Memory leak after upgrading to ColdFusion 10

We recently upgraded from CF8 to CF10 and we're running into some issues.  We started off getting a lot of OutOfMemory errors with the default heap settings. Chaning them to 768MB/1280MB which has helped, but we're still running into occasional OOM issues.  We took a heapdump as the instance was having problems today with blocked threads and noticed the heap usage was near the max so it was probably going to run out of memory soon too.  Below is what the eclipse memory analyzer tool found as a possible leak suspect.  Does anyone have any suggestions on where to go from here?  Not sure if it's an issue with CF itself or something in the app.  Thanks
One instance of "coldfusion.runtime.ClientScopeServiceImpl" loaded by "coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapClassLoader @ 0x120bbaf0" occupies 838,847,880 (88.33%) bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of "java.util.HashMap$Entry[]" loaded by "<system class loader>".
coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapClassLoader @ 0x120bbaf0
Shortest Paths To the Accumulation Point
Class Name
Shallow Heap
Retained Heap
java.util.HashMap$Entry[524288] @ 0x3b88e058
table java.util.HashMap @ 0x1212d2f8
sharedClientScopeMap coldfusion.runtime.ClientScopeServiceImpl @ 0x1212af08
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x100f16d8 ajp-bio-51010-exec-20 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x103df100 ajp-bio-51010-exec-36 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x1043f0e0 ajp-bio-51010-exec-72 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x10a8eec0 ajp-bio-51010-exec-83 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x10befce8 ajp-bio-51010-exec-54 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x11d35e18 ajp-bio-51010-exec-5 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x121b97e0 ajp-bio-51010-exec-68 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x123c4f88 ajp-bio-51010-exec-74 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x123c5078 ajp-bio-51010-exec-27 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x12693f30 ajp-bio-51010-exec-75 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x126e7ff8 ajp-bio-51010-exec-26 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x1297dd60 ajp-bio-51010-exec-78 Thread
<Java Local> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread @ 0x12d3a818 ajp-bio-51010-exec-73 Thread
service class coldfusion.runtime.AppHelper @ 0x12fae868 »
clientScope class coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory @ 0x11047060 »
Total: 15 entries
Accumulated Objects
Class Name
Shallow Heap
Retained Heap
coldfusion.runtime.ClientScopeServiceImpl @ 0x1212af08
java.util.HashMap @ 0x1212d2f8
java.util.HashMap$Entry[524288] @ 0x3b88e058
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x25370040
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x1b878cf8
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x15d049c8
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x41af3d98
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x3ff95918
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x43c422b0
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x3eec68a8
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x230c3078
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x2e36cab8
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x45e499e8
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x2a91c258
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x4260ee28
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x3dfb9e98
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x43f354a0
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x1adfb600
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x4469eee0
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x4443dea8
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x41b79ff0
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x40931b50
java.util.HashMap$Entry @ 0x40c62310
Total: 20 entries
Accumulated Objects by Class
Number of Objects
Used Heap Size
Retained Heap Size
First 10 of 190,465 objects
First 10 of 253 objects
First 10 of 57 objects
All 1 objects
First 10 of 73 objects
All 1 objects
All 2 objects
Total: 7 entries

