Material selection for cyclic inventory

While selecting the material in LX26,im getting an error massage 'CC INVENTORY NOT PREPARED IN IM' or 'no data found'.The ABC indicators are already set in the system and The Cycle count configuration is already done.What is the reason?

'CC INVENTORY NOT PREPARED IN IM' or 'no data found'
there cannot be a "or" message.
'CC INVENTORY NOT PREPARED IN IM'  is coming if you have not done customizing for ABCD indicators and their counting interval. (of course for the plant where the WM belongs to)
and no data found is issued if you From-and to-date interval  in LX26 is to small or your quants have already been counted.

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  • Execution of ABC anlysis for cyclic inventory

    Im not able to run the ABC indicators for cyclic inventory.We configure it on the basis of consumption/usage.and take account of material consumption of MRP areas.The massge 'no analysis performed'is occuring.What is the reason?

    You can use the program ABC Cycle Counting Analysis (RMCBIN00) to perform an analysis. In this analysis, the system assigns the materials to the individual categories according to consumption or requirements. You can also specify whether this analysis is to consider only the materials with cycle counting indicator or all materials. The cycle counting indicator in the material master records can be updated automatically by this program. I hope this will help you.

  • Price determination 2 and S -- No material selected for CKMLCP

    Dear all,
    We have a case here that raw materials have price determination 2V, semi-finished and finished goods are 2S.
    The MM period is now 2011/07.  We tried to run CKMLCP for 2011/06 and system reponded "C+114 list contains no items".
    I have searched forum and SAP OSS.  What I found is CKMLCP will not process for 2V.  How about 2S?  Should I change all the settings to 3S instead?
    Please let me know if you have faced the same issue before and how you solved it.
    Best regards,
    Sharon Chen

    The materials 2S (price determination 2, price control S)
    will NOT be selected for the actual price determination in CKMLCP.
    In Material Ledger you may use materials with price determination 2,
    price control V or materials with price determination 3,
    price control S. In the first case (2V), actual price will be calculated
    after each material movement, while in the second case (3S), actual
    price will be calculated with the cockpit (CKMLCP) at the end of the
    period. Only in this case, price differences are rolled-up to finished
    materials when multi-level price determination is run.
    Regarding to your problem with transaction CKMM, please keep in mind
    that CKMM was created to maintain the Price determination control field and
    not the price control only. The reason is a design issue.
    If you want to change the material from 2S to 2V you can overcome the
    change in two steps:
    1- change 2S to 3S and
    2- afterwards 3S to 2V
    or you can also use transaction MM02 to change the price control from
    S to V.
    Please check the notes about transaction CKMM which provide very useful information:
    703604     CKMM: When to change price determination '2' to '3'
    384553     Data inconsistencies after CKMM
    Best regards,

  • Material selection for trasnfering material planing with MS64

    Dear SAPper,
    When i create the planned ind req MD61.
    i used product group.
    but i have difficulties when copying with MS64 from one version to another one.
    There is not selection for prod group
    is there any idea for this? for selection the material accoridng prod group?
    or another idea is very appreciated:)
    Kindly help,
    Best regards,
    Freddy Ha
    Edited by: Freddy Halim on Sep 16, 2008 10:24 AM

    thanx for the quick response.
    I use product group in MD61 to create planning with version 01 (inactive).
    After several update the PPIC will copy with MS64 to version 00 (Active) so MRP will planned them
    I have two option either product group or plan req number.
    But when copying with MS64 there is not selection material with criteria product group or plan req number.
    Is there anyway for copying several material only with criteria prod group / plan req number?
    I look for multiple selection for material master. There is no match code for product group too.
    Do you have any ides?
    Best regards,
    Freddy Ha

  • Material  selection for refurbishment

    Dear Gurus
    I have one problem for selecting material for Refurbishment process
    One equipment say 1000 is installed at FL XYZ
    Equipment is pump with constuction type in constuction it is assembly of materials
    N -valve  ,N-Bearing & so many more which are material
    when I double click on construction type it is showing only two screens basic 1& basic 2 not others
    How this euipment can be mapped for refurbishment process
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    which will be very helpful for me

    The problem with this scenario is the Material Type i.e. Maintenance Assemblies. Standard SAP treats this material type only for structuring purpose (As only Basic Data1, Basic Data2 and Classification Views can only be maintained). Therefore neither the movement, nor the valuation is allowed for materials with this material type.
    One way of resolving the problem would be:
    1. Create Material Master as Operating Supplies Material Type and mainatin all the relevant data.
    2. In order to reflect materials as PM Assemblies in the BOM of Equipment, Check the indicator PM Assembly in the BOM header of the Equipment.
    Principal Consultant
    SAP Solutions
    SIEMENS Pakistan Engineering Company Limited

  • ABC analysis and cyclic inventory

    What is the relAtion between ABC indicators and CC indicators?Why do we need to run ABC analysis for cyclic inventory?Cant we randomly assign the CC indicators in MM02?

