Mail inbox - blank messages

A strange one: I upgraded to 10.5.5, and now I can't view old mails in the inbox. They are all there, and the headers are fine. But clicking on them just opens a blank window.
All mails arriving AFTER the upgrades are fine - they can be viewed as normal. It's just the old ones.
Also, the same mails are OK when viewed through Gmail. So it's clearly a Leopard/Mail thing. What's going on?

OK, I did the rebuild. Now I've lost all the old mails! Only the ones that came after the upgrade are now!

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    Is there any way I can request the e-mail account be emptied? I don't need to save anything in there.
    Go to Solution.

    You can contact tech support and they can escalate a ticket to have it done, but it's very important that you tell the agent you are 100% ok with losing ALL of the mail in the mailbox, and you're aware that once it's deleted you won't be able to get it back. Make sure the agent puts that in the ticket before they send it up.
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    "All knowledge is worth having."

  • Apple Mail shows Blank Messages on Exchange Account

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    Any thoughts?

    I manage an Exchange 2007 and I have been having this issue for over a month.  It was effecting all of the Mac Computers that we support.  The good news I was able to fix it last night after reading about a similar problem with Blackberry phones.  Unfortunately, you will need to either be the Exchange admin or have influence in your IT Department.
    On the Exchange server the Performance Counters need to be verified and it is found in the following registry key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Perflib\009
    When you viewing the key in explorer mode I found that it was basically blank.  It should read like the following:
    1 1847 2 System 4 Memory 6 % Processor Time...
    If its blank it corrupted.
    Supposidly this was caused by the update to Service Pack 2 upgrade...  However, I did that a 6 + months ago.  The only change since then was that the server was virtualized to VMware.
    Here is what you do to fix this:
    (Note: This was done on a Windows 2008 R2 Sever...  However, it should work on 2003 and 2008 as well)
    Launch the Windows Command Prompt (cmd), ensure that you run the Command Prompt as the Administrator.  For example, click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, right click Command Prompt and click Run As Administrator.
    Change Directory to <root drive>\Windows\System32, the root drive is typically C:.  Run the following command
         lodctr /R
    This will restore the base or core counters
    Check the registry value under HKLM/Software/Microsoft/WindowsNT/CurrentVersion/Perflib/009 and ensure that the value Counter is no longer corrupted.
    In the Command Prompt window, run the following command:
         wmiadap /f 
    This will force the reload of all counters in to the WMI repository.
    Open Performance Monitor (perfmon.exe) and click the green + to Add, this will open Add Counters. Verify that the MSExchange counters exist and have Instances populated.
    Restart the Microsoft Exchange Server computer.
    NOTE: This step is required.
    Hope this helps someone! 

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    Why is this happening and how can I fix it.
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    I would guess you are sending messages composed in Rich Text Format, and somewhere along to the path to the recipient, the RTF, which will convert to HTML, has been removed by a SPAM filter. Try sending a Plain Text to this recipient and check the result.

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    I also have this problem since Yosemite upgrade. Infuriating because I can't just read incoming emails anymore. It seems to be specific to one email account and doesn't necessarily cause a problem with others. When this happens, (showing the content for a second then disappearing), there is a segmentation fault reported in the error log.
    For me, this is a category one critical business problem. If I can't read and reply to incoming email reliably on my computer, I will need to switch to another system or device that can.
    24/10/2014 14:51:34.839[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
    24/10/2014 14:51:36.262[1]: ([6900]) Service exited due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11
    Good news is that the email app does seem to work a bit quicker than before using Mavericks where it could hang for 10-20 seconds for no particular reason.
    Hope this can be fixed or a workaround posted soon.

  • If I click on an e-mail address link in a web page instead of a blank message opening I always get a pop up screen with a log-in for googlemail. I do not have and do not want a googlemail account. I just want to be able to send e-mails using Outlook.

    If I click on an e-mail address link in a web page instead of a blank message opening I always get a pop up screen with a log-in for googlemail. I do not have and do not want a googlemail account. I just want to be able to send e-mails using Outlook.

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    Do you see the Outbox in Mail? Does it contain any messages?