Hi Sharma,
Here's the settings summary from the console.  The OOM issue is now happening about 1-2 times weekly after increasing the heap size.  Before that it was almost daily.  It seems we can go about 75-85 hours before we restart due to either OOM or blocked threads.
Settings Summary
Server Settings > Settings Summary
Report generated on Sep 25, 2014 12:08 PM
This report shows the status of all ColdFusion configuration settings. To display the area of the ColdFusion Administrator where you can edit the group settings, click any of the groups in the report.
System Information
Server Details
Server Product ColdFusion
Version ColdFusion 10,286680
Edition Enterprise 
Operating System Windows 2003 
OS Version 5.2 
Update Level /D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/updates/chf10000012.jar 
Adobe Driver Version 4.1 (Build 0001) 
JVM Details
Java Version 1.7.0_15 
Java Vendor Oracle Corporation 
Java Vendor URL 
Java Home D:\ColdFusion10\jre 
Java File Encoding Cp1252 
Java Default Locale en_US 
File Separator \ 
Path Separator ; 
Line Separator Chr(13) 
User Name SYSTEM 
User Home C:\Documents and Settings\Default User 
User Dir D:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin 
Java VM Specification Version 1.7 
Java VM Specification Vendor Oracle Corporation 
Java VM Specification Name Java Virtual Machine Specification 
Java VM Version 23.7-b01 
Java VM Vendor Oracle Corporation 
Java VM Name Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 
Java Specification Version 1.7 
Java Specification Vendor Oracle Corporation 
Java Specification Name Java Platform API Specification 
Java Class Version 51.0 
CF Server Java Class Path ;D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/updates/chf10000012.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ant-launcher.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ant.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/antlr-2.7.6.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/apache-solr-core.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/apache-solr-solrj.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/asm-all-3.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/asn1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/backport-util-concurrent.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/bcel-5.1-jnbridge.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/bcel.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/bcmail-jdk14-139.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/bcprov-jdk14-139.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cdo.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cdohost.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/certj.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cf-acrobat.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cf-assembler.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cf-logging.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cf4was.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cf4was_ae.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cfusion-req.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cfusion.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/chart.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/clibwrapper_jiio.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-compress-1.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-digester-2.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-discovery-0.4.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-lang-2.4.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-logging-api-1.1.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-net-3.0.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-vfs2-2.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/crystal.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/derby.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/derbyclient.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/derbynet.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/derbyrun.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/derbytools.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/dpHibernate.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ehcache-core-2.5.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ehcache-web-2.0.4.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/esapi-2.0.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/EWSAPI-1.1.5.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/FCSj.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flashgateway.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-messaging-common.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-messaging-core.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-messaging-opt.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-messaging-proxy.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-messaging-remoting.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-rds-server.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/hibernate3.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/httpclient-4.1.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/httpclient-cache-4.1.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/httpclient.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/httpcore_4.1.2.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/httpmime-4.1.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ib6addonpatch.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ib6core.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ib6http.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ib6swing.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ib6util.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/im.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/iText.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/iTextAsian.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/izmado.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jai_codec.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jai_core.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jai_imageio.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jakarta-oro-2.0.6.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jakarta-slide-webdavlib-2.