MediaSense CUBE recording with UCCX

Customer has MediaSense installed with UCCX currently and is somewhat frustrated that when an agent puts a call on hold, MediaSense breaks the recording and starts a new one once the call resumes.  I know, I know...that's the phone, not MediaSense, but that's not the question here.
Customer wants to "fix" this, and understands that forking the media from a CUBE would allow them to have a single recording.  Customer uses MGCP gateways currently.
In looking at the problem, I'm trying to figure out exactly WHERE to place a CUBE in this.  Call comes in from PSTN via MGCP gateway.  I'm thinking that we could set a route pattern to CUBE (which might even be co resident on the MGCP gateway...I think it should have sufficient horsepower here), and then hairpin the call back to CUCM using a different CSS on the inbound side.  The call would then hit UCCX and then the agent's DN. 
I drew this all out in Visio, and I *think* it should work.  I'm going to end up labbing the whole thing up to verify it but was trying to figure out if there is any obvious problem that will make this not a workable solution. 
Screen shot of the visio drawing are attached.  Looking for some critical thinking here to help confirm or poke holes in this idea.

In my lab I send a block of number such as 31xx to the CUBE via a route pattern. In the CUBE I swap the leading 3 to a 2 so the number becomes 21xx and then send back to CUCM. 21xx can then be your CCX route point or a phone. As long as you can get the call to cross the CUBE as a SIP to SIP call you can fork the media.
This will record the full call from your CCX welcome message via the MoH to the agent.
You should also think about recording outbound calls and where in the call flow the CUBE would fit. Most agents do not present their extension when they dial out. So if the call crosses the CUBE presenting the Contact Centre number that is the number you would see in the recording and it is difficult to identify the agent making the call.

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    Any help please

    Hmmm... It depends but, I guess that you have not configured the I/Os in Cubase yet. It's all described in Cubase Manuals so .... Ifyou don't have the manuals then, yo be able to Dl those from

  • How-To allow records with Overlapping Time from SAP R/3

    Hi guys,
    Made reference to SAP Note 336229.
    Maintained my Transfer Rules of <b>Data Source 0HR_PA_PA_1</b> to <b>Info Source 0HR_PA_PA_1</b> and all is green! Unfortunately, still <b>NO</b> data and error IDOC message is " <i>The data request was a full update. In this case, the corresponding table in the source system does not contain any data</i>."
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    Begin Date||| End Date ||| SubType
    01.09.2003||| 01.09.2004||| Professional Cert.
    01.09.2003||| 01.09.2006||| Degree
    SAP R/3 allows this overlapping of time records however, BW does NOT. How can I tackle this overlapping issue in SAP BW?
    With much appreciation!

    Hi guys,
      Please assist to resolve this.
      I attempted to assigned 0DATETO and 0DATEFROM to my attributes of 0EMPLOYEE, but it gives me the following error
    <b>  Characteristic 0EMPLOYEE: Attribute 0DATETO cannot be used w. time-dependent attribte</b>
    <b>  InfoObject 0DATETO cannot be used as an attribute if attibutes already exist that are time-dependent. Attribute 0ANSALARY is such an attribute. A field in the InfoObject 0DATETO is automatically generated in the master data table.</b>
      Once again, what I want is to be able to allow the Records with HighDate in R/3 into my BW Cubes.
      Please please assist !

  • Duplicate record with same primary key in Fact table

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    BW system version is 3.1
    Data base is : Oracle 10.2
    I am not sure how is this possible.

    Hi Krish,
       I checked the datapacket dimention also. Both the record have same dimention id (141). Except the Keyfigure value there is no other change in the Fact table record.  I know this is against the basic DBMS primary key rule. But i have records like this in the cube.
    Can this situation arise when same records is there in different data packet of same request.

