Map that preserves order?

I am looking for a Map that preserves the order of the keys and values inserted to that.
I tried TreeMap, but that sorts the items alpabetically. But this is not what I want.
Can somebody help me?

I would think it is easy enough to create your own map to do this:
-Make a new class, with 2 Lists.
-Create methods that loop through and access these Lists, for keys and values
-Make your "add" methods tack things on to the ends of the Lists, to preserve order

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  • PackedInteger encoding does not preserve order - but it could

    Currently, when viewed under the default unsigned lexical ordering, "packed" integers (and longs) do not sort numerically. This is because for values requiring two or more bytes, the "value" bytes are stored little endian.
    For example:
    <tt> 65910 -> 7a ff 00 01</tt>
    <tt> 65911 -> 7a 00 01 01</tt>
    However, it's possible to encode packed integers such that they still sort correctly. You can do this by modifying the existing PackedInteger algorithm as follows:
    <li>Invert the high-order bit on the first byte
    <li>Reverse the order of the second and subsequent bytes (if any)
    <li>If the original number was negative, invert (one's complement) the bits in the second and subsequent bytes (if any)
    Here's some examples showing the two encodings:
                  NUMBER             ENCODING         NEW ENCODING
    -9223372036854775808   8189ffffffffffff7f   018000000000000076
             -2147483648           8589ffff7f           0580000076
                  -65911             86000101             06fefeff
                  -65910             86ff0001             06feff00
                  -65655             86000001             06feffff
                  -65654               87ffff               070000
                  -65400               8701ff               0700fe
                  -65399               8700ff               0700ff
                    -375               870001               07feff
                    -374                 88ff                 0800
                    -120                 8801                 08fe
                    -119                   89                   09
                      -1                   ff                   7f
                       0                   00                   80
                       1                   01                   81
                     119                   77                   f7
                     120                 7801                 f801
                     374                 78ff                 f8ff
                     375               790001               f90100
                     631               790002               f90200
                   65399               7900ff               f9ff00
                   65400               7901ff               f9ff01
                   65654               79ffff               f9ffff
                   65655             7a000001             fa010000
                   65910             7aff0001             fa0100ff
                   65911             7a000101             fa010100
              2147483647           7b88ffff7f           fb7fffff88
    9223372036854775807   7f88ffffffffffff7f   ff7fffffffffffff88So the question is.. any particular reason this wasn't done? Would this alternate encoding be a useful addition? (I'm sure it's not possible to replace the current algorithm at this point).

