MBP Retina audio input

Hi everybody,
any ideas how to record from an external audio device (tunrtable) direct into MBP (mid 2012)?

An existing turntable, or are you open to getting a turntable that speaks USB?

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    dacopenhagen wrote:
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    Hi starbux48,
    Yes, on the 17" MBP you have a dedicated line and line out.  Take a look at the sides of your MBP, and you should see two 1/8" jacks, one has a headphone picture and the other something else.  This "something else" is your audio input.  Just get a cable that has an 1/8" jack on one side, and stereo RCA (assumed for a cable box) on the other.  I am not very familiar with Macs and audio recording, but I would imagine that whatever you intend to use to record will have a setting to select your MBP's audio input as the source.  Good luck!
    Rich S.

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    Use a USB audio interface such as this one (which is known to play well with Macs):

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    Keith Barkley wrote:
    So, how good is the audio input on the MBP? The "tech specs" just says it has one, not how many bits or anything. I suppose down the line I will get an interface/midi input, but for now I have plenty of pre-amp-like thingies (pre-amps and mixers) that I can use to get a signal into the thing.
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    I'd recommend getting an interface, even a cheap one as a stopgap until you want to get something more robust. Cheap audio interfaces are so cheap, that one would only be a fraction of the cost of the MBP, but would be more than worth it.
    I've done some work on a new MBP and the audio jacks are... well... they work, but I think you'd be well served to get even a modest USB interface and then plug all your preamps and mixer things into that.

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    joshcali wrote:
    actually.... it doesn't.
    the 1920 is simulated, and apple doesn't recommend it.
    Apple doesn't offer the option of full resolution (2880x1800) and says everything other than 1440 x 900 won't look as good as 1440x900.
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    Hello Ziltch,
    Thank you for the question.  The MacBook Pro with Retina display provides the following ports, which does not include the optical digital audio input:
    You can find more information about the MacBook Pro with Retina display on the Technical Specifications page:
    MacBook Pro with Retina display -Technical Specifications
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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