly today, when I send an email, a new folder pop-up under Outbox folder named "on my mac" and the email stays in this folder for at least 15-30 minutes before it goes, and once it's being sent, my "sent folder" doesn't update the sent emails. I have repeated many test emails and run connection doctor but nothing happened!
    I did the following steps, non of them worked:
    1. Deleted the account and re-created it over 3 times.
    2. Restarted the machine.
    3. Signed out from iCloud.
    4. Moved out folder while creating the account again.
    5. Moved out folder.
    6. Changed the internal & external ports to 25, 465 & 587.
    7. Rebuilding.
    8. Deleted Cache.db
    9. Checked & unchecked "Automatically detect and maintain account settings".
    10. Checked & unchecked "Use SSL".
    However, I run test emails on MS Outlook app and it worked perfectly, which means that the exchange service is working.
    Your help is highly appreciated.
    P.S. Attached some screenshots of my journey!

  • Everything running extremely slow, cannot send mail

    My MacBook Pro (2009) is running extremely slow. I used Disk Utilities and verified and repaired permissions, only 2 found. Everything launches so very slow. Spinning beach ball is there forever. webpages take forever to load and applications take forever to start. Mail is very slow and it appears I cant send mail?????

    Hi Linc,
    I am using iMac [OS X Yosemite V. 10.10.2] and using Mail app for my email account via Outlook 365 office [Exchange].
    Suddenly today, when I send an email, a new folder pop-up under Outbox folder named "on my mac" and the email stays in this folder for at least 15-30 minutes before it goes, and once it's being sent, my "sent folder" doesn't update the sent emails. I have repeated many test emails and run connection doctor but nothing happened!
    I did the following steps, non of them worked:
    1. Deleted the account and re-created it over 3 times.
    2. Restarted the machine.
    3. Signed out from iCloud.
    4. Moved out folder while creating the account again.
    5. Moved out folder.
    6. Changed the internal & external ports to 25, 465 & 587.
    7. Rebuilding.
    8. Deleted Cache.db
    9. Checked & unchecked "Automatically detect and maintain account settings".
    10. Checked & unchecked "Use SSL".
    However, I run test emails on MS Outlook app and it worked perfectly, which means that the exchange service is working.
    Your help is highly appreciated.
    P.S. Attached some screenshots of my journey!

  • Extremely slow address completion in and general systems freeze

    Hello all,
    Since the middle of last week I suddenly experienced
    a extreme slow down of address completion,
    it take about a minute to type/complete an address even
    whenever the completion option is checked in the preferences.
    Then use nearly all system disk ressources: 'ls' in a terminal
    takes forever to complete, safari stops responding, etc... my Mac
    is unusable. I got into situation where i couldn't force-quit
    or ps/kill -9 any process,... reminiscent of a PC nightmare.
    In addition some mail messages are painfully slow to display,
    the problem seems to occur on some specific messages and does
    not go away when completion is disabled.
    This happens it seems, but I am not 100% sure, after I recieved
    mails with with strange accentuated charaters and ';' in some
    CC addresses.
    I go the zombie AddressBookSync problem described
    starting addressbook then as suggested by on user
    solved the zombie problem, but not the completion problem
    and the system is still somewhat slugish. I got a 4GB 2.4Ghz
    imac. Neither my mail nor any disk item substancially increased
    last week.
    Now there is something strange. I tryed to remove putative
    faulty addresse from previous recipient list with
    'windows -> previous recipient' but the list is empty, yet does complete the addresses I type! (although it
    does it at nerve breaking turtle speed), where are the
    completed addresses taken from???
    Has any one experience this problem? Any idea?

    When I attempt to open Preferences, the app freezes
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
    SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    ☞ The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    ☞ Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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