    Please see the below note
    What is A, B, C and D Indicator for a material for cyclic count?
    All the material may not be important for cyclic count purpose, it may be required to count
    some items frequently and some items rarely.
    A cyclic count indicator A or B or C or D is allocated to material in the material master
    based on either consumption value (consumption X rate) or forecast value
    (forecast quantity X rate).
    The item with more consumption value are classified as A, and with minimum as D.
    u201CAu201D indicator items will be counted frequently (say every month), D will be less frequently
    (say every 6 months or every one year). Daily a number of items will be taken for count, some
    may be with A indicator, some with B and so on.
    Mark all materials that are to be included in cycle counting with a cycle counting indicator
    in the material master record (storage data). The cycle counting indicator is used to group
    the materials together into various cycle counting categories (for example, A, B, C, and D).
    There is an option in SAP to have a fixed indicator for a material say A for a material which
    does not have a high consumption value but it is important to count it every month, then the
    material can be marked as A indicator in material master with indicator u201Cfixedu201D
    In Customizing OMCO, for Inventory Management, you can define for each category the time
    intervals at which the materials are to be counted.
    Fields : No. of phys. inventories per fiscal year for cycle counting
    For e.g. A - 12, B - 6, C - 3, D - 1
    Specifies how often during the fiscal year a physical inventory is to be carried out for a
    material subject to cycle counting.
    The system uses this specification to convert the count interval into workdays.
    Fields : Physical inventory interval (in workdays) for cycle counting
    For e.g. A = 12 times per year and your Total Factory Calendar days = 300
    The interval will be calculated as 300 / 12 = 25 days
    Specifies after how many workdays following the last inventory count another physical
    inventory has to be carried out for a given material.
    The count interval is determined automatically on the basis of the number of physical
    inventories specified for the fiscal year.
    Fields : Float time (in workdays) for cycle counting
    For e.g. A - 10, B - 20, C - 30, D - 0
    Indicates the number of workdays by which the planned count date may vary from the current
    For examples :-
    For the plant, the float time is five days.
    A physical inventory has been planned for a material belonging to category C for June, 1.
    On expiration of the float time (after June, 6), the physical inventory has not yet been
    carried out.
    Irrespective of the category, the material is parked for the next cycle counting run.
    Fields :- Percentage of performance measure for cycle counting ind.
    Specifies the percentage allocation of the materials to the individual cycle counting
    The percentage value is used for automatic assignment of the cycle counting indicator.
    For example :-
    In the given plant, 200 materials are subject to the cycle counting physical inventory
    In Customizing for Inventory Management, the following percentage allocation has been defined
    for the plant:
    A materials: 50%
    B materials: 25%
    C materials: 15%
    D materials: 10%
    In the cycle counting analysis, the materials are sorted by consumption. After completion
    of the analysis, the cycle counting indicator is assigned as follows:
    The first 3 materials (sorted in descending order according to consumption) represent 50% of
    the consumption and have the indicator A.
    The next 12 materials represent 25% of the consumption and have the indicator B.
    The next 49 materials represent 15% of the consumption and have the indicator C.
    The remaining 136 materials represent the rest (10%) of the consumption and have the
    indicator D.
    Marking Materials for Cycle Counting
    This step is only required if you perform cycle counting for the first time or if you want
    to update the cycle counting indicators.
    In the material master record (storage data), maintain the cycle counting indicator for all
    the materials that are to be included in cycle counting.
    You can set the indicator in one of the following two ways:
    1. manually in the material master record. To do this, choose
       Material -> Change from the Material Master menu.
    2. automatically using ABC analysis To do this, choose
       Special procedures -> Cycle counting -> Set CC indicator from the Physical Inventory menu.

