MAX cannot browse network

I guess this is more of a suggestion than a question. I have a server application (Lookout) and 6 client nodes each running Lookout's Free Client software. I have a push button on an annunciator screen that launches MAX to allow operators to fiew historical data, however, when MAX is launched on one of the client nodes, there is no data to view since the client application has no database. This is understandable, but I cannot route MAX through the network in order to historically view data within the server. I have been recently informed by NI Tech Support that this function is not available. So....... why is it that in the second step of "Create new Historical data" does it ask you to enter a computer name and plainly states "Chose the location f
or this database. This will be the computer where the database is located."? I can browse the network and select another PC but it will not browse the files. Also, if MAX is installed on a Free Client machine, the "Create New" option is not even there. MAX could be a great tool, but is rendered nearly useless because it is only available on the Server PC. This defies the whole Lookout server/client structure. Is this going to be fixed? Soon?

Yes you can browse for the computer name from MAX. However we can't get the directory structure, from the remote computer. However you can make it simple for yourself by placing the directory in a easy location such as c:\database.
The historical data viewer is part of the free lookout client. So not only would you not have the Create New option you would also not have the Historical Data section in MAX. You can still view the data in Lookout on the client. However it does make sense to be able to view the data in MAX on a client installation, so I will pass on the suggestion.
Carl L
National Instruments

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    Message Edited by pectin232 on 04-21-2008 12:49 PM

    Which version of RV042 do you have? Have you check to see if you are on the latest OS code?
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    Hope this helps,

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    badMAX.png ‏190 KB

    Hello AK2DM,
    I was just north of you last week in Sedona.  Beautiful place.  Our next trip in your area will take us to Phoenix.  We'll have to get together.  
    There are no dependencies on any NI Services that I am aware of.  A customer just reported a similar issue at their Penang CM site.  They are now in a bit of a panic.  I did not work on the code at that site, but 3 sites, 2 customers reporting the same issue???  That's not a coincidence.  Something is wrong with MAX.  The only way to recover is to import the configuration file within NI MAX.  It was impossible to simply scan for the instrument to get MAX to communicate with the instrument, although the PC, that has NI MAX installed, is able to ping the instrument.
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    You must setup a router first through a wired connection. If the computer works through a wired connection you can deal with the wireless side.
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    Message was edited by: The Johnx

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    Message was edited by: The Johnx

    Thanks again for replying.
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    Hello again,
    OK, thanks for the updated information.  Try these steps...
    Changing wireless settings
    If you decide to change the wireless network settings for your wireless home network, you will need to configure your wireless printer with the new settings.
    To configure the new wireless settings on a printer that features a Wireless Setup Wizard:
    From the printer’s control panel, open the Wireless Settings menu. Many products provide access to the Wireless Settings by pressing the Wireless Button or touching the Wireless icon on the printer’s control panel. Consult the printer’s help documentation if you do not know how to access the Wireless Settings menu.
    From the Wireless Settings menu select Wireless Setup Wizard. The Wireless Setup Wizard will guide you through the process of configuring your printer with the new wireless settings. Input your Wireless Network Name and Wireless Password when prompted.
    You can print a Wireless Network Test report from the Wireless settings menu to confirm the printer was successfully connected to your network.
    To configure your wireless settings on a printer that does not feature a Wireless Setup Wizard:
    First, make sure your computer is connected to your network. You will also need a USB cable, which is temporarily used during the configuration. Be sure NOT to connect the USB cable between the computer and printer until instructed to do so by the software.
    If your HP printer software is already installed on your computer Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7:
    Use Start -> Programs -> HP -> <your printer model> -> Printer Setup & Software. Windows 8:
    Launch the Printer Software from the Start screen (icon for the printer model name) or from the tile named for your printer.
    Select (click or touch) Utilities on the top of the Printer Software screen
    Select Printer Setup & Software
    Link below for some useful information on getting your printer back on the network........Good Luck!
    I worked for HP but my posts and replies are my own....Thank you!
    *Say thanks by clicking the *Kudos!* which is on the left*
    *Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer with (Accept as Solution) if it solves your issue.*

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