Manage Substitution display configuration

Hi All,
We're currently upgrading to EP7 and one of the changes I've noticed from EP6 is the uwl which seems to be based on WebDynpro. One of the changes that has been introduced with the new version is the manage substitution button which has now been moved to the little context menu that pops up when you click on the icon to the far right. The business have complained (?!) and asked if we can move this back to a button or a link. I've not been able to find any configuration for this (or any documentation for that matter) and I was hoping whether or not anyone in the forums has stumbled upon this and knows whether it is possible to change the way manage substitution is displayed.
Thanks for your time.

Anyone who has worked on UWL customization?

Similar Messages

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    I have a need to be able to add at least one more additional columns/fields to the ‘Manage Substitute Rules/My Substitute Rules’, ‘Search For People/Current Selection’ and the General Data screens of the UWL Manage Substitutions Rules.
    Is this a configurable feature/option in that can I add extra fields to the different fields?
    The reason for this requirement is that my current client is implementing SAP’s Concurrent Employment in their ECC 6 and SRM 5.0 systems. This decision is causing all sorts of challenges.
    If a person wants to define a substitute in the UWL, when they select the ‘Search For People’, we want to display an additional column that displays the position/job description for each person within the organization. This would make it easier to select the correct instance of a person if that person had multiple display entries in the selection list. For example if the system returns Joe Cole – Soccer Player; Joe Cole – Librarian and Joe Cole – Accountant and the person wanted to select Joe Cole – Librarian, they would have the required information to make the selection.

    Hi Jerry,
    May be this link can help you...
    Please ignore this reply if this link doesnt help you.
    <i><b>Raja Sekhar</b></i>

  • EP7, UWL, want to remove Manage Substitution Rules + Personalization

    Hi everyone
    Max points to the person who comes up with the workable answer!!
    Have upgraded from EP6 to EP7. Want to switch off personalize and
    manage substitution from the drop down list displayed in the main UWL
    view. Have looked at Content Admin => Portal Content => Content
    provided by SAP => End User Content => Standard Portal Users => IViews
    => <the UWL iview> => Object => show personalize option / disable
    substitution profiles => set to off. But the two options can still be
    selected from the dropdown. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
    Kind regards

    You can configure UWL ui using by excluding (some of the actions). The details are provided in the link given in the above link.

  • SRM Manager to Display/Edit Purchasing Document

    Hi All,
    We have configured SAP SRM 7.0 with PPS so that an end-to-end process starting from creating Shopping-Cart until Invoice can be performed successfully.
    We have user called: BUYER, and MANAGER. Each of them able to perform end-to-end scenarios.
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    Does anybody have solution for this?
    Thanks before.

    Hi! About SC's, the only roles that are able to access SC from other users are:
    Approver: only when the SC is awating approval;
    Admin: through the monitor.
    I hope this clarifies.
    Best regards,
    Christian Zeuch

  • Hiding the "Manage Substitution" button in the UWL IView

    I am trying to hide the "Manage Substitution" button in the UWL IView but I can not figure it out.  I have tried looking at all of the documentation I can find and none of it describes how to hide the button.  Can anyone help me out?

    Manage Substitution button you see is an Action triggered by UWL. Action name is "launchSubstitutionManager".
    If you want to remove total support for substitution, set the IView Property "Display substituted user selector" (in PCD content) to "no" or "false".
    If you want substitution feature,but dont want to display manage substitution button, then add "launchSubstitutionManager" to the IView Property "List of UWL Actions to exclude"
    Hope that helps.

  • Manage Substitution Rules UWL

    I have the following doubt with the Manage Substitution Rules UWL :
    Is posible have a rule in where Only some WF should go to the inbox of the substitute?
    Ie. The Boss have process of Workfow of modules OM, TV, PA, PY that arrives at UWL, and the boss only need delegate to the substitute only the item for the process of WF of PY and PA for a date.
    How can solve this?

