MBP to MBA Same Apple Acct?

I have one apple account. Is there a way that I can use FaceTime on a MBP and a MBA? I would like to see on a MBP what the camera sees on a MBA. Can I do this?

adjoas wrote:
Hi folks,
So here's my question, concen: Are there any concerns, pitfalls, or tricks to using two machines, connected to the same Apple ID, in parallel? Should I uninstall any of the software in the old unit, or disconnect it from my iTunes, or anything else?
All the best, Adam
No, you can connect many Macs (and IOS devices) to the same AppleID, in fact for iCloud useage, you have to.

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    Don't mention it. Although I'm one of those dispised Americans. Worse yet, I come here for four or five months then leave. Then I tell all our American friends awful lies about Canadians.

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    Hi joanfromgalax,
    The resource below explains what to do before you give your iPad to your wife.  Follow the steps in the order given.  If you sign out of the iCloud account as instructed in step 2, then the data will not be deleted.
    What to do before selling or giving away your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    Before you sell or give away your iOS device, make sure that you've removed all of your personal information. Follow these steps to protect your data and get your device to its factory default state for the new owner:
    Back up your device.
    Sign out of iCloud:
    Tap Settings > iCloud, scroll down, and tap Sign Out. In iOS 7 or earlier, tap Delete Account.
    Tap Sign Out again, tap Delete from My iPhone, then enter your password. 
    Go to Settings > General > Reset, then tap Erase All Content and Settings.
    This will completely erase your device, including any credit or debit cards you added for Apple Pay and any photos, contacts, music, or apps. It will also turn off iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, Game Center, and other services.
    If you're using iOS 7 or later and have Find My iPhone turned on, your Apple ID and password will be required. After you provide your password, the device will be erased and removed from your account so that the next owner can activate it.
    Your content won't be deleted from iCloud when you erase your device.
    Contact your carrier for guidance on transferring service to the new owner. If you aren't using a SIM-card with your device, you can contact them to get help transferring service to the new owner.
    When the new owner turns on the device for the first time, Setup Assistant will guide them through the setup process.
    Important: Don't manually delete contacts, calendars, reminders, documents, photo streams, or any other iCloud data while signed in to your iCloud account, or the content will also be deleted from the iCloud servers and all of your devices that are signed in to iCloud.
    - Judy

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    You could look at using a template.  Create your master template, create editable and non-editable regions, then use this template create all the child pages.  When you need to make a change to the menu, make it in the template and the changes will flow down to all the pages created from the template.
    Using DW Templates:
    The other option would be to create the Navigation item as a server side include...
    More about this:
    Difference between using a template and server side includes.
    When you make a change to a template, you need to re-upload all the pages created from the template.
    Using a SSI, you make the change in the ssi file,  upload it and all pages are automatically updated.
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    Unique CSS Templates |Tutorials |SEO Articles

  • When my husband and I got these iPhones . We had the same Apple ID .(not good) that has changed . We have a iCloud acct. how or what do I need to do to change on my setting under iCloud it has his Apple ID  and also on r PC it has only his info none of mi

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    To change the iCloud account on your phone you have to go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account, provide the password when prompted to turn off Find My iPhone.  When you delete the account you will be given the option to either keep or delete the iCloud data from your phone.  This also, only deletes the account and the iCloud data from your phone, not from iCloud.  Your husband's phone won't be effected by this.  Then, to create a separate account, sign back in with a different Apple ID (you can continue to share the same ID for iTunes).
    If you have any photo stream photos that you want to keep on the phone, save them to your camera roll before deleting the account. 
    If you're sharing the same ID for iMessage and FaceTime you'll end up getting each other's text messages and FaceTime calls.  To prevent this, go to Settings>Messages>Send & Receive, tap the ID, sign out, then sign back in with your new iCloud ID.  Then do the same thing in Settings>FaceTime.

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    You are being phished.  I suggest that you immediately change your Apple ID password as it might now be compromised.  Never (and I mean never) follow a link in an unsolicited email.  Go directly to the Apple website to handle this.

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    Have a look at these two articles, they could possibly help you:

  • Migration from MBP to MBA: tips on using two machines at once?