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/java-xmlbuilder-0.4.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/javasysmon-0.3.3.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jax-qname.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jaxb-api.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jaxb-impl.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jaxb-libs.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jaxrpc.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jcifs-1.3.15.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jdom.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jeb.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jersey-core.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jersey-server.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jersey-servlet.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jets3t-0.8.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-continuation-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-http-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-io-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-security-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-server-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-servlet-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-servlets-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-util-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-xml-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jintegra.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jnbcore.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jpedal.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/js.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jsch-0.1.44m.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jsr107cache.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jta.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jutf7-0.9.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ldap.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ldapbp.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/lucene-analyzers-3.4.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/lucene-core-3.4.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/lucene-highlighter-3.4.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/lucene-memory-3.4.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/lucenedemo.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/macromedia_drivers.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/mail.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/metadata-extractor-2.4.0-beta-1.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/mlibwrapper_jai.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/msapps.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.17-bin.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/namespace.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/nekohtml.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/netty-3.2.5.Final.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ooxml-schemas.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/pdfencryption.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/poi-contrib.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/poi-ooxml-schemas.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/poi-ooxml.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/poi-scratchpad.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/poi.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/portlet_20.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc3.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/quartz.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/relaxngDatatype.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ri_generic.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/rome-cf.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/saaj.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/saxon9he.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/serializer.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/smack.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/smpp.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/STComm.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/tagsoup-1.2.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/tika-core-0.6.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/tika-parsers-0.6.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/tools.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/tt-bytecode.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/wc50.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/webchartsJava2D.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/wsrp4j-commons-0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/wsrp4j-producer.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xalan.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xercesImpl.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xml-apis.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xmpcore.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xsdlib.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axiom-api-1.2.13.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axiom-dom-1.2.13.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axiom-impl-1.2.13.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-adb-1.7.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-adb-codegen-1.7.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-codegen-1.7.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-jaxws-1.7.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-kernel-1.7.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-transport-http-1.7.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-transport-local-1.7.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/commons-fileupload-1.2.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/commons-io-1.4.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/geronimo-ws-metadata_2.0_spec-1.1.2.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/httpcore-4.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/neethi-3.0.2.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/woden-api-1.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/woden-impl-commons-1.