MBP shutdown problems

Iam having trouble shutting down my 2011 17inch MBP.  Safari is cancelling shutdown and restart. I cant quit safari as the option is greyed out/not clickable. This has happened several times since i purchased this MBP a couple of weeks ago. Repairing disc permissions solved the problem 1 time but no more. Any advice would be appreciated. Ive run the lastest updates.

If push comes to shove, you can always Force Quit any wayward app that refuses to obey. Option-Command-Esc will pop up a window where you can select the miscreant and blast it to kingdom come.
However, before you exercise those divine powers, try to identify why Safari has become uncooperative. Check the Window menu and see if there are not hidden windows that may be running something. Run Activity Monitor, order processes by CPU usage and see if there's something unresponsive. And make sure Java is disabled if you are not using it.

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    OK, I messed around with this issue over the weekend. Here's what I did:
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    Hope this helps someone else with this problem.

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    Since after 10.6.2 update, my MBP shutdown time extended from less than 5 secs to over 25 secs. I've gone through some solutions including resetting disk permissions using disk utility, setting the PRAM, using font explorer to clear fonts as suggested by a user that got his problem solved. No luck at the moment. Prior to 10.6.2 update my MBP used to shutdown in less than 5 secs. Although i bought a new usb modem called ZTE usb Modem (Model: K3565-Z) from my cellphone carrier Vodacom in South Africa. I mention this because on my Mac Mini, whenever i want to shutdown, i have to force quite this application before the Mac Mini (which is also running 10.6.2 update) shuts down fine under 5 secs. So am guessing the usb modem is the cause of the problem somehow but I can't find out how. If not then it must be with the 10.6.2 update.
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    1.) Try resetting some of the hardware involved (PRAM~NVRAM). See this Apple KB for details, etc.:
    Can't hurt to try, and apparently this has helped others recently.
    Failing that, take it to an Apple Store and ask staff there for assistance.
    2.) Did you update via Software Update or did you download the combo? If you used Software Update, get the Combo updater instead and re-apply:
    10.6.2 release notes:

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    Your topic should be about the spill.
    Spill Cleaning
    Some liquid has just spilled into your Mac. What should you do?
    Immediately shut down the computer and unplug the power cord.
    Remove the computer's battery if it's a portable Mac.
    Disconnect any peripherals (printers, iPods, scanners, cameras, etc.)
    Lay the computer upside down on paper towels to get as much liquid as possible to drip out.
    Note what was spilled on your Mac.
    Bring the computer into Tekserve as soon as possible.
    Don't try to turn it back on. Liquids can help electrical current move about the components of your Mac in destructive ways.
    Don't shake the computer (this will only spread the liquid around).
    Don't use a hair dryer on it (even at a low setting a hair dryer will damage sensitive components).
    At this point you need to take it in for service and a determination of the damage.

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    What "auto shutdown problem" are you talking about?

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    I’ve heard of this random shutdown problem affecting Macbooks, but I have yet to find anything about G5 towers and OS 10.4.7. Does anyone have any info/advice?
    Many thanks.
    G5 dual 2.3 GHz Mac OS X (10.4.7) 2.5 GB RAM, 250 GB HD
    G5 dual 2.3 GHz Mac OS X (10.4.7) 2.5 GB RAM, 250 GB HD

    Thanks for the advice. I did check the system.log in Console and found the following altert:
    Now, since my computer is just over a year old, and since this problem happened immediately after applying the 10.4.7 OS update, I found it hard to believe that my hardware could be responsible. After 2 days of troubleshooting, I was stumped; after a 2-hour service call, so was Apple tech support. I ended up doing an archive and install back down to 10.4.5, and all is well.
    I tested this issue on other machines running 10.4.7 and had no problems. It seems that the following specific combination of elements triggered the problem:
    • PowerMac G5 dual 2.3 GHz (dual 1.8 machines did not exhibit the same problem)
    • OS 10.4.7
    • Logging in with Open Directory/Active Directory mobile profiles
    • iTunes 7
    Bottom line: if you’re using a dual 2.3 GHz PowerMac with mobile OD/AD profiles, do not update to 10.4.7, and steer clear of iTunes 7, at least until there is a patch update available.
    (And Apple wants to be taken seriously in the enterprise market?)
    G5 dual 2.3 GHz Mac OS X (10.4.7) 2.5 GB RAM, 250 GB HD

  • Clock problem and shutdown problem! Are they related?

