Media Sharing BB Z10

bjeunink wrote:
I was wondering why its possible to stream from a Z10 to any other device over DLNA, but its not possible to stream to the Z10 from a NAS etc? 
I love to watch a movie or listen music etc on my handheld stored on my NAS, but i cant 
Wil there be an native update for OS10?
Install Media Blast from Blackberry World.

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    I am running a PC using windows vista and Kapersky 8 and 2 xboxes on my network.
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    Thanks Mickey

    Well i think the Storage Drive on your Router is not configured properly. In this case you need to login to the Router setup page, and then you need to click on the "Storage" tab, and under the Sotrage tab you need to click on "Create Share" a new window will popup on your screen and in that window you need to click on the Button "Return to Upper Folder" and and under "Current Folder" it should display you "FAT2"  and select "FAT2" and below add the "admin" in the Group section and under Displayo Name Give anyname and it should be a Unique name  and below click on Save Settings.
    Once done, now on your Computer click on Start - RUN - \\ (As is the Default IP address of your Router) and click Ok, it will prompt you for the Username and Password, in the Username and Password type "admin", Now you should see the Display Name(Unique Name which you have set on your Router's storage Tab")  for your Hardriv, Right click on it and Select "Map Network Drive" and below check the Bow "Re-Connect at Logon" and click on Finish. 
    Now i think you should be able to Send the Files to Drive and it will work perfectly fine. 

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    Now that I can finally see content on consoles, I was pretty excited until Inoticed I had only half of my folders available for accessing.  It seems out of the 10-12 folders I only have 5-6 of them that will actually show up.  Again I tried to find some info out there on the intertubes, but no one seems to have any info specifically to this issue. 
    What I have tried so far:
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    2) wiped and recreated the WMP12 media library.  after this I noticed that not all the media in the My Videos folder are showing in WMP 12, but I defintely have more stuff showing on the Xbox then in WMP12.  figurd that was a file compat issue.
    3) tried to copy one of the folders that was not visible into one that was.  Aside from somehow cause two seasons of episodes to somehow disappear int eh cut-n-paste then cut-n-return to original folder, nothing happened there either.
    so far nothing seems to work.  thoughts anyone?
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    Duane wrote:
    In Sharing I have 'Printer Sharing' turned ON
    In Print & Fax I have 'Share this printer' checked
    If you are describing the settings in System Preferences on your iMac, you need to turn those OFF. Your current setup has the iMac acting as the print server.
    Instead you want to rely on the Time Capsule to do the printer sharing. You would configure that using AirPort Utility.
    Thanks Duane, that bit of information did the trick. All I had to do was turn printer sharing off in sys prefs and it now works the way I thought it should work.
    Once again thanks so much for the help.

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    Message Edited by Steveabca on 03-12-2008 01:46 PM

    Access router setup page ... go to wireless tab .... Click on Advanced Wireless settings>>Change the Beacon Interval to 75 >>Change the Fragmentation Threshold to 2304 Change the RTS Threshold to 2304 >>Click on "Save Settings" Try to connect with the PS3 ...see if it works ...

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    Hi there and welcome to the WD community,
    When you go to the shares section on the dashboard, is media serving for the share turned off? Thats strange, try to turn off media streaming and turn it back on to see if the folders still show up. Hope this helps you out

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    Hi Alain,
    Chromecast will ONLY stream video to displays where it can detect that HDCP is engaged.  So in essence, it doesn't matter what Output Protection restriction is specified in the Adobe Access DRM Policy, the stream will only be played with Output Protection engaged.
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    So 12190 must be the port that needs to be open for things to work, right?
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    Then click "New." From the Port Name pop-up, I select Other and then name the hole I intend to open.
    Then in the field "TCP Port Number(s)" I enter 12190.
    My new item now appears in the list on the firewall pane with a check next to it and when the mouse hovers over the item the tag that pops us tells me that all network traffic on port 12190 is being let through.
    Meanwhile in the background, Console reports every minute that the PS3 is being denied access at that port!
    I tried restarting the system.
    It would be nice to know if it is indeed true that the firewall in OSX is redundant.
    But more puzzling is why I can't get this port to open.

    Still no luck.
    Tried deleting that pref file. Reboot. Created new port opening as before. Still shows that same symptoms.
    Tried WaterRoof. When I call up the static rules, it shows the port in question.
    "allow tcp from any to any dst-port 12190"
    I selected it in the list, clicked the button to edit it, changed nothing, then clicked apply. (I did this in case maybe Waterroof needed to "nudge" things to get them to work right. After this, I was unable to change any settings on the Firewall using System Preferences.
    Maybe I'm not using WaterRoof right.
    Strange that when I used Terminal as you suggested, it shows a firewall deny at 12190, but WaterRoof says the rule is to allow.
    Could there be something wonky going on with the Airport Extreme?
    To my non-network savvy brain that doesn't make sense but I bring it up since it's the only other device involved.
    If I turn off the firewall on my G5 using System Preferences then everything works fine. Would the Airport "know" what the firewall on my computer was doing?
    It's my understanding that the Airport Extreme's firewall protects the network from outside traffic, not that it would protect devices on the network from each other.
    I was going to try opening a port on the Airport, but the fields in the Airport Utility are more complicated than those in System Preferences. Figured I should wait before I did anything stupid.
    The next thing I'll try is running MediaLink on my wife's Intel iMac. She's running 10.4.11, too, but if I can open a port on her machine, that will narrow things down. Will report back tomorrow.