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  • One-to-many selfjoin removing records with the same ranking or with a substitute

    Sorry for my bad choice of discussion title, feel free to suggest me a more pertinent one
    I've rewritten post for clarity and following the FAQ.
    DB Version
    I'm using Oracle Enterprise 10g 64bit
    Tables involved
    CREATE TABLE wrhwr (
    eq_id VARCHAR2(50) NULL,
    date_completed DATE NULL,
    status VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,
    pmp_id VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,
    description VARCHAR2(20) NULL);
    Sample data
    INSERT into wrhwr  VALUES (1,'MI-EXT-0001',date'2013-07-16','Com','VER-EXC','Revisione')
    INSERT into wrhwr VALUES  (2,'MI-EXT-0001',date'2013-07-01','Com','VER-EXC','Verifica')
    INSERT into wrhwr  VALUES (3,'MI-EXT-0001',date'2013-06-15','Com','VER-EXC','Revisione')
    INSERT into wrhwr  VALUES (4,'MI-EXT-0001',date'2013-06-25','Com','VER-EXC','Verifica')
    INSERT into wrhwr  VALUES (5,'MI-EXT-0001',date'2013-04-14','Com','VER-EXC','Revisione')
    INSERT into wrhwr  VALUES (6,'MI-EXT-0001',date'2013-04-30','Com','VER-EXC','Verifica')
    INSERT into wrhwr  VALUES (7,'MI-EXT-0001',date'2013-03-14','Com','VER-EXC','Collaudo')
    Query used
    SELECT *
      FROM (SELECT eq_id,
                   RANK ()
                   OVER (PARTITION BY eq_id
                         ORDER BY date_completed DESC NULLS LAST)
              FROM wrhwr
             WHERE     status != 'S'
                   AND pmp_id LIKE 'VER-EX%'
                   AND description LIKE '%Verifica%') table1,
           (SELECT eq_id,
                   RANK ()
                   OVER (PARTITION BY eq_id
                         ORDER BY date_completed DESC NULLS LAST)
              FROM wrhwr
             WHERE     status != 'S'
                   AND pmp_id LIKE 'VER-EX%'
                   AND description LIKE '%Revisione%') table2,
           (SELECT eq_id,
                   RANK ()
                   OVER (PARTITION BY eq_id
                         ORDER BY date_completed DESC NULLS LAST)
              FROM wrhwr
             WHERE     status != 'S'
                   AND pmp_id LIKE 'VER-EX%'
                   AND description LIKE '%Collaudo%') table3
    WHERE     table1.eq_id = table3.eq_id
           AND table2.eq_id = table3.eq_id
           AND table1.eq_id = table2.eq_id
    Purpose of the above query is to selfjoin wrhwr table 3 times in order to have for every row:
    completition date of a work request of type Verifica for this eq_id (table1 alias);
    completition date of a wr of type Revisione (table2 alias) for this eq_id;
    completition date of a wr of type Collaudo (table3 alias) for this eq_id;
    A distinct eq_id:
    can have many work requests (wrhwr records) with different completition dates or without completition date (date_completed column NULL);
    in a date range can have all the types of wrhwr ('Verifica', 'Revisione', 'Collaudo') or some of them (ex. Verifica, Revisione but not Collaudo, Collaudo but not Verifica and Revisione, etc.);
    substrings in description shouldn't repeat;
    (eq_id,date_completed) aren't unique but (eq_id,date_completed,description,pmp_id) should be unique;
    Expected output
    Using sample data above I expect this output:
    MI-EXT-001,2013-07-01,2013-07-16,2013-03-14 <--- for this eq_id table3 doesn't have 3 rows but only 1. I want to repeat the most ranked value of table3 for every result row
    MI-EXT-001,2013-07-01,2013-06-15,2013-03-14 <-- I don't wanna this row because table1 and table2 have both 3 rows so the match must be in rank terms (1st,1st) (2nd,2nd) (3rd,3rd)
    MI-EXT-001,2013-06-25,2013-06-15,2013-03-14 <-- 2nd rank of table1 joins 2nd rank of table2
    MI-EXT-001,2013-04-30,2013-04-14,2013-03-14 <-- 1st rank table1, 1st rank table2, 1st rank table3
    In vector style syntax, expected tuple output must be:
    ix = i-th ranking of tableX
    (i1, i2, i3) IF EXISTS an i-th ranking row in every table
    (i1, b, b)
    where b is the first available lower ranking of table2 OR NULL if there isn't any row  of lower ranking.
    Any clues?
    With the query I'm unable to remove "spurius" rows.
    I'm thinking at a solution based on analytic functions like LAG() and LEAD(), using ROLLUP() or CUBE(), using nested query but I would find a solution elegant, easy, fast and easy to maintain.

