Microphone and Imovie/isight

I am trying to record myself playing electric guitar with imovie/isight using a line 6 USB audio interface. Audio records great but I am also getting the sound of the guitar "unplugged" as it were. It sounds like the mic on the computer is also picking up the unprocessed guitar sound. I have selectd the line 6 USB device in system prefernces/sound and tried to mute the mic. Still, it doesn't work even though the mic appears to be off. Are all the people posting to Youtube using external mics amd letting the computer mic pick everything up?

Welcome to iMovie Discussions.
You can easily check whether or not the computer's mic is still active: with the guitar plugged in, in System Preferences and Sound - with your USB interface chosen under the 'Input' tab, and the 'Input volume' slider all the way up - just speak, or tap the MacBook's lid next to the camera, where the mic is.
If the 'Input level' scale shows lots of movement, then your mic is still picking up sound. If it doesn't, it's not.
Sorry, I don't know what the YouTube people are doing. But if they are using external mics (..ask MacBraveHeart in her thread here..) then their computer mics wouldn't be in use, would they?

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  • Isight is not working on ichat and skype, however will work on photo booth and imovie.

    My isight will not work on ichat or skype, saying that there is no camera connected. isight will work in photo booth and imovie. It shows up in the system profiler. Have tried resetting SMC. Help?

    (1) Here is how I would proceed to isolate the underlying problem that requires corrective action.
    • Shut down everything.
    • Then restart modem and allow its self-test to complete.
    • Then restart router or wireless access point (if you have them) and allow self-test to complete.
    • Then restart Mac.
    • Use  > Software Update... (Update your Apple software if not current.)
    • Then test Photo Booth or iMovie with no other apps else running to ensure they still work.
    • Then quit your test app and try iChat with no other apps else running.
    • If iChat works, quit iChat and try Skype with no other apps else running.
    (2) If iChat works but Skype does not,
    • Verify that you are using the latest version of Skype that is compatible with your OS X (10.5.8) Mac.
    • Update if necessary.
    • Then test Skype again with no other apps else running.
    • If Skype problems remain but your camera works with everything else, Skype's comprehensive support system should best be able to help you use their product with your system.
    Start here:  https://support.skype.com/
    Or, click this link for help specifically related to Mac video calls.
    You can also search or post for help with your problem in Skype's dedicated Skype Discussions for Mac.  The Skype users who post there may have already solved the same problem.
    If nothing else works, you can even sign in and ask for email help directly from Skype's Technical Support people.
    (3) If you still have trouble with more than one app, you may need to use Disk Utility to:
    • repair permissions,
    • repair your disk,
    • or even reinstall Mac OS.
    If you reinstall OS X 10.5, use the Mac OS X 10.5.8 Combo Update to return to the latest version in one update step.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.7.4

  • IMovie, iSight, and 96 BM zero second clips...

    Hi, this has never happened before, but I have a problem. I recorded some acts at an open mic with iSight and iMovie, but Imovie recognizes the clips as only zero seconds long, and the clips are all black. Nothing plays. I would assume nothing was recorded, but each clip has a differen't file size, revealed when I control click "get info". Any help would be appriciated! Thanks!
    PS. I am using the latest version of imovie, and os x. I also have 768 MB of DDR SDRAM, and while I recorded using the isight I could see what I was recording in Imovie.

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    QuickTime cannot open the file: "Clip 13.mov"
    it is not a file that QuickTime understands (-2048)
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    Thanks for the response. I checked my midi audio settings and they are at the suggested rate. I called up an Apple support tech, and after trying a few things he basically said the internal mics are junk and go buy an external one. In the mean time, I've cranked up the sound levels to max, so I can hear it a little, but there is a ton of background hiss. I've done a web search and several people have reported this problem. so I think it might be something besides junk mics. Why do they install them if they are completely unusable? Thanks again. I'll try trashing the sound pref's too.

  • IMovie isight camera is mirrored or flipped

    well when i record a video with imovie '09 the camera is mirrored or backwards something like that and i dont like cause when i move the left hand in the camera moves the right hand thats an example thit you know a solution to quit the mirrored or the backwards please..?