    greybird wrote:
    Thanks Archie. I appreciate this and I know you have good intentions. Unfortunately, we won't be able to incorporate any code from your svn repository. We can only incorporate submissions if the source code is posted here in our OTN forum.Not a problem... Here is the new class:
    package org.dellroad.sidekar.util;
    import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleInput;
    import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleOutput;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    * An improved version of Berkeley DB's {@link com.sleepycat.util.PackedInteger} class that packs values in such
    * a way that their order is preserved when compared using the default binary unsigned lexical ordering.
    * @see <a href="">Berkeley DB Java Edition forum posting</a>
    public final class PackedLong {
         * Maximum possible length of an encoded value.
        public static final int MAX_ENCODED_LENGTH = 9;
         * Minimum value for the first byte of a single byte encoded value. Lower values indicate a multiple byte encoded negative value.
        public static final int MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED = 0x08;        // values 0x00 ... 0x07 prefix negative values
         * Maximum value for the first byte of a single byte encoded value. Higher values indicate a multiple byte encoded positive value.
        public static final int MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED = 0xf7;        // values 0xf8 ... 0xff prefix positive values
         * Adjustment applied to single byte encoded values before encoding.
        public static final int ZERO_ADJUST = 127;                     // single byte value that represents zero
         * Minimum value that can be encoded as a single byte.
        public static final int MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE = MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED - ZERO_ADJUST;          // -119
         * Maximum value that can be encoded as a singel byte.
        public static final int MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE = MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED - ZERO_ADJUST;          // 120
         * Adjustment applied to multiple byte encoded negative values before encoding.
        public static final int NEGATIVE_ADJUST = -MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE;                               // 119
         * Adjustment applied to multiple byte encoded positive values before encoding.
        public static final int POSITIVE_ADJUST = -(MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE + 1);                         // -121
        // Cutoff values at which the encoded length changes (this field is package private for testing purposes)
        static final long[] CUTOFF_VALUES = new long[] {
            0xff00000000000000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 0] requires 8 bytes
            0xffff000000000000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 1] requires 7 bytes
            0xffffff0000000000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 2] requires 6 bytes
            0xffffffff00000000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 3] requires 5 bytes
            0xffffffffff000000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 4] requires 4 bytes
            0xffffffffffff0000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 5] requires 3 bytes
            0xffffffffffffff00L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 6] requires 2 bytes
            MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE,                      // [ 7] requires 1 byte
            MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE + 1,                  // [ 8] requires 2 bytes
            0x0000000000000100L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 9] requires 3 bytes
            0x0000000000010000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [10] requires 4 bytes
            0x0000000001000000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [11] requires 5 bytes
            0x0000000100000000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [12] requires 6 bytes
            0x0000010000000000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [13] requires 7 bytes
            0x0001000000000000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [14] requires 8 bytes
            0x0100000000000000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [15] requires 9 bytes
        private PackedLong() {
         * Write the encoded value to the output.
         * @param output destination for the encoded value
         * @param value value to encode
        public static void write(TupleOutput output, long value) {
            int len = encode(value, output.getBufferBytes(), output.getBufferLength());
         * Read and decode a value from the input.
         * @param input input holding an encoded value
         * @return the decoded value
        public static long read(TupleInput input) {
            long value = decode(input.getBufferBytes(), input.getBufferOffset());
            return value;
         * Determine the length (in bytes) of an encoded value without advancing the input.
         * @param input input holding an encoded value
         * @return the length of the encoded value
        public static int getReadLength(TupleInput input) {
            return getReadLength(input.getBufferBytes(), input.getBufferOffset());
         * Determine the length (in bytes) of an encoded value.
         * @param buf buffer containing encoded value
         * @param off starting offset of encoded value
         * @return the length of the encoded value
         * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code off} is not a valid offset in {@code buf}
        public static int getReadLength(byte[] buf, int off) {
            int prefix = buf[off] & 0xff;
            if (prefix < MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED)
                return 1 + MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED - prefix;
            if (prefix > MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED)
                return 1 + prefix - MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED;
            return 1;
         * Determine the length (in bytes) of the encoded value.
         * @return the length of the encoded value, a value between one and {@link #MAX_ENCODED_LENGTH}
        public static int getWriteLength(long value) {
            int index = Arrays.binarySearch(CUTOFF_VALUES, value);
            if (index < 0)
                index = ~index - 1;
            return index < 8 ? 8 - index : index - 6;
         * Encode the given value into a new buffer.
         * @param value value to encode
         * @return byte array containing the encoded value
        public static byte[] encode(long value) {
            byte[] buf = new byte[MAX_ENCODED_LENGTH];
            int len = encode(value, buf, 0);
            if (len != MAX_ENCODED_LENGTH) {
                byte[] newbuf = new byte[len];
                System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newbuf, 0, len);
                buf = newbuf;
            return buf;
         * Encode the given value and write the encoded bytes into the given buffer.
         * @param value value to encode
         * @param buf output buffer
         * @param off starting offset into output buffer
         * @return the number of encoded bytes written
         * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code off} is negative or the encoded value exceeds the given buffer
        public static int encode(long value, byte[] buf, int off) {
            int len = 1;
            if (value < MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE) {
                value += NEGATIVE_ADJUST;
                long mask = 0x00ffffffffffffffL;
                for (int shift = 56; shift != 0; shift -= 8) {
                    if ((value | mask) != ~0L)
                        buf[off + len++] = (byte)(value >> shift);
                    mask >>= 8;
                buf[off] = (byte)(MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED - len);
            } else if (value > MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE) {
                value += POSITIVE_ADJUST;
                long mask = 0xff00000000000000L;
                for (int shift = 56; shift != 0; shift -= 8) {
                    if ((value & mask) != 0L)
                        buf[off + len++] = (byte)(value >> shift);
                    mask >>= 8;
                buf[off] = (byte)(MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED + len);
            } else {
                buf[off] = (byte)(value + ZERO_ADJUST);
                return 1;
            buf[off + len++] = (byte)value;
            return len;
         * Decode a value from the given buffer.
         * @param buf buffer containing an encoded value
         * @param off starting offset of the encoded value in {@code buf}
         * @return the decoded value
         * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code off} is negative or the encoded value is truncated
         * @see #getReadLength
        public static long decode(byte[] buf, int off) {
            int first = buf[off++] & 0xff;
            if (first < MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED) {
                long value = ~0L;
                while (first++ < MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED)
                    value = (value << 8) | (buf[off++] & 0xff);
                return value - NEGATIVE_ADJUST;
            if (first > MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED) {
                long value = 0L;
                while (first-- > MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED)
                    value = (value << 8) | (buf[off++] & 0xff);
                return value - POSITIVE_ADJUST;
            return (byte)(first - ZERO_ADJUST);
    }and here is the unit test:
    package org.dellroad.sidekar.util;
