Media browser still hanging up

ok, so i updated pp cc 2014 today to see if they'd addressed our issues with the bugs.
i just opened media browser to find some files and only about half of my files loaded showing the preview thumbnail, then other half just say ""
when i double click any file that the preview hasn't loaded on, it says media offline and hangs up with the "Open Files" dialog box that just says Open Files... and the progress bar never filled in.  when i try to click cancel it just gives me the wheel of death.
running a mac pro 2014 fully loaded with latest osx.

Some 10.9.x links
next link says After Effects, but check YOUR permissions !!!
- ml
-Mac 10.9.4 and OpenCL issue
-Mac 10.9.3 workaround
-more Mac 10.9.3

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    A couple of questions. In the user account where you are having problems, can you load Ilife apps without any problems? Do your folders in itunes and iphoto load up without any error?
    If they do not, then there is the problem! Itunes and iphoto are not linkig up to their respective libraries and you may need to consolidate in itunes and "choose library" in iphoto.
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    Error -49 opWrErr  File already open with write permission
    Trash the preference files while application is NOT Running.
    from Karsten Schlüter
    Some users notice on exporting larger projects from within iMovie that this operation is aborted with an 'error -49'
    This issue occours only on MacOs machines using 10.7x
    try switching-off the Local Mobile Backup
    in Terminal copy/paste
    sudo tmutil disablelocal
    Re-launch Mac
    See also this post
    Yours Bengt W

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    Welcome to the forums.
    The fact that you are able to see the Ap library and the project suggests that there maybe no previews available for that project.
    At the top of the Library tab is a little cog, within here is an option for previews, also in the Ap preferences is another option for creating previews, check that these are set correctly.

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    I saw your post earlier when I was having the same difficulty. A recent post suggested rebuilding the iPhoto Library using Shift Option when opening the application. I tried that and it created a new iPhoto Library_2 folder. That folder showed up in the Media Browser, so I just imported all the photos in my previous iPhoto folder into the new one. It worked for me; I hope it works for you.

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    moontroll wrote:
    unable to go the alternative route of dragging tracks directly from iTunes {...} I am dependent on the Media Browser for importing music.
    another way:
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
    moontroll wrote:
    how do I reinstall GB w/o a disk?
    you can't, you'd need to find the DVD
    moontroll wrote:
    Can I do it through App Store and will it recognize that I have already purchased it?
    no, it'll only recognize your purchase if it was through the app store

  • Feature Request:  Standard Keyboard Navigation in Media Browser and Project Panel

    It's been a while since I've had time to submit a feature request.  I've wanted to see this one for a while.  If you agree, please submit your own feature request here:
    System Navigational Keyboard Shortcuts in Media Browser and Project Panel
    Windows (and I'm sure Mac) has a standard set of keyboard and mouse navigational shortcuts for keyboard and mouse.  I'm so used to using them in daily browsing (both in Windows Explorer and in any web browser) that missing them in the PPr Media Browser, or getting a different result in the Project Panel, is still very jarring and slows my workflow (even after having used Premiere Pro [again] since version CS4).
    I propose that the Media Browser and Project Panel should honor the OS defaults for keyboard and mouse folder/file navigation.  A few of the standard (Windows) keyboard and mouse navigational shortcuts are listed below (listed in order of most helpful to my own work):
    Moust Back Button = "BACK"
    UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT = steps through the various folders within the view.
    UP, DOWN walks through the directory tree while RIGHT expands the currently selected folder and LEFT contracts that directory (twirl down, etc).
    ENTER opens a folder.
    ALT + UP = "Folder Above"
    F2 Renames a folder
    ENTER "takes" that name to the clip. (current functionality used ENTER to rename a file/folder).
    ESC cancels the renaming operation.
    Pressing Enter on any piece of Media or Title, etc should take an "expected" action acording to it's context.  (i.e. ENTER on a video clip would load it inot the Source Monitor.  ENTER on a Title would open it in the Title Editor.  ENTER on a folder would take us into that folder).
    These functions exist in both Windows Explorer as well as most modern Web browsers.  When browsing files and Project folders, it's what I've come to expect.  It's muscle memory, if not intuitive.  I realize that many of these keyboard commands are already in use in other windows/panels of the application, therefore, these commands should be Panel-specific (i.e. ALT+LEFT works differently in the Media Browser and Project Panel than it does on the Timeline/Sequence).  And as always, when making such changes (i.e. changing the behavior of ENTER to F2), this set of keys should be highly configurable based on preference:
    checkbox:  Use OS-specific navigational keyboard and mouse commands in Media Browser and Project Panel
    checkbox:  Use the (very few) "classic" Adobe keyboard commands in the Media Browser and Project Panel
    The most common habit I find myself doing in the Media Browser is clicking the BACK button on my mouse—only to realize, yet again, it doesn't work that way in PPr.
    The most common habit I find myself doing in the Project Panel is pressing F2 to rename a folder/bin.  Of course that doesn't work.  And when I've renamed it, I press ENTER to save the name, but that only moves me to the next folder ready to rename it, too.  I also find, out of habit, I try to navigate the bins using the arrow keys and then open the bin/folder using ENTER.  Instead, my bin is asking for a new name and I hit ESC to avoid renaming it—now THERE's a shortcut that works the way it should. 
    I realize this feature may be controversial to some, since it's not the way we're used to doing things in PPr.  However, I'm sure there are just as many out there, like me, who are confounded as to why PPr has never worked with the "conventional" navigation shortcuts found throughout the rest of the operating system, be it Windows or Mac.
    If you agree with this feature request, please submit your own feature request here:

    Nice ideas Jeff.
    There is a site - Flash Catalyst Wishlist/Ideas where you can post these ideas so that the community can vote on them.

  • Why are my EXS .cst settings grey in media browser?

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    hi jt, you might be aware of this already but i only
    get this problem when two notes of the same pitch
    and it's only with some patches.
    i always check in the matrix for overlaps when this
    I do have notes overlapping on the same pitch but on different midi channels (midi 1 is a strong attack while midi 2 is my sus). To test if this was the problem I deleted the "attack notes" leaving just the sus's, and the problem still exists. The cutting off happens well after the "attack" patch is done playing, so I dont think this is the problem and put the attack notes back into the track.
    As for the suggestion of using cresc patches, as far as I can see there are no cresc patches in Opus 1/2. The closest patch I've found was something called "dynamics_all" which gives you fp, sfz, sffz, and a 6 sec pfp. The only one that comes close is the pfp, but it doesnt have the sustained power of the F, as it immediately decres back to p, so I'd much rather use the mod_dynamics patches as they have the sound I desire.
    The freezing tracks workaround does work, though its a PITA as I use midi instrument objects to control my EXS instruments. Glad that it works though, so at least I can hear the parts played back correctly.
    So bottom line, is this a Logic bug? Should we all send in some logic feedback? Will upgrading to 7.2 fix this issue? Its amazing how many issues I run across just trying to write music w/ Logic. Its a rollercoaster of highs and lows! I'm sure its like this in all sequencing programs, but it does get tiresome after awhile!

  • Why doesn't my files show up in the "MEDIA BROWSER"?

    I recently shot footage on my SONY CX-550 HD camcorder.  Each day's footage was downloaded to my desktop in separate folders ( DAY_01, DAY_02... thru DAY_08 ).  There are many clips in each folder ( 00000.mts, 00001.mts, etc. ).  In PPRO CS5's "MEDIA BROWSER" I can see the clips in all the folders except DAY_02 and DAY_08.  If I move a clip out of the folder to another location ( DESKTOP ), the "MB" still does not list it.  I can, however, drag the clip from the DAY_02 folder into the PROJECT WINDOW and the plays correctly in the SOURCE WINDOW.  I use the "MB" to quickly review a clip by double-clicking it.  Having to drag each one into the "ProjWin" for review is time consuming as is reviewing the clip thru Windows Media Player.  BRIDGE CS5 displays a thumbnail for each clip as expected.  So, why does the contents of just these two folders not display in "MB"?
    Thanks in advance,
    Sonny Gaither

    You're welcome.  My mistake, I completely misread your question. Unfortunately currently  I don't have any email threads to check it out, just replys from the Apple Support Communities.Sorry.