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/woden-impl-dom-1.0.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/wstx-asl-3.2.9.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/XmlSchema-1.4.8.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/gateway/lib/examples.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/gateway/lib/;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/jars/cfgatewayadapter.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/jars/concurrent.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/jars/;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-awt-util.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-css.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-ext.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-transcoder.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-util.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/commons-discovery.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/commons-logging.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/concurrent.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/flex.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jakarta-oro-2.0.7.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jcert.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jnet.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jsse.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/oscache.jar;  D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/; 
Java Class Path D:\\ColdFusion10\\cfusion\lib\oosdk\lib;
Java Ext Dirs D:\ColdFusion10\jre\lib\ext;C:\WINDOWS\Sun\Java\lib\ext 
Printer Details
Default Printer
Server Information
General Settings
Timeout requests Yes 
Enable Per App Settings Yes 
Request Time Limit 120 seconds
Use UUID for CFToken Yes 
Disable Service Factory No 
Protect serialized JSON No 
Protect Serialized JSON Prefix // 
Missing Template Handler /404b.cfm 
Site-wide Error Handler /errorCatch.cfm 
Enable HTTP status codes Yes 
Enable Global Script Protection Yes 
ORMSearch Index Directory 
Default CFForm ScriptSrc Directory /CFIDE/scripts/ 
Google Map Key 
Maximum size of post data 100 MB
Request Throttle Threshold 4 MB
Request Throttle Memory 200 MB
Request Tuning
Simultaneous request limit 20 
Flash Remoting request limit 5 
Web Service request limit 20 
CFC request limit 20 
CFThread Pool Size 10 
Maximum number of report threads 8 
Request Queue Timeout 120 seconds
Request Queue Timeout Page 
Template cache size 150 templates
Enable trusted cache No 
Cached query limit 500
Save Class Files Yes 
Client Variable Settings
Default client variable store ecom 
Purge Interval 1 hours 7 minutes 
Client Stores
Description System registry. 
Purge data after time limit Yes 
Time limit 90 days
Disable global updates No 
Type JDBC 
Purge data after time limit No 
Time limit 2 days
Disable global updates Yes 
Description Client based text file. 
Purge data after time limit Yes 
Time limit 10 days
Disable global updates No 
Memory Variables
J2EE Sessions No 
Application Variables
Enable Application Variables Yes 
Default Timeout 2,0,0,0 
Maximum Timeout 2,0,0,0 
Session Variables
Enable session variables Yes 
Default Timeout 0,0,20,0 
Maximum Timeout 2,0,0,0 
ColdFusion Mappings
/gateway   D:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\gateway\cfc 
/CFIDE   D:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE 
Mail Connection Settings
Default Server Port 25 
Connection Timeout 60 seconds
Spool Interval 30 seconds
Mail Delivery Threads 10 
Maintain Connection to Mail Server Yes 
Spool Messages To disk
Max Messages Spooled to Memory 50000 
Default CFMail Charset UTF-8 
Use SSL Connection No 
Use TLS No 
Default Mail Server
Port 25 
Backup Mail Servers
Port 25 
Mail Logging Settings
Log Severity warning 
Log all E-mail messages sent by ColdFusion Yes 
Cache Type disk images
Maximum number of images in cache 50 images
Maximum number of charting threads 4 
Disk cache location D:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\charting\cache 
Data & Services
Database Data Sources
CF data source name GES 
Driver MSSQLServer 
JDBC URL jdbc:macromedia:sqlserver://MSSQL:1433;databaseName=GES;SelectMethod=direct;sendStringPar ametersAsUnicode=false;querytimeout=0;MaxPooledStatements=100
Username sa 
Login timeout 30 seconds
Long text buffer size 64000 
Timeout 1200 seconds 
Maintain connections Yes 
Interval 420 seconds
Restricted SQL operations 
Disable connections No 
CF data source name cfcodeexplorer 
Driver Apache Derby Embedded 
JDBC URL jdbc:derby:D:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\db\cfcodeexplorer;create=false 
Login timeout 30 seconds 
Long text buffer size 64000 
Timeout 1200 seconds
Maintain connections Yes 
Interval 420 seconds 
Restricted SQL operations 
Disable connections No 
CF data source name ecom 
JDBC URL jdbc:macromedia:oracle://;serviceName=ecom;alternateServers=( 4:1521);loadBalancing=true
Username user 
Login timeout 30 seconds
Long text buffer size 64000 
Timeout 1200 seconds 
Maintain connections Yes 
Interval 420 seconds
Restricted SQL operations 
Disable connections No 
CF data source name cfbookclub 
Driver Apache Derby Embedded 
JDBC URL jdbc:derby:D:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\db\bookclub;create=false 
Login timeout 30 seconds 
Long text buffer size 64000 
Timeout 1200 seconds
Maintain connections Yes 
Interval 420 seconds 
Restricted SQL operations 
Disable connections No 
CF data source name ecomd 
Driver Oracle 
JDBC URL jdbc:macromedia:oracle://ORACLE:1521;SID=ecomd;AuthenticationMethod=userIDPassword;sendSt ringParametersAsUnicode=false;querytimeout=0;MaxPooledStatements=100
Username ges 
Login timeout 30 seconds
Long text buffer size 64000 
Timeout 1200 seconds 
Maintain connections Yes 
Interval 420 seconds
Restricted SQL operations 
Disable connections No 
CF data source name GES 
Driver MSSQLServer 
JDBC URL jdbc:macromedia:sqlserver://MSSQL\MSSQL:1433;databaseName=GES;SelectMethod=direct;sendStr ingParametersAsUnicode=false;querytimeout=0;MaxPooledStatements=100
Username user 
Login timeout 30 seconds 
Long text buffer size 64000 
Timeout 1200 seconds
Maintain connections Yes 
Interval 420 seconds 
Restricted SQL operations 
Disable connections No 
CF data source name E1 
Driver Oracle 