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    a. Free space on Start-Up hard disk. How much ? I secure a minimum of 25Gb on my Mac.
    b. In iMovie - I "Share to Media Browser" and as Large (nor less or HD)
    c. In iDVD under Media I find Movie and here I can find my movie projects
    If This still is a problem I would
    • Trash Preference files for iMovie and iDVD - OR MUCH Better - Start a new User Account and log into this to see if everything works OK now - If this helps - The culprit most certainly is one or more of the Pref files.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Media Sharing

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    I tried most of the programs referenced at the site above. I had trouble with all of them. Some would just not run. I've had partial success with Twonky media. The PS3 and Yamaha receiver can play the music files fine. But, the DTV HDDVRs cannot. They can "see" the iMac and folders and tracks, but cannot play the tracks. All the tracks have an "X" in front of them. Twonky is on a 30 day trial. Before I shell out for software that only partially works for me, does anyone have an idea as to why it is not working with the DVR? For reference, Windows Media Player works fine with my PC and DTV DVR. I wrote to TM customer support, but they have not replied.

  • Satellite A300-1OM - Media sharing with XBox 360

    I'm having some real problems sharing my media with my Xbox 360 using my wireless home network.
    I used to connect my 360 to the internet via internet sharing with my laptop connected via Ethernet. I am now borrowing a wireless adaptor for the 360 which still allows me to connect to the internet on the 360, but I can no longer access my laptops music library or find a Windows Media Centre PC when searching the network on my 360.
    My laptop is running Windows 7 64bit. When I view "network" my own laptop appears, my second laptop connected to the network is also shown and the 360 is also shown under media devices. Under "Media Streaming Options" my 360 is also listed and given full access to my laptop media.
    When my laptop is connected directly to my 360 via Ethernet the music library and video library works fine, as does Windows Media Centre.
    Does anybody know of any solutions to this issue? I'm assuming this is just going to be an issue with some settings on my laptop as opposed to an issue with my Xbox. Any advice much appreciated!

    OK, agreed this may not be in the correct forum, but it may be a notebook problem so I thought I'd ask here where people with the most Toshiba knowledge would read it. Let's not lower this forum to the standards of discussing the choices of games consoles though :)
    I risked all and turned off my firewall and all my protection software, still no progress though. It really doesn't make sense that my notebook even displays that there is a 360 on my network whilst it's connected to the network yet the 360 can't detect the computer when I ask it to search the network for one.

  • XBOX 360 media sharing across wired/wireless

    I have a WRT54G, 2 Windows machines, and an XBOX 360. Everything works as expected except that I cannot connect the PC's to the XBOX except via wireless. If a PC is wired to the router, Windows Media Player doesn't see the XBOX. If I ping the XBOX while connected via a cable, I do have connectivity but the first ping takes ~40ms and then drops to ~1ms, which seems to indicate an ARP was required.
    I updated the firmware on the router to the latest (v4.21.1 ) but the problem persists.
    It seems that the devices can only communicate over whatever ports/protocols required if they are both on wireless (or possibly both wired works as well; haven't tried). I don't see any setting in the router that seems relevant, but I'm hoping I've just missed something. It would be very nice to be able to be able to use my desktop via a wired connection, and have access to it's music on the XBOX. Any help would be appreciated

    Listen to Music, Watch Videos & View Pictures on your Xbox 360 :
    You can stream music, pictures, and video to your console from any Windows XP or Vista based PC on your network. Use the Zune software or Windows Media Player 11 to stream content to your console...

  • XBOX 360 Media Sharing Help

    After spending 4 hours on the phone with Linksys and Microsoft, I am still unable to get my Xbox 360 to connect to my PC. Our network is set up correctly with another PC that is connected wireless and of course an XBOX 360. So I am able to access the internet on the other PC, and connect to XBOX live on the 360. I have opened all ports, disabled all firewalls (ya, im just waiting to get hacked by this point), and still can not get my computer to connect to media share (yes, I enabled the 360 in WMP as well). The X Box 360 recognizes the PC (as in my PC name shows up my tv screen in 360 menu) but it just wont connect for some bizarre reason. I have gotten to the end of both help scripts by Microsoft and Linksys, which I mean both guys on the phone didnt have any answers or any suggestions other than to call the other company for help. If anyone has any suggestions whatsoever, PLEASE, I beg of you!

    Found something that worked
    I've got a 3rd party firewall running, disabling it didn't give access to the xbox, but by adding access to a service, not port forwading, in it, I've now got access
    I've just allowed all access to a the static IP adress I've set on my Xbox 360 and now it goes through.
    I repeat, it's not port forwarding like almost everyone says, it's allowing access from that address to the computer, just be careful to set only the address of the Xbox, not all internet.
    Hope it works for everyone

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