    Hi folks,
    Seeking wisdome of the community here. I am retirng a long serving MBP-2010, moving over to a new MBA-2013.
    For lots of reasons, I'm setting up the new Air manually, rather than use Setup Assistant. I'm planning to continue using the Pro as a media player, at home, for emergency backup. The Air will be my main work device. I'm manually migrating my data, and will reinstall software on the Air selectively, as needed, to minimize some of the messiness that slowed down my old unit.
    So here's my question, concen: Are there any concerns, pitfalls, or tricks to using two machines, connected to the same Apple ID, in parallel? Should I uninstall any of the software in the old unit, or disconnect it from my iTunes, or anything else?
    Thanks for any reference, advice, or URLs. I searched the boards, but had no luck finding similar queries.
    All the best, Adam

    adjoas wrote:
    Hi folks,
    So here's my question, concen: Are there any concerns, pitfalls, or tricks to using two machines, connected to the same Apple ID, in parallel? Should I uninstall any of the software in the old unit, or disconnect it from my iTunes, or anything else?
    All the best, Adam
    No, you can connect many Macs (and IOS devices) to the same AppleID, in fact for iCloud useage, you have to.

  • HT204074 All of our devices have the same apple id (2 iphone 4's & 1 Windows Comp..) How can we seperate them but also allow them to still use the same itunes account?

    I tried to ask a similar question before, however did not understand our issues well enough to even form a comprehensive question and the kind replies.
    I apologize, unfortunately I've yet to resolve our problem.
    All of our devices are under the same Apple ID & password (an IPhone 4s, an IPhone 4, and a Dell Laptop that uses Windows 7.) How in the world can
    we separate them (so we can both use our free 5GB under the iCloud storage that each of our IPhone's offer, but "also" still use the same shared ITunes
    As it stands right now, my son's phone (iPhone 4) is set up under our Apple ID & pw-which enables him to use the free 5gb's under the iCloud.
    I cannot take advantage of the Free 5gb's iCloud on my IPhone 4s, because it's all "my info." on my son's phone (my email address & pw=what we've always used for our shared ITunes acct.)
    A big fat mess I know, and don't even want to confuse things by asking about these SMTP's...1 thing at a time!
    Not sure if it is still on his phone, however in trying to resolve this issue last time I set him up with a MobileMe address. I believe I entered my info back into his phone because it created a bigger mess!
    Thank you in advance for any suggestions/help! It's taken me some time to gather the patience and courage to ask for help again in resolved this

    I don't know if I'm asking this all in a way that can be understood? Thanks ED3K, however that part I do understand (in the link you provided!)
    What I need to know is "how" I can separate or rather create another Apple ID for my son-who is currently using "my Apple ID?" If there is a way to let him keep "all" his info on his phone (eg-contacts, music, app's, etc.) without doing a "reset?') Somehow I need to go into his phone's setting-create a new Apple ID and possibly a new password so he can still use our combined iCloud & Itunes account?
    Also then letting me take back my Apple ID & password, but again allowing us (my son and I) to use the same iCloud & Itunes account? Does that make more sense??? I'm sincerely trying to get this cleared up once and for all----just need guidance from someone who has a true understanding of the whole Apple iCloud/Itunes system!
    Thanks again for "anyone" that can help me!!!

  • Same Apple ID but different emails

    First off, some info about my situation...I have a 4S, iPad 2 and MBP. I am the only one in my household that has iOS5 and can therefore use iCloud. When I was going through signup for iCloud, it asked for an existing Apple ID, so I used my iTunes account one (a Gmail address) and it then created a me.com email. So far, so good.
    Like many, I then thought it'd much easier if I could just use the new me.com address for everything Apple related from now on, so I tried to change the email address associated with my Apple ID to the me.com address...but no joy, as I kept getting the you can't use a MobileMe account etc. message (even though I've never had one!). I then noticed that somehow (I guess when I used my existing Apple ID to join iCloud) my me.com address was already listed as an alternate email for my Apple ID.
    I can log in to all things Apple related using either email address (although iTunes still shows my Gmail address even if I log in using the me.com address).
    Apple support files recommend that most users use the same Apple ID for both iTunes and iCloud. Am I right in thinking that as the 2 email addresses are linked and are the same Apple ID that it won't make any difference what email I use for either (so if I wanted I could use the me.com for iCloud as my "Apple ID" and the Gmail for iTunes, or vice versa or even use one for both)?
    Secondly, I'd like to use the new me.com address I created for FaceTime and iMessage...I have signed into FaceTime on OS X using the me.com address and on my 4S, under their respective setting I've also done this (plus I've put the me.com address for "You can be reached for video calls at"). Can people FaceTime etc. only if they know my me.com address or can they also use my Gmail address, seeing as they are the same Apple ID? I also realise that I can also add my Gmail address as an alternate for FaceTime and iMessages but do I need to, as again they are the same Apple ID?
    Sorry for the long winded post but thought it best to give as much as info as possible and hope it's written clearly!