JDBC URL jdbc:macromedia:oracle://ORACLE:1516;SID=E1;AuthenticationMethod=userIDPassword;sendStrin gParametersAsUnicode=false;querytimeout=0;MaxPooledStatements=100
Username user
Login timeout 30 seconds
Long text buffer size 64000 
Timeout 1200 seconds 
Maintain connections Yes 
Interval 420 seconds
Restricted SQL operations 
Disable connections No 
CF data source name cfdocexamples 
Driver Apache Derby Embedded 
JDBC URL jdbc:derby:D:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\db\cfdocexamples;create=false 
Login timeout 30 seconds 
Long text buffer size 64000 
Timeout 1200 seconds
Maintain connections Yes 
Interval 420 seconds 
Restricted SQL operations 
Disable connections No 
CF data source name cfartgallery 
Driver Apache Derby Embedded 
JDBC URL jdbc:derby:D:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\db\artgallery;create=false 
Login timeout 30 seconds
Long text buffer size 64000 
Timeout 1200 seconds 
Maintain connections Yes 
Interval 420 seconds
Restricted SQL operations 
Disable connections No 
Web Services
Debugging & Logging
Debugging Settings
Enable debugging No 
Enable Robust Exception Information No 
Display format classic.cfm 
Execution times Yes 
Execution time format summary 
Execution time highlight threshold 250 ms
Database activity Yes 
Exception information Yes 
Tracing information Yes 
Timer Information No 
Variables Yes 
Application Yes 
CGI Yes 
Client Yes 
Cookie Yes 
Form Yes 
Request Yes 
Server No 
Session No 
URL Yes 
Debugging IP Addresses
Debugging IP Address Restrictions 
Line Debugger Settings
Allow Line Debugging NO 
Debugger Port 5005 
Max Simultaneous Debugging Sessions 5 
Logging Settings
Log directory D:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\logs 
Maximum file size 5000 KB
Maximum number of archives 10 
Log slow pages Yes 
Slow page time limit 60 seconds
Log CORBA calls No 
Log scheduled tasks No 
Schedule Tasks & Probes
Scheduled Tasks
Auto Replenish Notify S9 Order Min Levels Reached 
Start Date 9/2/2014 
End Date 
Interval Daily 
Start Time 2:05:00 AM 
Proxy Server 
Proxy Port 80 
Save output to file No 
Publish path 
Publish filename 
Resolve URLs No 
Auto Replenish Notify Customer Badge Replenishment 
Start Date 9/2/2014 
End Date 
Interval Daily 
Start Time 2:00:00 AM 
Proxy Server 
Proxy Port 80 
Save output to file No 
Publish path 
Publish filename 
Resolve URLs No 
Auto Replenish 
Start Date 9/2/2014 
End Date 
Interval Daily 
Start Time 2:10:00 AM 
Proxy Server 
Proxy Port 80 
Save output to file No 
Publish path 
Publish filename 
Resolve URLs No 
Contact Updates and Registrations 
Start Date 9/2/2014 
End Date 
Interval 65 
Start Time 12:05:00 AM 
Proxy Server 
Proxy Port 80 
Save output to file No 
Publish path 
Publish filename 
Resolve URLs No 
System Probes
Java Applets
CFX Tags
Tag name cfx_xml2cfx 
Type CPP 
Server library c:\cfusion8\cfx\xml2cfx\cfx_xml2cfx.dll 
Keep library loaded true 
Procedure ProcessTagRequest 
Tag name cfx_encrypt_aes 
Description DB encryption library
Type CPP 
Server library C:\cfusion8\cfx\aes\cfx_encrypt_aes.dll 
Keep library loaded true 
Procedure ProcessTagRequest 
Tag name cfx_exec 
Type CPP 
Server library c:\CFusion8\cfx\exec\cfx_exec.dll 
Keep library loaded true 
Procedure ProcessTagRequest 
Custom Tag Paths
Selected connector [ none] 
Event Gateways
Enable Event Gateway Yes 
Thread Pool Size 10 
Max Queue Size 25000 
Gateway Types
Description Handles SMS text messaging 
Class coldfusion.eventgateway.sms.SMSGateway 
Timeout 30 seconds 
Kill On Timeout Yes 
Description Handles XMPP instant messaging 
Timeout 30 seconds
Kill On Timeout Yes 
Description Handles Lotus SAMETIME instant messaging 
Timeout 30 seconds 
Kill On Timeout Yes 
Description Watches a directory for file changes 
Class examples.watcher.DirectoryWatcherGateway 
Timeout 30 seconds
Kill On Timeout Yes 
Description Listens on a socket 
Class examples.socket.SocketGateway 
Timeout 30 seconds 
Kill On Timeout Yes 
Description Handles asynchronous events through CFCs 
Class coldfusion.eventgateway.cfml.CfmlGateway 
Timeout 30 seconds
Kill On Timeout Yes 
Description Handles Java Messaging Service messages 
Class examples.JMS.JMSGateway 
Timeout 30 seconds 
Kill On Timeout Yes 
Description Handles Apache ActiveMQ JMS messages 
Class examples.ActiveMQ.JMSGateway 
Timeout 30 seconds
Kill On Timeout Yes 
Description Handles Data Services Messaging messages 
Class coldfusion.eventgateway.flex.FlexMessagingGateway 
Timeout 30 seconds 
Kill On Timeout No 
Description Handles Flash Media Server shared objects 
Class coldfusion.eventgateway.fms.FMSGateway 
Timeout 30 seconds
Kill On Timeout Yes 
Description Notifies Data Management Services of data changes 
Class coldfusion.eventgateway.flex.FlexDataManagementGateway 
Timeout 30 seconds 
Kill On Timeout Yes 
CF Admin Authentication
Enable authentication for the ColdFusion Administrator Yes 
Allow access to ColdFusion Administrator with a Single password No 
RDS Authentication
Enable authentication for RDS access Yes 
Allow access through RDS with Single password Yes 
Security Sandboxes
Enable ColdFusion Security No 
# VM configuration
# Where to find JVM, if {java.home}/jre exists then that JVM is used
# if not then it must be the path to the JRE itself
# If no java.home is specified a VM is located by looking in these places in this
# order:
#  1) ../runtime/jre
#  2) registry (windows only)
#  3) JAVA_HOME env var plus jre (ie $JAVA_HOME/jre)
#  4) java.exe in path
# Arguments to VM
java.args=-server  -Xms768m -Xmx1280m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch -Dcoldfusion.home={application.home} -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home} -Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/lib -Dorg.apache.coyote.USE_CUSTOM_STATUS_MSG_IN_HEADER=true -Dcoldfusion.jsafe.defaultalgo=FIPS186Random -Dges.config.serverEnvironment=prod2 -Dcoldfusion.classPath={application.home}/lib/updates,{application.home}/lib,{application .home}/lib/axis2,{application.home}/gateway/lib/,{application.home}/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/j ars,{application.home}/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars
# Comma separated list of shared library path
java.library.path={application.home}/lib,{application.home}/jintegra/bin,{application.home }/jintegra/bin/international,{application.home}/lib/oosdk/classes/win