    Hello George415
    (0) If you have not installed iGlasses or some other third party software to flip your iSight image, you are likely seeing an optical illusion.
    iMovie, like camcorders and other video editing software, actually does NOT reverse the camera image. However, many other apps do. We are so accustomed to seeing ourselves in the mirror that it looks strange when it it NOT reversed.
    You can test this by holding something with text on it in front of your iSight. I think you will be able to read the text in iMovie's capture window.
    However, when you try the same test with some other apps, like iChat or Photo Booth, you will see that the text is reversed. These are the apps that are actually "reversing" your iSight's image.
    Unless you have otherwise reversed your iSight's image using some add-on software, using iMovie is merely a matter of getting accustomed to it. You surely would not want iMovie to show everything, including text, backward merely so it does not look unusual while you are using the camera.
    If you want expanded info, keep reading. 
    Many, but not all, software applications show mirror-image iSight previews. However, different apps work differently.
    (1) iChat's picture-in-picture and Snapshot is "mirrored" by design.
    However, the view that your chat friends' see will be left-to-right normal. Only the iChat video snapshots you make and your video preview are mirror-image.
    (2) You can change individual snapshots made with either iChat or Photo Booth by opening the file with your Preview application and using the Preview > Tools > Flip Horizontal menu command.
    Full-featured image editing software such as PhotoShop or PhotoShop Elements can also flip images that have already been saved.
    (3) You can change future Photo Booth snapshots with the Photo Booth > Edit > Auto Flip  New Photos menu choice.
    More info is in Photo Booth > Help > Photo Booth Help. Search for Flipping a photo there.
    (4) iMovie is different. Its preview window shows images right-way-around, as is the customary view for movie cameras.
    (5) To flip saved video recordings, QuickTime Pro can do it easily. Use QT Pro's "Visual Settings" controls in the "Video Track" section of its "Movie Properties" menu command to flip, rotate, resize, and edit other properties of an already-recorded video.
    If you do not have QT Pro but do have iMovie 6 HD, you can use iMovie 6 HD. Import the saved Photo Booth or iChat 4 video clip into iMovie and use iMovie's "Mirror" effect in Editing >Video FX to flip it.
    (6) If you really want to change your iSight's image, you can add iGlasses 2 software.
    If you frequently record video other than you sitting at your MacBook's keyboard with iSight and iMovie, you might be interested in the huckleberry device.
    (7) If you are into no-cost, imperfect, and unsophisticated work-arounds, one kludged alternative would be to position a mirror as best you can so you are making video of your image in the mirror.
    (8) If you need more, we will be pleased to detailed suggestions based on the specifics of the question in your response.
    EZ Jim
    G5 DP 1.8 w/Mac OSX10.5.6 PowerBook 1.67 GHz w/Mac OSX10.4.11 iBookSE 366MHz OSX10.3.9  External iSight

  • External firewire hard drive and iMovie

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    From the SoftRAID manual:
    Fire hubs and disk drives. FireWire hubs are notorious for introducing errors and instability onto the bus.
    Make sure that all of your consumer electronic devices (iSight, cameras, scanners) are connected to a separate FW bus. These devices are not built to the same standards as storage devices and known for introducing errors onto a FW bus.
    Cables. While most cables work fine with a single device, many cables will introduce errors when 2 or more disks are connected to the bus.
    http://www.softraid.com/demo.html - manual and demo
    Output can be to any drive or partition. When you lauch iMovie it asks where to store your project.
    I just bought a camera, and curious myself to see if I can take 10 minute clips and use iMovie/iDVD so that it will auto-play. I may end up buying Pogue's "iMovie Missing Manual" or something.
    iMovie Discussions

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    Any idea ?

    HI François,
    If you have completed updates using Software Updates I would use the Combo installer
    There may be other things we can do with Audio .plists if this does not work.
    11:42 AM Tuesday; May 16, 2006

  • Dv7-6059eo, microphone and camera not working, have re-installed the system, updated drivers etc.

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    Brad K59 wrote:... Photo Booth cannot recognize my built in Mac camera (ISight)...
    iSight camera failure after OS X 10.9 Mavericks update
    Brad K59 wrote:... I am missing the com.apple.photobooth.plist file ... how do I rebuild the file? ...
    Try the User Tip suggestions first.  Your system does need a plist, but a properly working OS X automatically generates any needed plist files when you launch the associated app (if its plist does not already exist.)

  • Unable to capture in FCP, Quicktime and iMovie, camera not recognized.