    Yes there is something called Task classification!
    You can do so via filtering or classification of tasks
    read here
    You will need to enable the support information in order to get the
    associated task number that corresponds to the backend task.
    If you wish to hide certain tasks, the easiest way to do it is to
    redirect the task type that you want to hide to some unused item type.
    You can create your own XML file and give
    each task number its own entry in the XML
    They each need to be given a different item type name. They can't
    all be directed into the same item type since there would be
    multiple conflicting definitions for that item type in the file.
    No view definition is needed, you can just give it a garbage
    defaultView name (HiddenView).
    I have attached an example for you in the attachment area. This is
    stored as a text file. Also,
    Where you see the following:
    systemId="<YOURSID>" externalType="<YOURTASK>" in the XML, this
    obviously needs to be replaced with your sid and your task id which
    you are looking to exclude.
    For ex
    For example, if it is the following task pasted below:
    <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS01000096.SAP_R3_MUS"
    connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="DefaultView"
    defaultAction="launchSAPAction" executionMode="default">
    If you were trying to hide this, you would write it in the XML file
    as follows:
    <ItemType name="uwl.someHiddenType1"
    connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="HiddenView">
    <ItemTypeCriteria systemId="SAP_R3_MUS"
    externalType="TS01000096" connector="WebFlowConnector"/>
    ***************And for the next one:*********************
    <ItemType name="uwl.someHiddenType2" connector="WebFlowConnector"
    <ItemTypeCriteria systemId="SAP_R3_MUS"
    You can arrange tasks and workflows into various classes within the SAP
    System. The classes professional, personal and disciplinary are
    standard. The system checks the task class under the field name
    TASK_CLASS in the authorization object S_WF_WI. This system uses this
    authorization object to check the authorization for carrying out
    specific actions on particular work items. The assignment of tasks to
    classes is also important in the definition of substitutes. You can
    also define that only those classes are displayed which refer to tasks
    or workflows of a particular class. Take this into account when you
    create new classes and assign tasks or workflows to the classes.
    You can set this classification via:
    => IMG
    => Basis Components
    => Business Management
    => SAP Business Workflow
    => Basic Settings
    => Maintain Task Classes.
    Once the classification has been added as above you can then add this to
    your task. Goto PFTS => Enter task ID => Change Mode => Menu: Addition
    data => Classification.
    See SAP online help at:
    [2] Substitute Profile
    You can define one or more substitutes for working with the Business
    Workplace. The authorizations of a substitute are determined by the
    substitute profile which you assign to him/her when you set up the
    substitution. A substitute profile comprises specific task classes.
    Task classes describe individual tasks or standard tasks. This
    assignment is made in the task definition. A user you have specified
    can then log on as your substitute. "Your" work items are displayed to
    the substitute in their Business Workplace with the restrictions
    resulting from their substitute profile.
    You can set the substitution profile via:
    => IMG
    => Basis Components
    => Business Management
    => SAP Business Workflow
    => Basic Settings
    => Substitute Profile
    => Define Substitute Profile
    See SAP online help at:

  • Displyaing " Manage substitution Rules  "link in the  UWL header page.

    Hi Experts,
    This is  Raji. I am doing the below UWl customization in the UWL. did struck some where.
    I want to add the " Manage substitution link " in the UWL header page.I have added the" launchSubstitution manger " reference action in the" default view" of the  XML configuration file.but not sure the "manage substitution rule " link is not appearing in the UWL  table header.
    in the same way i have added the "refresh" action . but that refresh link is appearing.
    pls find the screen shot and the  XML config file. 
    Appriciate your help.

    Hi Raji,
    There is a specific forum for UWL [here|/community [original link is broken];, I suggest you open a thread there for more assistance, sorry, but I cannot transfer threads across application areas so I will just close this and let you create a new one.

  • Open "Manage Substitution Rules"  without portal framework page

    when performing the "Manage Substitution Rules" function in the UWL a popup opens with the "Manage Substitution Rules"-iView in the context of the portal framwork page (that means Header and Detailed Navigation). I need to open this iVie "stand-alone" without the Header and the Detailed Navigation. Does anybody know how I can configure this?
    Thanks and best regards,

    My idea would be to look to the XML configuration files in System admin -> System config -> UWL -> Manage item types.
    Take look for example to file: uwl.standard.
    You should find something like this there:
        <Action name="launchSubstitutionManager" groupAction="" handler="SAPWebDynproLauncher" referenceBundle="SubstitutionManager" returnToDetailViewAllowed="yes" launchInNewWindow="yes" launchNewWindowName="Substitution" launchNewWindowFeatures="width=800,height=600,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no">
            <Property name="WebDynproApplication" value="UWLSubstitution"/>
            <Property name="WebDynproDeployableObject" value=""/>
            <Property name="DynamicParameter" value="uwlSessionId=${context.uwlSessionId}&amp;configureGroup=${context.configureGroup}"/>
            <Property name="System" value="SAP_LocalSystem"/>
            <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail"/>
    Maybe in your system this has been replaced with a new file with higher priority, and it has a different configuration. As far as I know, the above is pretty much the standard, and at least as far as I know in the standard the substitution pop-up does not have the header and detailed navigation etc.