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    Also, when I attempt to shut down my computer the system clears the icons from my desktop except for a picture I have on my desktop and I get a gray wheel spinning and the system just hangs until I press and hold the on/off switch. I don’t know if the clock and shutdown problems are related.
    The only new software I loaded recently was Skype with Logitech WebCam for the Mac and Quicken 2007 (Had a problem with Quicken 2006). They both are working okay.
    And ideas on why I cannot get my clock to show up and my computer to shutdown?

    You may have to consider a new post in the Hardware forum area for the computer
    model and build/year; if there is a possibility of some basis the matter could be in
    the machine and not the software running within it.
    Your last two/three posts are in the Leopard 10.5(.8) forum area and do indicate
    some kind of problem where troubleshooting the computer to discover if the matter
    at hand would be either hardware or software based, may be the way to go.
    The link to the 10.6 Snow Leopard forum won't be of help if your computer is a
    PPC-based G5 tower, or other older pre-Intel configuration. And I remember
    your earlier questions about the iMac G4 and some other issues in the past.
    You may ask the moderators to put your post in a new thread of its own, in the
    Leopard 10.5 area; so as to not 'piggy-back' another topic; even though some
    of the odd issues you've had seem similar to this OP's topic line and appear to
    be in the same general series of hardware. {The question here seems valid.}
    The routine suggestions to check, test, verify, and perhaps repair or replace
    the system; save a bootable clone to suitable external standalone device if
    testing a suspect computer's viability is recommended; and the basics if not
    already tried to help isolate the issue(s) as you've posted elsewhere, may be
    of some help to try and do; so in that matter, a new thread of your own is best
    for your own directed feedback. Since this kind of advice applies to most any
    situation, including troubleshooting what may be hardware or software, I'm
    adding my two and three-tenths cents worth here.
    Your original included Apple Hardware Test may be of some help, in the process
    of elimination; but is not conclusive, so other methods would be also suggested.
    Some ideas appear to cover the same ground. However, system corruption or
    disc failure can also manifest itself in odd ways & affect things indirectly for a time.
    • OS X Maintenance And Troubleshooting
    • Troubleshooting Tips for computers:
    http://www.stcdio.org/offices/cem/mediaandtechnology/cem-computer-classes/troubl eshooting.html
    So, at the risk of inadvertently alienating the OP, I am posting this as
    a general help to following readers at some later time; and it may not
    be too simple for a refresh course.
    Some software issues can be resolved by repairing disk permissions,
    and re-applying the last OS X update Combo file over the same one
    already in the system; or if not up-to-date already, check & repair all
    the general items and then apply the last Combo update.
    A too-full hard disk drive can compromise the system integrity, so that
    is a matter of course to keep up on what resources exist and remain
    for the OS X to function correctly and for apps to multi-task together.
    However that works out...
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Are the replacement Heatsinks fixing people's Random Shutdown problems?

    Is the replacement heatsink (the shorter one) still the method of choice from Apple for fixing Random Shutdown problems?
    Is it working for people who've had it done recently?

    Does this max out the CPU?
    Yes. People who advocate this are testing to see if it's possible to induce a "random" shut down.
    Why would anyone want to do that?
    Good question. I've seen two reasons put forward: (a) It's better to make it happen now yourself rather let it strike out of the blue at some later date (and if running this test doesn't induce RSDs you can feel confident that your computer is probably immune); (b) If you take your MacBook to an Apple Store it could be useful for demonstrating to an Apple "genius" that your computer has the problem, especially if your shutdowns are infrequent.
    (personally, I don't agree with (a))
    MacBook (OS 10.4.8)     iMac G4 (OS 10.3.9)

  • Shutdown problems

    I tried updating to 10.5.6 this evening (I should have read these forums first to be forewarned...but anyway..). I was prompted to restart and ever since I have had difficulty shutting down. All icons, the dock, desktop and menu bars switch off (as usual) and the screen goes to blue and just sits there. The HD is spinning and the screen goes from a light blue to a slightly darker shade of that blue and the cursor shows up on the screen as well. But the computer just doesn't shut down.
    Is there a way to force shutdown (other than holding the power button down)??
    Also, what can I do to help fix the problem.

