Mapping query result to excel sheet

Hi Experts,
i have a requirement where in i need to map the result into particular cellls of the excel sheet, because the excel sheet acts as front end which has graphs and by just putting the result in particular cells of excel the graph is automatically generated, so is there any way where i can map the result cells into particulat cells in excel?
Thank you.

Hi Shetty,
You might have stopped reading this thread since you have the answer you need for now.  From experience, let me tell you what might happen next.
If the query definition is ever changed ... say, a new characteristic is added because a different user has a slightly different need ... the result table will move down by a few rows and your equation no longer works.
If you think this might happen, let me tell you a very easy way to get around it.
1.  Name the range(s) you will use.  If the first result is in cell B31 on Sheet1, then go to cell B31 on Sheet1 and Select Insert>>Name>>Define.  Call it something you will remember, like "LastMonthSales" (no spaces, but underline is OK)
2. use the range name in your formula.  This happens automatically, in fact.  If you press = then click on cell B31, Excel will automatically use the range name instead of the range address.  Excel LIKES names.
3. now, go to the Visual Basic Editor (Tools >> Macro >> Visual Basic Editor; or, Alt+F11).  In your workbook, there should be a subroutine as follows:
Sub SAPBEXonRefresh(queryID As String, resultArea As Range)
If you do not find it, add it.  This probably also means that you are using Excel 2002 or later and have not set your Macro security to "trust access to Visual Basic Project"; so, change that security setting (Tools >> Options >> Security >> Macro Settings).
The visual basic code is very simple.  For each result that you need to map you will want one line of code like this one:
resultArea.Cells(4, 2).Name = "LastMonthSales"
The Cells(4, 2) are counted from the top left of the result table.  So, in this case if B31 = Cells(4,2), then the top left of my result table must have been in cell A28 in Excel.
This subroutine will be run automatically every time that the query is refreshed.  So, if the result table moves, the names will move with it.  One less thing to worry about.
If you do not think you need to do this today, don't!  No sense in doing work that is not necessary.  But, save this.  I suspect that some day you will need it.
- Pete