  • UWL Manage Substitutions

    I am on EP 7.0 ECC 6.0 and having a problem when a manager wants to create a substitute for himself in the Portal UWL to approve Time and Expense .
    When the user goes to Manage Substitution Rules-> Create Rule->Select the person to be the substitute .
    Now when assigning the Tasks for the substitute the 4 options are :
    Time Expense PCR and ALL
    User wanted to have an option as: Time and Expense in the DropDown ..I added that by doing the configuration in SPRO there are 5 options but when the user selects the Expense only it is not working but when the user selects Time and Expense ..only Time entries are visible to the Substitute not the everything except Expense is working.
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Hello Sudhir,
    Thanks for the reply. This is what I did:
    And this is what I did:
    Gone to SPRO->SAP Netweaver -> Application server -> Business Management -> SAP Business Workflow -> Basic Settings -> Substitue Profile -> Assign
    Substitute Profile ...before creating an entry here it asked me to create an entry in the Table gone to se16 and created an entry first there as 0007 and Time and Expense..then gone back to the same path in SPRO-> Assign Substitue Profile and created 2 entries there as:
    sub. profile Classification
    0007 4(for Expense)
    0007 5(for Time)
    then gone to Define Substitute Profile and created an entry as:
    0007 Time and Expense.
    Please let me know if I have done anything wrong and what could be the cause of the problem.
    Looking forward to your reply.

  • Unable to Initialize Volume Manager from a Configuration File

    I'd like to reattach a D1000 to a rebuilt system. The array contains a raid 5 partition that was built with Solaris Volume Manager (Solaris 9). Since it is the same system all controller/target/slice ids have not changed. I was able to restore the Volume Manager configuration files (/etc/lvm) from a tape backup and followed the instructions provided in the Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide: How to Initialize Solaris Volume Manager from a Configuration File <>.
    All of the state database replicas for this partition are contained on the disks within the array so I began by creating new database replicas on a local disk.
    I then copied the /etc/ file to /etc/
    # more /etc/lvm/
    # metadevice configuration file
    # do not hand edit
    d0 -r c1t10d0s0 c1t11d0s0 c1t12d0s0 c1t8d0s0 c1t9d0s0 c2t10d0s0 c2t11d0s0 c2t12d0s0 c2t8d0s0 c2t9d0s0 -k -i 32b -h hsp000
    hsp000 c1t13d0s0 c2t13d0s0
    I then tested the syntax of the file (this output is actually from my secomd attempt).
    # /sbin/metainit -n -a
    d0: RAID is setup
    metainit: <hostname>: /etc/lvm/ line 4: hsp000: hotspare pool is already setup
    Not seeing any problems I then attempted to recreate the d0 volume, but it fails with the error below:
    # /sbin/metainit -a
    metainit: <hostname>: /etc/lvm/ line 3: d0: devices were not RAIDed previously or are specified in the wrong order
    metainit: <hostname>: /etc/lvm/ line 4: hsp000: hotspare pool is already setup
    Any suggestions on how to reinitialize this volume would be appreciated.
    Thanks, Doug

    You have UserPrincipalName column heading in the csv file so this should be your cmdlet.
    import-csv C:\temp\sharedMailboxCreationTest.csv | ForEach-Object {New-Mailbox -shared  -Name $_.Name  -Alias $_.Alias  -OrganizationalUnit $_.OrganizationalUnit -UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -Database $_.Database}
    Blog |
    Get Your Exchange Powershell Tip of the Day from here

  • Error in Manage Substitution Rules - MSS

    Hello Team,
    I am working on new Implementation for ESS MSS in ECC6.0 and the country grouping is 99. I am getting error in 'Manage Substitution Rules' in MSS.
    When I create the substitution rule, I am getting 'problems Reported' in the 'Rule activation' field.
    The detailed message is 'System does not support Substitution methods'.
    I tried different options in the rule creation. All gave same error.
    I have activated the standard workflow TS12300097 and changed the task to 'General Task'.
    Is there anything else I need to do?
    How can I solve this issue?
    Thanks for your help.

    Check the below link :
    Hope this helps.