    FrankKulash ha scritto:
    About duplicate dates: I was most interested in what you wanted when 2 (or more) rows with the same eq_id and row type (e.g. 'Collaudo') had exactly the same completed_date.
    In the new results, did you get the columns mixed up?  It looks like the row with eq_id='MI-EXT-0002' has 'Collaudo' in the desciption, but the date appears in the verifica column of the output, not the collaudo  column.
    Why don't you want 'MI-EXT-0001' in the results?  Is it realted to the non-unique date?
    For all optimization questions, see the forum FAQ:
    If you can explain what you need to do in the view (and post some sample data and output as examples) then someone might help you find a better way to do it.
    It looks like there's a lot of repetition in the code.  Whatever you're trying to do, I suspect there's a simpler, more efficient way to do it.
    About Duplicate dates: query must show ONLY one date_completed and ignore duplicated. Those records are "bad data". You can't have 2 collaudos with the same date completed.
    Collaudo stands for equipment check. A craftperson does an equipment check once a day and, with a mobile app, update the work request related to equipment and procedure of preventive maintenance, so is impossibile that complete more than one check (Collaudo) in a day, by design.
    In the new results, it's my fault: during digitation I've swapped columns
    With "I don't want 'MI-EXT-0001'" I mean: "I don't want to show AGAIN MI-EXT-0001. In the previous post was correct the output including MI-EXT-0001.
    Regarding optimisation...
    repetition of
                            MIN (CASE WHEN r_type = THEN column_name END) IGNORE NULLS) 
                         OVER (PARTITION BY eq_id ORDER BY r_num)  AS alias_column_name
    is because I don't know another feasible way to have all columns needed of table wrhwr in main query, maintaining the correct order. So i get them in got_r_type and propagate them in all the subquery.
    In main query I join eq table (which contains all the information about a specific equipment) with "correct" dates and columns of wrhwr table.
    I filter eq table for the specific equipment standard (eq_std column).
    efm_eq_tablet table and where clause
    AND e.eq_id = e2.eq_id 
              AND e2.is_active = 'S'; 
    means: show only rows in eq table that have an equal row in efm_eq_tablet table AND are active (represented by 'S' value in is_active column).
    About the tables v2, r2 and c2
              (SELECT doc_data, doc_data_rinnovo, eq_id 
                 FROM efm_doc_rep edr 
                WHERE edr.csi_id = '1011503' AND edr.doc_validita_temp = 'LIM') v2, 
              (SELECT doc_data, doc_data_rinnovo, eq_id 
                 FROM efm_doc_rep edr 
                WHERE     eq_id = edr.eq_id 
                      AND edr.csi_id = '1011504' 
                      AND edr.doc_validita_temp = 'LIM') r2, 
              (SELECT doc_data, doc_data_rinnovo, eq_id 
                 FROM efm_doc_rep edr 
                WHERE     edr.csi_id IN ('1011505', '1011507') 
                      AND edr.doc_validita_temp = 'LIM' 
                      AND adempimento_ok = 'SI') c2, 
    Those tables contains "alternate" dates of completition to be used when there isn't any wrhwr row for an eq_id OR when all date_completed are NULL.
    NVL() and NVL2() functions are used in main query in order to impletement this.
    The CASE/WHEN blocks inside main query implements the behavior of selecting the correct date based of the above conditions.

  • Some cube records don't displaying in BPS layout

    Hello, gurus!
    I met crazy situation: I see in my cube (thru LISTCUBE) 5 almost identical records, with only difference - package ID - 3 with different APO packages, and 2 - with identical REQU. In my BEx queries, I see the correct sum of all 5 packages, but in my planning layout in BPS - just sum of 3 APO-packages! All packages relevant to queries in cube.
    In RSRV I'd find following unrepairable error:
    15748 units missing from fact table /BIC/FYCPLBSP; see details.
    Could be the reason of ignoring 2 REQU-packages records in BPS layout?