    import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleInput;
    import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleOutput;
    import org.dellroad.sidekar.TestSupport;
    import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
    import org.testng.annotations.Test;
    import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
    public class PackedLongTest extends TestSupport {
        @Test(dataProvider = "encodings")
        public void testEncoding(long value, String string) {
            // Test direct encoding
            byte[] expected = ByteArrayEncoder.decode(string);
            byte[] actual = PackedLong.encode(value);
            assertEquals(actual, expected);
            // Test write()
            TupleOutput out = new TupleOutput();
            PackedLong.write(out, value);
            assertEquals(out.toByteArray(), expected);
            // Test getWriteLength()
            assertEquals(actual.length, PackedLong.getWriteLength(value));
            // Test decoding
            long value2 = PackedLong.decode(actual, 0);
            assertEquals(value2, value);
            // Test read()
            TupleInput input = JEUtil.toTupleInput(new DatabaseEntry(actual));
            assertEquals(actual.length, PackedLong.getReadLength(input));
            value2 =;
            assertEquals(value2, value);
            // Test getReadLength()
            assertEquals(actual.length, PackedLong.getReadLength(actual, 0));
        @Test(dataProvider = "lengths")
        public void testEncodedLength(long value, int expected) {
            int actual = PackedLong.getWriteLength(value);
            assertEquals(actual, expected);
            byte[] buf = PackedLong.encode(value);
            assertEquals(buf.length, expected);
        @DataProvider(name = "encodings")
        public Object[][] genEncodings() {
            return new Object[][] {
                // Corner cases
                { 0x8000000000000000L, "008000000000000077" },
                { 0xfeffffffffffff88L, "00feffffffffffffff" },
                { 0xfeffffffffffff89L, "0100000000000000" },
                { 0xfeffffffffffffffL, "0100000000000076" },
                { 0xfffeffffffffff88L, "01feffffffffffff" },
                { 0xfffeffffffffff89L, "02000000000000" },
                { 0xfffeffffffffffffL, "02000000000076" },
                { 0xfffffeffffffff88L, "02feffffffffff" },
                { 0xfffffeffffffff89L, "030000000000" },
                { 0xfffffeffffffffffL, "030000000076" },
                { 0xfffffffeffffff88L, "03feffffffff" },
                { 0xfffffffeffffff89L, "0400000000" },
                { 0xfffffffeffffffffL, "0400000076" },
                { 0xfffffffffeffff88L, "04feffffff" },
                { 0xfffffffffeffff89L, "05000000" },
                { 0xfffffffffeffffffL, "05000076" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff88L, "05feffff" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff89L, "060000" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeffffL, "060076" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe88L, "06feff" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe89L, "0700" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffeffL, "0776" },
                { 0xffffffffffffff88L, "07ff" },
                { 0xffffffffffffff89L, "08" },
                { 0xffffffffffffffa9L, "28" },
                { 0xffffffffffffffc9L, "48" },
                { 0xffffffffffffffe9L, "68" },
                { 0xffffffffffffffffL, "7e" },
                { 0x0000000000000000L, "7f" },
                { 0x0000000000000001L, "80" },
                { 0x0000000000000071L, "f0" },
                { 0x0000000000000077L, "f6" },
                { 0x0000000000000078L, "f7" },
                { 0x0000000000000079L, "f800" },
                { 0x0000000000000178L, "f8ff" },
                { 0x0000000000000179L, "f90100" },
                { 0x0000000000010078L, "f9ffff" },
                { 0x0000000000010079L, "fa010000" },
                { 0x0000000001000078L, "faffffff" },
                { 0x0000000001000079L, "fb01000000" },
                { 0x0000000100000078L, "fbffffffff" },
                { 0x0000000100000079L, "fc0100000000" },
                { 0x0000010000000078L, "fcffffffffff" },
                { 0x0000010000000079L, "fd010000000000" },
                { 0x0001000000000078L, "fdffffffffffff" },
                { 0x0001000000000079L, "fe01000000000000" },
                { 0x0100000000000078L, "feffffffffffffff" },
                { 0x0100000000000079L, "ff0100000000000000" },
                { 0x7fffffffffffff79L, "ff7fffffffffffff00" },
                { 0x7fffffffffffffffL, "ff7fffffffffffff86" },
                // Other cases
                { 0xffffffff80000000L, "0480000077" },
                { 0xfffffffffffefe89L, "05feff00" },
                { 0xfffffffffffefe8aL, "05feff01" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff86L, "05fefffd" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff87L, "05fefffe" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff88L, "05feffff" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff89L, "060000" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff8aL, "060001" },
                { 0xffffffffffff0086L, "0600fd" },
                { 0xffffffffffff0087L, "0600fe" },
                { 0xffffffffffff0088L, "0600ff" },
                { 0xffffffffffff0089L, "060100" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe86L, "06fefd" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe87L, "06fefe" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe89L, "0700" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe8aL, "0701" },
                { 0xffffffffffffff87L, "07fe" },
                { 0xffffffffffffff88L, "07ff" },
                { 0xffffffffffffff89L, "08" },
                { 0xffffffffffffffffL, "7e" },
                { 0x0000000000000000L, "7f" },
                { 0x0000000000000001L, "80" },
                { 0x0000000000000077L, "f6" },
                { 0x0000000000000078L, "f7" },
                { 0x0000000000000176L, "f8fd" },
                { 0x0000000000000177L, "f8fe" },
                { 0x0000000000000178L, "f8ff" },
                { 0x0000000000000277L, "f901fe" },
                { 0x000000000000ff77L, "f9fefe" },
                { 0x000000000000ff78L, "f9feff" },
                { 0x000000000000ff79L, "f9ff00" },
                { 0x000000000000ff7aL, "f9ff01" },
                { 0x0000000000010076L, "f9fffd" },
                { 0x0000000000010077L, "f9fffe" },
                { 0x0000000000010078L, "f9ffff" },
                { 0x0000000000010079L, "fa010000" },
                { 0x000000000001007aL, "fa010001" },
                { 0x0000000000010176L, "fa0100fd" },
                { 0x0000000000010177L, "fa0100fe" },
                { 0x000000007fffffffL, "fb7fffff86" },
                { 0x7fffffffffffffffL, "ff7fffffffffffff86" },
        @DataProvider(name = "lengths")
        public Object[][] genLengths() {
            return new Object[][] {
                // Check cutoff values
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 0] - 1,      9   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 0],          8   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 1] - 1,      8   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 1],          7   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 2] - 1,      7   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 2],          6   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 3] - 1,      6   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 3],          5   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 4] - 1,      5   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 4],          4   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 5] - 1,      4   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 5],          3   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 6] - 1,      3   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 6],          2   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 7] - 1,      2   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 7],          1   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 8] - 1,      1   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 8],          2   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 9] - 1,      2   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 9],          3   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[10] - 1,      3   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[10],          4   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[11] - 1,      4   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[11],          5   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[12] - 1,      5   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[12],          6   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[13] - 1,      6   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[13],          7   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[14] - 1,      7   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[14],          8   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[15] - 1,      8   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[15],          9   },
                // Check some other values
                { Long.MIN_VALUE,                               9   },
                { Long.MAX_VALUE,                               9   },
                { (long)Integer.MIN_VALUE,                      5   },
                { (long)Integer.MAX_VALUE,                      5   },
                { (long)Short.MIN_VALUE,                        3   },
                { (long)Short.MAX_VALUE,                        3   },
                { (long)Byte.MIN_VALUE,                         2   },
                { (long)Byte.MAX_VALUE,                         2   },
                { 0,                                            1   },
    }Edited by: archie172 on Mar 3, 2010 12:40 PM
    Removed copyright message.