  • Open Item Management and Taxation Configuration Material Needed

    For an interview, needed is some help;
    - Open Item Management - Definition and how it is managed.
    - Taxation Configuration - Configuration Documentation
    - FI - HR integration - Documentation.
    Any help would be of great help.
    Points awardable.

    When a GL is created it can be a normal GL account or an open item managed GL Account. In case of an open item managed GL Account the debites and credits are knocked off and the net balance in the account indicates the amount amout due or amount receivable etc.
    Some of the examples of GL Accounts are GR/IR clearing account, Bank clearing account, accrual accounts, Prepaid AAccounts, Loan account etc.
    By default Customer and Vendor Accounts are open item managed accounts.
    In SDN you can search for the documentation of Tax configuration. There are several threads on this topic.

  • Java.lang.NullPointerException in UWL Manage Substitutions application

    Hi SDN,
    I am using the standard application for Manage Substitutions. (Application is - UWLSubstitution)
    When I try to create Rule using this application, and try to search for a nominee using the search, I am getting a java.lang.NullPointerException.
    Can any one suggest on what I am missing ?
    Thank You,
    The trace is :
         at ......

    Dear Raj
    Pls go through below thread. It looks like your your issue
    Substitution in UWL from SPS12

  • UWL- Manage substitution not working

    Hi All,
    We are having problems with managing substitution. When we create a sustitution rule, it creates two rules(same). Please let me know if somebody has come across with the same issue earlier.

    Hi Ashutosh
    ok but when ur GUI type is SAPGUI then ur UWL iview is working and when it is WEBGUI than u get 404 error.
    WHEN u launcg UWL iview from SPGUI than which transaction is exctully used.
    pls pecifi the transaction so i can help u.
    u have to create a service for that tranasaction UNDER ITS so from ITS it's works,