    I am unable to capture in FCP, Quicktime and iMovie.
    I have been dealing with this problem for quite a while now, and I think I have tried everything posted on these forums regarding this issue. I have been to the Quicktime, iMovie, and this FCP forum looking for the solution. Hopefully someone has a suggestion that I have missed or have not tried yet. I have a Powerbook G4 running OSX Tiger 10.4. I am running Quicktime 7.04, and FCP 4.5.
    My problem is this… I am unable to capture from my Canon ZR-200 Mini DV camera, using Final Cut Pro, iMovie and also Quicktime. FCP says no camera recognized. iMovie says no camera attached, and Quicktime says no recording device found. In FCP, I am using the Firewire Basic setting, and NTSC DV settings. I have captured in FCP with the same camera several times in the past. I think the problem started when I upgraded to OSX 10.4, or one of the Quicktime upgrades.
    Here are the details…
    - Camera is connect via Firewire. I have tried the built in ports, as well as a Firewire Carbus card.
    - OSX recognizes the Canon ZR-200 in the System Profiler, so I know the computer sees the camera.
    - I have tried the camera on a Windows XP machine, and capture works perfectly, so I know the camera is functioning properly in VTR mode.
    - Deleted my FCP pref’s using FCP Rescue.
    - Deleted the Quicktime receipts, and re-installed Quicktime 7.04
    - Reverted back to Quicktime 7.01
    - Set the audio to 44.1 in the the Audio MIDI setup in the Utilities folder
    - Tried the “GarageBand” fix, opening the programing, playing a few notes and closing.
    - I have installed Quicktime using the program “Yank” to completely delete Quicktime and re-install.
    I may have tried more solutions, but these are the fixes that I can recall.
    If anyone has any others suggestions, it would be much appreciated.

    Hi Brent:
    Although it looks as if you have tried all of the 'fixes' that are normally suggested here, please read through this Apple Article to see if some obscure thing applies to you.
    iMovie: Cannot see or control camera

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    Open System Preferences > Users & Groups then select the Password tab.
    Make sure you see the correct Apple ID.
    If not, click Change.
    Make sure you are logged into your admin account before updating apps.
    Reinstalling Mavericks requires using OS X Recovery  but there's no reason to reinstall Mavericks just to update your apps.
    Message was edited by: CS

  • I have been storing my Aperture and IMovie Libraries on an external hard drive that recently died.  Fortunately I've been using Time Machine to back up to a 2nd external drive.  How do I restore my libraries to a new external hard drive?

    I have been storing my Aperture and IMovie Libraries on an external hard drive that recently died.  Fortunately I've been using Time Machine to back up to a 2nd external drive.  How do I restore my libraries to a new external hard drive?

    This is a tricky one.
    Open up Time Machine and go back to a date using the timeline on the right side of the window when you know the drive was working and was backing up as part of Time Machine backups.
    Click on the name of your Mac under the Devices heading on the left side of the window in Time Machine, and if things are working correctly you will see Macintosh HD (or whatever you have named it) and the name of the external hard drive that was backing up in the past.
    Right-Click on the name of the external hard drive and then click on "Restore (name of drive) to....."  You may be asked for your adminstrator password at this point.
    It might be easier to restore the drive contents to your desktop if you have room on your Mac, and then copy things over to the new external drive where you want to store the Aperture and iMovie Libraries.
    Once the libraries have been moved over the new external hard drive, you will likely need to "point" Aperture and iMovie to the location of the libraries on the new external hard drive.

  • Updated to Yosemite, no problem.  now iPhoto and iMovie won't open.  Says I need to update software however, when i try to update indicates my User ID and PW won't work for these two pieces of software.  User ID and PW works everywhere else.

    Updated to Yosemite, no problem.  now iPhoto and iMovie won't open.  Says I need to update software however, when i try to update indicates my User ID and PW won't work for these two pieces of software.  User ID and PW works everywhere else.

    I am having the same problem.  I even changed my password and updated all of my security information.  Now it just gives me an error and retry message, which of course also does not work.  Went to support and was going to open a chat (seemed the simpler option) and received a message that my support has expired for this serial number unless I want to pay $29.00.  So I chose the option to call later, which was the exact time suck I was trying to avoid.  Why wouldn't the new operating system also update the apps that were already part of my old platform?

  • Recently upgraded to Mavericks and iMovie '13, and suddenly I'm beach balling like mad?