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    Before updating software (10.6.8), in Mail, clicking a message in the inbox caused the message to appear in its own separate window-- not just in the pane below the inbox.
    Uh…no it didn't. Double-clicking a message would open it in a new window. Regardless of whether you have the message pane visible, you still have to double-click the message if you want it to open in it's own message window.
    I guess I could delete Preferences (where?) and see if that does it.
    No, you can't do that; not unless you want to say bye-bye to all your email. Don't even think about messing around with things unless you know what you're doing, and the consequences.

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    Settings > General > Spotlight Search > Uncheck Messages
    It's that or Restore the device as New with iTunes
    Hope that helps

  • Blank messages in Apple Mail, only message header seen

    Blank messages in Apple Mail, only message header seen.
    But not all messages.. and not for mails from apple domain.
    I am using,
    1. OS X 10.6.8
    2. Mail Version 4.6 (1085)
    Tried all suggestions available in the web.
    Did not help..
    Any solution, thanks in advance.

    Nevermind, the problem fixed itself. I don't know what happened; I think I restarted my computer, and the problem was gone. Nevermind!

  • Mail 3.6 delivering blank messages

    Mail has suddenly started delivering some emails with blank messages. The messages seem to be from businesses (bank, Netflix, library, etc). When clicking on message to open, multi-colored ball rotates for sometime, then black & white circle whirls with 'loading' displayed. The email finally opens with only the heading showing. Message is completely blank. Can receive emails from individuals with attachments without a problem.
    Any suggestions?

    HI Wanda,
    This is the Safari forum.
    Post over in the Leopard / Mail forum here.

  • Inbox in Mail showing (4294963841 messages) but inbox is empty

    in OS X 10.5.7 while using Mail 3.6 (935/935.3) My inbox header shows:
    Inbox (4294963841 messages)
    but my inbox is empty. This started occurring after upgrading to 10.5.7

    I'm having the same problem and have only noticed it since upgrading to 10.5.7. I've tried rebuilding the mailbox a few times, disabling the GrowlMail bundle, vacuuming Mail's SQLite database, and even tdeleting the account and starting over. (It's a Gmail account I connect to via IMAP.) And yet:
    Inbox (4294966402 messages)
    And the inbox is empty. I sent it an email and I get this report:
    Inbox (4294967161 messages, 1 unread)
    Not sure how one message counts as over 700, but there you go.
    This is one of two Gmail accounts I check separately, and the other account is not behaving in this manner.
    Mail also has some trouble quitting—I often have to force quit it. Not sure of those are related or not, but I have noticed it. Otherwise, this odd reporting of messages is benign, but bizarre.
    Message was edited by: Arlo Guthrie (changed a misspelled word)

  • No  messages seen in e.mail inbox I pad2?

    No messages or photos seen in the e.mail inbox of my I pad2. Only header and title.

    Try turning the account off and on : Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars , then tap the account on the right, slide Mail to 'off', exit settings and go back into the Mail app, and then go back to Settings and slide Mail back to 'on'
    If that doesn't work then try closing the Mail app completely : from the home screen (i.e. not with the Mail app 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the Mail app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    Also do a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • My new messages still not coming into my mail inbox, my Mac OS X version 10.6.8

    Can you please give me the correct detail for Mail Preference/account information both incoming mail server &amp; outgoing mail server.
    My new messages still not coming into my mail inbox yet, still not working since yesterday. My sent mails are ok working. What,s number for Port &amp; click on 'use SSL'? 110?
    My safari is working Internet..  My ipad2 is still working to receive my new messages via my mail inbox. Something miss in my mail preference? How to fix it?
    Regards lisa

    Here's my reply to another discussion on the general procedures for setting up a Mail account.
    But without the specifications defined by your ISP no one can tell you any more specific details.  They should have a web page somewhere (or call them) that supplies all the relevant information:
    Incoming (pop) mail server
    mail login user name and password
    pop port
    ssl requirements
    authentication type (password?)
    Outgoing (smtp) mail server
    smtp port
    ssl requirements
    authentication type (password?)
    mail login user name and password

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