  • Changing the material options for multiple selections doesn't seem to work

    Is it just me or is it not possible to select multiple layers and change their material options like specularity and shininess all at once? Selecting the layers and clicking on cast shadows certainly does work like this, but for some reason when I do the same and change the specularity, it changes only for that layer, regardless of the selection for the other layers.
    Are you able to change material options for multiple layers in one click?

    Works for me... Not sure what else to say. The only thing to consider would be that you need to expose the same properties on all layers or else AE can't match the property streams, so it may be advisable to hit AA to expose all material options instead of just U or UU to reveal changed/ animated properties.

  • Multiple Range Selection for field Material in CS14

    Hi friends ,
    Is it possible to make multiple range selection for material field in tcode CS14 [used to compare primary and secondary BOM] i have made it ZCS14.
    if i make matnr2 to matnr2-low
    but my doubt is it feasible solution
    please through some light on this

    Dear Soorya,
    What's your requirement? is that to compare the Alternative BOM's for multiple materials at the same time?
    If it's going to be for comparing one more alternative for the same material,then it's a good report.
    As per to my knowledge if the report is going to be for a list of materials Alternative BOM's means I dont
    think whether it will be a fast(time wise) report.
    Check & revert back.

  • Error Field selection in material master for Tax

    While creating material master MM01 in Sales orgn tab when I am trying to save HST tax for Canada, it is disappearing. Although I have classified customer tax & material tax in IMG-Sales & distribution as 1 & 0 both.
    In MM I can see HST either 0 or 1 when pressing F4
    I tried Log General/Material Master/Field Selection/Maintain Filed selection for data screen
    I tried 0001 group but when opened it gives various numbers for optional/required/supressed/display entry
    Which number is used for TAX? I could not identified.
    Can any one tell me what is transaction code for field selection group for material master for making Tax Required Field?
    Thanks for help.

    Tax problem is resolved by me only.
    In Tax classification IMG/Sales & Dist/Taxes/Define Tax determination Rule
    HST number was 4 I made as number 1 followed by CTX1 as 2 CTX2 as on
    So it picked up HST now as this was number one. Now in MM Tax is mandatory as I put 1 & in pricing it picked up.

  • No valid task list for material ""  plant "" for selection criteria

    I am getting the following error while creating a production order:
    No valid task list for material ""  plant "" for selection criteria
    Does anyone know how to fix this?

    1. Check in Order type dependent parameter - OPL8, select your Plant & Order type. In this check the task list, it should be N. then selection priority in OPJF settings
    2. Chek the routing valid from date for this material by CA02. The production order start date must be between valid date.
    3)Kindly check the routing header.Whether it is for usage 1 and Release status '4'
    4) Task list we maintain in OP8B please check and come back.
    Edited by: R Brahmankar on Nov 19, 2008 9:57 AM

  • App for tracking inventory, raw material, expenses, sales, etc.

    I'm on the verge of starting a simple business (if all goes well). I will be producing simple things like candles, eventually essential oils, etc, but may also sell things NOT produced from raw materials. I'm wondering if anyone has a recommendation for the best app for keeping inventory of raw materials & items produced by them, as well as keeping track of cost & sales of those things. Something simple, yet that's not lacking the essentials.

    Hi Surya
    I guess you would be using Price Control V.. In that case, even a standard cost estimate wont help you
    If Price Control is V - Then you can take some cue from the appended thread... Product Costing-Overhead inclusion in Inventory standard cost without PPV
    refer the reply from Chetan especially.. You need to have the 4 cond types in MM Pricin procedure.. however, only one of them (base Price) would post offset to GR IR and not the other 3...
    You may think of using a routine as said by Althea
    As regards activating raw mat cost estimate - KKPAN - Functions > raw mat > Activate
    br, Ajay M
    Edited by: Ajay Maheshwari on Sep 23, 2011 7:18 PM

  • Select cost center for physical inventory difference posting

    While posting physical inventory differences (transactions MI07 or MI10) the choice of cost center is not offered. A default cost center is used by the system.
    Is there a way to choose the cost center for inventory difference postings? This is useful considering we have several inventories managed by several business units with different cost centers.
    Kind regards,
    Sergei Volkov

    this is from OSS note 13423:
    Key word: Inv acct assign
    No account assignment can be entered when posting inventory
    Additional key words
    Cause and prerequisites
    This function is not implemented.
    In Customizing an account assignment can be made for every inventory
    adjustment account. To do this the inventory adjustment account must
    first be defined as a cost element (Transaction KA01 / KA06):
    Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost centers -> Master data -> Cost element
    -> Create primary / secondary. Then an account assignment can be made
    for the cost element (Transaction OKB9):
    Tools -> Customizing -> Setup menu -> Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost
    centers -> Actual postings -> Automatic account assignment.
    If this account assignment is implemented every posting to the
    particular inventory adjustment account will automatically receive the
    appropriate account assignment.

