Mass Motion Effects

If I want to move every clip in the timeline down on the canvas, is there a faster way to do that than go through each and every clip and change its coordinates in the Motion tab? Can one do a blanket Motion effect or something?

You mean just move them down the timeline so that you have room to work in the front?
Here is one of my favorite tips. Type "TTTT" (four T's) until your cursor turns into a double arrow pointing right. Click on the clip that you want to move...every clip AFTER it highlights and moves as well.

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  • Motion Effect doesn't always work with Time Remapped clips

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    Hi Jeff, thanks for your response! Nested clips, you say? I have heard of these things but I can only imagine what they are and how to use them. Sounds like it's time for me to RTFM!
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    Excellent summary MacDLS, thanks for the contribution.
    A lot of the photos I've taken on my camera are 3072 X 2304 (resolution 314) .jpegs.
    I've heard it said that jpegs aren't the best format for Motion, since they're a compressed format.
    If you're happy with the jpegs, Motion will be, too.
    My typical project could either be 1280 X 720 or SD. I like the photo to be a lot bigger than the
    canvas size, so I have room to do crops and grows, and the like. Is there a maximum dimension
    that I should be working with?
    Yes and no. Your originals are 7,000,000 pixels. Your video working space only displays about 950,000 pixels at any single instant.
    At that project size, your stills are almost 700% larger than the frame. This will tax any system as you add more stills. 150% is more realistic in terms of processing overhead and I try to only import HUGE images that I know are going to be tightly cropped by zooming in. You need to understand that an 1300x800 section of your original is as far as you can zoom in , the pixels will be 100% in size. If you zoom in further, all you get are bigger pixels. The trade off you make is that if you zoom way out on your source image, you've thrown away 75% of its content to scale it to fit the video format; you lose much much more if you go to SD.
    Finally, the manual says that d.p.i doesn't matter in Motion, so does this mean that it's worth
    actually exporting my 300 dpi photos to 72 dpi before working with them in Motion?
    Don't confuse DPI with resolution. Your video screen will only show about 900,000 pixels in HD and about 350,000 pixels in SD totally regardless of how many pixels there are in your original.

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    Final Cut Pro can do slow motion with or without frame blending. In both instances you are creating duplicates of frames in order to create a slow motion effect. These look okay in video but with the effects you are talking about are done with large production values where the shots are done with slow mags where the film is running at a high rate of speed to get more frames in an action. There are cameras today that allow you to over and under crank footage but mainly they are tapeless formats where you are recording to hard drives, disks or cards.
    you might want to investigate After Effects version 7 or later where it does time warping where individual pixels are blended rather than an entire frame like in Final Cut.

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    Regards T

    Here is a resource, that deserves a bookmark, the PrPro-Wiki. Plenty of great FAQ articles and tutorials.
    I see the "Distort" part of the Effect in FCP, but the "Motion" aspect was throwing me. I kept thinking Posterize Time, and that is anything but what you were looking for. That's why I was going to head to Google for the FCP Help files, or similar.
    Good luck,

  • Apply filters before motion effects?

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    It seems like motion, opacity, etc can't be reordered, only user added effects.
    I had to wait until I was sitting in front of my machine to properly guide my comment. Yes, the nested tip from RoninEdits is good and Peru Bob is shooting straight,
    Re-order your motion, opacity with your user added effects yes. Add the 'Transform' effect, but it is not found in the Transform effect drop-down list. The 'Transform' effect is found in the 'Distort' effect drop-down list.
    In the effects panel, open Video Effects, then open Distort, then choose Transform.
    With Transform you will see the 'fixed position' Motion effects, as well as a few others. Then you will be able to arrange in the stacking order as you wish.

  • Motion effects in effects panel gone

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    I'm using Adobe Premiere CS5
    Hope to hear from you guys...

    I think i know what happend.
    I clicked remove all effects on the timeline-clips.
    But I still don't know the solution, any one?
    When inserting a new clip, the motion button effect is back...

  • My slow motion effect won't work... HELP ME!!!

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    Hey Karsten... I'm back again...
    Yes you guessed correctly... but I never want to see another pc in my life. Now about my prob... I did as you said and still nada. I wish the upgraded version in the Ilife 05 package still had the slow motion control at the bottom of the main screen like in the prior version, but they have taken it off of the main screen and placed in the special effects folder as "fast/slow/reverse". and it is here that it slows the clip down in the preview and renders the clip with the red bar on the main time line. But the red bar on the bottom of the clip in the time line doesn't move and ofcourse the clip is not put in slow motion.
    My brother is quite savy with Mac as well and he can't figure it out either. What do you think???

  • Imovie 08 - Slow motion effect

    I have looked through the video and PDF tutorials and cannot see how to put my clips into slow motion. This is addressed in the tutorials for earlier IMovie editions (i.e, Lesson 4 - Motion Effects), but I can't find anything in the video tutorial that addresses this for 08. Clicking and dragging the clip's duration doesn't work.

    the actual version of iM08 has no effects anymore..
    for 'elaborated' projects, use iMHD6, you get it as iM08-owner for free here:
    or, for excellent slow-mo, use a free 3rd party app, discribed on my site:
    or, if you want 'serious' movie making, consider the purchase of FCE4 ..