    You can have the same Apple Id, but you do need to have different email addresses for the "You can be Reached by Facetime At" section under settings.
    If that is o.k, then make sure the email address you set for each device is the one being used to initiate the facetime call.
    If your facetime call is initiated using the email from the Apple ID its effectively like calling yourself.

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    MacBook Pro doesnt start. When I start my lap top, it shows the apple and the line uploading but it only goes like to 1/3 and then it goes blank for some seconds, then it turns off by itself and turn on again and happen the same, apple logo, line .. the noise like-fan going on, then turn off and turn on again. Tried starting holding option command P and R key and didnt work either. Starting to think I have lost all my data inside

    Try a SMC reset.
    It might be helpful if you indicated the exact model/year of your MBP.  Are you running Lion OSX?

  • HT3051 can you change your Change Your Displayed Name if you have multiple devices attached with the same apple id?

    We have both a Iphone 4s and a 4th Generation Ipod Touch both with the latest available IOS software on them. Since the Ipod touch was given to a preteen for Christmas and they aren't old enough to have their own email account or apple id 11 years old going on 12, is it possible to have a different displayed name for each device if they are both signed in with the same apple ID and not interfere with each others device in doing so?

    @pdroth. Displayed name as in when you sign up for a apple id you sign up with email and a screen name(this is your display name). If you are using any apple device as like you do with an android device you have to sign in with either your google acct for android or apple id for a apple product. If one apple product is utilizing that apple id already aka Iphone and you can't set up a account for your child because of his or her age because of age restrictions, both devices will use the same info. So for instance when using things like facetime instead of seeing jane doe calling jane doe(basically making it show name of other person using your account instead of seeing your own name) can you make on jane doe and one john doe using the same apple id just different outgoing display name. Hopefully this helps.

  • Copying Between iTunes on 2 computers with same Apple ID

    I use 2 computers with the same apple id for iTunes. My main iTunes acct is on a computer with no cd drive. When I import cds onto the secondary computer, how can I get those albums to iTunes on my main computer? Family Sharing doesn't seem to help since both computers use the same ID. I can select my main library on my secondary computer, but can't seem to get the secondary library to merge with the primary one. Thanks!

    No, it won't cause you problems.

  • 2 iphones 1 computer. updated my wifes phone to ios 5 her phone got wiped of all apps and all my contacts are on her phone. we had been using the same apple id but different user accounts on our laptop. How do i get her phone back to normal?

    2 iphone 4, 1 computer. i upgraded to ios 5 and just updated my wifes phone as well. her phone got wiped of all apps and all my contacts were put on her phone. we had been using the same apple id but different user acct on our laptop. How do i get her phone back to normal??

    Have your wife log in to her user account on the laptop. Launch iTunes, then connect her phone to the computer with the USB cable. Sync. That should put back all apps and media. Since you already upgraded her to iOS 5 she'll have to manually enter all her settings and preferences, and organize her home screens.

  • I have 2 iphones syncing on one computer and on the same apple ID. Before i updatad my Itunes to the last available update and my Iphones to 5.01 i had no problem draging jpg. and mp3 files into my iphones DCIM folder (the picture folder that opens when c

    I have 2 iphones syncing on one computer and on the same apple ID.
    Before i updatad my Itunes to the last available update and my Iphones to 5.01
    i had no problem draging jpg. and mp3 files into my iphones DCIM folder (the picture folder that opens
    when conecting to Itunes). Since my updates Itune wont let me drag and drop any files' even pictures that
    were taken with my Iphone on 4.3.3.
    Please help as we have no itunes music in Israel, only apps and i cant copy any of my old music from my computer
    to my iphones.
    If it helps, i am using a pc with 32 bit windows 7.
    Other from the obove Itunes works fine and does sync pictures from my computer to my Iphone from "my pictures" folder.
    Thank you for your time
    Yoni Bliss
    [email protected]

    The title of my initial post is a bit misleading. I already took a chance deleting one of the iPhones, hoping if I deleted the wrong one, I can still reauthorize it (all with the same Apple ID acct, so not subject to 90-day waiting period, right?) The iTunes database just updated itself, and it says I have 4 "devices" "in the Cloud", but 5 "computers" associated w my account. How can I find out what computers are associated? Isn't there a list I can see? I dont have a clue what computers they might be. If I use the  "Deauthorize All" option, is it a pain to add them all back in. I assume I would have to log in from each computer to reauthorize each one. Would I have to be running the newest OS or version of iTunes to reauthorize? I think I have a PowerBook G4 Titanium with an older OS and iTunes. I'd like to keep that authorized, if possible.

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