  • IMovie audio issues. Fine in timeline, but when rendering to iTunes or Media Browser, audio from certain portions of movie files are heard in places where it shouldn't be !

    iMovie 11  audio issues. Fine in timeline, but when rendering to iTunes or Media Browser, audio from certain portions of movie files are heard in places where it shouldn't be !
    I have created a project where I have a montage of photos and video clips edited together with music under. Some audio portions of the video files are being muted in some areas and those portions are being heard in another part of the project. This is not for all video clips only certain ones.
    The project plays fine in the timeline, but when I render the project thru iTunes or Media Browser, this is when the project goes corrupt.
    I tried detaching the Audio from the video clips and this somewhat worked, but the original problem still exists with certain audio still being heard where it's not supposed to be.

    I have a fix - or rather, a workaround.
    WARNING: It is lengthy, but still far better than starting a new project from scratch.
    I had this same issue and none of my transitions/clips were at custom speeds, nor did I have anything else weird going on. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do within iMovie to fix this, at least there wasn't for me. iMovie is BY FAR the buggiest software I have ever used and if you haven't already spent hours slaving away on a project, you are so much better off using just about anything else to edit your video.
    ...But let's assume you have already spent many hours working on your project and you don't want to start all over. Well then, you have at least one option.
    It's a pain in the neck, but it's infinitely better than restarting your project from scratch.
    This will require:
    A software called Soundflower (which is free) and some kind of audio editing software (I use Logic, but really any should work).
    1.) You're going to need to export your video with the messed up audio. Typically if you're audio is messing up, you're video is at least usually working just fine (at least it always does for me).
    2.) You're going to need to open that video in your audio software and import only the audio. If your software doesn't give you this option, then you're going to need to record the audio from your video using the audio software and Soundflower. You can find tutorials on how to do this, but it's honestly pretty straightforward once you start playing around with you Mac's audio I/O settings. Remember to have your computer's volume all the way up when doing this.
    3.) Watch/listen to your video and make notes of where the audio errors occur. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND writing down times too,  as they will be extremely helpful later.
    4.) Now were going to rip some working audio from the iMovie project itself. Go back into your iMovie project and only play back audio while in the edit window for this step. Do NOT play your project back in full screen.
    This part is key: if you try to play back your project from the beginning the audio will usually still mess up. So, what you're gonna have to do is go back on your edit window timeline right before these errors occur and play that specific clip back while recording this working audio with Soundflower and your audio software. Essentially we're only recording the parts of the audio where these errors occur, so try to do this in order if you can. Try to leave several seconds of audio in before the error - that way we can use it as reference when we construct our new audio track.
    5.) Now in your audio software you should have your original error-filled audio track and the new clips that we just captured. This part can be painstaking if you're not familiar with audio editing softwares, but as you'll learn, it's really not that hard.
    You're going to look at your original audio track and compare it to your new working audio clips. You should be able to notice where those new clips are supposed to go by looking at the identical (or close to identical) waveform shapes in your original audio track. The two should correspond with one another. If you don't understand what I mean right now, you will when you start playing around with the audio. This is why marking times is very important.
    Take your new clips and split them up if you haven't already, that way you can drag them around and edit them separately from one another. Essentially your going to line these new clips up with original and then replace the original parts with new ones.
    We need to get this as precise as possible, so start off by getting them as close as you can with your naked eye, and then use a zoom tool to zoom in as much as possible so that you can get them lined up PERFECTLY, or at least extremely close. In some softwares you can just drag these new clips on top of the old track, but most of the time you will need to actually cut out the old piece and replace it with the new one. In doing this, zoom in and make sure that you are NOT cutting out a bigger space than your new clip will fill - otherwise you will have small gaps in your audio.
    VERY IMPORTANT: Also make sure that this new audio track starts at the EXACT SAME time as your original - otherwise your new audio will be out of sync.
    I know this part can really suck if you're not used to audio editing, but at this point, there is little other choice.
    6.) Once you are done with this, export your newly pieced together audio track.
    7.) Now open iMovie and create a NEW project. Re-import the video that you exported earlier that has the messed up audio. This might take a while, so just be patient.
    8.) Then right click the clip and select "Detach Audio". This will do just that - allowing you to edit the audio separately from the video. Now delete this audio.
    9.) Now, import the new, perfect audio track that we just made and make sure that it starts at the start of the project. Make sure it's in sync and that everything works.
    Now just export your new video with the working audio and you should be done. Since we have given iMovie the audio with no editing actually being done in iMovie, it does not have to generate its own audio now and you should have absolutely no errors now - unless there is some that you forgot to take out earlier.
    I know this entire process *****, but if you're that far into your project, there is little else that you can do. Now you've learned your lesson:
    I hope this helped!