    I ran disk utility and no apparent problems came up.
    I then went hunting in other threads for clues and found a link to the Apple download updates page which gave me an idea.....
    Since my shutdown problems started when I was prompted to restart for the 10.5.6 update I thought to re-install the 10.5.5 update.
    This seems to have worked. No idea why 10.5.6 would lock up the shutdown process but at least I get a clean shutdown now.
    Anyone have a similar issue??

  • Need more info - same spontaneous shutdown problem...

    I'm using a very trustworthy 2.5 year-old T500 running Vista SP2 32-bit and my laptop has begun to have the same spontaneous shutdown problems as other users who've written here.  I suspect it's overheating.  I normally use my T500 on a docking station, which may or may not exacerbate an overheating issue. 
    I want to address this problem to ensure that I can continue to progress on my PhD dissertation (!) without crises, so I have taken some of the steps previously recommended for this problem here on this board.  I installed TPFC today to begin monitoring CPU temperature and it appears that it runs between 55 and 65 C.  Other temps listed are lower.  I also made necessary adjustments in Power Settings to maximize fan speed and allow CPU speed to float.  I also removed the battery so I'm using AC power with no battery/recharging processes to add to the problem, though I'm not certain that last part will make any difference.
    I want to also clean the fan since I'm sure it's probably dirty after 2.5 years of continous use in my house.  How can I take my laptop apart to clean the cooling fan?  Or is this something I should take it to a repair shop to accomplish?
    Thanks in advance for your advice.

    No, my machine is not under warranty any longer.  I agree, if it was, there's no way I'd risk voiding it by tearing it apart myself.
    Thanks for causing me to double check.  I DO have a few months of warranty left, so this baby is going to a professional!  I could probalby do it myself, but why risk it?

  • Suddenly shutdown problem. (iphone 4s)

    My phone suddenly shutting down (every day) (when I check my screen it is blank and I am swiching on every time), sometimes I need to use soft reset to able swich on.
    Do you have this problem in you phones?
    my ios is 5.0.1.

    I restored with Itunes, but I have still same problem
    Settings>General>About>>Diagnostic & Usage>Diagnostic & Usage Data>2012-01-03-211019.panic.plist
    show me that I have hardware problems.(In forums I saw that if we have panic.plist it's mean that I have hardware problems, am I right ?
    *In 10 days, It was happend 4 times (shutdown problem), after restore It was happened 1 time.

  • Leopard (10.5 & 10.5.1) shutdown problems

    I just got a brand new 20" iMac with Leopard. When I started it up I migrated user settings (but no applications) over from my 12" PowerBook G4 (in case that is relevant).
    A few of the times I went to the "apple" menu to shutdown the computer, the spinning gear/wheel looking icon came up and the computer did not shutdown. I had to hold the power button down in the back to reboot it.
    Also, I installed 10.5 -> 10.5.1 upgrade. At the end of the installation process it said it was updating the "boot cache" and would reboot when it was finished. After an hour it was still spinning, so I manually rebooted the machine.
    I am still having shutdown problems.
    Any help is greatly appreciated. I backed up all my important files and am thinking of reinstalling Leopard from scratch and going from there. Is this an easy task?

    Hi JRF;
    Since you admitted to forcing the iMac to shut down a number of times, it is very likely that you have corrupted the disk. I would suggest as a start that you boot from the install media and use Disk Utility to repair the disk. Hopefully that will be able to repair any disk corruption that you may have caused by your forced shutdowns.

  • ASM shutdown problem

    Hi experts,
    suddenly I faced ASM shutdown problems on a 2 node RAC. While trying to reboot the second node the resource ora.asm can't be shut down.
    After 10 minutes the shutdown of ASM times out. There is an interesting line in the ohasd.log saying that ASM can't be shut down due to error code: 3.
    Does anyone knows what this means? I googled hours and hours without any success, even in MOS I found no further informations.
    Help is greatly appreciated!!!!!!
    Thanks a lot
    P.S. My environment:
    - 2 node RAC OEL 6.3
    - Oracle Enterprise Edition