    Hello Mikhail,
    BPS does not display any records where units or currency key are missing. You have to delete those records and load them properly (put a rule in your transfer rules like "if keyfigure <> 0 and unit is initial. raise error. endif.").
    SAP NetWeaver RIG

  • Two records with same  key (Infocube)

    I was trying to do, in a update rule, an "IF" condition with two key figures.
    IF Kf1 > Kf2. result = Kf1 else result = Kf2.
    But the data in the source (datamart Infocube to infocube) have tow records with the same characteristics combination (the same keys)and different amount in the keyfigures, then the result of my "if" condition is not the expected because I understood in the infocube only exists one characteristics combination. :S
    I was seeing those records in the manage transaction of the infocube.
    Some reason for this?
    Thanks and regards
    Victoria Leó

    This can happen with parallel loads.  Two rows with same set of Char values but in different packets of the same Request, being loaded at the same time.
    It really shouldn't be an issue - your update rule will make the KF change as desired.  Your queries aggregate KFs based characteristic values, not Dim IDs, so you'll get the totals you expect.
    Here's some more info:
    There is an RSRV Test that lets you check a dimension for a cube to see if multiple DIM IDs exist for the same combination of Chars - <b>Multiple Entries in Dimensions of a (Basis) InfoCube</b>
    Output looks like:
    12:02:24 o'clock on 08/25/2006: Start test run for user PIZZAMAN:)
    Dimension ZFM_C521: DIMID 61,215 and 61,214 have same characteristic values
    Dimension ZFM_C521: DIMID 61,880 and 61,879 have same characteristic values
    Dimension ZFM_C521: DIMID 61,366 and 61,365 have same characteristic values
    Dimension ZFM_C521: DIMID 61,368 and 61,367 have same characteristic values
    12:02:24 on 08/25/2006: Test run for user PIZZAMAN:) completed
    You can run the Correct Error option to have it update fact rows to use one of the DimIDs if you want, but unless you have lots of them, I even wouldn't bother.
    Here's the description of the test:
    This elementary test recognizes whether there are several lines that have different DIMIDs(dimension table key), but have the same SIDs for the selected dimension table for the InfoCube specified. (This can occur by using parallel loading jobs). This has nothing to do with an inconsistency. However, unnecessary storage space is occupied in the database.
    Since the different DIMIDs with the same SIDs are normally used in the fact tables, they cannot simply be deleted. Therefore, all of the different DIMIDS in the fact tables are replaced by one DIMID that is randomly selected from the equivalent ones. Before a change can be made to the database, the consent of the user is requested.
    DIMIDs that have become unnecessary are deleted in the connection. In doing so, not only are the DIMDs deleted that were released in the first part of the repair, but so are all of those that are no longer used in the fact tables (including aggregates). The consent of the user is again requested before this change is made.

  • Cube compression WITH zero elimination option

    We have tested turning on the switch to perform "zero elimination" when a cube is compressed.  We have tested this with an older cube with lots of data in E table already, and also a new cube with the first compression.  In both cases, at the oracle level we still found records where all of the key figures = zero.  To us, this option did not seem to work. What are we missing? We are on Oracle and BW 3.5 SP 17
    Thanks, Peggy

    Haven't looked at ZERO Elimination in detail in the latest releases to see if there have been changes, but here's my understanding based on the last time I dug into it -
    When you run compression with zero elimination, the process first excluded any individual F fact table rows with all KFs = 0, then if any of the summarized F fact table rows had all KF  = 0, that row was excluded ( you could have two facts with amounts that net to 0 in the same request or different requests where all other Dims IDs are equal) and not written to the E fact table.  Then if an E fact table row was updated as a result of a new F fact table row being being merged in, the process checked to see if the updated row had all KF values = 0, and if so, deleted that updated row from the E fact table.
    I don't beleive the compression process has ever gone thru and read all existing E fact table rows and deleted ones where all KFs = 0. 
    Hope that made sense.  We use Oracle, and it is possible that SAP has done some things differently on different DBs.  Its also possible, that the fiddling SAP had done over that last few years trying to use Oracle's MERGE functionality at different SP levels comes into play.
    Suggestions -
    I'm assuming that teh E fact table holds a significant percentage of rows have all KFs = 0.  If it doesn't, it's not worth pursuing.
    Contact SAP, perhaps they have a standalone pgm that deletes E fact table rows where all KFs = 0.  It could be a nice tool to have.
    If they don't have one, consider writing your own pgm that deletes the rows in question.  You'll need to keep downstream impacts in mind, e.g. aggregates (would need to be refilled - probably not a big deal), and InfoProviders that receive data from this cube.
    Another option would be to clone the cube, datamart the data to the new cube.  Once in the new cube, compress with zero elimination - this should get rid of all your 0 KF rows.  Then delete the contents of the original cube and datamart the cloned cube data back to the original cube. 
    You might be able to accomplish this same process by datamarting the orig cube's data to itself which might save some hoop jumping. Then you would have to run a selective deletion to get rid of the orig data, or perhaps if the datamarted data went thru the PSA, you could just delete all the orig data from the cube, then load datamarted data from the PSA.  Once the new request is loaded, compress with zero elimination.
    Now if you happen to have built all your reporting on the this cube to be from a MultiProvider on teh cube rather than directly form the this cube, you could just create anew cube, export the data to it, then swap the old and new cubes in the MultiProvider.  This is one of the benefits of always using a MultiProvider on top of a cube for reporting (an SAP and consultant recommended practice) - you can literally swap underlying cubes with no impact to the user base.