  • Urgent:Material Type for Packaging Material in WM and MM

    There is a place in SPRO where i can define the material type for packaging.
    Logistics - General -> Handling Unit Management -> Basics -> Define Packaging Material Types
    How can i create a material using this material type? What is the use of material type here?
    Whenever i create material in MM01/MM41, i get the standard material type list.
    Thanks & REgards

    In T.code: OMS2, you can get standard material type list.VERP is the standard material type for packing material.You can copy VERP and rename to ur material type( as it is ur business requriement or else u can use same VERP)
    What is the use of material type here?
    With the help of ur Material Type , u can craete material like The material type,will be used while defining the material
    master.At that time,in Tcode:MM01,first screen we need to
    mention,(material type)it show the nature of material
    ex:-engineering product,finished products,semifinished
    It also play vital role on material numbering,material type in comination with plant & valuation class, play vital role in inventory & accoputning.
    To Create Material,use t. Code: MM01,
    Enter Material Code: ( example-Polythene Bag, If External Number Range or leave it blnak)
    Enter Industry Sector: ...................
    Enter Material Type: ..........................(VERP- Packing)
    Views you required( like eample:basic data-1, like basic data-2,purachsing, purchase order text,General plant data, accounting-1, accounting-2 etc)
    Enter Plant,
    Enter Storage location
    {{{Enter Sales organization & Distribution channel(if sales view selected)}}}
    You will have views like (example-1, basic data, enter Base unit of measure, material group and other details as required field,example-2,Accounting data, enter valuation class, price control; S or V & price)
    Note: Before creation material you must know which Industry Sector, Material Type ur going to use and material numbering is internal or external.
    For more, check the following link for creation of material
    Biju K

  • Error "Material not subject to inventory management in Plant " on the STO

    I want to create a Stock tansport order ( plant to plant transfer) with  stock & non-stock item and non stock item is giving an error  "Material not subject to inventory management in Plant".  Please tell me how to clear this error.   Plant / SLOC view is already maintained and no qty/value update selected on the material type because of non stock item.   Please tell me how to overcome this error on the STO

    As you said you want to move nonstock item through STO.
    It seems that in your case say for example your plant 1000 has material ABC which is maintained as stock item.
    Now you have another plant 2000, whaich has same material ABC which is maintained as non-stock item (generally used in third party sales or cross docking).
    If your material ABC is nonstock in plant 2000 where no stocks are mainatined,  then how can you move the stock to plant 1000 where it is stock item.
    Could you please confirmthat can you see the stock in MMBE for plant where that material is maintained as non stock item.
    If so, then  you have chnage the plant specific material status for that plant from non stock item to stock item.
    This is maintained in material master in purchasing view.
    The other way out is you have to third party sales with ship to party as the plant where that item is maintained as stock item.
    In this case flow is
    Sales order>>Purchase requistion>>Purchase order>>(Vendor supplies material directly to customer (which is you plant where that item is stock item))
    Instead you can acheive

  • Material Code for Process Order Settlement document

    When Process Order to a material having Standard Price is settled, the following entry is passed.
    Inventory Change A/C Debit/Credit
    Price difference A/C Debit/Credit
    It is being obeserved that in the line item of FI document for the Inventory Change the material code appears in the Price difference line items whereas for Inventory Change line item the material code does not appear.
    I want to know why this happens ?

    Using warehouse management /WM) :
    - Create a control cycle for the component, using LPK1. Here you define if the supply will be specific for the order (when weighing takes place in the warehouse) or for released orders (normallu full packages of components and weighing is done at plant level). Reference to a supply area.
    - The resource used in the operation has a reference to the supply area.
    - Components have material master views in WM for the selected storage type
    Then, when releasing the orders run LP10 - LP12 to generate the Transfer requirements for the raw materials. These TR will be converted to Transfer Orders and Confirmed, so the stock will be moved to your supply area.
    Using Inventory Management, none of the above is required. You can use MF60 to move materials from General Storage Location to Shop Floor SLoc.

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