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    hello, thanks for reporting back with detailed information.
    from a brief look at your extensions i don't recognize any known (to me at least) memory leaking ones. in the last weeks there were also reports about the java plugin causing high memory consumption in combination with firefox 12 - in case you have it installed in firefox > addons > plugins try disabling it for a few days & test how firefox is behaving with many tabs.
    & although probably not related to the memory problems you could update your graphics driver to get better results with hardware acceleration in firefox - this is the latest driver by intel for your model & os:

  • Memory leak since upgrade to 1.6?

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    Instead of bouncing your database, have you thought of increasing your large_pool_size initialization parameter?
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  • Out of Memory error after upgrading to Reader X

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    Any suggestions?

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    Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 9:12 AM
    Subject: RE: Case 181995624; Unable to open PDF
    Hi Phil,
    We do not have this information or estimate time by our Engineering team yet.
    Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 8:19 PM
    Subject: RE: Case 181995624; Unable to open PDF
    Next major release as in the next patch for Acrobat X, or as in Acrobat 11?
    Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 4:31 AM
    Subject: Case 181995624; Unable to open PDF
    Hi Phil,
    You can get back to us with the Bug Number provided you earlier based on which we will give you the update by our Engineering team. However, the update for now is that it is decided to fix in our next major release.
    Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 1:33 AM
    Subject: RE: Case 181995624; Unable to open PDF
    Can you send me a link to where I can find information on the bug?
    Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 10:14 AM
    Subject: Case 181995624; Unable to open PDF
    Hi Phil,
    Hope you are doing well.
    I have researched on your issue and found that it is a BUG with Acrobat X. I have logged it on your behalf so that our Engineering team can have a look on that. Please find the Bug Number #2800823 for any update on this in future. I am closing this case on your behalf.
    Have a nice day.
    Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 12:22 AM
    Subject: RE: Case 181995624; Unable to open PDF
    Any updates on this case?
    Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 2:03 PM
    Subject: RE: Case 181995624; Unable to open PDF
    The EFI Fiery E-7000 Controller version is 1.2.0 and it handles the scanning and printing functionality of our Lanier LD160c copier.  I have attached two sample files.  One is a 1 page scan from our copier.  The other is a combined pdf that I just created in Acrobat 9.  The first two pages of the combined pdf consists of a webpage that I printed using Acrobat 9 and then the scan from the copier is on the 3rd page.  In Acrobat X, once you get to the 3rd page you will receive the Out of Memory error.  It will open in previous versions of Acrobat just fine though.
    Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 11:52 AM
    Subject: Case 181995624; Unable to open PDF
    Hi Phil,
    Thanks for the information.
    I have the PDF file provided by you and able to reproduce the behavior. I tried to call you at 214-303-1500 but got voice mail.
    Please let me know when you will be available so that I could call you and continue further with this issue.
    Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 6:57 AM
    Subject: Re: Case 181995624; Unable to open PDF
    It is a walk up copier and we scan to email.  The EFI Fiery controller E7000 handles pdf conversion for the copier, but yes it has the latest firmware.  The bottom line is that we have 3 or 4 years worth of pdfs created from that copier rendered useless by Acrobat X.  They open fine in previous versions of Acrobat.  Did you get the test pdf file when this case was created?
    -- Sent from my Palm Pre
    On Jan 12, 2011 6:12 PM, Acrobat Support <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Philip,
    Thank you for choosing Adobe Support we have got your concern, we see that you are facing an issue with opening PDF files in Acrobat X, created from Lanier (Ricoh) LD160c copier. A technical support case 181995624 has been created for your reference. In order to assist you further. We would like to have the following information.
    ·         Are you using the latest scanner driver ?
    ·         What is the exact scanning workflow ?
    Acrobat Support

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    I confirmed the error by updating both of the other computers to 10.8.1, now all computers exhibit the memory leak.
    Anyone got any ideas?

    Update Soundflower to the most recent version. You have an unsupported edition. g&can=2&q=

  • Memory leak after connect from Weblogic 8.1 to oracle 9.1.2

    I have a application migrated from Weblogic 6.1 to Weblogic 8.1. It is working
    fine in weblogic 6.1. But it has memmory leak in weblogic 8.1. My current system
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    Solaris 9 with oralce 9i
    The problem happen when the application is running for some time. All memory
    is ate out in oracle instance. But the weblogic is alive. And in fact oracle
    is alive too but it is not allowed for any future connection. Then after that,
    all hang. We need to restart both webligc and oracle instances.
    Does anyone can help on this? Is any specicial things in weblogic 8.1 for JDBC
    connection? Thank you very much.
    Yang Lin

    "YangL" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]..
    I have a application migrated from Weblogic 6.1 to Weblogic 8.1. It is working
    fine in weblogic 6.1. But it has memmory leak in weblogic 8.1. My current system
    Solaris 9 with weblogic 8.1(SP2)
    Solaris 9 with oralce 9i
    The problem happen when the application is running for some time. All memory
    is ate out in oracle instance. But the weblogic is alive. And in fact oracle
    is alive too but it is not allowed for any future connection. Then after that,
    all hang. We need to restart both webligc and oracle instances.
    Does anyone can help on this? Is any specicial things in weblogic 8.1 for JDBC
    connection? Thank you very much.Check with your DBA - he/she should have enough tools to tell
    what has happened on the Oracle side.
    Slava Imeshev

  • Memory speed after upgrade

    I recently bought an 11,3 iMac with the Core i7 2,93Ghz CPU and 4GB of RAM.
    The system profiler reported the RAM working at 1333MHz which is right.
    I then bought another 2x2GB modules with the same specifications (DDR3 1333MHz), but after installing the memory, the System Profiler reports all RAM modules working at 1067MHz.
    Did anyone else experience this or could it be that System Profiler is just reporting the wrong speed?
    How can I be sure of what is really happening?
    Thanks in advance.

    I tried to boot the system with the new modules installed only. System Profiler reported 1067 MHz for both. PRAM resetting did not make a difference.
    I then put back the original ones and everything was back to normal.
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    Trying to work this out with the vendor (Global Memory UK). Meanwhile, already ordered a new pair from Crucial.

  • Why do I get an I/O error when using LabView 5.1.1 ViMove Out in A24 memory space after upgrading to NI-VXI 3.2?

    Following an upgrade from NI_VXI 2.2 to 3.2, a VI which contained VISA Move Out to load waveform data to a VXI WaveTek 1396 Arbitrary Waveform Generator using A24 memory space. The error coming back is -1073807298   VI_ERROR_IO and I have A24 Memory Space defined in MAX.