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    Is your device showing a green or grey dot?
    Here is some background on how location services works.
    Here is what happens if the device is turned off
    This linksays if it can't be found it will show the last location for 24 hrs and then  it will clear the map.
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    In a hurry, I opened an email that said "order was shipped from "ammazon". I downloaded the order document and it ended up being a zip file. I then realized what it was, and did not actually open the file. This was on my Iphone 5. What should I do now!?

    Delete the email. The zip file will have no effect on your iPhone.

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    parameter to report parameter i need to pass distinct values. How can i resolve this

    Hi nancharaiah,
    If I understand correctly, you want to pass distinct values to report parameter. In Reporting Service, there are only three methods for parameter's Available Values:
    Specify values
    Get values from a query
    If we utilize the third option that get values from a dataset query, then the all available values are from the returns of the dataset. So if we want to pass distinct values from a dataset, we need to make the dataset returns distinct values. The following
    sample is for your reference:
    Select distinct field_name  from table_name
    If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Tell me about an application of world map that doesn't require internet connection, Nor GPS

    I need  good & updated maps that do not require internet connection .Do you know @ an application ?

    Have you tried searching the app store or doing a google search?
    In the time it took you to register here and post your question, you could have already found an answer.    

  • When i update my Mac, I get an Installation alert that in order to continue installation, please close the following application: iTunes. how do I stop the installation and close iTunes?