  • AQM Network Recording with off-board recording server

    Hello Champs,
    Facing issue with network recording with AQM license
    I am having an environment with AQM license designed to perform network recording. I have done the following :-
    The sync between UCCX and AQM is successfull. Agents are imported to Quality Administrator.Though this was not documented ibm odbc created only in base server and this was after this that the test connection was successful...
    The VOIP devices are shown in Quality administrator and are enabled for recording ( network )
    Work flow created for both quality management and Archive recording.
    The recording location set as a folder in recording server.
    On the Call Manager end :-
    Cretaed recording profile.
    cretated SIP trunk with destination address QM server ( first i tried with Base server IP and then with recording server IP , both not working )
    created route pattern 4567 and pointed to SIP trunk.
    enabled bib in device page, gave recording profile and automatic recording enabled on line page .
    DNA ws showing route this pattern, so there is no issues with CSS partition.
    i can login with agent, manager and supervisor accounts to calabrio web page.. BUT THERE ARE NO RECORDINGS HAPPENING..
    Kindly help me as this has been eating my head for many days now and have very limited documentation regarding AQM from cisco.

    Sorry Saeed.. i didnt get you .. it would be very kind of you if you can elaborate your point please...

  • DTMF not working with UCCX

    We have noticed that DTMF is not working with UCCX,
    Call flow ->
    PSTN (SIP)-> CUBE - (SIP)-> CUCM - > UCCX
    UCCX DTMF is working with IP Phones which are registered with CUCM, But not working with PSTN incoming calls, also we have Unity Connection, for this DTMF is working with PSTN incoming calls,
    Please help to troubleshoot this issue,

    What this boils down to is that the CTI Ports do not support RFC2833, only out of band over the CTI QBE protocol. This means that CUCM must "see" the DTMF packets. If CUBE offers KPML in the call SDP, CUCM will automatically request this and translate from the SIP packet into a CTI event. If CUBE is only offering RFC2833, CUCM would need to invoke an MTP on the call to intercept the RTP packets containing the DTMF event.
    If this isn't working the most likely reason is that there is no MTP for CUCM to invoke, or the MTP doesn't support RFC2833 DTMF interop. The best way out of this problem is to adjust the CUCM-facing VOIP dial-peer to include both capabilities: 'dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-kpml' CUBE, assuming it's doing media flow-through, will do the heavy lifting for CUCM. If you set the DTMF Method on the CUCM-side SIP trunk, CUCM will essentially invoke an MTP for *every* call, in most cases needlessly; that's a great way to introduce problems and break things such as faxing.
    Please remember to rate helpful responses and identify helpful or correct answers.

  • Record with highest sy-tabix

    In an internal table I have 10 records for a field like
    Is it possible to get the records D and E which has highest sy-index.
    good solution will be rewarded.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Neerup wrote:
    Is it possible to get the records D and E which has highest sy-index.
    but in your question you mention as :
    Record with highest sy-tabix
    any ways:
    just sort decending then fetch the first record then exit from loop.

  • Importing to iMovie: How do I use an external usb mic when recording with the built-in FaceTime HD Camera?