  • Premiere Elements 9 Lose Motion Effects after Share

    Hi all,
    I seem to be having a serious issue after sharing/exporting my video:
    I have recently finished a 20-minute informational video for work that involves lots of screen capture of my desktop. The screen capture was done with VLC media player. Once I imported the screen capture (.mp4) videos in adobe premiere, I used the motion effect to only display the part of the screen that I want to by changing the scale and position fields for the entire duration of these screen capture videos. Watching the video in premiere after rendering shows everything is fine. But once I export the video, all these motion effects are clearly not present: the screen capture parts of my video are not scaled at all and instead show the entire desktop.
    What is the issue here?
    Have I misunderstood what the motion effect is meant to be used for? I am really looking for something to trim/zoom into parts of a video and it sounded like the motion effect was the solution, but I am not entirely sure.
    Thank you very much to anyone who assists!

    Skyler Freeman
    Please excuse the question, but am asking just in case.
    When you say that you are using Motion Effects (Scale and Position) for your .mp4 video on the Timeline, does that mean that you are keyframing the Scale and Position properties in the Properties Palette/Motion Panel/Scale and Position properties (using the Toggle Animation button there to initiate the keyframing)?
    Please include in your response to SG.

  • Position & Scale motion effects not working on only one clip in a sequence.

    Some of my klips are not acting normally when I attempt to apply motion effects. I want the clip to have a subtle pan/zoom (ken burns) effect, and I have been able to achieve this throughout the other clips in my project. However, when i try with the specific clip in qestion (as well as a few others) I can not control the beginnig frame size of the clip, or successfully make any motion happen.
    Unaltered by motion effects, the clip is the exact size that I wish for it to be. But, if i add a scale(zoom) keyframe and adjust it so it zooms slightly, the klip now starts-and stays-on the newly entered scale size. If i try to put in a keyframe first that has the proper dimensions, and then add the scale (zoom) keyframe after it, it still does the same thing; starts-and stays- on the 'zoomed in' size. I also can not make any position-style motion happen. If I change the position (either on the first keyframe or second keyframe or third etc...) it behaves the same way as when i attempt to scale: the clip is now zoomed AND off center, and doesnt move at all.
    Why is this happening? why cant I get any motion effect to actually happen?

    This ARTICLE will give you some things to think about with Camtasia/CamStudio footage.
    The wrapper, that the AV file is inside of is virtually meaningless. This ARTICLE will give you some background. It is what is inside the wrapper that counts. This ARTICLE will give you some background on CODEC's in general.
    Good luck,

  • Hey. I have updated my photoshop cc, and have version 14.2.2x64. But I do not have all the new features. Blur Gallery motion effects -focus areas- ect ect I have the windows seventh Please Elsa

    Hey. I have updated my photoshop cc, and have version 14.2.2x64. But I do not have all the new features.
    Blur Gallery motion effects
    Select the image areas in focus
    Content-aware features with color blending
    ect ect
    I have the windows 7.
    Please Elsa

    Go install Photoshop CC 2014 (version 15.x).
    Photoshop CC (version 14.x) does not have the new features added in CC 2014.

  • How to apply a "motion" effect to an entire group of images in FCP

    I have Final Cut Studio and I'm creating a time-lapse video right now out of about 3,000 high-resolution JPEG images. I've figured out how to import them in to my bin at a default length of 1 frame per image and then drag them in to the timeline (30 images per second).
    I now need to make them all larger by about 60% (they automatically imported into the timeline at 45%). I also need to readjust their "center" location and "rotation" throughout the video as the camera was running for several months and got bumped here and there. So I need to zoom in (to create a buffer on the border of the images) and then rotate, tilt, and pan the frame in various places until the video is nice and smooth and consistent throughout.
    My question is, how do I apply motion effects to the entire track or to hundreds of images in one shot? I'll die of old age if I have to manually apply, re-apply, and re-re-apply the settings to 3000 individual images. I've been searching for an answer to this for a while but haven't found any articles so I thought I'd post it as a question.
    Any ideas would be HUGELY appreciated!

    Wow, thank you everyone for giving me so many ideas.
    Tom, I never knew about the "Paste Attributes" button... and I've been using FCP for 4 years, how embarrassing. But dang, what a COOL feature! I'll be using that a lot in the future.
    Kevin, this Nest feature is PERFECT! That was literally what I was looking for really (a way to keep the image high quality as I zoom in and tinker and what not).
    David, the images are 1600 X 1200 @ 180 DPI. That was actually one of the lower settings in GbTimelapse, but as long as I can use the padding to crop and zoom, I'm happy. Thanks for the info though.
    And Andy, thanks for the tip about Motion. Normally I only use Motion for titles but I know I really should play with it more as I'm aware of it's ability to do so much more than that.
    Thanks again to everyone. Seriously, 10 minutes after I asked this question and I had 3 different, REALLY good solutions to a problem that I thought would be incredibly hard to solve, haha
    Cheers guys,

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