    Hi gurus,
    I noticed that the shutdown of the ASM instance went wrong as part of the OHAS. Unfortunately I have no error stack except this numerical error written in the ohasd.log.
    Below you can find an excerpt of the ohasd.log:
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.730: [
    AGFW][2791917312]{0:0:124} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_STOP[ora.asm 1 1] ID 4099:724 from the agent /u01/app/
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.731: [
    AGFW][2791917312]{0:0:124} Agfw Proxy Server sending the reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_STOP[ora.asm 1 1] ID 4099:723
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.731: [   CRSPE][2781411072]{0:0:124} Received reply to action [Stop] message ID: 723
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.731: [
    INIT][2781411072]{0:0:124} {0:0:124} Created alert : (:CRSPE00111:) :  Stop action timed out!
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.731: [   CRSPE][2781411072]{0:0:124} Stop action failed with error code: 3
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.732: [
    AGFW][2791917312]{0:0:124} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_STOP[ora.asm 1 1] ID 4099:724 from the agent /u01/app/
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.732: [
    AGFW][2791917312]{0:0:124} Agfw Proxy Server sending the last reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_STOP[ora.asm 1 1] ID 4099:723
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.732: [   CRSPE][2781411072]{0:0:124} Received reply to action [Stop] message ID: 723
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.732: [   CRSPE][2781411072]{0:0:124} RI [ora.asm 1 1] new internal state: [STABLE] old value: [STOPPING]
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.732: [   CRSPE][2781411072]{0:0:124} CRS-2675: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'rac2' failed
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.733: [   CRSPE][2781411072]{0:0:124} RI [ora.asm 1 1] new internal state: [CLEANING] old value: [STABLE]
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.733: [   CRSPE][2781411072]{0:0:124} Sending message to agfw: id = 925
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.733: [   CRSPE][2781411072]{0:0:124} CRS-2679: Attempting to clean 'ora.asm' on 'rac2'
    2013-11-15 00:44:12.733: [UiServer][2779309824]{0:0:124} Container [ Name: ORDER
    TextMessage[CRS-2675: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'rac2' failed]
    There are other error messages as well telling that one have to wait for the shutdown of the ASM instance. But no one is telling me the reason for that.

  • Strange shutdown problem

    Last night, I had a strange shutdown problem on my iMac G5 (revB, 20", 2.0 Gig), with 1 Gig RAM, running 10.4.4 with all updates. I had had the computer on most of the day, using it off and on. I shut it down, and left the room. When I came back about an hour later, the fans were running (not rapidly, just at the normal speed they run when the computer is running), but the screen was blank, and the "sleep" light was not on. The computer wouldn't respond to any moving the mouse or to keyboard input. I finally shut it down by holding the power button until the fans shut down. Upon restart, everything was normal, and after using it for a few minutes, I was able to shut it down normally. Has anyone else seen this sort of behavior, and is it normal ? Or am I about to have more problems.
    Thanks in advance,
    Dave Fritzinger
    Honolulu, HI

    Hi Dave,
    By the sound of it your computer has "hung" during the shutdown process, but at a point in the process where the system's temperature control mechanisms were still operating (otherwise the fans would be running flat out). My guess in this case is that it was probably actually a finder crash.
    Various things can prevent proper shutdown. Often USB or FW devices are to blame. USB adsl modems , some scanners and hubs and the occasional printer driver seem to be common causes. Software can be responsible too, though - background virus or drive checkers are probably the most common, but far from the only possible causes ( I seem to remember "SpringCleaning" causing this problem when people moved to Tiger 10.4.2 for example) .
    New software or hardware are therefore the first things to look for.
    If you haven't installed anything completely new then one possibility may be that something you are using is not compatible with the latest OS update, and needs an upgrade to a driver. Its also possible that this is a "one off" glitch caused by a temporary problem , but if it happens again I'd be taking careful note of anything that you were using in the previous session.
    You might also want to use the Console (in Utilities folder) to look at your system and crash logs.

  • Lion shutdown problems

    Sometimes it shutdowns properly and sometimes not. A lot of changes appeared after I started using AppleScript, Textmate, Little Snitch, FreeMemory and TinyExpander.....any guess who can be the culprit ?
    Also a few days ago it was hanging sometimes or getting very slow at times.So I did a Google search and followed some instructions given.It was sometihing like deleting some files that I've no idea, probably something like plist document.Overall I don't have any idea what's causing it.
    Somebody please help me. Thanks

    You should be more specific, I've never had a shutdown problem and would attribute that to hardware not software.
    If I were you I would wait for an update to Lion for a fix, not a brand new operating system that has potential unforeseen bugs in it.
    But you can do what you please, although I don't think you will get what you want if that is all you're looking for.
    Sometimes an update or a reinstall of Lion will fix issues for free. Try posting your specific issue in the Lion section and see who bites. You may also want to try making an appointment at your local apple store or calling 1800 apl care.

Maybe you are looking for