    When I update my Mac, I get an Installation alert that in order to continue installation, i need to close iTunes.  How do I stop the installation and how do I close iTunes?

    That sounds like the latest  iTunes Version 11.1.5 update.
    To continue the installation you must first Quit iTunes.
    To Quit iTunes, use

  • Report on Orders that have Order Lines modified during the period

    I am a Beginner, PLEASE I NEED A HELP
    Report on Orders that have Order Lines modified during the period

    I don't know a standard report (SE95 does not seem to include selection by date), maybe you can tweak SE16 display of table SMODILOG for your purpose.

  • In LIKP, which field indicated that this order is an inbound delivery or ob

    In LIKP, which field indicated that this order is an inbound delivery or obound delivery...

    well LFART
    del type wld do it mate.

  • How to save png from psd that preserves transparency of 85% FILL opacity & 100% Layer opacity?

    I am using PS CS3. My design has a shiny colored glass type effect with 100% layer opacity, but an 85% fill opacity so that you can see through it. I have tried everything to save as a png file that preserves the transparency but nothing works. Thanks for any help!

    Thank you both for your help and questions.
    I am using several effects including bevel and emboss, inner shadow, inner glow, satin, etc. If I lower the layer opacity then everything is affected and I want my highlights, etc. to stay crisp and still be able to see through the object as if it were colored glass.
    I did finally figure out how to get it to do what I wanted. I lowered my fill opacity to 0% and added a color overlay at 65% opacity. This got me the exact look and transparency that I wanted when I saved as a png.
    Thanks again.

  • Map that allows duplicate keys

    Is there a map that allows duplicate keys? The get(Object key) method will then return a Collection.

    Thanks, I made my own class with some help from previous threads.
        private class DuplicateMap {
            private Map map = new HashMap();
            public void put(Object key, Object value) {
                List existing = (List)map.get(key);
                if (existing == null) {
                    List list = new ArrayList();
                    map.put(key, list);
                } else {
            public List get(Object key) {
                List returnValue = (List)map.get(key);
                if (returnValue == null) {
                    returnValue = new ArrayList();
                return returnValue;

  • To make an online interactive map that works with a reservation system which is the best application to use?

    I make campground maps and do interactive maps through a third-party program.  I want to use something in CC that I can make "hotspots" or id maps that I can interface with a reservation system to show availability.  I want the interactive map to work on both mobile and desktop.  What is my best program to download and use?
    I know html and css but have fallen in love with Muse. I am looking at the Edge Flow, Reflow and Edge Animate.  I just need some simple advice as I don't want to waste my time learning a program that doesn't do what I want...
    Thanks for any advice.

    When you do not have to have it connected to the external monitor, just use the MBP on only battery power.  Fastest would be to watch video or play a game.  Any CPU intensive application will use the battery faster that 'ordinary' use.

  • How to add dynamic content to a web site such as a map that shows position based upon gps data?

    Hello All;
    I have some software that generates a map that shows the position of a moving object based upoin gps data that's updated every 30 seconds or so. I want to place that map image on a web page using Dreamweaver. Can someone give me some guidance how I may do this and/or lead me to other web resources that would explain the basics.

    Am I understanding your question right?
    You want to do 2 things:
    Add a map image to a page
    Have the image update every 30 seconds

Maybe you are looking for

  • Acrobat 9.5.5 Pro - odd font won't go away

    I began creating a new form and hadn't checked the default font.  After making about 10 fields I used Preview to enter some text.  Not liking the result, I had a look at the font being used.  Something called, "KozMinPr6N-Regular," which is Japanese.

  • AP's will not join new 5508's

    We just completed deployment of (4) 5508-250's in a large enviroment. We are now trying to get some test AP's to join the new WLC's. At one point it appeared that one of the 5 joined but the other 4 did not. We rebboted everything including resetting

  • Set margins, add footer to printed pages in Numbers 3?

    How do I set top, bottom & side margins & add a header and/or footer with such things as filename & date to printed pages in Numbers 3?  This capability was available in previous versions, & is available with the "Setup" icon in Pages.  (This icon is

  • Do I need to add friends & family numbers

    I've just changed my call package to unlimited anytime friends and family mobile. Do I need to add friends and family numbers to benefit from this package? I can't see any way to do it through the BT website so I presume I don't need to do anything m

  • [SOLVED]wlanwep encryption is failing after system update(pacman -Syu)

    After a system update with "pacman -Syu" my wlan encryption does not work anymore. If I switch off encryption on my access point, I can communicate without any problems. I have currently two wlans active, one with encryption, one without. I use the f