  • Media browser does not show photos

    The media browser in iDvd & iWeb does not show the photos in my iPhoto library. It does show the tunes in my iTune library but not the photos in my iPhoto library. When I click photos in the browser, the browser says, "Open iPhoto2 or later or Aperature1.5 or later from your iPhoto or Aperature library in this list."
    I have iPhoto6.0.6. When I made a DVD two months ago everything worked okay. I suspect that I am missing something very obvious, but to date it escapes me. Does anyone have some experience with this problem? Please help.

    One thing that you can try is the often used maintenance of deleting preferences and doing a permissions repair. To delete preferences, close iMovie and iPhoto and trash the files named and found in User (the house icon)/Library/Preferences. Then restart your computer and do a permissions repair using the Disk Utility app found in HD/Applications/Utilities. In the left hand pane of the Disk Utility window select your hard drive icon and then click on repair permissions. Takes about 3 minutes to repair. Then relaunch iMovie and iPhoto and see if you still have the problem. Those applications will recreate the .plist files that you deleted.
    However, this might be an iPhoto issue, and I would suggest that you post your question in the iPhoto forum as well.
    Have you updated iPhoto recently? Have you made any manual changes to your iPhoto library? Do you use keywords? Is your iPhoto library stored on an external drive where possibly iMovie can't locate it?
    It could be that you just need to rebuild your iPhoto library. You can do that by holding down the Option and Apple keys while launching iPhoto. Then chose the first 3 selections in the drop down menu. But be sure first to back up your iPhoto library to guard against power outages or other probs during the rebuild process. As I say, check with the iPhoto forum if deleting preferences and repairing permissions does not work.
    See if anything in this thread helps:
    Message was edited by: Rich839

  • Media Browser not showing iTunes library

    The media browser, which is a system-wide open dialogue feature in OSX has been failing to show the iTunes library in my main (but not admin) account.  It shows photos and movies just fine, but nothing from iTunes.  Garageband files yes, but iTunes library nope.  For example if I wanted to add music to a slideshow I can pull down to iTunes but nothing is there.  Same if I wanted to attach an .mp3 to an email, or add music to a movie.  Same thing happens in Chrome, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, etc.  Interesting, it is unique to this user account.  I've tried it in another user account that has an iTunes library and it worked just fine.  Any idea on how to fix this?  I'm guessing there's a preference somewhere I could delete that could rebuild it.  I don't want to trash any iTunes library files as I have spent years building playlists, metadata, stats, etc.  Thanks for your help. 
    I'm using the latest versions of OSX, Safari/Chrome, iTunes, the iLife '11 suite, and the iWork suite.

    Weirdly enough, I have to add it works in a few select 3rd party apps, like Audacity.  However, it still does not work in any Apple apps nor the trial of Capo, a music app, which is why I'm looking for a fix.

  • Each time i try to share my movie to media browser it sais'The project could not be prepared for publishing because an error occurred. (-50)'' how do i get around this

    Each time i try to share my movie to media browser it sais'The project could not be prepared for publishing because an error occurred. (-50)'' how do i get around this

    Error -43
    File not found; Folder not found; Edition container not found; Target not found
    So Your original is still there ? or did You move or trash anything ?
    Yours Bengt W

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