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    You might be able to use the sqlplus colsep command
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    You can view the status by qurying wb_rt_audit_map_runs from any SQL client.
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    ITEM2      |  11         |    20       | N/V-1PIECE
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    _Pls follow these guide lines for ensuring proper output in Microsoft Excel:
    1.First compare the fields properties and the frames properties between the reports created with wizard and the reports created manually.
    2. Do not leave any space between two adjacent objects.
    Explanation: Because any space, including a few pixels, between two adjacent objects will result in an empty cell or column in Excel output
    3.Make sure that the widths of all objects are vertically consistent.
    Explanation: If the objects are not exactly aligned vertically, that is, have inconsistent widths, it is likely to result in insertion of unwanted cells/columns in Excel.
    4. Pls. Make sure that the vertical elasticity of the frames and repeating frames is not fixed unless you are sure you have allocated enough space to accommodate all the records.
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    Here's my working code out of one of my forms that does this:
    PROCEDURE export_transactions_to_excel IS
    -- Declare the ole objects
    application ole2.obj_type;
    workbooks ole2.obj_type;
    workbook ole2.obj_type;
    worksheets ole2.obj_Type;
    worksheet ole2.obj_type;
    cell ole2.obj_type;
    -- my variables
    rowCounter Number := 1;
    local_cursor_Record number := :System.Cursor_Record;
    old_cursor_Style varchar2(100);
    errors_occurred boolean := false;
    Ole_Error Exception;
    pragma exception_init( Ole_Error, -305500 );
    my_alert_id ALERT;
    alert_response NUMBER;
    procedure place_value_in_cell( rownum_in in number
    , colnum_in in number
    , value_in in varchar2 )
    -- Declare handles to OLE argument lists
    args ole2.list_Type;
    args := ole2.create_arglist;
    ole2.add_arg(args, rownum_in); /* row number */
    ole2.add_arg(args, colnum_in); /* column number */
    -- the next line is for excel97
    -- cell := ole2.invoke_obj( worksheet, 'Cells', args );
    cell := ole2.get_obj_property( worksheet, 'Cells', args );
    ole2.Destroy_arglist( args );
    ole2.set_property( cell, 'Value', value_in );
    ole2.release_obj (cell);
    end place_value_in_cell;
    procedure SaveSpreadsheet
    args ole2.List_Type;
    vDateStamp varchar2(20);
    vDateStamp := to_char(sysdate,'mmddyyyy') | | '_' | | to_char(sysdate,'hh24miss');
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 'C:\PAPRETCC_' | | vDateStamp | | '.XLS');
    OLE2.INVOKE(worksheet, 'SaveAs', args);
    --args := Ole2.Create_ARgList;
    ole2.invoke( application, 'Quit' );
    end SaveSpreadSheet;
    procedure Open_EXCEL_Workbook is
    application := ole2.create_obj('Excel.Application');
    --ole2.set_property( application, 'Visible', 'True' );
    -- Return object handle to the Workbooks collection
    workbooks := ole2.get_obj_property( application, 'Workbooks' ); -- invoke_obj w/ excel 97
    -- Add a new Workbook object to the Workbooks collection
    workbook := ole2.invoke_obj( workbooks, 'Add' );
    -- return object handle to the Worksheets collection for the
    -- Workbook
    worksheets := ole2.get_obj_property( workbook, 'Worksheets' ); -- invoke_obj w/ Excel97
    -- Add a new Worksheet to the Worksheets collection
    worksheet := ole2.invoke_obj( worksheets, 'Add');
    end open_EXCEL_workbook;
    PROCEDURE Write_Column_Headers IS
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,1, 'Payer Name');
    place_Value_in_cell(rowCounter,2, 'Payer Address');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,3, 'SSN');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,4, 'Account');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,5, 'Refund Receipt');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,6, 'Pretax Allocation');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,7, 'Tax Allocation');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,8, 'Total Amount');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,9, 'Orig Receipt');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,10,'Orig Date');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,11,'TR Number');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,14,'Vt Number');
    rowCounter := rowCounter + 1;
    END Write_Column_Headers;
    PROCEDURE Export_The_Data IS
    original_receipt number;
    original_date DATE;
    original_transmittal_number number;
    -- Return object handle to cell A1 on the Worksheet
    IF alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON2 or
    (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1 and nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') <> 'N' )
    -- :system.record_status = 'CHANGED')
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 1, :TRANSACTIONS.NDB_PAYEE_NAME );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 2, nvl(:TRANSACTIONS.NDB_PAYEE_ADDRESS,'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 3, nvl(:TRANSACTIONS.NDB_SSN,'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 4, :transactions.NDB_DESCRIPTION );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 5, to_char(:Transactions.transaction_group_EID) );
    place_Value_in_cell( rowCounter, 6, to_char(:transactions.ndb_pretax_amount) ); -- chg
    place_ value_in_Cell( rowCounter, 7, to_char(:transactions.ndb_tax_amount) );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 8, to_char(:transactions.amount_including_taxes) );
    original_receipt := revenue_pkg.original_receipt_number(
    :transactions.allocation_table );
    original_date := revenue_pkg.original_receipt_date(
    :transactions.allocation_table );
    original_transmittal_number := revenue_pkg.transmittal_number_for_receipt(original_receipt);
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 9, nvl(to_char(original_receipt),'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 10, nvl(to_char(original_date,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 11, nvl(to_char(original_transmittal_number),'unknown') );
    IF ( alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1 and nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') <> 'N' )
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 12, to_Char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 13, nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 14, nvl(to_char(:location.vt_number),'NULL') );
    END IF;
    End If;
    exit when :SYSTEM.LAST_RECORD = 'TRUE';
    rowCounter := rowCounter + 1;
    END Export_The_Data;
    /* ----------------------------------- main procedure --------------------------------------*/
    my_alert_id := Find_Alert('THREE_BUTTON_ALERT');
    IF NOT ID_NULL( my_alert_id ) then
    alert_Response := SHOW_ALERT( my_alert_id );
    If (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1) OR
    (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON2) then
    old_Cursor_style := get_application_property( CURSOR_STYLE );
    set_application_property( CURSOR_STYLE, 'BUSY' );
    Raise Form_Trigger_Failure;
    End If;
    Raise Form_Trigger_Failure;
    End If;
    when Form_Trigger_Failure then
    when Ole_Error then
    AlertSend( 'There was an error exporting the data to Microsoft Excel (receipt# ' &#0124; &#0124;
    to_Char(:transactions.transaction_Group_eid) &#0124; &#0124; ')', false );
    errors_occurred := TRUE;
    when others then
    AlertSend( SQLERRM, false );
    errors_occurred := TRUE;
    Ideally, I'd like to call SaveSpreadsheet in Export_The_Data, and just ExitExcel here,
    but it prompts for whether to save the changes and I don't know how to get around that
    right now. SO, we just save and exit, regardless.
    -- Release the OLE objects
    ole2.release_obj (worksheet);
    ole2.release_obj (worksheets);
    ole2.release_obj (workbook);
    ole2.release_obj (workbooks);
    ole2.release_obj (application);
    IF NOT errors_occurred then -- stay on the record that caused the error
    Go_Record( local_cursor_Record );
    End If;
    Set_Application_Property ( CURSOR_STYLE, old_cursor_style );
    When Form_Trigger_Failure then
    When Others then
    AlertSend( SQLERRM );
    END export_transactions_to_excel;

  • PL/SQL to map query results to a column?

    Is there a programmatic way to map the query result to a value in a table?
    I have table A. There's a column with a carat-delimited string 0^0^1^ that I can parse with substr/instr functions. So, query that table/column for a 5th digit that sits between 5th and 6th ^ character.
    There's table B. It has a 'position' column and 'key' column. How do I let the table A know that when I query table A for 5th digit, it needs to map to table B's where position=5?