    HTE Guy:
    You might try disabling DMA. You can do this either in MAX or programmatically using viSetAttribute to set VI_ATTR_DMA_ALLOW_EN to VI_FALSE.
    We have an idea of what the problem might be (due to the limited number of places this error occurs in the code) but we can't reproduce it internally. What OS and what VXI controller are you using? If disabling DMA doesn't help, you might want to contact NI tech support directly.
    Good luck,
    Dan Mondrik
    Senior Software Engineer, NI-VISA
    National Instruments

  • Memory leak in Jeditorpane.setText method while displaying html content

    I tried to display a larger size html page using JeditorPane. But I found that there as a huge memory leak after JEditorPane's setText method was called.
    Refering to the below code there was a difference of about 40 MB after the setText method was called.This does not happen if we display the page in rtf format.This finally results in Out Of memry error.
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    public class SampleProgram extends JFrame{
    public JEditorPane pane;
    static public String getContents(File aFile) {
    StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();
    try {
    BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(aFile));
    try {
    String line = null;
    while (( line = input.readLine()) != null){
    finally {
    catch (IOException ex){
    return contents.toString();
    public SampleProgram() {
    pane = new JEditorPane();
    getContentPane().add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    File file = new File("D:/Audit_Log.html");
    String summary = getContents(file);
    System.out.println("Memory used Before setText invoke ==>" +((Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()- Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory())/1000000)+"M");
    System.out.println("Memory used after setText invoke ==>" +((Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()- Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory())/1000000)+"M");
    * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    new SampleProgram () ;
    The html i am trying to display is similar to the one below.But the original content almost 10 times bigger than this html content and it has only td and tr tags. and for this file the leak is about 4 MB and if I use the file 10 times bigger than this it is 40M .
    Any suggestions how to avoid this memory leak?
    <h1 align="center">Test HTML</h1>
    <table align="center" border="0" width="90%">
    <h3>10-Sep-2008 08:11:32 GMT - <i>User</i>
    <h4>Employee 1 - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 2 - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 3, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 4, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 5, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 6, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 7, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 8, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 9, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 10, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 11, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 12, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 13, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 14, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 15, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 16, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 17, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 18, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 19, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 20, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 21, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 22, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 23, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 24, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 25, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 26, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 27, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 28, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 29, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 30, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 31, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 32, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 33, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 34, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 35, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 36, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 37, - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <td>Unit </td><td></td><td>India/MT</td>
    <td>Rating</td><td></td><td>Quantity: amount = 45 uom = MT</td>
    <h4>Employee 60, Employed - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 61, Employee - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <td>Accept the agreement</td><td></td><td>Asia</td>
    <td> Status</td><td></td><td>QUALIFIED</td>
    <td>Job Type</td><td></td><td>ddddd</td>
    <td>agreement signed</td><td></td><td>TRUE</td>
    <td> Options</td><td></td><td>Asia</td>
    <td>Unit </td><td></td><td>MT</td>
    <td>Rounding </td><td></td><td>3</td>
    <td>Employee Status</td><td></td><td>Rupee INDIA</td>
    <h4>Employee 61 - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <td>Alternative </td><td></td><td>Asia</td>
    <td> Mode</td><td></td><td>Null</td>
    <h4>Employee 61, Chain - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <td>Roll Number</td><td></td><td>1</td>
    <h4>Employee 61, Employee Terms - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <td>Date of Record</td><td></td><td>DateRange
    <h4>Employee 61, Employed - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <h4>Employee 61, Employed Term 1, Fixed Employed - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <td>Price </td><td></td><td>123</td>
    <td>Unit </td><td></td><td>India/MT</td>
    <td>Rating</td><td></td><td>Return: amount = 55 uom = HH</td>
    <h4>Employee 61, Employed Term 2, Fixed Employed - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <td>Price </td><td></td><td>123</td>
    <td>Unit </td><td></td><td>India/MT</td>
    <td>Rating</td><td></td><td>Quantity: amount = 45 uom = MT</td>
    <h4>Employee 61, Demurrage - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <td>Term Period</td><td></td><td>2 months</td>
    <td>Time Period</td><td></td><td>Asia</td>
    <td>Flag ON/OFF</td><td></td><td>Asia</td>
    <h4>Employee 61, Organisation Job Settlement Term - <i>Create</i>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <th align="left" width="40%"><u>Field Name</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>From Value</u></th><th align="left" width="30%"><u>To Value</u></th>
    <td>Alt Event</td><td></td><td>blSPLIT</td>
    <td>Alt Osssssssssssssst</td><td></td><td>2</td>
    <td>Calendar</td><td></td><td>NEW YORK</td>
    <td>Currency Type</td><td></td><td>India</td>
    <td>alter ddddddddd</td><td></td><td>Asia</td>

    Screen_Name_09, You can post in the bug database.

  • No images after upgrading to MX7

    After upgrading to ColdFusion MX7 I noticed my exisitng .cfm
    pages are no longer displaying images on the local testing server.
    I did see that I had the old CFusionMX and a newer CFusionMX7
    folder. I moved all my files from the CFusionMX folder to
    CFusionMX7 folder using the same file structure for images. Nothing
    else changed however when I launch the web pages I get red x marks.
    I did update my site data to match the new folder locations. And
    even duoble checked my image paths. Any Ideas ?