    Hello all
    I'm scheduled to work with a friend this week; I'm going to help him make a simple audition DVD.  I promised him I had the necessary equipment and such.
    I was importing from the webcam using iMovie.  If I can't use my external mic to record for the video, there is more involved in the editing process.   I was hoping to record the video and audio into one package.  I'm using the built-in FaceTime webcam on my macbook pro and a ZoomH1 on usb.
    I've tried changing the audio in system preferences: input to H1.  This works when recording with audacity or anything else.  I even changed the input on FaceTime to H1.  There aren't any preferences I can find in iMovie to change the input for importing video directly from the webcam.
    How do I change the audio input for direct import on iMovie?   
    Is there something else I can do to have HD video and HQ audio captured in one video file on my macbook pro?
    I suppose I can record the video and audio separately but that is usually much more involved.  This is why I got this usb microphone lol.
    Thanks in advance,

    I just found using QuickTime Player to record a movie works great.  I can easily change the audio input.  iMovie is silly. lol
    If I missed anything let me know.

  • Recording fios tv to DVD recorder with tivo/fios cablecard

    ok this post is for my dad....and if ur thinking why the hack does he want a dvd recorder when they already have a tivo...don't ask my dad is kinda weird he still "tapes" shows on VHS tapes using vcr, and tapes radio shows on cassettes....then again he also still pyas his bills with a pen, a check and the us postal service.....
    anyway, I didn't know much about the world of dvd recorders before a couple days ago, so I have a few questions before and if I actually decide to get him one.
    Question 1: we currently have an HD TV with an HD tivo connected and a multistream verizon fios cablecard. My question is regarding copyright limitations....what prevents you from just recording any tv program onto dvd, as you still can onto a VHS? and what percentage of the channels/shows have this protection? like would he only be able to record from the original 12 or so broadcast channels? this is my main concern....he watched a lot of the sports channels like espn espn2 golf channel nbatv etc....
    Question 2: also, when doing my research I thought of another benefit a dvd recorder may have. I have been putting all the family home videos which are on vhs onto dvd, but it's a bit of a process. I use an external usb capture device made by Hauppage hooked up to the VCR then the computer captures it realtime and generates an mpeg video file on my hard drive, THEN I have to spend the 1 or 2 hours it takes to convert to DVD format and burn with Nero so it can be played on a regular DVD being....
    can a standalone DVD recorder hook up to a VCR to transfer video direct to a DVD, or do you have to buy a DVD recorder with a built in VHS deck?
     Question 3: oh and someone once told me that you can only play the recorded DVD's on the recorder, and not other regular DVD players...I couldn't believe this was actually true...but was he right?

    Question 1: if the DVD recorder is connected to the TIVO there shouldn't be anything prohibiting him from recording. The signal sent out from the TIVO is an unencrypted feed that can be processed by anything (TV, VCR, DVD recorder, ETC). As long as theres no restrictions within the DVD recorder itself, you should be fine to record anything. This also means you have to record realtime (press play on TIVO and record on the DVD recorder and wait the amount of time for the event to end before pressing stop)
    Question 2: You would need to talk to the tech support for your DVD recorder. Its going to depend on what types of video streams and formats it will accept as a source
    Question 3nce again this is a question for the DVD recorder tech support, not Verizon. It depends on the file format that the recorder saevs the file as. Not only that, but different players also can read different formats. So you have to take a look at the recorder and the dvd play back device
    **If someones post has helped you, please acknowledge their assistance by clicking the red thumbs up button to give them Kudos. If you are the original poster and any response gave you your answer, please mark the post that had the answer as the solution**
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supersede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or plan

  • How do I use a song in my iTunes library to record with in garage band on my iPhone?

    How do I use a song in my iTunes library to record with in garage band on my iPhone? Like music from my library I want to use invGarageBand to record over.

    Short answer:
    Click Hide Song(s), it is what you wanted to do...
    Long answer:
    iTunes in the Cloud is a feature of your iTunes store account that allows you to redownload or stream your past purchases. When you delete a purchased track that is downloaded to your computer (like the first one shown here) you are asked if you also want to hide the song from iCloud. This would remove it from the computer and also stop it showing up with the iCloud symbol as the other tracks from that album (which are not downloaded) do.
    If a track shows with the cloud symbol you can play (stream) it by double-clicking the title, or click the cloud symbol to download a local copy to your library. If you try to delete one of these tracks you get a slightly different message confirming that you want to hide the track. Clicking hide will remove the listing from the library and any other device that shows your past purchases.
    Should you want to retrieve any item hidden in this way at a later date use Store > View My Account > iTunes in the Cloud > Hidden Purchases > Manage.
    To hide all your previous purchases that are not downloaded to your computer use Edit > Preferences > Store and untick Show iTunes in the Cloud purchases.

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