    제품 : AOL
    작성날짜 : 2004-05-13
    RAC-PCP 구성에 대한 Setup 사항을 기술한 문서입니다.
    PCP 구현은 CM의 workload 분산, Failover등을 목적으로 합니다.
    Failure sceniro 는 다음 3가지로 구분해 볼수 있습니다.
    1. The database instance that supports the CP, Applications, and Middle-Tier
    processes such as Forms, or iAS can fail.
    2. The Database node server that supports the CP, Applications, and Middle-
    Tier processes such as Forms, or iAS can fail.
    3. The Applications/Middle-Tier server that supports the CP (and Applications)
    base can fail.
    아래부분은 CM,AP 구성과
    CM과 GSM(Global Service Management)과의 관계를 설명하고 있습니다.
    The concurrent processing tier can reside on either the Applications, Middle-
    Tier, or Database Tier nodes. In a single tier configuration, non PCP
    environment, a node failure will impact Concurrent Processing operations do to
    any of these failure conditions. In a multi-node configuration the impact of
    any these types of failures will be dependent upon what type of failure is
    experienced, and how concurrent processing is distributed among the nodes in
    the configuration. Parallel Concurrent Processing provides seamless failover
    for a Concurrent Processing environment in the event that any of these types of
    failures takes place.
    In an Applications environment where the database tier utilizes Listener (
    server) load balancing is implemented, and in a non-load balanced environment,
    there are changes that must be made to the default configuration generated by
    Autoconfig so that CP initialization, processing, and PCP functionality are
    initiated properly on their respective/assigned nodes. These changes are
    described in the next section - Concurrent Manager Setup and Configuration
    Requirements in an 11i RAC Environment.
    The current Concurrent Processing architecture with Global Service Management
    consists of the following processes and communication model, where each process
    is responsible for performing a specific set of routines and communicating with
    parent and dependent processes.
    아래 내용은 PCP환경에서 ICM, FNDSM, IM, Standard Manager의 역활을 설명하고
    Internal Concurrent Manager (FNDLIBR process) - Communicates with the Service
    The Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) starts, sets the number of active
    processes, monitors, and terminates all other concurrent processes through
    requests made to the Service Manager, including restarting any failed processes.
    The ICM also starts and stops, and restarts the Service Manager for each node.
    The ICM will perform process migration during an instance or node failure.
    The ICM will be
    active on a single node. This is also true in a PCP environment, where the ICM
    will be active on at least one node at all times.
    Service Manager (FNDSM process) - Communicates with the Internal Concurrent
    Manager, Concurrent Manager, and non-Manager Service processes.
    The Service Manager (SM) spawns, and terminates manager and service processes (
    these could be Forms, or Apache Listeners, Metrics or Reports Server, and any
    other process controlled through Generic Service Management). When the ICM
    terminates the SM that
    resides on the same node with the ICM will also terminate. The SM is ?hained?
    to the ICM. The SM will only reinitialize after termination when there is a
    function it needs to perform (start, or stop a process), so there may be
    periods of time when the SM is not active, and this would be normal. All
    processes initialized by the SM
    inherit the same environment as the SM. The SM environment is set by APPSORA.
    env file, and the script. The TWO_TASK used by the SM to connect
    to a RAC instance must match the instance_name from GV$INSTANCE. The apps_<sid>
    listener must be active on each CP node to support the SM connection to the
    local instance. There
    should be a Service Manager active on each node where a Concurrent or non-
    Manager service process will reside.
    Internal Monitor (FNDIMON process) - Communicates with the Internal Concurrent
    The Internal Monitor (IM) monitors the Internal Concurrent Manager, and
    restarts any failed ICM on the local node. During a node failure in a PCP
    environment the IM will restart the ICM on a surviving node (multiple ICM's may
    be started on multiple nodes, but only the first ICM started will eventually
    remain active, all others will gracefully terminate). There should be an
    Internal Monitor defined on each node
    where the ICM may migrate.
    Standard Manager (FNDLIBR process) - Communicates with the Service Manager and
    any client application process.
    The Standard Manager is a worker process, that initiates, and executes client
    requests on behalf of Applications batch, and OLTP clients.
    Transaction Manager - Communicates with the Service Manager, and any user
    process initiated on behalf of a Forms, or Standard Manager request. See Note:
    240818.1 regarding Transaction Manager communication and setup requirements for
    Concurrent Manager Setup and Configuration Requirements in an 11i RAC
    PCP를 사용하기위한 기본적인 Setup 절차를 설명하고 있습니다.
    In order to set up Setup Parallel Concurrent Processing Using AutoConfig with
    follow the instructions in the 11.5.8 Oracle Applications System Administrators
    under Implementing Parallel Concurrent Processing using the following steps:
    1. Applications 11.5.8 and higher is configured to use GSM. Verify the
    configuration on each node (see WebIV Note:165041.1).
    2. On each cluster node edit the Applications Context file (<SID>.xml), that
    resides in APPL_TOP/admin, to set the variable <APPLDCP oa_var="s_appldcp">
    ON </APPLDCP>. It is normally set to OFF. This change should be performed
    using the Context Editor.
    3. Prior to regenerating the configuration, copy the existing tnsnames.ora,
    listener.ora and sqlnet.ora files, where they exist, under the 8.0.6 and iAS
    ORACLE_HOME locations on the each node to preserve the files (i.e./<some_
    directory>/<SID>ora/$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/<SID>/tnsnames.ora). If any of
    the Applications startup scripts that reside in COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/<SID>
    have been modified also copy these to preserve the files.
    4. Regenerate the configuration by running on each cluster node as
    outlined in Note:165195.1.
    5. After regenerating the configuration merge any changes back into the
    tnsnames.ora, listener.ora and sqlnet.ora files in the network directories,
    and the startup scripts in the COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/<SID> directory.
    Each nodes tnsnames.ora file must contain the aliases that exist on all
    other nodes in the cluster. When merging tnsnames.ora files ensure that each
    node contains all other nodes tnsnames.ora entries. This includes tns
    entries for any Applications tier nodes where a concurrent request could be
    initiated, or request output to be viewed.
    6. In the tnsnames.ora file of each Concurrent Processing node ensure that
    there is an alias that matches the instance name from GV$INSTANCE of each
    Oracle instance on each RAC node in the cluster. This is required in order
    for the SM to establish connectivity to the local node during startup. The
    entry for the local node will be the entry that is used for the TWO_TASK in
    APPSORA.env (also in the APPS<SID>_<HOSTNAME>.env file referenced in the
    Applications Listener [APPS_<SID>] listener.ora file entry "envs='MYAPPSORA=<
    some directory>/APPS<SID>_<HOSTNAME>.env)
    on each node in the cluster (this is modified in step 12).
    7. Verify that the FNDSM_<SID> entry has been added to the listener.ora file
    under the 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/<SID> directory. See WebiV Note:
    165041.1 for instructions regarding configuring this entry. NOTE: With the
    implementation of GSM the 8.0.6 Applications, and 9.2.0 Database listeners
    must be active on all PCP nodes in the cluster during normal operations.
    8. AutoConfig will update the database profiles and reset them for the node
    from which it was last run. If necessary reset the database profiles back to
    their original settings.
    9. Ensure that the Applications Listener is active on each node in the cluster
    where Concurrent, or Service processes will execute. On each node start the
    database and Forms Server processes as required by the configuration that
    has been implemented.
    10. Navigate to Install > Nodes and ensure that each node is registered. Use
    the node name as it appears when executing a nodename?from the Unix prompt on
    the server. GSM will add the appropriate services for each node at startup.
    11. Navigate to Concurrent > Manager > Define, and set up the primary and
    secondary node names for all the concurrent managers according to the
    desired configuration for each node workload. The Internal Concurrent
    Manager should be defined on the primary PCP node only. When defining the
    Internal Monitor for the secondary (target) node(s), make the primary node (
    local node) assignment, and assign a secondary node designation to the
    Internal Monitor, also assign a standard work shift with one process.
    12. Prior to starting the Manager processes it is necessary to edit the APPSORA.
    env file on each node in order to specify a TWO_TASK entry that contains
    the INSTANCE_NAME parameter for the local nodes Oracle instance, in order
    to bind each Manager to the local instance. This should be done regardless
    of whether Listener load balancing is configured, as it will ensure the
    configuration conforms to the required standards of having the TWO_TASK set
    to the instance name of each node as specified in GV$INSTANCE. Start the
    Concurrent Processes on their primary node(s). This is the environment
    that the Service Manager passes on to each process that it initializes on
    behalf of the Internal Concurrent Manager. Also make the same update to
    the file referenced by the Applications Listener APPS_<SID> in the
    listener.ora entry "envs='MYAPPSORA= <some directory>/APPS<SID>_<HOSTNAME>.
    env" on each node.
    13. Navigate to Concurrent > Manager > Administer and verify that the Service
    Manager and Internal Monitor are activated on the secondary node, and any
    other addititional nodes in the cluster. The Internal Monitor should not be
    active on the primary cluster node.
    14. Stop and restart the Concurrent Manager processes on their primary node(s),
    and verify that the managers are starting on their appropriate nodes. On
    the target (secondary) node in addition to any defined managers you will
    see an FNDSM process (the Service Manager), along with the FNDIMON process (
    Internal Monitor).
    Reference Documents
    Note 241370.1