    I upgraded to Mavericks and iMovie '13 recently, and have been working on a video project in iMovie for the last few days. I hadn't been having any issues, but now I'm 'beach-balling' almost constantly, not just in iMovie, but everywhere. Opening a new app (iMovie/Chrome/Safari) will cause beachballs, and sometimes iMovie will fail to launch entirely, appearing as 'Not Responding' in Force Quit. Even using the Finder bar has caused beachballs. I've removed extraneous apps, cleared hard drive space, performed Disk Repair, and am not seeing much improvement. My EtreCheck output is as follows:
    EtreCheck version: 1.9.11 (43) - report generated June 12, 2014 at 2:37:47 PM EDT
    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro9,2
              1 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 2 cores
              8 GB RAM
    Video Information:
              Intel HD Graphics 4000 - VRAM: (null)
    System Software:
              OS X 10.9.3 (13D65) - Uptime: 0 days 0:48:8
    Disk Information:
              TOSHIBA MK7559GSXF disk0 : (750.16 GB)
                        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 749.3 GB (389.64 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
              HL-DT-ST DVDRW  GS23N 
    USB Information:
              Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
              Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
              Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Information:
              Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
              Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions:
              [kext loaded] com.logmein.hamachi (1.0) Support
              [not loaded] com.tascam.usb2audio.driver (2.0.4) Support
              [not loaded] com.tascam.usb2audio.driver_TIGER (2.0.4) Support
    Launch Daemons:
              [running] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist Support
              [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist Support
              [invalid] com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist
    Launch Agents:
              [failed] com.logmein.hamachimb.plist Support
              [invalid] com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist
    User Launch Agents:
              [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist Support
              [loaded] com.facebook.videochat.[redacted].plist Support
              [loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist Support
    User Login Items:
    Internet Plug-ins:
              FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
              QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
              AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.07 - SDK 10.6 Support
              AdobePDFViewer: Version: 11.0.07 - SDK 10.6 Support
              Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Outdated! Update
              Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
              JavaAppletPlugin: Version: 14.9.0 - SDK 10.7 Check version
    Audio Plug-ins:
              BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
              AirPlay: Version: 2.0 - SDK 10.9
              AppleAVBAudio: Version: 203.2 - SDK 10.9
              iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    iTunes Plug-ins:
              Quartz Composer Visualizer: Version: 1.4 - SDK 10.9
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Flash Player  Support
    Time Machine:
              Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU:
                  11%          iMovie
                   6%          Safari
                   1%          fontd
                   1%          WindowServer
                   0%          hidd
    Top Processes by Memory:
              408 MB          iMovie
              179 MB          com.apple.WebKit.WebContent
              147 MB          com.apple.IconServicesAgent
              131 MB          Safari
              82 MB          Finder
    Virtual Memory Information:
              3.86 GB          Free RAM
              2.44 GB          Active RAM
              889 MB          Inactive RAM
              846 MB          Wired RAM
              800 MB          Page-ins
              0 B          Page-outs
    I have had no software issues with my MacBook prior to this (although I did have water damage that was repaired by Apple). If the problem is an issue with Mavericks/iMovie, I wouldn't be opposed to downgrading back to iMovie '11 or Mountain Lion if that's possible, as long as I can maintain my work on this project. I'm really looking for a 'quick and dirty' fix, as I'm already behind on this video project and need to finish as soon as possible. Thanks!

    You may find these articles useful:

  • Unable to update iPhoto and iMovie. "Update Unavailable with This Apple ID"

    I updated to Yosemite and all went well but for the message "Update Unavailable with This Apple ID" for the two apps iPhoto and iMovie. I have tried using the terminal window and used code that others have suggested and obtained a SmartSearch. I deleted everything in that folder and I still can't update these two apps. The other apps updated without problems. Thanks for any help.

    For a couple of years now, the verson of the iLife apps that come preinstalled on new Macs are the Mac App Store (MAS) versions. MAS apps have the Apple ID that bought them encoded in the app as an anti-piracy scheme. Since these apps are preinstalled, before using any of the three apps, the new Mac owner must open the MAS, go to the Purchases pane and accept these apps into their MAS account. This allows the MAS to encode the owners Apple ID into the apps.
    Failure to accept these apps into your account and have them encoded with your Apple ID before using one of them renders the apps "as is" and they cannot be updated or downloaded to another Mac. The only way that I know of to rectify the problem is to use OS X Recovery to erase the Mac and reinstall OS X and the iLife apps, so that the initial setup can be attempted again and the apps be accepted into the MAS account and encoded with the Apple ID.

  • Unable to update iPhoto and iMovie?

    When i try to update iPhoto and iMovie, this first message appears: "Update Unavailable with This Apple ID - This update is for an app downloaded with a different Apple ID. Sign in with that Apple ID and try again" so i press ok and a second message appears: "We could not complete your request - There was an error in the App Store. Please try again later. (100)"
    Can someone explain me what this error means? and what can i do to fix it?
    Thank you

    It means what it says: The apps were bought or installed by someone with a different ID to yours. So, in effect, these are belong to that person and you can't update them.
    This can arise if you've bought a second hand machine, or if you've bought an open box machine, or even if the Mac was set up for you by the shop where you bought it. Or, if you used one Apple ID to set up the machine and are using a different one now. Of course, it can also be caused by installing pirated software.
    So, what to do:
    Where did you get the machine? If it was second hand, or open box then you need to get back to the vendor.
    If you used a different Apple ID then sign in with that one.
    And, if the software is pirated then delete it and purchase legally.
    Other than that:
    Contact App Store support. There's a link on the right hand side of the App Store Window. They're the only ones who can sort out account issues.

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