    Did you try to run those statements? Please do so next time.
    Also the creation of table C (or is it D) and E are missing.
    However, the tricky part is in deciphering table A to make up for the flawed design.
    I hope this piece of SQL is helpful for you, because you could join the outcome to your other tables:
    SQL> create table a
      2  ( visitor_id number(*,0),
      3  adate date,
      4  carat varchar2(4000 byte),
      5  ip_address varchar2(4000 byte),
      6  state varchar2(4000 byte),
      7  city varchar2(4000 byte),
      8  id number(*,0) not null enable,
      9  constraint "a" primary key (id)
    10  )
    11  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> insert into A
      2  (VISITOR_ID,ADATE,CARAT,IP_ADDRESS,STATE,city,id) VALUES(194296532,TO_DATE('2007-06-',''),'-1^1^2^0^3^85741^3^0^176^0^1
    1 rij is aangemaakt.
    SQL> insert into A
      2  (VISITOR_ID,ADATE,CARAT,IP_ADDRESS,STATE,city,id) VALUES(37482918,TO_DATE('2007-06-',''),'0^1^2^5^^78154^3^7^184^0^1^2^
    17^2^1^US^1^0^1^0^0^^^^^^^','','tx','san antonio',2);
    1 rij is aangemaakt.
    SQL> select id
      2       , visitor_id
      3       , i position
      4       , c value
      5    from a
      6   model
      7         return updated rows
      8         partition by (id, visitor_id)
      9         dimension by (0 i)
    10         measures ('^' || carat || '^' c)
    11         rules
    12         ( c[for i from 1 to length(regexp_replace(c[0],'[^\^]'))-1 increment 1]
    13           = regexp_substr(c[0],'[^\^]+',1,cv(i))
    14         )
    15   order by id
    16       , position
    17  /
             1  194296532          1 -1
             1  194296532          2 1
             1  194296532          3 2
             1  194296532          4 0
             1  194296532          5 3
             1  194296532          6 85741
             1  194296532          7 3
             1  194296532          8 0
             1  194296532          9 176
             1  194296532         10 0
             1  194296532         11 1
             1  194296532         12 -1
             1  194296532         13 41
             1  194296532         14 -1
             1  194296532         15 -1
             1  194296532         16 US
             1  194296532         17 0
             1  194296532         18 -1
             1  194296532         19 2
             1  194296532         20 0
             1  194296532         21 1
             1  194296532         22
             1  194296532         23
             1  194296532         24
             1  194296532         25
             1  194296532         26
             1  194296532         27
             1  194296532         28
             2   37482918          1 0
             2   37482918          2 1
             2   37482918          3 2
             2   37482918          4 5
             2   37482918          5 78154
             2   37482918          6 3
             2   37482918          7 7
             2   37482918          8 184
             2   37482918          9 0
             2   37482918         10 1
             2   37482918         11 2
             2   37482918         12 17
             2   37482918         13 2
             2   37482918         14 1
             2   37482918         15 US
             2   37482918         16 1
             2   37482918         17 0
             2   37482918         18 1
             2   37482918         19 0
             2   37482918         20 0
             2   37482918         21
             2   37482918         22
             2   37482918         23
             2   37482918         24
             2   37482918         25
             2   37482918         26
             2   37482918         27
             2   37482918         28
    56 rijen zijn geselecteerd.Regards,

  • Download search result in Excel sheet

    hello Experts ,
    I am working on UCM 11g.
    We have a search template which helps us to search on UCM. I have to extract our search result in MS excel sheet. Could you please suggest the easiest way for it?

    I have been trying to create the following component from BEX's book, which creates an extra value on a drop down to export search resullts to a CSV file:
    <@dynamichtml custom_searchapi_result_options@>
    <$include super.custom_searchapi_result_options$>
    <option value="window.location='<$HttpCgiPath$>?<$QUERY_STRING
    Download Spreadsheet</option>
    <@dynamichtml spreadsheet_search_results@>
    Title,Author,Date,Security Group,Content ID,Content Type
    <$loop SearchResults$><$dDocTitle$>,<$dDocAuthor$>,<$dInDate
    As this drop down is now different in UCM 10gR3 this no longer appears to work (I get an error when adding these as a resource file) I presume I need change this include "$include super.custom_searchapi_result_options". How do I find out which include to use? I am quite new to creating custom components.
    Thanks for your help,

  • Query output to excel sheet...pls solve my problem here !

    Hi all,
    I have written a procedure which accepts parameters and generate a web page.
    The web page generated records as fetched from cursor within procedure.
    My requirement is to generate it as a excel sheet once run through url.
    I am getting as a text inspite using
    within my code.....
    can you pls help or send me code which could do above task...:)
    Thanks in advance.

    Try this instead :
    Barry C

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