    What is your database version? OS?
    We are using VCP suite for Planning Purpose. We are using VCP environment (12.1.3) in Decentralized structure connecting to 3 differect source environment ( consisting 11i and R12). As per the Oracle Note {RAC Configuration Setup For Running MRP Planning, APS Planning, and Data Collection Processes [ID 279156]} we have implemented RAC in our test environment to get better performance.
    But after doing all the setups and concurrent programs assignment to different nodes, we are seeing huge performance issue. The Complete Collection which takes generally on an avg 180 mins in Production, is taking more than 6 hours to complete in RAC.
    So I would like to get suggestion from this forum, if anyone has implemented RAC in pure VCP (decentralized) environment ? Will there be any improvement if we make our VCP Instance in RAC ?Do you PCP enabled? Can you reproduce the issue when you stop the CM?
    Have you reviewed these docs?
    Value Chain Planning - VCP - Implementation Notes & White Papers [ID 280052.1]
    Concurrent Processing - How To Ensure Load Balancing Of Concurrent Manager Processes In PCP-RAC Configuration [ID 762024.1]
    How to Setup and Run Data Collections [ID 145419.1]
    12.x - Latest Patches and Installation Requirements for Value Chain Planning (aka APS Advanced Planning & Scheduling) [ID 746824.1]
    APSCHECK.sql Provides Information Needed for Diagnosing VCP and GOP Applications Issues [ID 246150.1]

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    I am getting backup failed and Error Code 1000 when trying to run Backup Assistant Plus.  Have not been able to backup for several weeks.Droid Razr Maxx.

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    Hey guys n gals, I'm running itunes on Windows XP, and I've got a bit of a problem. Every time I open itunes, 2-3 random, whole albums have been removed from my harddrive. The information remains in the library, but with that evil little exc

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    Hey everyone. I can't quite figure out what it is I'm doing wrong here. I'm taking an AVCHD MTS file recorded at 1080i/30fps and converting it to 1080p/30fps with Adobe Media Encoder CS4 using the H.264 codec at 16Mbps. When I open the resulting MP4

  • LR3 does not show source from CF card reader

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