    I did see that I had the old CFusionMX and a newer CFusionMX7
    That could mean that you didn't completely uninstall the old
    version of Coldfusion before installing MX7. You might have copied
    old system settings that affect images or path. Alternatively,
    there may still be places where you have to change
    CFusionMX into

  • Memory leak when transferring files Lion

    hi all, help   I'm experiencing a memory leak since upgrading to Lion when transferring shared files between my macbook pro and imac. This occures through ethernet (wireless/wired) and firewire 800. No other apps are open except activity montior and finder. I am trying to transfer about 100g of itunes music / video files and pictures. Time machine backups to my TC do not have this affect.
    When transfer starts the free memory slowly decreases whilst the inactive memory increases. Eventually the free memory drops below 10mg, active memory is approx 5-6gb and wired/active is about 2gb. Bascially as the free memory decreases the inactive memory increases however does not get realocated so the mac grinds to a halt and dies with lots of page outs etc.
    this only happens when trying to transfer files. I have tried whole folders and just small individual ones and noticed the same event. I am struggling to find the cuase of the problem - any ideas?
    mac os x 10.7.1
    processor 2.53 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    cheers, Kevin

    I dont think you have a memory leak. I think the problem is the xml file is 1000000 records long and takes up too much memory. Even if you find a way to increase memory size, you are loading down the server too much for other people's applications to run. I suggest instead reading up on xml and learning how to read in only a few records at a time, processing it, and getting the next set of records to process. There are two methods to parse an xml file using an xml parser, one is to parse it all and put it in memory, the other is to process one record at a time (an xml book explains it better).
    However, I question why you have reports that are 1000000 records long. end-users cannot effectively use such records (you cant scroll through 1000000 records). I suggest finding a way to greatly decrease the number of records in each file such as by providing just the records a particular user needs to do his job and not all records. For instance, put a textfield on his screen to let him only fetch records within a certain date range.
    Lastly, I suggest putting your code in a try/catch/finally block where the finally block actually closes the objects. Example:

  • My ipod touch getting much slower after upgrade to ISO 5.1.1

    my ipod touch getting much slower after upgrade to ISO 5.1.1
    could it be downgrade? or how to solve this problem.....

    I checked settings-->general-->about-->diagnostics & usage --> diagoostics & usage data, finding that almost every time I use the ipod touch, it sufferred the low memory issue after upgrading to ISO 5.1.1
    will ISO 6 help? or will it get the ipod slower even than ISO5.1.1.1?

  • KeyboardFocusManager reason for memory leak?

    Hi all,
    with a memory leak detector we found that our application has massive memory leaks after opening and closing a JDialog and the reason we found was the following:
    The KeyboardFocusManager has a private static HashMap in which the actual focus in each window is stored. This is done by storing key/value-pairs in the HashMap with window as a key and the Component having the focus on this window as the value. Now you can throw the reference to the component away by using e.g. theComponent.setEnabled(false) - the KeyboardFocusManager then stores the pair window/null in the HashMap - but we didn't find any callable method to remove a key/value-pair from the HashMap and so the reference to the JDialog (as the key!!) stays resident and we have the reason for the memory leak. Now I have a few questions to this problem:
    1. Is it right in your opinion, that there is no method to delete the entry from this Hashtable?
    2. If this is the case - we have the opinion that there must be a good time to delete this entry (e.g. when disposing the dialog). Do you see if there is an obvious reason that this opinion is false?
    3. If no do you think this problem can be accepted as a bug by sun
    Thanks in advance and greetings from

    I have been seeing similar behavior; I too have not found all the
    leaks. I think I have slowed the allocation by replacing some of my
    'build array' functions with the combination of 'initialize array'
    followed by 'replace array subset'. The drawback to doing it this way
    is that you have a fixed maximum number of elements allocated just once
    rather than allowing an array to grow incrementally. Please let me know
    if you try removing build arrays and if that helps.
    By the way, there is a checkbox under the options menu to deallocate
    memory as soon as possible - if you don't mind that your program runs
    more slowly, this may help to avoid the problem, at least temporarily.
    ciossek wrote:
    > dear all,
    > my labview program needs an increasing amount of memo
    ry when running
    > (at the time about 12k/s) which leads to swapping memory on my hdd.
    > i have found out that calling cluster references like Controls[] or
    > decos[] leads to this kind of memory leak and made a work around for
    > that (simply calling it only once at runtime) but there are more
    > memory leak(s)which i cannot find. The bugs that i have found
    > searching the labview resources does not answer my problem.
    > does anybody already found out more memory leak problems ?
    > thanks

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